Author Topic: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story - Completed  (Read 468034 times)

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #255 on: April 24, 2015, 06:13:16 PM »
Yeah, I have to agree.  Play knows some of the trials I've been going through in a couple fun files.  It's been a nightmare.  My scientist got abducted twice, got pregnant the second time, gave birth, and then the game crashed. XD I tried to replicate and haven't been able to get him abducted a second time.  Even trying for baby with a female alien hasn't produced with results in that file or another one I wanted to check with.  After 5 kids, the male sim is still not pregnant :(


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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #256 on: April 25, 2015, 05:07:25 AM »
I had no idea they're removing male pregnancy. It's one of the main reasons I wanted the game. Now I might have to reconsider  :(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #257 on: April 25, 2015, 08:19:10 AM »
@Cristina, EA haven't removed the last patch notes they explained that they lowered the chance of abduction and then lowered again the chance of pregnancy from an abduction. My gripe is that it now seems almost impossible to actually get a male sim pregnant from abduction. I guess EA lowered the chance a little too much.  :)
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #258 on: April 25, 2015, 12:32:58 PM »
When my household pollinator became an elder and had the sparkly age bar (post-patch), I frantically did everything possible to get him abducted (dish, wormhole gen, computer option).
Considering what others have written, I guess he was lucky to get pregnant that one time.  It was the houlsehold's second male pregancy/abduction.
Since then, I often forget to turn on the satellite dish, but no abductions...perhaps because the fam is at 7 members.

I'm disappointed if the chance of alien pregnancies has dropped so low.
I'd been hoping for a female alien child for later use as a pollinator. Just, you know, for a change.
If a simmer dislikes the abductions, the satellite dish can be used, so I don't know understand why EA went to such an extreme. *pouts

Just when I thought you'd be renaming yourself Abductedalot, you share with us the news of the almost total disappearance of male pregnancy by abduction.
So, I guess we readers will soon find out the results of your double abductions.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #259 on: April 25, 2015, 05:04:04 PM »
Chapter 56: Mackenzies YA Birthday

Grim: You know when you glow like that Blaize everyone can see through your disguise.
Guy On Treadmill: What? He's an alien?
Grim: Shut it nosey. Mind your own business or I'll mind it for you.
Blaize: Yeah, I know Grim. Can't seem to control it though.

Grim: 112, 113, 114...
Taylor: I hate it when Grim shows off.
Blaize: Talk about making the rest of us guys feel inadequate. <grunt> Nice footwear there Taylor.
Taylor: There actually Declan's 'cos I couldn't find mine.
Blaize: Look like they'd help you walk on water mate.
Taylor: Very funny.
Grim: 125, 126,127...

Pete: Good grief! That can't be true!

Dude: Hey! How's your day Mac?
Mackenzie: Good thanks dad. I'm hoping that's it for me now. Hopefully my birthday should happen Sunday night. Woo!
Dude: Aw, you're in such a hurry to grow up!
Well... I'm sure sick and tired of waiting for her to grow up. No offence Mac, I mean that in the nicest possible way. Three teens in a row as been a very looooong drawn out process.

Hey your dad's asked Pete to move in!
Blaize: <grunt> Cool, be nice to have someone new to chat to.

Dude: So, Kiersten, wanna try out this serum for me?

Kiersten: Didn't seem to do anything Winston.

Dude: Hmm, ok. How about this one?

Kiersten: Oh no. This is really awful.
Dude: Sorry! it was supposed to do the opposite! Umm, well, least there's a lot more of you to like now eh?

Dude: Here, try this one...It should get you back to normal. (Under his breath) I hope.
Kiersten: I don't know why I trust you really.
Dude: Me neither.

Dude: Aw, there you go. Looking fantastic as ever. How do you feel?
Kiersten: Hmm hmm, feeling great!

Mac: Nice to meet you Pete. So, do you work?
Pete: I'm retired now. I lost my wife a few weeks ago and so I just felt I needed to stop working, didn't have the heart for it anymore really.
Mac: Oh, that's sad.

Pete: Well, let me help you with your last bit of homework before we all head home eh?
Mac: Thanks, that'd be really helpful.

Pete: These taste wonderful Winston. You really are a fabulous cook.
Dude: Thanks, I quite enjoy spending time in the kitchen. Relaxing after a hard days mayhem work at the lab.
Jasmine: Hmm, I feel like something to eat but I don't know what...

Mackenzie: I'm so sick of this. I've written sooo many books and all I need is one more best seller to complete my aspiration and do you think I can write it? No... nothing but excellent books. Argh... I could pull my hair out. How did you do it so fast?
Blaize: I hear ya sis. I don't know, it only took me five books and I'd finished. I guess you just gotta stick with it. It will happen... eventually.

Umm, what are you doing?
Dude: Making the fireplace safe so we don't all go up in a blaze of glory.
Oh! Good thinking.
Dude: New sitting room looks nice. Not sure on the purple though. You seem to have a 'thing' for purple at the moment.
Yeah, weird eh. Every time I go to choose colours I seem to end up at purple. Don't really know why but it's easily changed when we're sick of it. Oh, we got some visitors downstairs by the way.
Dude: Who is it?
Umm.. one of Thomas's kids and some guy that Mac met at the gym. One of the trainers I think.

Jasmine: Hi! Come on in!

Beatrice: Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
 A: Every morning you'll rise and shine!

Well, that joke was a hit. Personally, I didn't really find it funny....
Thomas: It was hilarious watcher.

Mac: So, umm... how long have you worked at the gym Malakai?
Malakai: A few months.
Mac:<shyly> Well, it certainly keeps you looking rather fit and...err.. you know.
Malakai: Thanks <grin>

Malakai: You look pretty flash your self!
Mac: <looking rather pleased> Thanks!
Malakai: I could always give you a few pointers, if you wanted. Not that I think you need improving, you know.

Some time later....
Blaize: Woah! Wait up sis, can't have your birthday without your favourite brother!
Mac: I have been waiting! Where did you get to?
Blaize: Was just saying bye to Malakai, nice guy that.

Everyone singing...

Finally! Happy birthday Mackenzie, may your young adult days be filled with everything you could ever wish for!

New job?
Mac: Yep, start tomorrow.
Good girl. What is it?
Mac: Writer of course!

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #260 on: April 25, 2015, 05:06:41 PM »
Well, that was a little condensed as basically the last week or so of Mac's teen years was spent with her sitting at the computer trying to write a best seller so she could complete her aspiration. All very boring stuff...and it seemed like I have played soooo many hours just staring at her sitting at her computer! lol. Obviously all the abductions came to nothing but, whatever, I got a dynasty to play! So the shows goes on, just in a slightly different direction than I had hoped for.  ;)
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #261 on: April 25, 2015, 05:21:33 PM »
Argh, the writing aspiration always chooses to be a breeze for non-heirs. Hope Mac gets her last bestseller. Malakai is a cutie  ;D
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #262 on: April 25, 2015, 05:22:54 PM »
Chapter 57: Another New House Member

Mac: As much as I like fishing, I'm just going to say a quick hello to Malakai.
Dude: K.
Jasmine: Hmmmmm
Mac: NO! Not like that Jasmine.
Jasmine: lol, sure sis, whatever!

Mac: Hi!

Mac: Oh! Unexpected, but very nice!

Malakai: I think you are just so pretty Mac...Maybe we should get to know each other better?
Mac: Oh! you say the sweetest things Mal.

Mal: Only the best for you.
Mac: Oh! Wow... <Thinking to herself> I think I'm falling fast.

Mal: You're very beautiful Mackenzie, has anyone ever told you that?
Mac: Umm... no, lol, I guess I'm a bit of a tomboy and have always just had boys that were friends. You know.
Mal: Well, you are.

Mackenzie: Would you be my boyfriend Malakai? If you wanted know? <blush>
Malakai: Oh, yes! Of course... I'd love that. Just took me by surprise a little.... Yes!

Mackenzie: Mwhhaaa!

Malakai: Well, that was very nice, but this is even better.

Mackenzie: I feel like I've known you forever.
Malakai: You know, I feel the same.

A little later.
Malakai: I have had the best day ever!
Mac: Me too.

Mackenzie: There's something I'd like to ask you Mal... will you move in and live with me?
Malakai: You betcha!

Malakai: I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I guess I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on you. It's going to be just great! Don't you think?

Mackenzie: Wohoo!

Mackenzie: Mal, I've got some big news to tell you...

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #263 on: April 25, 2015, 05:24:45 PM »
WOW that little girl works fast.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #264 on: April 25, 2015, 05:26:10 PM »
Oh he's moved in and she's pregnant too, that is fast, lol. Congrats Mac and Mal!
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #265 on: April 25, 2015, 05:28:30 PM »
lol, thanks! Yeah, I know but honestly it has felt like forever... just sitting watching her at her computer. If I didn't change it up I think I would go nuts!   ::)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #266 on: April 25, 2015, 05:31:04 PM »
That was fast but Mac and Mal look really good together. I can't believe she's already pregnant!  :D By the way thanks for the clarification on male pregnancy. It's still disappointing though. I wish they didn't reduce the chance so much  :(

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #267 on: April 25, 2015, 05:41:47 PM »
I agree, it was fast. LOl. I actually felt a little nervous of Malakai after reading SLF's story where her would-be-spouse was bald under his cowboy hat. LOL I kept pausing the game and zooming right in to look at Malakai's head! I don't like changing the townies very much unless their clothing just is really awful or just doesn't suit the story and I hardly ever change hair styles so... glad he actually had some hair!
I'm hoping EA will readdress the male sim/abduction/pregnancy thing in a later patch. Be nice to think they will.  :) But aliens do have some really cool abilities which makes them so fun and worthwhile to play. I don't really show what they can do in the story as I guess I've ben so busy focussing on Mac's aspiration but Blaize and Jasmine have been transmuting crystals etc and making quite a bit of money for the house as well as their ability to find out any sims traits instantly. So handy when looking for spouses! Aliens can also take on any other sims emotions with a +1 buff, so Jasmine has been sitting at very imspired nearly all her life churning out masterpiece paintings one after the other. You can get pretty wealthy with a couple of aliens in the house for sure.
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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #268 on: April 25, 2015, 07:06:12 PM »
Congrats on another lovely couple!
And Mal's a gym trainer so he's already eye-pleasing *cough cough
Oooh, can't wait to see Mac's face!

Thank you for the fascinating new developments. Lol, after reading about Mal's hair, I rechecked your screenshots and he seems to have sideburns, haha.

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Re: Another Hollingsworth Dynasty Story
« Reply #269 on: April 25, 2015, 11:12:01 PM »
Chapter 58: The Last Book

Mal: Well Mac, I think you deserve a break. Want to go on a date before you have to go to work?
Mackenzie: Sure, but I don't think we have the time.
Mal: Hun, we have plenty of time. I'll have you back easily an hour before you're due at work, heaps of time for you prettying yourself up. Not that you need it babe.

Mal: See, isn't this just beautiful, sitting watching the sun come up?
Mac: It is. *Happy sigh*

Mal: Have I told you today that I love you?
Mac: I can't remember, better tell me again in case you haven't.

Mackenzie: I'm a little bit worried about the future Malakai.
Mal: Why? Everything's on track Mac. Why would you be worried? Especially now you've written that last best selling book you needed.
Mackenzie: I guess it's just with the baby and everything. Work's quite demanding...

Mal: You know what? I think you should just leave all the worrying up to me and just focus on your work and growing our wee baby boy.
Mackenzie: A boy? I might be growing a girl!

Mal: Ether way babe, I'm going to love our nooboo to bits. And you...come here.
Mac: Oh!

Oh there you are! I was looking for you guys earlier.
Mal: Took Mac on a dawn-date.
Oh, that was very sweet of you.
Mal: She's just leaving now if you want to catch her.

Have a great first day hun.
Mac: Thanks, will do.
*Sigh* just seems like yesterday she was heading off to junior school.

Winston: So what cha got planned for today then Mal?
Malakia: Oh, thought I might take your rocket for a spin.
Dude: Nice. Don't let the watcher catch you or you won't get 2 feet off the ground.

Mal: Hmm, just what is this thing watcher?
Umm, it's a wormhole generator...thingy..thing.
Mal: Is that it's technical name then?
NooOo..well, kinda. It sorta messes with time...and space...sorta. Anyway, don't step into it unless Dude's told you what to do. K?
Mal: K.

Mal: See ya Dude.
What?...Oh no you don't...

Well... I'll be blowed!

I suppose this was your doing Mr Hollingsworth?
Dude: Nope, didn't have anything to do with it.
Blaize: Oh man those rockets are loud!
Well...if he dies I'm going to kill him.
Dude:...'cos that makes sense.
Does in my world.

Dude: Listen Blaize, I've been meaning to have a chat with you for a while now. I'm sorry there is no room for Micah to move in son.
Blaize: It's fine dad, honestly. I quite like that we live apart, means that I can still get on and do my own thing you know.
Dude: Hmm. Well, make sure Micah knows she's welcome over anytime. She doesn't need to wait to be invited.
Blaize: She knows. Thanks though dad.

Oh blinking heck! All that sand flying around!
Mal: Welcome me back watcher.
Welcome back.
Mal: Thanks.
There's just no telling you men is there?
Mal: No, so you might as well get used to it from the start. I'm my own man watcher. Don't take too kindly to women folk trying to boss me around.
*Sigh* I wonder where I've heard that before. Something about you Oasis Creek men...

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