Shadow Realm Mixology Drinks
I sense a Yu-Gi-Oh fan in you, Playalot.

(And yes, I have seen almost all of the classic Yu-Gi-Oh series and most of GX, 5Ds, and a bit of ZeXaL.)
Sorry I haven't kept up and missed the whole completion of the Dynasty. Congrats on finally completing it.
I caught up with the thread when you were sick. I understand how much being sick sucks. I'm hitting 43 this December and my body is breaking down already. I go to the gym three times a week but it makes me sore and tired and I have allergies which make me cough up phlegm daily. Sorry, TMI.

I'm glad you finished. I applaud you people who can play The Sims and not get sick of watching things that bore me. In truth, every time I gave up trying to do a Dynasty, it was because I was bored - I have autism and don't like to play games that mimic real life, I want to be a wizard or a sci-fi gunslinger. (Of course, in real life we don't have a Grim Reaper who plays chess with people or birthday cakes that make you grow older, and we have gradual aging, lolz.)
Congrats again and I hope your future projects are just as wonderful.
EDIT: What Nate said about putting in effort reminded me that I have to work on my own project - getting ten platinum trophies in a day for the PS3 and PSVita! I'm working on
Lego: Legends of Chima now - I never paid any mind to that playset but after playing the Vita game's story, I liked the animal-human characters a lot. And it cost only $9 in Gamestop pre-owned, though I had to delete the save data on the cartridge to earn trophies. I was afraid I wouldn't be allowed to get any, lolz.

I might try bringing back the Sims 4 on my computer and maybe getting Outdoor Retreat, especially after seeing the Hollingsworths final vacation there.