Author Topic: Emotion based rooms  (Read 6309 times)

Offline Matticus88

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Emotion based rooms
« on: April 07, 2015, 04:39:00 PM »
I am looking for help/ideas for building emotion based rooms.

My main "activity/hobbie" room give the emotion Focused becuase my first sim went down the tech guru career and all the rewards give focused bonuses. But now, having everything in one room makes it very difficult to get anything other than focused, i've had to move my childs activity table into the hallway so he can be inspired while drawing.

So any ideas or pre-made rooms for different emotions that suit different activities(such as inpired = painting, music etc) would be apprieated.

Offline Twinmum

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Re: Emotion based rooms
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 05:18:32 AM »
You could always just disable the emotional aura for an item leaving just the ones you want. However, this could be a bit tedious turning auras on and off. Do you have the aura lamps that were given as a reward for having various Sims 3 packs? You could use the appropriate lamp in each room. The Guide has a page that tells what things help with each emotion. You can find it here
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Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Emotion based rooms
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 01:16:50 PM »
What I've been doing thus far is just separating and containing different rooms with different skills.

I have one room that has a piano, easels, a computer, guitar, violin, and kids activity table. It's a fairly large room, and this is a legacy I'm talking about so this is after 4+ generations of collecting from careers/aspirations. I've taken to dumping any career rewards that have the inspiring aura in there and keep them on at all times.

I have another room with the chess table, bookshelf, an empty desk (for children's homework), a computer, the woodworking table, and the child's potions table. I've dumped all the rewards from focused-aura careers there and keep those on. Also, the couch from the tech guru career can be put next to the bookshelf for quick reading.

I made the kitchen and area just outside of the kitchen inspirational (as that is where cooking, gourmet cooking and mixology is performed).

Upstairs, I separated out several bedrooms. My sims hardly use the bedrooms for sleep anymore though, but I have a room with a flirty painting in it (good for dates, just drag your two sims up "together" and flirt while flirty!). I have angry paintings on the wall in one of the bedrooms next to a computer for quick mischief skill gain. Another bedroom has the playful lamps/rewards and a comedian microphone, and last but not least one of the bathrooms has a confident painting in it always so my Sim can skill up Charisma at the mirror after psyching themselves up.

Outside, I have several (dozens) of focused lamps surrounding the garden/rocketship/telescope/microscope area to maintain focus while doing that.

Sometimes the rooms seem a bit small/crowded, so I expand them a little or shift things around, but thus far, this has been working to keep my sanity all while balancing an ever-changing/growing/shrinking household for 10+ generations. Perhaps something like this could work for you?

Offline thelittlepakeha

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Re: Emotion based rooms
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2015, 08:22:20 PM »
I just moved my sims into a new house and went with emotion rooms from the start. Downstairs the living area is confident, the study is focused, and upstairs above the study is going to be inspired - my parents are a tech guru and an astronaut, so I don't have any inspired decor yet. I ended up putting the astronaut's treadmill in their bedroom, lol. Normally to get her energised I just have her watch action and drink energy juice before work, plus the bonus from active pops up a lot, so I haven't needed an energised room either.

