My traits are:
Commitment Issues
Star Quality
(I updated it, since Ambitions. I didn't realize what eccentric really meant, but I'm a bit on the eccentric side when it comes to hair and makeup. I'm a bit flirty and a great kisser, but I meshed my charm and mild snobbish behavior and friendliness into one huge trait=Star Quality)
Favorite Food: Either Spegetti w.Veggie Sauce, Veggie Burger, or Sushi (okay I'm one of those "cheating veggies" that only eat fish on rare but certain occasions)
Favorite Color: Blue
LTW: Fashion Phenomenon
I updated this one after I got Ambitions, and realized what eccentrics is all about.
If Pets comes up with an animal lover trait, I might replace Eccentric with that. Vegetarian is good enough for now, because I'm a RL Veggie. Oh, and Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.