Author Topic: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: The Final Chapter  (Read 29385 times)


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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: Wishes Granted
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2015, 01:44:43 PM »
Oh, Aphrodite works fast! When you said Aphrodite and Set would become a duo I didn't think that was what you meant. But I like it, they suit each other well and look great together. Your progress is amazing  :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: Wishes Granted
« Reply #31 on: April 17, 2015, 03:34:32 PM »
OH! Aphrodite, that screenshot had me in stitches!
I'm not sure which screenshot got you, but I agree, she's glorious.

Oh, Aphrodite works fast! When you said Aphrodite and Set would become a duo I didn't think that was what you meant. But I like it, they suit each other well and look great together. Your progress is amazing  :D
Thanks.  I'm actually just not showing as much of the time as it's primarily filled with boring skill building stuff.  They're fun to write despite how boring skill building can get.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2015, 03:35:14 PM »
Pippin:  Young Aphrodite has finished her LTW rather quickly and Eris plans to do the same.

Eris:  I like cats.  Cats that are kittens.  Or cats.
Pippin:  She's obviously very focused.  Specifically, she's focused on this fellow.

Pippin:  He's one of the Bests, so he definitely qualifies as uber-wealthy.  Oh listen, they're singing "Dancing Queen" by Abba.
Eris:  (singing) "You can dance, you can di-ie, having the time of your life..."
Chris:  Umm, I don't think that's how it goes.
Eris:  It's accurate, though.
Chris:  I'm sorry, what?
Eris:  Let's play a video game!!

Pippin:  And several such outings makes sure their relationship bar will be quite full when she ages up.  You know, now that we have no more children in the household, we should probably get rid of that old tree house.

Set:  Umm, actually, we still use it.
Aphrodite:  Frequently!
Pippin:  I...I'm just going to grab a 10 foot pole with which ot not touch that comment.

Muse:  You're covered in sprinkles.  Like a cake.  Cake is for eating...
Eris:  No, mom, I'm not for eating.
Muse:  Darn it.
Pippin:  And after avoiding cannibalism, we have a makeover,

Pippin:  and a proposal.

Chris:  I will love you until the day I die.
Eris:  That won't take long.
Chris:  What?
Eris:  Let's marry right now.
Chris:  Oh.  Okay!

Eris:  I plan to never let you leave this room.
Chris:  Well, somebody's feeling frisky!
Eris:  No.  I'm being literal.
Pippin:  Poor sap.  When he finds himself locked in the room the next day, he texts his beloved.

Chris:  Seems she accidentally locked me in.  I'll just text her.  I'm sure she'll let me out.
Pippin:  But he wasn't the only male in our household having issues with another member of our household (he says realizing how non-fluid that sentence was)

Sigurd:  I can't believe you're having relations with young Aphrodite.  For shame, sir!
Set:  Jealous?
Sigurd:  Of course, she's gorgeous!
Set:  And as talented as she is gorgeous.

Pippin:  And she's proving just how talented.

Chris:  She'll be back any minute.
Pippin:  But instead, she was with another man indulging in her vices...

Pippin:  Those vices being a love of pie and a lack of proper table manners, but they're still vices.

Eris:  Oh, who's amazing now, Captain Loser?
Sigurd:  Well, I'm amazingly sick now...
Pippin:  But eventually, Eris did come back to her husband...

Pippin:  Because watching him die was part of her LTW.
Eris:  This mist isn't going to stain the floor is it?
Grim:  If it does, you can always just move the bed over to cover it or get a nice area rug.  I know a guy who could make you a deal on a nice rug.
Eris:  Okay, give me his number.
Chris (ghost voice):  I'll never regret our time together, my love, though it ends far too soon.
Eris:  Oh.  Yeah.  Me too.  Thanks for all the money and LTH points!
Pippin:  Hmm, that probably should have ben sad and sentimental.  Someone lighten the mood.

Sigurd:  Who's king of the carnival now?  The star-faced guy.  That's who!

*Note:  I know I've played Eris as kind of cold and disconnected for the sake of the story, but she was all sorts of sweet and mushy with Chris and spent most of his time with the family with him (even though he was locked in that little room).  This was one of my favorite shots, though it didn't fit the story flow as well since I presented it more story-wise as if she just locked him in and never came back.

Yep.  Gushing over his sweetheart.  Adorable!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2015, 03:52:15 PM »
I like Eris' lyrics better  :P Shame about Chris having to spend his life locked up, lol.
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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2015, 04:42:05 PM »
Oh poor Chris living in the little room. But at least Eris achieved her Lifetime Wish  :D

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2015, 06:28:35 PM »
"I...I'm just going to grab a 10 foot pole with which ot not touch that comment."

*bursts out laughing and scares the cat*

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2015, 05:48:05 PM »
I like Eris' lyrics better  :P Shame about Chris having to spend his life locked up, lol.
I got that from a youtube video with the funniest misheard lyrics.  As soon as I heard it (and knowing I had that karaoke shot), I decided it needed to be in this story!

Oh poor Chris living in the little room. But at least Eris achieved her Lifetime Wish  :D
Yeah, he had a glorious 2-3 day lifespan in our household.  Actually, he did.  He and Eris were just giddy with each other.

Poor Chris  :( I'm sure under different circumstances, they would have made a cute couple
They were adorable!!  I had a really hard time taking shots with Eris in them for days afterwards as she was distraught all the time.

"I...I'm just going to grab a 10 foot pole with which ot not touch that comment."

*bursts out laughing and scares the cat*
I apologize to your cat and I'm glad you're enjoying the story  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: Wedding Bells
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2015, 05:49:36 PM »

Creepy Gnome:  So, you realize that since the Best kid died, you can move in the lovely blonde, right?
Apollo:  What?

Creepy Gnome:  Umm, marry the girl?
Apollo:  Oh!

Apollo:  And I marry you.
Maria:  About time!
Pippin:  And like any newly married couple, their first activity is a wardrobe change,

Pippin:  followed by a workout.

Maria:  No, this is the workout.

Creepy Gnome:  So, you realize I was the one who really got you into this household, right cutie?
Maria:  Back off, creep, unless you want to play a fun game of smack a gnome.

Pippin:  Umm, some strange hobo wandered into the household.
Set:  Rude, Pippin.

Pippin:  Sorry, Mr. Cuddles.
Eris:  Look, it's Fred Flintstone!
Pippin:  So, a paparazzo died, and Grim hung out for a while.

Promethea:  When you finish with the trash, see if you can get those stains in the oven.
Grim:  Yes, ma'am.
Pippin:  And Set had a way-too-close-encounter.

Pippin:  Which led to this.

Pippin:  Although, that probably bought him a few extra days of being young while the other three experienced this.

Pippin:  Looks like Sigurd's going to be too old to be the athlete he's been.
Sigurd:  Captain Amazing is still a star athlete!

Pippin:  And Set is clearly not athletic these days.

Set:  I still have a six pack!
Pippin:  More like a 66 pack.
Set:  Whoa, I feel weird...

Pippin:  And a baby alien girl is born into our full household.

Pippin:  But baby Natalie had to be sent back to her home world because of the aforementioned fullness.  Are you crying?

Set:  No...maybe...
Pippin:  Cutting to a cute and distracting scene.

Pippin:  Yep.  They're adorable.  So, with three elders and a 4th coming soon, we are halfway to accomplishing all the LTW's, Muse has nearly joined that group, Set was over halfway finished when the game glitched and he lost all his progress, but he's regaining all that ground, Maria's gotten started and I moving quickly, and Apollo is about halfway to his goal.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2015, 06:31:57 PM »
There's something really funny about seeing Set with his ripped muscles and six pack, waddling around because he's expecting an alien nooboo  ;D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #40 on: April 20, 2015, 07:04:15 AM »
Oh, I forgot how odd alien pregnancies were in 3! The creepy gnomes deserves a little love and Grim doing chores, we don't get that in 4.
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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: 'Til Death Do Us Part
« Reply #41 on: April 20, 2015, 10:48:47 AM »
Set pregnant was hilarious!  ;D I love it when Grim hangs around. Congrats on all the progress  :D

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: The Final Chapter
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2015, 06:53:01 PM »
Pippin:  It looks like a massive mob has gathered to rally against the presence of our household in their fair city.

Pippin:  Or not.  Anyway, some members of the household enjoyed some time at the winter festival.

Pippin:  Aphrodite and Eris practiced falling down while on ice.
Aphrodite:  You might want to watch what you're saying, Pip.  I do have razor blades strapped to my feet.
Pippin:   Charming, Aphrodite.  And on the subject of charming young ladies, Sigurd kept making new lady-friends.

Sigurd:  Well, hello there, lovely lady.
Lovely Lady:  Umm, hi.  I'm afraid I'm really not that interested in the spring-winter relationship.
Sigurd:  Well, I am a firefighter...

Lovely Lady:  Squuueeeeeee!!!!!
Pippin:  But while things were going well for Sigurd, things went very unexpectedly for Apollo.

Apollo:  OOWWW!!!!
Pippin:  And Grim appeared even as poor Maria looked on.

Maria:  Please don't take my true love!  Have you no heart?
Grim:  Umm, no.  I'm basically a skeleton in a robe...
Pippin:  And as Maria wept, Grim took Apollo by the hand and led him away.

Pippin:  However, Muse decided that she was not okay with this.

Muse:  I'm evil, not heartless. 

Muse:  Weird magic blue girl, the little blonde girl's all like, "Oh boohoo my husband's dead" and it's really annoying me.  Can you bring him back so she'll quiet down?
Weirdmagicbluegirl:  Umm, sure.

Weirdmagicbluegirl:  How's that?
Muse:  Umm, yeah.  I think that's the right one.
Apollo:  What...what happened?  Where's Maria?

Pippin:  Oh.  You found her.

Well, since we had everyone just about finished, but then I had Set reset (pun intended) by a travel glitch that changed his career and now Apollo (who had a rather high handiness skill) randomly dies fixing the time machine and gets his career level reset, I've decided I got close enough.  I'll be moving on to my next story before too long.  Hope you've all enjoyed this.  Feel free to use this challenge idea if it intrigues you.

Offline Malley

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: The Final Chapter
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2015, 07:06:38 PM »
So glad you brought back Apollo! I was shocked (no pun intended) when he died but glad that he could be resurrected  :D

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Re: The Four Better or Four Worse Challenge: The Final Chapter
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2015, 10:08:28 PM »
Congrats on finishing! It was an enjoyable read, as usual. :)

I'm moving this to the Completed Stories board.
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