Author Topic: Trait Expectations  (Read 51962 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #120 on: April 16, 2015, 06:08:17 AM »
This challenge is now closed. Great job to all participants! And a special grats to the champ, Nutella. Everyone is now free to discuss how they tackled this event. I should have the world ranking updated shortly.

Offline ManiSims

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #121 on: April 16, 2015, 07:26:50 AM »
I didn't really have a strategy. The first thing I did was move in with the Landgraabs which made completing Mansion Baron a lot easier. I went for some 4000 point rewards early on but I think I probably should've spent those on lower costing traits that still gave me 2 points. I also went for all of the 500 and 1000 point rewards and avioded the 2000 ones, they weren't worth it. I managed to complete 6 aspirations (Mansion Baron, Friend of the World, Serial Romantic, Soulmate, Bodybuilder, and Painter Extraordinaire), and that was a hassle, so I can't imagine how the people who complete 12+ did it! This was probably the most fun challenge I've done yet. :)

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Offline officialghosts

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #122 on: April 16, 2015, 08:16:24 AM »
I also moved in the Landgraabs, with the main difference being that I moved into their home and switched places with the one I had befriended in the first place. Than I immediatley went and moved the remaining three in with th SKLs- the combination of starting funds and furniture sale is more than enough to complete mansion baron on the first day. (With the added bonus of switching everyone's asp to mansion baron and thus getting enough points to give my sim more moodlet solvers than she could dream of needing). I switched places again w Johnny Zest to get a nice large lot and to not have to deal with 8 sims.

I'd post more of my strategy but I have to leave soon, and by the time I get back most of it'll probably be covered.

Offline Nutella

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #123 on: April 16, 2015, 08:58:56 AM »

Starting Traits -- Quick Learner + Loves Outdoor + Good + Creative

Never waste time leveling skill, only spend time working on aspiration that requires you to actually do stuff, I'll explain this later.

- Starting: enter the game, buy violin/guitar to convert all your cash to personal inventory.
- Mansion Baron: Befriend Landgraabs and move in with them.  I changed all the landgraabs aspiration to mansion baron so they will get credit when I work on my mansion aspiration.  Bulldoze the house for cash, then convert all cash to violin/guitar (put them in your personal inventory).  I finish all steps except for the last one (have home worth $350,000) -- convert all the landgraabs whim points to moodlet solver / instant fun, I remember it was like 15-16 moodlet solver when I am done with the landgraabs.
- Wealthy: Befriend Goth, move in with the goth, leave landgraabs behind.  Complete the last step of mansion baron, then work on wealthy aspiration.  Take the violin in your personal inventory and sell them (using the personal inventory sell tab) - this will count as money earn.  Sell stuff from Goth house to buy more violins to sell as needed to complete your wealthy aspiration.  When done, convert all the cash again to violin/guitars and put in personal inventory, you need these later.
- Next befriend Johnny Zest (only single person household in the game I could find), move in with him and leave the goths behind.  Then I move myself and Johnny to Potter's Splay empty lot -- I love this lot, it is by fishing points, have like eight digsite spawn points and 2 frogs spawn points. 
- Adopt children from computer.  You can adopt them slowly as you need them, but the 1st child is important that you adopt as soon as you can.  He/she needs to max a career for your lineage aspiration.  I chose the culinary chef career track for that child because that is one career I know I can complete in 3 weeks.  Use your violins/guitars to help your child get 3000 points so he can buy "Connections" to start the career.  Never start any career at level 1, waste time takes too long.
- Adopt 2nd child work on your family aspirations, like read to child, socialize with child, etc.  This 2nd child age up to high school and he/she will be in charge to getting an A from highschool for your aspiration.
- Adopted 3rd/4th child later in the week.  These 2 didn't have to do much, I stick them on the computer and have them write books.


- I use all my beginning points and buy savage / morning sims / night owl first.  Then as I get more points, it went towards hardly hungry, never weary, connections, steel bladder, creative visionary, etc etc.
- My sim work on writing aspiration first, the earned $25,000 royalties takes time to build up, you want to get this rolling as soon as possible.  I also worked on violin alongside writing, for the fun bar when needed.
- My child start work on Monday while I start work on Friday (culinary branch too).  Since I need to get only level eight in culinary branch, I didn't need the full 3 weeks like my child.
- Constantly switch your aspiration as you work through them, I don't just stick with one aspiration.  Example: I write books (writer asp), then I see the digsite respawn, I would switch to curator asp and go collect collectibles.  Then switch back to whatever you are working on next, always remember to switch aspiration as you work on anything.
- When I adopt first child, I chose boy because I needed him to help me with the 4 grandchildren part too.  For culinary track, he gets Tues,Wed,Thurs off - I had him "try for baby" with Dina Caliente and Summer Holliday on Tuesday, and with Nina Caliente on Wednesday.  2 women pregnant should be enough to give you 4 grandchild, but the 3rd woman is just insurance, in case one of the previous two only gives you one child.  Choose someone recognizable from town, not some random woman - they could be alien and will impregnate your child, and you will have a hard time getting ahead in your career.  Pregnancy messes with the mood and career advances.
- 2nd child high school A on Thursday, it only takes 4 school days to get A.  Work hard during school.


MAIN strategy -- Vicarious reward trait from successful lineage aspiration.
This is so important for my strategy.  On Week 2 day 1 (Sunday), my first child got promoted to rank 6 culinary -- my lineage aspiration is all done except for the last part (have child reach the top of career).  The game will think you completed this step and give you the aspiration completion done popup, including the reward trait.  I know we can't count the lineage aspiration done until my child actually reach rank 10, but that doesn't mean I can't take advantage of the reward trait.  I checked with Metro if we wanted to have everyone use cheat to remove that trait, but he felt that wasn't needed.

I also have the big happy family aspiration done by this point.  All my children will learn skills extra fast.

After I get vicarious trait -- When I am working on an aspiration (like play violin), I will have all my children stand beside me and work on other skills.  When they level the skill, I will automatically get it too.  At some point, I have 4 skills leveling (from children) while I work on other stuff, that trait is amazing.



Mansion Baron - Use landgraab & goth house to help you finish fast.
Fabulously Wealthy - Same, use landgraab & goth house to help you finish fast.

Soulmate - I use Johnny Zest, the one that I move in with.  This is a pretty easy aspiration, not much trick to it.
Serial Romantic - I use the map interaction to my advantage.  I already know a lot of people (from friend of the world asp), I would travel to museum with person A, romance them up get boyfriend status.  Then I will leave them there and travel to bar with person B, rinse and repeat.  I have like 8 boyfriends in 8 different location, never go back to the same location because they will be there and get mad at you for romancing a different person.  After I finish and go home, they will come to your house - ignore them, have one of your children send them away.

Big Happy Family - adopt child to speed things up, natural pregnancy too long.  Have one of your child woohoo with sims "not" in your household, you get a higher rate of twins for the 4 grandchild requirement. 
Successful Lineage - Have child finish all his homework and skill requirement, then go school and use work hard mode.  Have a Child Max any Skill - I use my child #1 for this, he max his homestyle cooking skill (needed that for his culinary career anyways).  Have a Child Complete an Aspiration - I use wealthy aspiration on one of my child, just drag violin and sell via personal inventory.

Curator - one trick (not the inventory exploit) is the collect 10 collectibles and collect 25 collectibles step can be completed via harvesting.  The game counts harvest as collectibles.  Also the easter eggs help me get the complete a collection step fast.
Outdoor - did not do, too long.  The sleep 5 nights in a tent is too time consuming.
Botanist - child max gardening for me.  Johnny Zest work on the garden since day 1, so I already have 15+ excellent plants plus a cowplant laying around the house.
Angler - I save this for last, because I wasn't sure if I was able to complete it.  This is one skill (fishing) that my children cannot level for me, the vicarious trait just doesn't work in fishing spot.  Reading fishing book doesn't work, reading any skill book doesn't work for vicarious trait, it has to be hands on working the skill.  I gather every single person in the household and went fishing - so I have 6 people fishing at the same time (to help with collect 20 types of fish part).  Since I already have handiness level 10, getting batfish was easy.

Author - just write the books for the necessary steps.  On last step, stop as soon as you finish writing 3 bestsellers, the royalties will slowly trickle in as time goes by, no need to keep writing.
Musician - just play violin, easy and simple aspiration.
Painter - I had child level painting skill for me (to like level 6), then I finish off the aspiration by painting the necessary stuff.

Friend of the World - Child max charisma skill for me.  I buy "Incredibly Friendly" and the rest of the aspiration is easily done.  With max charisma + cheerful introduction + the friendly reward - you can befriend someone with 1-2 interactions.
Joke Star - Child max comedy skill for me.  After I reach culinary track rank eight, I switch to entertainer rank four, work 2 days and get promoted to rank 5 where I can choose comedian branch.
Party Animal - when the aspiration only ask for throw XXX parties/events or attend XXX events, you can just throw the party, attend it, and end it early using the button.  Rinse and repeat.  Getting gold on parties is easy when you are controlling a household of 6 people - pretty impossible if you are playing as a single sim household.

Chief of mischief - Child max mischief skill for me, the rest is fast and simple.
Public enemy - This one requires criminal career rank eight, since I chose culinary career (for mixology and masterchef), did not have time to do this one. 

Bodybuilding - I work this aspiration myself till stage 3, because this one have a lot of workout for XXX hours.  After I finish stage 3, I was at fitness skill level 6 or 7 - then I have my child level the balance (to skill 10) for me.  Maximum body potential achieved - use protein shake and life weights, shouldn't take too long to get that trigger.

Mixologist - the first week I did level a bit mixology so I can get skill level 4 for my career.  Second week onwards, I only mix drinks for the daily task and my child level mixology to max for me.
MasterChef - Reach Level eight of the Culinary Career, doesn't have to be "chef" track.  I have my sim choose mixology branch (for the mixology aspiration part), then keep working till I get rank eight.

Nerd Brain - Child max logic and handiness skill for me.  Johnny Zest build the rocketship for me.  When you have a household full of people and constantly need to pee and shower, you get a lot of broken toilets/shower.  I kept all those in the household inventory and pull them out for this aspiration.  Fix or Upgrade 5 Objects - definitely do the repair object, much faster.  Have very focus mood then repair 5 objects, you will get it done before you finish an upgrade.  Upgrade takes too long, even with the focus mood.
Renaissance - This one is a joke.  I already have many skills leveled thanks to all my children, have the connections reward, and just join and quit many careers to satisfy all the steps.
Computer Whiz - this one took too long (100 hours on computer), one of the aspiration I did not attempt to complete.

Offline callycat

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #124 on: April 16, 2015, 09:13:54 AM »
Ah, I see now, that's very impressive! My game has never counted level 6 in a child's career as reaching the top, I tested it after seeing it mentioned and nothing - does this only work with the culinary career? I had mine do Tech Guru for this.

I also moved in the Goths and Landgraabs and started similarly, but I kept them around to learn skills and mentor my sim later. I realised too late how to get the mail to arrive (don't leave the lot after posting) and I was one lucky catch away from finishing the Angler aspiration too, but I think that was as good as it was going to get!

This was a really fun challenge :)
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Offline Nutella

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #125 on: April 16, 2015, 09:57:58 AM »

Yes one thing I forgot to mention, the game always counts level 6 in culinary career as top of career for some reason.  Other careers sometimes, but not as consistent as culinary careers (both branch works just the same).  Mailbox bug don't leave the lot after you mail out your crystals/metals.  I didn't want to keep landgraabs or goth around, I needed my children (4 of them) and one hubby around to do odd jobs.

Offline callycat

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #126 on: April 16, 2015, 10:04:32 AM »

Yes one thing I forgot to mention, the game always counts level 6 in culinary career as top of career for some reason.  Other careers sometimes, but not as consistent as culinary careers (both branch works just the same).  Mailbox bug don't leave the lot after you mail out your crystals/metals.  I didn't want to keep landgraabs or goth around, I needed my children (4 of them) and one hubby around to do odd jobs.

Oh good, that would explain why I haven't seen it happen in my game. The Culinary career was the first one I completed and I haven't been through them all yet as I generally prefer having my sims potter about in the garden rather than go to work :)

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Offline Tixxis

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #127 on: April 16, 2015, 10:55:43 AM »
Congratulations, Nutella. You won by a spectacular margin!

From testing I decided to ditch Computer Whiz and Succesful Lineage. The latter didn't work for me: it never registered a child reaching level 10 of the career.

I called my Sim Beau Merritt.
On day 1, he moved in Mortimer and Cassandra Goth. Mortimer has writing skill 4 and is writing career 3. He just had to write a Book of Life for my Sim! Beau got 'Great Kisser' from wooing Cassandra and completed Soulmate (Companion) with her on day 2. Charisma was nearly achieved from all the kissing and he completed 'Friend of the World'  (Beloved) on the same day.
Cassandra was pregnant by that time.
Beau completed 'Party Animal' (Perfect Host) on day 3 and bought 'Beguiling'. Cassandra and Mortimer moved out which left him a free zone to complete 'Serial Romantic' on day 4. He now had enough points to buy 'Morning Sim, Night Owl, Savant and Steel Bladder'.
On day 5, Beau completed 'Chief of Mischief' (Tormentor). With all the nasty bits out of the way, Mortimer was invited to join the household once more. Beau adopted a boy - Brian Merritt. As soon as Beau had read to the child and interacted socially as required, this child grew up real fast. Brian married Summer Holiday and they adopted 4 children.
Cassandra had given birth to twin girls - Luz and Kennedy. Beau aged the babies up and became good friends with them. He took Luz home with him. And so, on day 6, Beay completed 'Big Happy Family' (Patriarch) and purchased 'Super Green Thumb, Hardly Hungry, Connections'.
Mortimer mentored Beau in writing. Beau bought 'Marketable, Creative Visionary'.

In week 2, things went a little slower. Luz skilled, grew up and skilled some more. Mortimer achieved Bestselling Author and started building a rocket ship for Beau. Beau himself, entered the Entertainment career. He purchased 'Entrepreneurial, Shameless and Carefree'.
On day 3 of this week, he became a Bestselling Author (Poetic) and by day 4 he achieved 'Jokestar' (Hilarious). On day 6, he bought 'Professional Slacker, Never Weary, Speed Reader and Frugal. He also completed 'Fabulously Wealthy' (Shrewd).

Week 3 had come.
On day 1, Beau completed 'Mansion Baron' (Thrifty) and bought 'Fertile and Antiseptic'. He then completed Renaissance Sim (Professorial) and bought 'Independent, Stoves and Grills Master' plus 'Free Services'.
On day 2, he completed 'Master Mixologist' (Potion Master).
On day 3, he completed 'Freelance Botanist' (Naturalist) and bought all the remaining aspiration rewards. Luz had been training him in handiness and logic. He completed Nerd Brain (handy).
Luz trained him in fitness and on day 4 Beau completed 'Bodybuilder' (long lived). He also completed 'The Curator' (Appraiser) that day, because Mortimer completed the Aliens Collection.
Luz trained him in painting and music next.
Beau completed 'Musical Genius' (Piper) on day 7 and Painter ExtraOrdinaire(Expressionistic) mere hours before becoming an adult.

Offline EtnaFan666

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #128 on: April 16, 2015, 11:08:43 AM »
Big Happy Family - adopt child to speed things up, natural pregnancy too long.  Have one of your child woohoo with sims "not" in your household, you get a higher rate of twins for the 4 grandchild requirement. 
Successful Lineage - Have child finish all his homework and skill requirement, then go school and use work hard mode.  Have a Child Max any Skill - I use my child #1 for this, he max his homestyle cooking skill (needed that for his culinary career anyways).  Have a Child Complete an Aspiration - I use wealthy aspiration on one of my child, just drag violin and sell via personal inventory.

Wow, this post will REALLY help out in my Time Lord challenge to speed up completing aspirations! I didn't realize that adopted kids counted for the Family aspirations - well, I did but it seemed like cheating. I will have to get onto that... soon after I keep the promise I made to myself to get my Necromancer in Wizard101 up to Level 20 and farm for Couch Potatoes.  ;D
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

"With great ability comes great taking into account of one's actions!" - spoken by an NPC in Lego Marvel Superheroes

Offline callycat

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #129 on: April 16, 2015, 11:38:18 AM »
I didn't realize that adopted kids counted for the Family aspirations - well, I did but it seemed like cheating.

I'm sure you don't mean this to upset those of us who are adopted in real life, but it did me a little. I'd have been furious if adopted kids didn't count for these aspirations.

It was nice to have the freedom to adopt in this challenge, it was something I greatly appreciated. Although I occasionally try dynasty challenges and understand the requirement due to time and luck factors for the heirs to be biological, it makes them less appealing to me.
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Offline ClayMask

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #130 on: April 16, 2015, 02:56:16 PM »
Most of what I did was already written about, so I'm not going to do a full write up.  Instead, I'll write what was different and a few other things.

Like many people did, I used the Goths and Landgraabs to complete Mansion Baron and Fabulously Wealthy, completing it for many of them as well and getting a bunch of moodlet solvers from them before moving them out.  I moved them out using a trick I didn't see anyone mention, which is to have Mortimer or my Sim ask someone to move in, and then rather than having them move in moving lots of people in my household out.  As long as the person that asks them to move in stays in the household I want to keep playing, that will remain as the active helper.  The only Goth or Landgraab I kept around was Mortimer, who I wanted to keep as a helper.  Mortimer's first job was to complete bestselling author so that he could write books of life for my Sim, and all his adopted kids, which I didn't adopt until Mortimer had completed this aspiration. 

Unlike what other people did, I did have my Sim do the computer whiz aspiration.  This was actually one of the first aspirations he completed, in order to benefit from the make connections action when working on careers.  I made good use of the 100 computer hours by doing the following:  all the necessary gaming and programming, completing the postcard collection, trolling the forums when working on the master of mischief aspiration, and writing jokes to work on leveling the comedy skill for the joke star aspiration.  I did notice that neither writing comedy routines nor writing books count towards the 100 hours. 

Party animal, soulmate, and serial romantic can all be worked on together in interesting ways.  The perfect host reward from party animal affects all social events, not just parties.  This makes it easier to achieve the medals required for soulmate and serial romantic.  With soulmate and serial romantic, I mostly did serial romantic first so that my Sim wouldn't be cheating on his wife, but saved the last step, which is to earn a gold medal on three dates, to be completed alongside the last step of soulmate, which involves having to do 50 romantic interactions.  Switching between the two can allow the romantic actions done on the dates, including asking on a date, to count towards the 50 actions, while counting the medal from the dates towards the three dates, as long as the serial romantic aspiration is selected at the end of the date.

My main mistake in not getting the 18th aspiration complete was that I didn't leave enough time for a child to max a career.  I didn't have my Sim adopt any children until the second week, thinking that Successful Lineage would be complete at the split, or maybe it would count when having a teen max a part time job.  This was before I knew that they wouldn't count this way for the challenge.  I did manage to make it to the split for the athletic career, which I chose because it was only level 5 and I figured I'd have the child do the bodybuilder aspiration and mentor my Sim or my main helper Mortimer in athletic, but it didn't count the aspiration as complete anyway.  I'm not sure if it would have counted as complete by the game at level 6, since I stopped trying to advance her career after finding out that the aspiration wouldn't count unless it was maxed.

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #131 on: April 16, 2015, 03:11:03 PM »

I didn't choose computer whiz because my sim never really have to spend lots of time on the computer.  Writing books yes I did spend some time, but maybe only 20-30 hours?  Plus I wasn't sure if writing books will count towards the 100 hours.  Postcard collection takes too long, compare to easter egg collection.  I never have to troll forums, my children level mischief skill for me.  Comedy, only have to write 3 jokes on computer, didn't have to level comedy skill myself. 

I started successful lineage and big happy family as soon as I can, I knew I wanted the two reward trait as early as possible.  They were the priorities, everything else not important.

Does book of life works like moodlet solver?  I have so many moodlet solver and extra points left, didn't even know what to do with them.

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #132 on: April 16, 2015, 03:16:08 PM »
Does book of life works like moodlet solver?  I have so many moodlet solver and extra points left, didn't even know what to do with them.
Book of life does work like a moodlet solver, except I like it better because other people can read it for your Sim.  This means my Sim never had to worry about maintaining his own mood, and other people could boost the moods of people currently at work.  Also, it allows them to maintain better moods overall, since with moodlet solvers I really delay on using them as long as possible since they're consumable.  I didn't want to use moodlet solvers on the kids, but having books of life for them was nice.

Edit:  Your strategy with the vicarious trait was creative and definitely gave you an edge, Nutella.  I didn't even know how that trait worked.  By the way, I think you meant to write that you used the trait savant, and not savage.  I wonder what a savage trait would be like?

I have a question for Tixxis.  You said you leveled charisma mostly by kissing, while working on other aspirations.  I've never tried that.  Does each kiss level it more than the normal interactions that level it?

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #133 on: April 16, 2015, 03:38:29 PM »
Yes, savant.  I don't know what I was thinking when I type, savage trait would certainly be interesting.

Offline Tixxis

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Re: Trait Expectations
« Reply #134 on: April 16, 2015, 04:07:40 PM »
I have a question for Tixxis.  You said you leveled charisma mostly by kissing, while working on other aspirations.  I've never tried that.  Does each kiss level it more than the normal interactions that level it?

Oh yes! The skill goes up in increments of about 10% per kiss, sometimes more. It counts for all sorts of kisses including 'kissing hands'. :)