Author Topic: Late Night and Legacy Families  (Read 15347 times)

Offline MegTrog

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Re: Late Night and Legacy Families
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2010, 10:30:39 AM »
The problem is that there aren't any empty lots at that price in the newer towns.  For the Immortal Dynasty Challenge, Metro has made accomodations for the lots that are available, but Pinstar hasn't published anything specific for new towns.  I suppose it doesn't really matter because there's not a leader board or hall of fame for the legacy challenge and most players change the rules to suit themselves anyway.

That's a shame because half the fun of a Legacy (for me anyway) is that struggle to get over the poverty at the start! 

For the Sims 2, the rule was that you had to move into an empty 5X5 lot, but some players found that their computers struggled to handle a lot that large.  An accepted workaround (I believe Pinstar made it official, but I can't find proof of that) was to start on a smaller empty lot and use the family funds cheat to reduce your Sim's money to the traditional starting amount.

So I think that's the answer for anybody wanting to a legacy in Bridgeport.  Pick an empty lot, and use familyfunds to give your Sim just $1,300 in disposable cash (there's a thread in miscellaneous help about how the familyfunds cheat works).  Alternatively, I suppose you could give your founder the 'good' trait and donate your extra money--it'll give you a positive moodlet, but that's all the benefit.  Any other ways of getting rid of your cash without benefitting from it?

Talking about moodlets, you should find an empty lot that gives the beautiful vista moodlet.  That's one of the nice things about the legacy lot in Sunset Valley.

Offline Devin

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Re: Late Night and Legacy Families
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2010, 02:21:56 PM »
I gave up on doing a legacy in Bridgeport. I'm not sure that the family could possibly have lasted that long in the town because of all the glitches that I was getting, but more than that, I was tired of having to build on an extreme slope where I had plopped down the biggest possible lot (which also wasn't aligned with the road). I was hating it. I'm back in Riverview, which is the first time I've really played Riverview. I can't see Bridgeport and the one that came with Ambitions (darn, can't remember the name!) getting much use in my game since I almost always play legacy style.

I am *considering* moving copies of some of my legacy spares and extras into the other towns just to get some shots of them and maybe play them a little bit, but I like the ability to build on those enormous lots.

I'm going to have to try a Dynasty next, but I feel intimidated by having all of those immortal sims in one house. I can't get the logic to work out on how it won't get overly crowded eventually.

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Re: Late Night and Legacy Families
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2010, 12:13:46 AM »
For the Immortal Dynasty challenge, Metro has made adjustments to bring down the family funds when the lot doesn't cost enough.  He has you purchase certain items and put them in your family inventory and never touch them for the duration of the challenge.  It's up to date for Bridgeport, too.

@Becki:  The Dynasty house will eventually get crowded, but there's a built in limit in the game of 8 Sims per household, so it will never go beyond that.  Toward the end of the challenge, it becomes part of the strategy to have spouses die in time to make space for the next generation to be born.  I'm almost ready to bring in generation 6 and it's really fun.  :D
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