Author Topic: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2 - Graveyad  (Read 4445 times)

Offline Deklitch

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The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2 - Graveyad
« on: February 01, 2015, 12:35:49 AM »
Well, after something happening to the saved game and the backups to it of the Ghosts V1, I'm restarting them. Here is the link to that attempt, which includes pictures of the king and queen et al.

Same King and Queen, but different roles.

King Poly Gon is taking care of the painting of portraits at least initially. His traits started off as Family Orientated, Nurturing, Artistic, Virtuoso and Born Salesman. He wants to be surrounded by family.

Queen Ingodwaasoc Gon is doing gardening, alchemy and even a bit of cooking initially. Her traits started off as Family Orientated, Nurturing, Artistic, Virtuoso and Born Saleswoman. She too wants to be surrounded by family.

They did not go to Lucky Palms this time, instead they wanted a place that was cooler, and they went to Aurora Skies to live, and moved into 87 Edgewood Avenue, a long, thin block.

King Poly became a master planter and brushmaster and picked up a point in alchemy in order to max the alchemy career. He also became a discount diner and became besties with a townie, Elin Wrede.

Queen Ingo became a master alchemist and master planter, and also maxed the alchemy career. She developed a strong stomach and became besties with the alchemy store consignment specialist, Barbara Jonsdottir.

Together they caught butterflies: Poly contributed 2 of them while Ingo caught three of them with a net. Total value of the collection was 151 simeloens.

All was in place for them and they tried for their first set offspring ...

Three ghostboos were born: two sons - Victor and Zebediah and one daughter - Wanda. All three learned toddler skills thanks to playpen, walker and daddy/mummy and also logic thanks to abacus on playpen. When I'm able to choose baby traits, I'm randomly rolling them. I'm picking traits on latter age ups when I can do so, however.

Victor was born with genius and artistic, Zebediah with disciplined and loves the outdoors and Wanda with light sleeper and neurotic. Childhood traits were bookworm, genius and genius respectively. Zebediah aged up to childhood just before midnight and the other two just after midnight. He was fortunate enough to pick up an opportunity from school that put his performance bar up to an A so he aged up that next night. He spent the night tutoring his brother and sister when he was a teen and the two of them children before school the next day. It was enough time for Victor, but not quite enough for Wanda. So, Zeb continued training her that night and just before midnight they both got aged up teen.

Child -> Teen traits were nurturing for Victor, Athletic for Zebediah and bookworm for Wanda. Due to a combination of toddler abacus skill, chess on the computer, chess at the chess table and tutoring, Victor, Zebediah and Wanda received A's for high school on Saturday and aged up to Young Adults that night, just before they were due to have prom the next day. Teen -> YA traits were family orientated for Victor, loves the heat for Zebediah and artistic for Wanda. Victor graduated as most likely to rule the world, Zebediah as most likely to be a sports star and Wanda as Most Artistic. They also graduated with highest honours but none were valedictorian. Victor became a magician and at the time of writing this is still level 1, Zebediah level 2 in professional sports and Wanda a self employed writer at level 3. Victor maxed the painting skill, Zebediah the logic skill and Wanda the writing skill.

Victor purchased the Vault of Antiquity, Zebediah, the Peaceful protection agency and Wanda, the fortune teller's hut.

On Monday Week 4, Wanda was ready to move out as her portrait was successfully completed. She moved across the road and around the corner to 86 Edgewood Avenue, essentially next door neighbours to her parents and brothers.

During the early hours of Wednesday Week 4, Zebediah's portrait was successfully completed and he moved to 43 Sulfur Springs Road across town from his parents and siblings.

By Friday Week 4, Our King and Queen only had best friends to secure to prepare for their second reproduction day ... so let the reproduction of ghostboos commence, and Victor's lifetime of servitude continue ...

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2015, 05:05:29 AM »
Sorry you had to restart but you seem to have everything in perfect order. Good luck with this attempt, glad to see ghosts taking over a town again  ;D
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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2015, 12:32:49 PM »
Good luck finishing this time!

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2015, 04:02:54 PM »
Oh the joys of living outdoors with seasons installed! "Poly wonders why the sky is suddenly dark".

Uh oh - Meteor ... yep, and it appears right over the two seater loveseat on which Poly and the lovely ingo are seated. They run away, as does Victor. But not Wanda! She returns home and stands almost right under the meteor.

The meteor arrives and numerous things go bye bye tv and couch, bye bye trash compactor (but not the counter its under) bye bye all but three of the teddies laid out on the lawn (teddies give 3 scrap each by the way). bye bye table without science thing on it and 3 laptops and chairs, various things are singed, including half of the version 2 of the brain enhancing machines, but none of the multiple painting easels are touched, various other things are singed.

Wanda is standing right in the middle of one of the fires that spring up, but nothing happens to her. One of the townies who runs to the lot must be brave as he starts fighting the fire. The three remaining household members are running around collecting the scrap - at least that's some scrap I won't have to buy when the king and queen become inventors! :)

Half wrecked stuff is all replaced, of course the 7k from the insurance won't come close to replacing the stuff half destroyed. Now to try to remember the other stuff that was destroyed by the meteor strike.

It was amusing stuff - I really must be a sadist when it comes to my sims!

Edit: Interesting ... even though the large fridge which contained the birthday cakes was destroyed by the meteor, when I put a new fridge in, and looked at its contents, I discovered the cake was still there! Super amazing cake! Dinosaurs might be killed off by meteors, but this cake will survive it. A truckload of kids at a birthday party, nope, but meteors yep. LOL

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 05:07:59 AM »
Oh, wow, if Wanda wasn't a ghost already she would have been now. Cakes beat dinosaurs, lol.
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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 03:42:17 PM »
Sorry to hear about the original file for your domination dynasty but I'm glad you're making another attempt  :D

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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 05:50:51 PM »
@ Krae, that meteor will be part of the RD 3 collection, the queen's contribution to it. The king's contribution will be the four 'large' meteors.

@ Nettlejuice yep she would have. An amusing sight after the meteor was all finished ... a limo was driving away. I looked in it and the person in the back of it was all crispy thanks to the meteor. Apparently even the rich and famous can't get enough of meteors.

@ Malley, thanks ... I am determined to get a dynasty of some type completed successfully.

The second round of ghostboos have just been born in game ... another three, all three boys this time.

Their older brother Victor, is still at home ready to help out. Formal update soon, I'm off to work now.

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2015, 02:21:15 PM »
Ghosts are impossible to kill again, from what I've seen. Our else if actually worry about disasters. :P

Glad to see you're making progress!
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2015, 04:15:39 PM »
Sadly the file and back up files have all glitched :( So graveyard please

I am determined to get there with this one, however, I might just wait until I've achieved success before I post results so as to save people time and the site bandwidth ad storage.

I had gotten the third set of children gone and working on the fourth reproduction day (queen was 2 levels from maxing career, king's career was maxed and all other requirements except best friends were met.

Anyway, move this to the graveyard, please

Offline Trip

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Re: The Ghosts In The Machine - Version 2 - Graveyad
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2015, 04:49:35 PM »
I'm moving this to the Graveyard at the author's request. The author can revive it at any time by contacting a moderator.
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