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The possibilities are endless! I'll have to think hard about where to start on this one.
Did I write somewhere, that it is really good to have you back? Its a blast playing against you.
I think I'm really going to struggle with this one. So many possibilities and racking up aspiration points is a skill I have yet to master
You actually want to get achievement points for this one. Maybe you already knew that, but if not you wouldn't want to make that mistake.
No problem. I have a couple of questions. 1. Should we count the older and wiser achievement for aging up for their adult birthday, or would that be considered to happen after the end of the challenge?
2. I know that last I heard, a few of the achievements were bugged. Should I list any relevant ones here that I've heard of as being bugged?
I know it was true before that achievements from other games didn't carry through to your new games, but now it seems like the achievements and their points do. Is there a workaround for this that you want to use?