Author Topic: Colts Destiny Mods Move TO Graveyard Please  (Read 31541 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 7 Love is Grand Updated 2/8
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2015, 07:28:54 PM »
I-I'm not gonna cry... oh who am I kidding!?  That was beautiful and I'm gonna blubber like a baby!

*passes Kleenex*

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Nooboo Cuteness Updated 2/8
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2015, 09:11:46 PM »
Ohemgee! The most amazing, romantic wedding ever *sniff, tears*... except for the part where he looked like he was gonna bite her face off LOL

So adorable. Is there anything cuter than a big, bad dude getting all gooey and melty over his daughter? Colt is number one dad! And Amber is just precious!

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Nooboo Cuteness Updated 2/8
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2015, 09:32:38 PM »

Ohemgee! The most amazing, romantic wedding ever *sniff, tears*... except for the part where he looked like he was gonna bite her face off LOL

So adorable. Is there anything cuter than a big, bad dude getting all gooey and melty over his daughter? Colt is number one dad! And Amber is just precious!

Thank you dear,  yes he is, dad of the year!!

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Nooboo Cuteness Updated 2/8
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2015, 11:45:12 PM »
Oh Colt... such a softie!  He's so sweet!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Nooboo Cuteness Updated 2/8
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2015, 04:51:32 AM »
Oh, too cute for words.
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Nooboo Cuteness Updated 2/8
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2015, 06:19:38 AM »
@Shewolf13  ;D He's a big teddybear

@Nettlejuice I'm loving the baby poses they out.

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Meeting the Bachelors Pt 1 Updated 2/17
« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2015, 10:12:03 AM »
The next day as the sun rose high in the sky..

Agnes was up baking and ...


Colt was teaching Killer to hunt.

Colt: Good morning princess. Who's a happy little nooboo this morning?

Colt: *flies in air* Going on a plane ride. Yes she is.

Amber: *giggles*

Amber: *reaches for face* da *pffft*

Colt: *chuckles* Someone wants a raspberry huh,, *phffts*

Amber: *squeals*

Colt heading out the local park to look for a certain family he remembered in Sunset Family that he wanted to have move in.

There he found Jocasta Bachelor with Michael and Bella.  The latter two had to head to school, which was fine with Colt, he wanted to talk to Jocasta.

She was as silly as he remembered her. She was also still a angler and still liked to garden.

Just as it started to rain, Colt had to go to work.

The Trees are starting to turn in the Valley, so fall is starting to come.

Killer: There's something here. Dang this rain. I'm gonna get all muddy.

Killer: Oh your back. I take it he is at work?

W: Yep, Target acquired also.

Killer: Now go away and let me dig. I smell treasure.

W: Welcome home oh lord and master of the manor.

Colt: Cute woman. Maybe I'll have the guards bond and gag you in the dungeon. Then tortured regularly.

W: *gasps* Nah, I might enjoy it too much.

Colt: Hi Jocasta, this is Colt Brooks,  How are you? Great great, I just wanted to tell  you it was great meeting you today. Yes, I look forward to getting together this week also. Yes, Agnes looks forward to your visit also. Okay talk to you then.

W: So what you doing?

Colt: Studying, go away.

Agnes: YAY.. It's my birthday. I'm getting older and wiser, with more wrinkles.

W: But honey you will always look good to Colt.

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Meeting the Bachelors Pt 2 Updated 2/17
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2015, 10:34:00 AM »
The next day, the bills came in the mail. Colt went to pay them. He received a text that Jocasta was on her way over.

Agnes: Good morning my angel. How are you today?

Agnes: Aren't you a sweet thing. Momma loves you sweetie. Yes I do.

Colt: Good morning Jocasta, how's the family?

Jocasta: Fine, Kids are at school, Simis is at work. He really wants to quit but we need the money.  How is the nooboo?

Colt: Oh she is a doll. Growing like a weed. She is as beautiful as her mother.

Jocasta: That's great. I always hoped Agnes would once again find a man that would love her and give her that love that she deserves.


Colt: Thanks Jocasta, I really do love that woman. She is my soulmate in more ways then one.

Jocasta: That's good to know Colt. I'm so happy for you guys.

Colt: Jocasta, I have been thinking, I'm sure with Christopher Steel being in town and all, you've heard of this Immortal Dynasty?

Jocasta: Oh yes, I've heard of them. Poor Chris, he runs everytime he sees a new woman in town now.

Colt:Well, I'm in one and I was hoping that you and your family would like to move in here with us help us out. Simis could quit his job and fish all day if he likes.

Jocasta: No strings? No slaving at the painting station for me or the sculpting station?

Colt: Nope, and Michael can pursue his cooking dreams and Bella can paint and write till her fingers fall off. I know she loves to paint and write.

Jocasta: Done. You have a deal. Let me call Simis and tell him to start packing and I'll text the kids and tell them to come here right after school. Simis and I can take care of the house.

Colt: Great, Thanks Jocasta, you won't regret it.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Meeting the Bachelors Pt 2 Updated 2/17
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2015, 10:55:44 AM »
Yay, the Bachelors are moving in.

Jocasta: Oh yes, I've heard of them. Poor Chris, he runs everytime he sees a new woman in town now.

Poor Chris, but he can't deny he makes a very good founder spouse  ;D
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Amber & Simis Age Up Updated 2/17
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2015, 11:30:09 AM »
A few days had passed, and everyone settled into a routine. things where going smooth..

W: Oh it's someone birthday today! Your making a birthday cake.

Agnes: Yep, Amber turns into a toddler today. Where is the time going?

Agnes: *adds candles* Now, to get amber and call everyone to celebrate.

*floating baby, neat trick ugh?*
Agnes:  These people are so slow.

Colt: Whoo hoo.. Yes that's my girl..

Colt: *blows horn*

Amber/Agnes: *Blows out candles*


Cute, but most certainly getting a dresser visit.

Agnes went to the consignment shop to see if they had any new camera's in today. Also she was looking for pretty chest that she saw online on a tourist site from China. It said that sometimes they show up in the local shops. But no luck today.

While momma was away. Amber had her makeover:

Agnes worked on Colt's painting.

Jocasta found out see was with child again.

Potty training time.

A couple a days later it was time for Simis to age to Elder,

He blew his candles out

Everyone cheered, they all hooted and hollered and catcalled..

Then out of no where the sparkles came and over took him.

Then in a explosion of sparkles and lights, All that was left was:

An older, grey haired father to be.

While everyone ate cake, Jocasta ate healthy, she ate some of Agnes' lemon cobbler.

Amber started her skilling as toddler..

Colt was busy with getting his YA museum in order.

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Meeting the Bachelors Pt 2 Updated 2/17
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2015, 11:32:15 AM »
Yay, the Bachelors are moving in.

Poor Chris, but he can't deny he makes a very good founder spouse  ;D

Of course Simis and Jocasta are moving in. Colt can't do it without them.  ;D

yes he does. He is a great spouse.

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Welcome Levi Bachelor Updated 2/17
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2015, 12:58:55 PM »
As the days passed, Jocasta was getting ready for the birth of her child.

She was in the greenhouse, gardening when she went into labor.

Jocasta: Oh no. Not now, not in here..

W: Why don't you take it in the Nursery honey, it's a lot warmer in there.

Jocasta: I think it's time. That walk really help *sparkles activated*

Jocasta: AWWW, my nooboo is here and it's a boy..

Jocasta: Watcher meet Levi Bachelor.

W: Well hello there little guy. You have a special future in store for you.

Later Simis had some father/son time.

Colt was out on the back deck, torturing poor Michael on the treadmill.

Colt: Push it boy, harder!!

Colt: Now ready reach in there and give it all you got. No girl is gonna wanna go to the prom with a wimp..

Agnes was finishing up on Ambers toddler portrait.

Soon it was bedtime in Casa Del Brooks as the snow fell quietly on the valley below.

Good morning, I'm looking for some friendship potions. You got any on hand?

Clerk: I don't know sir. Let me check our inventory.

Clerk: Sir, we don't have those, but we do have some potent skill boosters and invigor potions. Would you like those instead?

Colt: *grumbles* I guess, I can use those also. I really need those friendship ones.

Colt: Mrs. Brooks, you are the most breath taking creature in all the valley.

Agnes: Oh Colt. Stop

Agnes: *gasps*

Colt: I will never stop telling you how much I love you Agnes Brooks.

Simis: I'll beat the pants off you this time Colt.

Colt: Not of your life ole man.

Needless to say Simis won.

Later Colt completed the cardio part of the Athletic Skill challenge.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Welcome Levi Bachelor Updated 2/17
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2015, 01:15:08 PM »
Lol, Colt is beaten by girls and old men  ;D Welcome little Levi, I see someone may be a future spouse. Is that Bella as a teen? How are ops with ITF installed? I'd really like to have a greenhouse using the grass carpets.
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Welcome Levi Bachelor Updated 2/17
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2015, 01:22:37 PM »
Yes that is Bella as a teen. Her and Michael are still at this point in my story. In Game not so much. LOL Yeah, Looks like Colt gets beat everyone all over the forum right now. LOL Poor guy.

Levi is so cute. And yes he just might be a future spouse.  ;)

I've never had a problem with the ops with ITF. So I don't know what bug/glitch the others are talking about. Ever since I've installed it, I've always gotten the opportunities. I love having the inside greenhouses when I am playing with the weather on full go with the winter. I never lose my money trees for the winter.

Sorry about all the updates. I'm trying to catch up some. I'm already at the birth of Gen 3 in game.  ::)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Welcome Levi Bachelor Updated 2/17
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2015, 01:27:37 PM »
Ooh, no need to apologise! I always look forward to reading about Colt and you both have inspired me to give this challenge another go no matter what  ;) I may try with ITF, I need to give seasons a good play.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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