Author Topic: Colts Destiny Mods Move TO Graveyard Please  (Read 31542 times)

Offline Lisa46

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day Three Updated
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2015, 12:35:10 PM »
They are just so cute!

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day Three Updated
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2015, 06:42:48 PM »
I'm definitely Killer's #1 fan (I've always liked Rottweilers).

Yay for a new dynasty too! :D
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day Three Updated
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2015, 09:18:23 PM »
It's a shame that Aggie didn't come with a cute little poodle named Healer or something ... a cute little female poodle ...

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day Three Updated
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2015, 03:18:31 AM »
Such a nice dynasty story to read. Great so far. Bookmarked! for further reading and Looking forward for next chapter.

P.S. Killer is really a killer in impressing people, so i am his fan.
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 3 Prefect End to a Prefect Day Updated 2/5
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2015, 07:34:58 AM »
Agnes: Colt, honey, Can I get you come here and look in my eye and see what in it?

Colt: What's wrong momma?

Agnes: *grabbing him and dipping him* Nothing baby, I just wanted to surprise you with this, kisses*

Colt: *chuckles* gasp

Colt: *caressing face* You have no idea how much I miss you when I'm at work Agnes.

Agnes: *worried* Colt?? What's wrong? Are you okay?

Colt: Agnes, I've been in long with your for what seems like an eternity. *pulling something out of pocket*


Colt: *dazzling smile" Agnes Crumplebottom, Will you do me the honor, and be my wife?

Agnes: *smiles* OH My .

Agnes: YES YES YES, I'll marry you Colt Brooks!! I love you too

Agnes: *embraces* Yes it does feel like we have known each other an eternity.

You ain't just whistlin Dixie there honey!

*Jumps into arms*

Colt: Whoa woman.... *chuckles* I take it that you are happy?

Agnes: I didn't hurt you did I?

Colt: You? Hurt me? Never!!

Colt: *whispers in ear* How about we turn off these phones, go into the bedroom and do some private celebrating?

Agnes: *whispers back* You must have read my mind my darling love. Rwarrrr

Colt: WOMAN!! You are too much!! *laughter Pulling tightly closer*
Agnes: *shocked* COLT!! Your hand is ummm.. *being goosed*

Off they went, to do their *private celebrating* But we all know that a watcher is never to far away.


Both:  again??

Colt: Was that music?

Agnes: I think your just hearing things.

Then they both feel asleep in each others arm.

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 6 A Nooboo is Coming Updated 2/5
« Reply #35 on: February 05, 2015, 08:22:27 AM »
A few days after the engagement have gone by. It is now Day 6.

W: What's wrong with you?

Colt: Agnes doesn't look good. She's been painting, but she's tired a lot and her stomach is not settled. She says she's fine.

W: Well maybe you just need to go out there and work out, be with her and just, you know, comfort her with just being there.

Colt: I guess your right.

Killer always brings Colt the paper when he's busy. LOL

Oh, hers she comes now. Why are you running Aggie?

Agnes: OUT OF MY WAY!! I'm sick!!

Agnes: *gag puke*

W: ummm, okay..

Agnes: I can't take this much more. I feel as if my insides are coming out of me.

Colt: See there goes again. I mean if I didn't know better, I would think she was pregnant.

W: Colt. I think she is.

Colt: Oh hush. Not this soon. I didn't hear anything the other night.

W: Hmm yes you did, I heard it.

Colt: *sitting up* I am NOT ready to ba a father this fast!!!

W: To bad playa!! Oh by the way, Mail's here, you got bills.

W: Liking your ball still there Killer?

Killer: Yep. How's the master doing? Has he figured out the she creature is going to have pups yet?

W: You know? How?

Killer: I'm a dog, remember? We know these things. It's instinct. *rolls ball* Now go away, I want to play.

W: Oh speaking of mailboxes. Guess who joined my forum and is doing a dynasty?

Colt: Who???

W: Well, I'll whisper .. *she is psst, sss.. ppssst psst *

Colt: Really, forum name Zosa? Well I'll have to make sure Agnes adds her to my gift list and send her some welcoming gifts.

W: Awwww, she'll like that big guy.

W: Aww look, Twiddle D and Twiddle Dumb watching the sport channel.

Colt: Oh your so funny today. Now go away.

Later in the evening:

Killer: Smell like a Bunch, Looks like a Bunch.. Most be a Bunch.

Killer: But she has a brush and is brushing me. so I likes her!! *licks*

Agnes: Great, I think the grilled cheese is ruined!! It's burnt..


Agnes: Awww Nooboo.. That's why I've been so sick..

Colt *cough choke* WATER!! Nothing like well done grilled cheese.

Agnes: Colt, honey, We are gonna have a baby.

Colt: Are you sure?

Agnes: Yep, Would I be wearing this if I wasn't?

Colt: Oh honey. That's great news. I'm so happy.

Agnes: I'm gonna go to bed, it's been a long day.

Colt: *glaring at watcher*

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 6 A Nooboo is Coming Updated 2/5
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2015, 08:39:20 AM »
An engagement! Whoop, whoop! Watcher is creeping! Music??? Yay! Half-dressed Colt working out, check! Awwww, a mention in the story! I lubs you, Colt! *sneaks a hug* The house is turning out nicely! Burned grilled cheese? Sadly I’ve done that too, Agnes. Bahaha! The look on Colt’s face at the end! Great updates. I’m ready for the nooboo chapters.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 6 A Nooboo is Coming Updated 2/5
« Reply #37 on: February 05, 2015, 08:58:56 AM »
An engagement! Whoop, whoop! Watcher is creeping! Music??? Yay! Half-dressed Colt working out, check! Awwww, a mention in the story! I lubs you, Colt! *sneaks a hug* The house is turning out nicely! Burned grilled cheese? Sadly I’ve done that too, Agnes. Bahaha! The look on Colt’s face at the end! Great updates. I’m ready for the nooboo chapters.

This watcher is always creeping!! LOL Colt loves to work out half dressed. Just the way he is. Conceded and all, you know.

He said to tell you he "lubs" you too. 

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 6 A Nooboo is Coming Updated 2/5
« Reply #38 on: February 05, 2015, 09:54:32 AM »
Colt, you had me with that dazzling smile  ;D Congrats on the wedding and the nooboo!
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 6 A Nooboo is Coming Updated 2/5
« Reply #39 on: February 05, 2015, 11:47:08 PM »
Oh Colt... Congrats to the two on their nooboo and their upcoming nuptials ^^

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 7 Love is Grand Updated 2/8
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2015, 06:05:38 PM »
Agnes: I'm going to the Dr today for my checkup. Her name is Dr. Jamie Jolina. She is local and good Dr.

Colt: Great honey. I'm sorry I have to work, but let me know what she says okay?

Colt: Off to another fun filled day. I hope the Boss doesn't get another hair brained schemed like the other night that landed me in jail.

W: Oh you'll be okay, just think about that new baby your gonna be having soon.

Soon it was time for Agnes to leave. She had just finish reading one of the baby books she had heard about. She bought it online.

She took her new car today.

It was already late afternoon by the time she got there.

When she came out the sun had set and she was ready to head home. Dr. Jolina said the baby was fine. To drink plenty of water and eat right.

So she went home sculpted till time for Colt to return.

She had been standing on the balcony when he came in. She didn't hear him.

Colt: *wrapping his arms around her* Hello beautiful. How are you tonight?

Agnes: *startled* Oh Colt, Fine, I didn't hear you, I'm sorry, I was lost in thought.

Colt: You did seem a million miles away momma. Everything's okay with you and the baby?

Agnes: Oh yes, we are fine, daddy. Just thinking how lucky I am that you came into my life when you did, that's all.

Colt: *whispering* Marry me tonight baby. Right here, right now. I love you ..

Agnes: Are you serious Colt? Marry you right here. Where we stand?

Colt: Yes woman, right here right now. I don't care if it's in the junkyard, just as long as it's with you.

Agnes: With this ring, I give you my heart, my soul and my breathe. I promise from the day forward, you shall not walk alone, may my heart be your shelter, and my arms be your home. I will forever love you from now till the end of all times.

Colt: *goo*

Colt: *clears throat* Agnes, I have given alot of thought what I would say to you. And what I'm about to say is truly from my heart.

I take you to be my partner for life. I promise about all else to live in truth with you, and to communicate fully and fearlessly. I give you my hand, my heart, my soul and my breathe as a sanctuary of warmth and peace and pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor as a man. Today I join my life to yours for all eternity.

Colt: What where you out there all sobbing and crying for?

W: That was so beautiful. You big lug.

Colt: Go away woman, Don't you have other stories to read or watchers to talk too?

Here's the Nursery:

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 7 Love is Grand Updated 2/8
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2015, 06:09:05 PM »
Those vows, I'm in tears. Agnes, dear, have the booboo already  ;D
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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 7 Love is Grand Updated 2/8
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2015, 06:15:52 PM »
Those vows, I'm in tears. Agnes, dear, have the booboo already  ;D

You?? I was the one writing them for them. Sometimes it hard not to write the same stuff over and over. So I run to Google and search "Wedding Vows", find what I think and then make them, well theirs. I add a few things and that's that.  ;D

Soon, patience

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter One, Day 7 Love is Grand Updated 2/8
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2015, 07:25:11 PM »
I-I'm not gonna cry... oh who am I kidding!?  That was beautiful and I'm gonna blubber like a baby!

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Re: Colts Destiny Chapter Two Nooboo Cuteness Updated 2/8
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2015, 07:25:35 PM »
A few days have passed ..

Colt: Who came up with these Skill Challenges? I mean really..

W: No clue, but you have to do them.

Colt: Oh I am, I need to look good for my woman, and be able to protect my child.

W: How's it going down here?

Agnes: Have I told you how much I hate sculpting? But it has to be done. I was thinking that after the baby is born, I'll go to City Hall and register as a Self Employed Sculptor and makes some money while I'm at it.

W: Sounds good to me. But please Agnes take it easy.

W: How's my favorite pooch today?

Killer: I'm just duckie. Do you know when he is going to give me a bath? I need to look good for my next outing. Never know who I might meet.

Colt: How do you manage to get so dirty Killer?

Killer: Oooooh that feels good..

Colt: I'm gonna need more soap.

Killer: Yeah the smell good kind. HEY!! Watch the eyes man, the stuff stings.

Colt: Hey, stay out of the lake and the dirt.

Killer: See ya later dude. I got a go meet my public.

As the sun was setting:

Agnes: OOooohhh, awwwww.

W: Get upstairs now Agnes..

Agnes: Pain!! Cramps, this hurts.

Agnes: Aww, we need a nice teddy bear in here. I think..  eeeeeee  oooooo

Agnes: It's almost time!! The baby's almost here..

Agnes: Something is happening..

Agnes: Oh look sparkles.. it's time.

Agnes: It's a girl!! She's beautiful..

Welcome Amber Brooks Generation 2

Agnes put her in the swing and she played for a while.

Then it was time for sleep.

Colt: Did my little princess want her daddy? hmm Yes she did..

Amber: *goos and caws*

Colt: You want to go upstairs and have daddy rock you for a bit?

Amber: *suckles fingers and holds Colts*

Colt: *melts* My precious baby. Daddy will protect with every breath I have in my body. I love you and mommy that much.

He took her to her room gave her a bottle and it was back to bed for both.

