Author Topic: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Failed requirements, Graveyard please  (Read 19471 times)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 Feb update
« Reply #60 on: February 16, 2015, 05:18:51 AM »
Nawwarf! What a way to mess with Don, and I burst out laughing when the Hermit didn't want to hug. I love the way you take screenshots just when the Sims look at the camera. A delightful read as usual.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 Feb update
« Reply #61 on: February 16, 2015, 10:54:51 AM »
*falls off chair laughing* Oh Watcher, reading your stories is dangerous before opening at work XD  Especially with your Sim's expressions.  Nawwaf, don't ever change!  That is just too funny!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 Feb update
« Reply #62 on: February 16, 2015, 11:47:19 AM »
OMG!! And here I thought the twins had it bad with Rory! LOL Poor Don.

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 Feb update
« Reply #63 on: February 16, 2015, 09:20:48 PM »
@Playalot - Yes, I was surprised as well that the Hermit could visit, thought it would make it easier to be friends with him for Alena's aspiration... But it didn't register that they were friends until she went back to Granite Falls and visited him again at his house (they were already showing as good friends too)

@Nettlejuice - Aww.. Thank you Nettie  :)

@Shewolf13 - I adore Nawwaf! He cracks me up so much with his dead pan expressions all the time, he practically writes himself!

@sdhoey - I do feel sorry for Don, but I just love Nawwaf too much to do anything about it! hahaha. Although I think that Rory is 10 times better at messing with the twins!!

Thanks for reading and commenting guys - you always make me smile!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 Feb update
« Reply #64 on: February 16, 2015, 10:56:23 PM »
Don "Tell me you didn't know he was messing with me.. tell me Watcher"

hehehe.. come on ... it was pretty funny for an old guy right?

Don "No"

So what.. you made him think that he was going to have to do something terrible? Wow Nawwarf.. that's impressive

Nawwarf "I would say pure genius really my dear"

Nawwarf "And I would now like to make another anouncement! It's regarding my dia..."


I've got a good idea for next time Nawwarf.. how about you sneak up to him and..

Oh Don.. she is enjoying this a bit too much huh?

Don "Hey? What was that? Giving Diaper Boy ideas of how to annoy me next?"

Well I thought that if we could keep him busy.. you know not just physically, but keep his mind busy he might stay around for a while - you know, hide him from Death for a bit

I mean it's not too much to put up with a bit of teasing and stuff for a while is it?

Don *silence*


Don "OK.. mmm.. Just had a thought. Why don't we get married tomorrow? What do you think?"

*gush* Oh yes!

You look all goofy.. why do you look all goofy?

Oh.. no reason *goofy smile*

[Next Morning]

Um.. why is there a wedding cake there Missy?

Don? Don? What are we telling the Watcher again?


Don "..Just do it! Don't tell her anything"


Don't you dare..! You are not even changed! You don't even have a wedding dress as your formal outfit.. Alena Cloudbringer.. I'm warning you.. put down that..


Nawwarf, you better hurry up and get up to the house, the kids are getting married.. apparently..

Nawwarf "Certainly, I'm on my way"

Watch out for that log!!

Nawwarf "Never fear my dear, I am a professional."

Don "You know how much I love you Ms Cloudbringer and I am willing to do anything for you. Thank you for choosing me"

Oh Don, there just simply wasn't anyone else in the entire Simverse that I could even see.. except for you

Don "We are a great team and I know that will never change *leaning in* Wasn't it fun messing with the watcher?"



Don "So with this ring, I want to wed the"

*rolling eyes* I the wed! I the Wed!..*sigh*

I do, I do, I do!!

You are now husband and wife..

Don "Come here my lady"

Congratulations Don. Well done and although I am disappointed that you guys didn't dress up - I am very happy for you both

Don "Thank you Watcher *manic grin*"

Are you going to at least get changed now? You know for the party?

Don "I could.. Maybe.. If I wanted to.."

Touche Grasshopper.. touche..

I bet you didn't think your non committal husband would be celebrating so much did you!

I know.. isn't he just adorably dorky?? I think he even frightened Titus a bit!

*sigh* Thank you Don

Don "Your welcome Watcher"

You look beautiful Princess, and so happy! Congratulations

Thank you, I am so.. I don't know.. I feel so light, like I'm in a bubble

I'm delighted for you

Don "I just wanted to get you alone for a few moments, I need you to know how I feel about this.. all this marriage stuff"

All this marriage stuff?? Really Don? Don't start with your Non Committal stuff right now

Don "No! No! I meant.. that even though I am programmed to be terrified of this.. you know.. marriage stuff.. I just don't seem to be able to stop smiling"

Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure that you are not going to regret this tomorrow?

I mean, I can see why you enjoyed the ceremony so much because we were messing with the Watcher - but you need to be honest with me.

Don "Look deep into my eyes Alena, I know I have never loved anyone like I love you and I am positive that I will never meet another human being on this planet that is going to make me feel so alive and happy like you do. You are my BFF, my *gulp* wife and my soul mate and we are in this together.. always"

Don "I love you"

And I love you

So much. You are my whole world Mr Lothario-Cloudbringer

Not to self.. hide this photo from Alena.. way to ruin a moment filthy toilet..

Goodnight my wonderful family and I'm so proud of you both

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 Feb update
« Reply #65 on: February 16, 2015, 11:12:26 PM »
AWWW That was so sweet. But did they have to be mean to the watcher?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 Feb update
« Reply #66 on: February 16, 2015, 11:26:49 PM »
Hehehe, that was so cute!  I can understand being put out when they aren't all dressed up!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 Feb update
« Reply #67 on: February 17, 2015, 05:57:20 AM »
Congrats to the happy couple! Love Don's sweet talk.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 Feb update
« Reply #68 on: February 17, 2015, 09:44:00 AM »
I had similar troubles with wedding dress code - I had moved in Bob and Eliza Pancakes and Eliza decided not to get dressed for the wedding party of my own founder.  ::)

Keep up the good work.
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Offline KTK10

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 Feb update
« Reply #69 on: February 17, 2015, 09:28:18 PM »
@sdhoey - I know! I might just have to have a fatal mouse movement to show who's boss!  ;)

@Shewolf13  - I couldn't understand why they didn't change. I looked at all the forums on the wedding parties and they normally do.. :o  At least I get a chance to try again with the next generation

@Nettlejuice - Thanks! Don knows how to say the right thing.. even if it may be at the wrong time!

@EtnaFan666 - Thanks for reading! I was pretty bummed, coz I was looking forward to seeing what outfits the game would give.. oh well  :-\

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 17 Feb update
« Reply #70 on: February 17, 2015, 11:50:16 PM »
What? What is it? Are you OK?

Nawwarf "Please Watcher, stop asking ridiculous questions and enter my room quickly"

I'm coming.. Oh God.. please don't let it be.. Oh Heck No!! *shields eyes*

Um.. Why did you need to see me so desperately Nawwarf?

Nawwarf "Well you are always complaining that you never get to see my eyes. Please don't be ungrateful young lady"

Um.. Thank You?

Nawwarf "Precisely"

Oh Alena, am coming to warn you about Naww... Hey! Why do you look so happy?

3 guesses Watcher!

Yay!!! FINALLY a Nooboo!!

Gosh this toilet is FILTHY! Thank goodness I got to it before anyone noticed

Um.. Ok.. sure.. why not..

I can't wait to tell Don he is going to be a Daddy. I just know that he is going to be so.. um... so.. um..

Scared? Worried? Terrified?

Yeah, all those.. but he'll also be happy

You are 100% right about that Princess. What are you guys doing today?

Well now I know I'm doing an Immortal Dynasty and not just a plain Dynasty/Legacy..

*cough cough*

I have one more Gold Party to achieve - so am going to try a house party today


I'm determined to get it today

Nawwarf "Am I able to help in some way young lady?"

Thank you Nawwarf, that would be wonderful. I heard you gave the Watcher a bit of a shock this morning

Nawwarf "Yes, apparently she thought I was dying. A bit rude really"

Yeah, I guess so.. Ooh.. are these Fritata's ok? I'm feeling a bit queasy

Nawwarf "Just morning sickness child. Now, best go and get dressed"

How did you know?

Nawwarf "I am old, not deaf"


He means Old not dumb.. but he's right, you need to get changed

Don "You can see my cards can't you? That's why you are winning.. you can see my cards! Why are you smiling??"

Oh.. Nothing.. *crazy grinning* And I can not see your cards! I just play better

Nawwarf "Yes my dear, orange juice. Orange Juice is very good for you, especially now"

*gritted teeth* Stop talking old man

Don "*thinking*He is so weird!"

Can you excuse us for a moment Nawwarf? I need to talk to my husband for a minute

Nawwarf "Of course my dear. Of course you do.. I wish you luck"

Don *thinking* Soo weird!!"

Don "That bloke is weird, I'm telling you Alena.. He is so weird!"

Hey handsome.. how you doin?

Don "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

I know.. I told you ages ago.. I'm no good at flirting

But I think I might be getting better

Don "But not great! hahaha"

Um guys...Oh no..

Nawwarf? Honey? Stay with us.. please stay with us

Nawwarf "What are you talking about child? I am right here"

GUYS!!! Hurry!! Nawwarf, Thank you.. or everything you have done to help this family

Nawwarf "It is so nice to be thanked young lady.. why are you all blurry?"

GUYS!! IT'S NAWWARF!! Wait honey, wait until they get here please

oh no.. oh no!! *sob* YOU, get out of this house.. NOW

Death "Will be finished in a moment, don't rush me"

Don "Where is he? Where is he? Oh no... *sobbing* Please don't leave.. Oh ..I .. can't.. even.."

*Stunned silence*

So this is what it's going to be like for me isn't it? Just watching people I love die.. all around me.. all the time..

Don "*sobbing*"


I'm going to live forever and because of that.. remember this moment and then the moment of my husband dying.. forever... *intake of breath*

Why are you still here Death.. I said GET OUT

Death "On my way"

Don "Goodbye my friend, I've never been so scared or laughed so much.. because of you.. *sob*"

Was it peaceful for him? Did he know it was happening? Did he leave any last words like Rowan did?

*crossing fingers behind back* He knew Princess and he was so pleased about the baby

That makes me smile.. Thank you watcher

Where are you going?

Don "To cry.. Go away"

What are you doing?

Lighting a fire in memory of Nawwarf

He would have loved that.. and I see you are roasting some beetles?

Yeah - it was his favourite thing to eat when we went camping..

Oh no.. How am I going to tell Titus?

Leave it with me Princess.. Oi... what are you still doing here??

Death "Thought I would hang around for a bit"

Offline Playalot

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 18 Feb update
« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2015, 02:51:00 AM »
Oh  :-\ that sucked. RIP Nawwarf. You and your diaper jokes will be missed.

I loved Don and Alena's wedding, the whole 'casual yet meaningful' theme was great! They also looked just fantastic once they 'decided' to get dressed up. Alena's hair looks so cute. I love those little buns!

Aaaand nearly forgot... woo! Nooboo!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 18 Feb update
« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2015, 06:20:13 AM »
Not Nawwarf  :'( Just when Alena is pregnant too, wish I could have seen what he would be like with the nooboo.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 18 Feb update
« Reply #73 on: February 18, 2015, 08:48:18 AM »
Grim is so mean!! RIP Nawwarf, I loved his jokes on Don.

Congrats on the Nooboo

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 18 Feb update
« Reply #74 on: February 21, 2015, 11:12:33 AM »
@Playalot - I love them too! Great for any style! I will miss writing Nawwarf - he was really cool  :-\

@Nettlejuice - I think they would have been swapping diaper opinions! sucks that he didn't get just two more days

@sdhoey - Yay!! I love Nooboos.. and yes, Nawwarf is going to be missed.. however, spelling out his name is NOT! LOL

Just taking a very short break guys as Alena and Don are busy being baby boomers for the challenge!