Author Topic: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Failed requirements, Graveyard please  (Read 19466 times)

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2015, 03:46:17 PM »
Awwwww!  So cute!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2015, 05:40:28 AM »
Nawwaf and Don, just can't stop laughing. Oh, Don is proposing!
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2015, 08:28:51 PM »
@sdhoey - Yeah he is.. Can't help but love him though!
@Shewolf13 - They really are!
@Nettlejuice - I just love Nawwaf, he was pretty much the same expression.. all the time! Unless he is automonously hugging people! I just LOVE elders!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2015, 03:08:35 AM »
omg way too funny!

"Nawwaf "Last one to the ocean gets to change my diaper!"   ;D Had me laughing out loud, a lot! Fantastic updates. Seriously love this Don, but I'm with Wolf on my nagging suspicions about where he's been going and who he's been seeing.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #49 on: February 07, 2015, 05:20:50 AM »
Hey KTK!  So it looks like you might have run into trouble with photobucket again...  If so, I'd recommend you switch to Imgur.  I've been using it for everything and so far it's not given me any issues at all.  It's also got some basic photo editing, and it's very easy to use, imo. 
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2015, 05:52:13 AM »
@dethdukk - Thanks! I haven't looked at this for a couple of days and had no idea that I had run out of bandwith. I would definitely switch if I could.. but I am way too lazy to set up all the links again! There should be plenty now (I hope)  ;D

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed!
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2015, 01:18:01 PM »
What?  Seriously.. what??

You mean that you.. Mr Non Committal.. is asking Me.. Miss Ambitious freak.. to marry you? Have I got that right?

Don "Feel the love baby"

Ok, Ok, put it on! *jumping up and down* put it on!!

Yep.. yep.. that feels.. um... goooooood.. Wanna see?

Don "I've seen it honey.."

How many carots is this?? Oh My!

Don "So? Is that a yes? You are kind of leaving me hanging here Alena.. and I'm feeling a bit of dejavu again.."

*mumbles* Not too expensive, but in the right ball park I think

Don "Alena?"

Yes! Oh for the love of everything YES! .. you better be strong enough Mr!

Don "*oommff*"

Don't let my feet hit the ground Don.. I mean it.. I think I will just float away

Don " I promise, your feet will get nowhere near the ground"

Morning. You look a little sheepish this morning


And you look extremely happy Mr Lothario - or is it confident?

Don "Does it matter?"

Not a bit.. I understand that there are a couple of birthday's today. How are you feeling about getting a little older you guys?

Don "No, no, no, no... and no.. No parties for me.. I mean it"

Oh come on! I think it would be fun. You and I having a co-party. I can make you your favourite hamburger cake.. I have maxed cooking and gourmet cooking as you know, so I can guarantee it will be *singing* AWESOME!

Don "Do you really think I need a reminder of the fact that I am going to die and you are going to live forever and this birthday is just enhancing that terrible reality?"

I didn't think.. I'm sorry

Nwwaf "Who needs a hug?"

Actually, it's time to blow out my candles. Welcome to Adult hood Alena!'

Nawwaf "What no whish?"

Nope.. actually...

You ok?

Nawwaf "I'm WAY too old for this hamburger lark lassie.. I'm having some major toilet and smell issues here"

I'll leave you to it Nawwaf..phewy..*waving hand over face*

So how did you sleep Don? You proud of yourself and how you acted last night?

Don "Keep out of it Watcher"

Oh don't take that attitude with me Mr.. I know where you have been going and what you have been doing

Don "Don't threaten me Watcher"

Don "I can always leave and take Alena with me.. then what? You will be left with an unfinished tale.. yet again .."

I think you forget how much control I still have Don. *moves mouse*

Now wake up. I'm only going to say this once. Your wife made you an extra cake before heading off to work because she didn't want you to feel sad because you didn't celebrate your birthday. She left it in the kitchen. Go out there RIGHT NOW and see what she has done for you

Don "Oh geesh"

Can't you see how amazing she is by doing this for you? After what you said at her birthday party..

Blow out the candles Don

Don "No"

Come on.. don't be such a baby.. blow out the candles

Don "No"

Blow out the DARN CANDLES!!

Happy Birthday Don

Don "I hate you"

*walking away* hehehe.. that was fun!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed and new update
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2015, 01:39:01 PM »
hahaha... omg that was fun! Giggling like crazy as usual.  ;D
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed and new update
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2015, 02:33:23 PM »
You show him who's boss. He's full of himself lately. He needs to be knocked down a couple of pegs. Tell him Rory Brooks know where he's been also and he'll tell his grandpa.. LOL  ::)

Offline KTK10

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed and new update
« Reply #54 on: February 07, 2015, 02:40:01 PM »
@Playalot - Thanks!  ;D

@sdhoey - I believe he will be scared out of his whits if Colt turned up!! LOL!! But will definitely pass on Rory's message  ;)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed and new update
« Reply #55 on: February 07, 2015, 04:12:23 PM »
Aw, I don't like seeing Don get old! Congrats on the engagement, I was laughing so much at Alena's expressions.
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed and new update
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2015, 01:20:54 PM »
Oh, oh, I have tears in my eyes, I'm laughing so hard!  You show him, KTK!  And of course, now you have managed to pique my curiosity about where he's going! 

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Pictures Fixed and new update
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2015, 08:02:43 AM »
@Nettlejuice - I keep watching his age bar when in game getting so worried as I hate how it keeps creeping up  :(

@Shewolf13 - Thanks so much Wolf  ;D I am hoping to update in the next couple of days.. so all may be revealed!

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2015, 11:11:25 PM »

Don "Hey! That's not funny. I could have injured myself!"

It was a little bit funny... you should have seen your face!

Don "I'll show you a face...*grumble grumble*"

*laughing* Ok.. I'm sorry. Really I am, so tell me what are you guys up to today?

Don "Guys? Are you losing your mind a bit there watcher? It's only me out here.. See? Take a look around *snickers*"

Nawwarf "Ahem.. Excuse me young man.. that was a bit insulting you know"

Don "What the?"

Don "*whispering* Where the heck did he come from ?"

Nawwarf "What a very nice chat we have had young Don. I look forward to you fulfilling your promise to me, it was very generous"

Um.. Nawwarf? What was the promise you got Don to make?

Nawwarf  "Why it was simple Watcher. Nothing."

Then I am completely confused

Nawwarf "I think you young ones phrase it.. Ahem.. I'm just messing with him"

Oh! Bwaaahahahaha!!

Nawwarf "Indeed"

Don "*Talking to self* Jeez.. did I promise to hug on demand? Perhaps change his diaper when we next go camping.. oh boy.. It couldn't be that I would go fishing with him tomorrow coz I have a thing.. maybe it was to play cards.. yeah it has to be that.. cards.."

Hey you! I haven't seen you around much tonight. How are things going?

Pretty tough actually. I'm not liking the herbology choice I made and I'm beginning to think that you will need to pick something else for me

Why? I thought that you loved making remedies?

Oh I do! That part is fun. But I'm not a gardener, nor am I a collector and apparently this 'skill' insists that I do both.. and don't get me started on that ridiculous aspiration that goes along with it!

But Princess.. we have already worked out which generation is going to do what.. you agreed..

I have changed my mind.. OK??

Don "*Still talking to self* Or maybe it wasn't cards? Maybe he knows and is blackmailing me into coming next time.. nahh, can't be that"

What the heck is going on around here? Why is everyone so fiesty tonight?.. Anyone?


Don "*To himself* I have to find out what it was.. this is driving me crazy! Silly old man.. it could have been just a simple 'brush my hair' request. I bet he is excited about it, whatever it is.. Silly old fool is probably making plans right now"

Nawwarf "*Snore...*"

You OK now?

Yeah.. full moon. Ignore what I said before, I'll keep trying... I think..


[Next Morning]

So how are you today Don? Sleep well?

Don "Are you joking? This promise thing is driving me crazy"

How about you Princess? All Ok on the sleep front?

Yes I did! Thank you. I am pretty sure I am getting a promotion tonight and then it's the WEEKEND!!

Actually it's Tuesday tomorrow..

Hang on.. that's right.. it's MY weekend.. not the ACTUAL weekend.. are you trying to be funny?

Clearly not successfully..

Don "You're brave.. I'd never mess with a woman with a knife.. scratch that.. two knives!"

That's right baby! I hope you remember that!

Don "*gulp*

Hi Nawwarf! I see that you invited Titus over for a visit. It's nice to see the Hermit out of his comfort zone

Nawwarf "I had no idea we had so much in common my friend"

Titus "Me either! I'm so pleased that I decided to venture out of Granite Falls"

Nawwarf "Shall we hug it out? I do love to hug! *moving in*"

Titus "Step back please.. I prefer NOT to hug other men if you don't mind"


Nawwarf don't be too sad honey.. remember he is a Hermit and isn't used to much human contact

Titus "Is he still looking at me?"

Titus "I think I might just lay here and cloudgaze for a while.."

Nawwarf "What a wonderful idea! I think I will join you"

Again.. Phew

Titus "You see that cloud up there? That looks like my hut"

Nawwarf "What that one?"

Titus "Yes! That one"

Nawwarf "ooh! See that one over there? That one looks like the contents of my.."

Nawwarf!! Don't you dare finish that sentence!

What's wrong with you?

Don "Just heard what Nawwarf was saying.. got to say.. I am scared Watcher..  He is so.. Weird!! Can't you just.. I don't know.. go back in time or something and tell me what I promised?"

I could.. Maybe.. If I wanted to

Don "I'll make it worth your while..!"

Oh you are pathetic.. *walking away*

Don "I think I'll just go and ask him straight out.. just one more drink and I'll do it"

How did you go?

Don "*grumbling* He told me to talk to the 'magical plant' for a while and then he might tell me..*grumble grumble*"

I love you Nawwarf

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty - 16 Feb update
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2015, 02:02:14 AM »
Well, Nawwarf certainly knows how to 'mess with him' like a pro! LOL and the hermit can actually visit? woah! I didn't even know that was a thing!  :o
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