Author Topic: Cloudbringer Dynasty - Failed requirements, Graveyard please  (Read 19470 times)

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Cloudbringer Dynasty - Failed requirements, Graveyard please
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:55:53 PM »
Watcher?.. Watcher?.. Oh no.. Watcher??

WATCHER!! I'm scared.. am I blind?? Where's Don? Where's my babies?? Jaxon? Karly?? Watcher?? Please? I'm so scared..I only see black!

Alena.. Alena.. I'm here *sniff sniff* I'm here.. they are gone princess....... I'm sorry..I'm so sorry

no. No. NO. I was happy.. I don't believe you, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU


Oh no.. oh no... Please don't .. please..

I have to... I'm..sorr..yy.. Welcome to your new (old) home Alena Cloudbringer

This is too hard..Please don't make me do this without them.. Oh God.. Please?....

Princess.. Princess! PRINCESS! I promise.. I truly will get your man back. I will search all of these worlds for him. Jaxon and Karly are ok.. I promise. They have achieved their ambitions, had children, got married and lived amazing lives.. all because of you and Don. I swear... They are happy Alena. But we need to start again, we need to begin a Dynasty. It's about time that you become immortal...

Stop talking.. seriously.     Stop talking.. I need to paint.. OH GOD.. YOU CHANGED MY TRAITS??


I am useless at everything now? Why do I want to go outside?

you are now a lover of the outdoors.. plus you are ambitious and a perfectionist.

Ok.. It's ok.. I get it now.. it's all a big joke right? I'll even ring that.. woma..woma. I still can't say her name. I'm sure she'll tell me

Dina doesn't know who you are Alena.. please.. this is too much honey..

What are you asking me to do Watcher?? I will never forgive you for this.. ever!!

Gosh I wish that was true, but when it comes to Dynasties, an amnesia happens and you will forget the most important things

How could you say that? You know me! I will never forget.. CAN YOU HEAR ME!!

*sniff sniff* I can.. *sniff sniff*  Hello Alena Cloudbringer.. Welcome to Willow Creek

Oh!! Hi!! You caught me catching Master Chef.. hehehehe!!

Hi Princess.. my name is Watcher and I am here to help you to create a Dynasty. You should know that your traits are "Loves the outdoors", "Foodie","Perfectionist"

Oh Good.. Then that must explain this!

Perhaps you can tell me why I suck at the food thing?

You don't suck, you just need practice. That is all.. Why don't you go to the park for a visit?

Yep.. Sounds..

WOW!! That was quick!! Who is that?

Rowan. Her name is Rowan and she is amazing,, trust me, you want to be friends with her

Hi! Um.. I'll be honest, I don't remember much about my life except for the last hour or so.. um.. Hi??

I know that you have no clue who I am, but I get the feeling that I have been here before. Not only that.. but I was actually important..Oh dear.. that sounds so self important doesn't it..

Rowan *Never judge yourself or the people around you. Feel what you feel and your life will come to you"

What? Ahem... What?

Rowan "I bet that you are happily confused right? hahaha.. perhaps it's time to make a choice?"

A choice? Mmmm... Oh... oh..... You know my watcher don't you

Rowan "yes"

You better come home with me then

Rowan "OK"

Rowan "This is it?"

You know what? This is the first time I've seen it too. I think I like my new house!

But geesh.. I'm tired... Why? Perhaps.. oh never mind..

Rowan "Does she know?"

Rowan "Seriously.. Does she know what is happening around here?"

Oh sweetie.. do you??

Offline Playalot

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 04:30:11 PM »
So excited to see another dynasty story from you KTK10. Woo! Good luck, can't wait to see how it all unfolds.  :D
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 05:11:42 PM »
Alena is so beautiful, please say you have her up on the Gallery! I love Don so I hope they get together :D
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 05:38:58 PM »
Will Princess and Don going to be together again this time? It’s such a heart-wrecking to see what happened to the last Cloudbringer. I hope that she’s will reunited again with Jaxon and Karly in the alternate universe :D

Good luck with your ID, KTK ^^
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2015, 08:07:29 PM »
Poor Alena.  I can't help but feel for her... but then I giggled a bit too hard at the amnesia XD  I have this problem with playing a family after a certain point, so if something happens in a challenge, particularly if they have had a spouse and especially if they have had children.

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2015, 08:30:12 PM »
You better hope she don't get her memory back. LOL

Offline KTK10

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2015, 06:28:42 AM »
@Playalot - I am hoping that I can get all of her requirements done! I am quite a bit ahead in my game. Was going to wait until I had got everything done before posting anything.. but got impatient with myself! hahaha
@Nettlejuice - Thank you for reading! Yes, Alena is on the Gallery, but under a different name which I can't remember  :-[ I put her there in's under #KTK10 I think? PM me if you can't find her and I'll go find her. I think Alena will agree with you about hoping she gets to marry Don
@arimau - Thanks Ari, am hoping to have much better luck with the Cloudbringer's this time.. as they say "try and try again!"
@Shewolf13 - I like having selective amnesia myself! LOL!
@sdhoey - I am a little scared of Alena's temper.. I must admit!  ;D

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2015, 08:40:58 AM »
The hashtag didn't work so I tried Origin ID and found her, thanks for sharing <3
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2015, 09:32:10 AM »
Ahhhh! I am so following this. I have taken a liking to your fantastically awkward but adorable sim.  ;D
“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

Offline KTK10

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2015, 08:50:43 AM »
@Nettlejuice - am so pleased you found her.. enjoy!
@imayu94 - Yay! Thank you for reading, she is actually my very favourite sim

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2015, 01:04:26 AM »
Well good morning Rowan, you look exceptionally happy today

Rowan "I am! I get to start a garden today! My very own garden.. wow.. I have had level 10 gardening skill since I can remember and not once have I had my own garden!"

Well once you have got the snap dragons planted, would you mind taking up fishing? Alena will need some Angel fish

Rowan "On it!"

And what are you going to be doing today Princess?

I think I'm going to try this cooking thing.. I have a feeling that I used to be ok at it.. how is that even possible?? oh nevermind, just me being silly

Hey, check out my knife action! Look at me go!!

I'm really am pretty good at this stuff! Am loving the foodie trait... ow ow ow ow.. oh gheesh..

Hot, Hot, Hot!! Where is a towel?.. what? no towels? Hang on..

Crisis averted. Phew.. time to cool off

How are you doing Rowan? Oh boy.. you look exhausted.. but happy?

Rowan "I am watcher, but what an incredible day I have had. I planted my first seed, caught quite a few fish.."

Rowan "Went to the park to check out the Angel fish situation, as you know we need some dear.."

Rowan "While I was there I was trying to see if there were any suitable gentlemen for our girl here, but to be honest there is no one around that took my fancy.. ahem.. I mean no one around that I would think Alena would be interested in. But I DID hear about this secret place to go fishing and guess what? I found it."

What a wonderful day for you! Oh Rowan, I just checked your traits again.. you are a romantic aren't you

Rowan "It's ok love, I knew when I moved in that romance was going to be off the cards for me"

I'm sorry Rowan, I really am.. Would you like to go out on the town tonight? Maybe at least meet a nice Gentleman Caller?

Rowan "Honestly love, I'm just too exhausted. But take the girl out for a bit of fun"

Hey Princess! Want to go to a club tonight? Thought you may want to skill up on your mixolo..hey.. what's up?

I don't know.. I just feel like there is this massive gap in my life. That there are people or things missing from it. I know it doesn't make sense.

Come on, I know how to cheer you up. You've already done your makeup and got changed.. how about it?

Yes, of course. Why not?

You look good behind a bar! You also look a bit happier too

Actually feeling pretty good now. Thank you for pushing me to come out

Oh! Oh! Alena.. come quickly. Stop what you are doing right now.. I found him, I found him!

Who? What are you talking about?

For goodness sake.. just come!.. Look!

Oh.My.God. OH MY.. Sorry.. *shakes head*

Honey, say something!! Don't just stand there with your mouth open

He's just so.. so ... *sigh* Hi, I'm Alena Cloudbringer, it's so nice to meet you

Don "Hi? I'm Don, Don Lothario.. have we met before? You just look so familiar"

I know right? When I noticed you over there I was thinking exactly the same thing

Don "It's like I've only just met you.. but I feel like I know everything about you. It's a very odd feeling for me to have to be honest"

Couldn't agree more.. but I like it.

Listen, it's really late and I will have to go before I pass out.. But I'm going to be having a party at my house tomorrow, very small party.. a get together really.. would you like to come?

Don "I truly couldn't think of anything else I would rather do"

That's great! I'm at the Oakenstead place in Willow Creek, about 12ish?

Don "I'll be there. I'm excited already"

Oh watcher above.. is there such a thing as love at first sight?

Not to my Sleep well my princess


Morning!! Are you excited?

Nervous.. hey! I haven't got my makeup on!

*whispers* Deja vu..still the same princess for sure.


Not a thing. You better think about starting to cook, Rowan has been up for hours and has already had a swim.. might be time to get some food in the fridge and think about making some drinks for this party today

Oh yeah baby.. now I'm getting excited!

Actually swimmers are a good idea, think I'll change and then do some research on the PC to see if I can get some more receipe ideas

I am loving this one! I get to do tricks and everything

Oh princess, I think I just heard a knock at the door.. are you going to get changed?

Yep, gimme a sec, just want to finish mixing this drink.. *to herself* Deep breath Alena, he's going to like you and everything is going to be amazing.. just keep smiling

Offline Playalot

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2015, 01:09:13 AM »
Aw that's a tease to stop there! So... does she click with Don again? ? ? ?
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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2015, 01:12:32 AM »
@Playalot - tee hee.. am actually just about to post another update  ;)

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2015, 02:06:47 AM »
Rowan "Don't worry dear, I'll let him in and bring him out here to you - just get changed and we will be back in a jiffy"

Don "Wow, nice place. I was expecting more of an outdoor living thing.. don't know why"

Hi *grinning stupidly*

Don "Hi" *also grinning stupidly*

Rowan "Hello?!! Not invisible here"

Don "You've changed your hair from last night.. it still looks amazing.. either way I mean.. it will always look amazing"

You noticed? Oh wow..

Rowan "Hey! So you have.. HA! That's funny that you should notice something Don, when I have been living with her for ages! Don't you think that's funny?"

Don "What? Oh.. ahem.. sorry What was your name again?"

Rowan "I only just introduced myself about 3 minutes ago.. I would be off to a doctor quick smart if I were you young man"

So how do you think it's going?

*singing* I'm walking on sunshine.. woa oh, I'm walking on sunshine.. woa oh ooohh

Don "... and then I said... NEVER! hahaha"

Rowan ".. oh.. oh.. my. I haven't laughed that much in ages!"

Rowan "And here I was thinking you were a Serial Romantic! haha"

Don *gulp*

Rowan "Let's all have one quick dip in the pool and then eat.. I'm starving"

Don "done!"

Rowan "Dear? You may want to stare more at the boiling noodles on your plate that whatever you are staring at"

Rowan "I'm just saying.. our friend Don here might think that you are being just a wee bit inappropriate"

What? What?

Don "Hey, sorry to eat and run - but I've got to .. you know.. run.."

Rowan "See dear? You don't want to frighten the poor lad do you?"

That was MORIFYING.. How could you? I am so embarrassed now.. You know what? You clean up you silly old busy body.. I'm going to bed

Rowan "I have no idea what all the fuss was about..*mumble mumble*

Morning princess, ready for work? Whatcha Doin?

If I focus really, really hard - I can pretend that the yesterday did NOT happen

The entire day wasn't so bad was it? I mean.. he did notice that you changed your hair didn't he..

That's right! I forgot about that part

Go to work and invite him over for a date when you get home.. I am sure everything is going to be ok

Yeah. I think I'll do that..

Rowan "And then Malcolm.. if you can believe this.. the little cretin then blamed me for ruining her dinner party! She was the one behaving very un-lady like!"

Malcolm *Horror*

Rowan "Oh I guess you are right.. I'll invite the poor boy over and apologise for making him uncomfortable and it will be a nice surprise for Alena when she gets home"

Princess? Rowan and Don went over to Sylvan Glades.. why don't you meet them there?

Hi Don.

Don "Hi! Wow.. you just keep looking better and better"

Would you.. I mean to say.. Would you like to go on a date with me?

Don "Yes.. absolutely"

Let's go back to my place... Can I ask you a question? Why did you run out yesterday? I thought that I had embarrassed you - or at least made you mad

Don "I wasn't mad, not at all. Just.. well it just felt weird how comfortable it felt when you were looking at me so.. intimately"

Stop playing for a second, come sit with me on the couch.. so you are saying.. this.. doesn't make you feel uncomfortable?

Don "Um??"

Or this? Does this make you feel weird?

Don "he he he.. stop it..!! hehehe! No.. none of it makes me feel uncomfortable - however, if you don't mind.. can I just take a quick swim in your pool?"

Sure! I can join you in a sec if you like?

Don "No, it's ok.. just need to cool down for a few seconds"

Cool. I'll meet you out front - let's do a bit of star gazing.. only when you are ready though

Don [dripping wet and running up behind her] "I'm ready now my girl"

Well that was fun! I just love the way everything just sparkles at night *closes eyes*

Don "you are right.. everything does sparkle"

Don't you just love the feel of the warm summer breeze at night? Just softly playing against your skin?

Don "Oh yeah.. I can almost see it.."

Oh sorry! I seem to get carried away sometimes.. you would think that I had the creative trait wouldn't you?!

Don "Oh! Not a problem at all!"

You ok? Do you have a cramp?

Don "Yes.. yep.. fine, fine.. Growl..!!


*whispers* What's he doing??

He's flirting with you!

Come with me! Quick.. now change into your every day clothes

Don "Huh? What's happening"

Just do it!

Don "Oookaay.. but what the he.."

I'm not good at flirting.. sorry..

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Re: Cloudbringer Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2015, 02:57:13 AM »
LOL oh my goodness! Too funny. How on earth do you come up with such hilariously awkward sims? Great chapter; I have to almost feel sorry for Don been stared at so... <cough> intimately LOL  ;D

... and then Malcom's *horror* just to top it all off!  ;D
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