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Offline rokrchik

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eleven (05/02/15)
« Reply #75 on: February 06, 2015, 08:16:40 PM »
"Shake it. Shake it like a Polaroid picture."

Bwahahaha! That really cracked me up. Great updates!

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eleven (05/02/15)
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2015, 12:30:57 AM »
Love having time again to catch up with stories! What a cute little girl Kestrel is.. so funny the ghost scene and that poor little boy.. Go Colton, make amends!

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eleven (05/02/15)
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2015, 09:35:55 AM »
@rokrchik I wish the song wasn't stuck in my head now  ;D
@KTK10 I love Kestrel, she is going to be so much fun to play from her teenage years.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Eleven (05/02/15)
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2015, 10:35:17 AM »

Dear Nettie,

I haven't seen that boy at school but I found out his name is Greyson and his dad is Colt. The weekend is coming up and Mummy says I can sleep over at his house. Why do adults think kids of the same age have to be friends? Or because they're parents are all buddy-buddy then we have to be too?

Instead I went to my other Granny's house. I met cousin Debra, call-me-Debbie, and she has the same hair I did when I aged up. She has a terrible fashion sense so I gave her plenty of tips which she was grateful for.

Then it was time to charm the adults.

Pwease, Uncle German, Daddy won't give me a new toooy. Pwease?

Uh... Sure, I got promoted today, I think I can spare a few simoleons.

Aunt Rowan was sitting beside us and laughing at her gullible brother. She's got two kids and doesn't even give them pocket money, poor Debbie and Donnie Thornberry.

Granny Summer works all day to support her family. I don't understand why the other four adults don't have jobs. I hugged her to show at least I appreciated her hard work.

But she's somewhat senile and minutes later she was calling me Debbie and then Rowan much to Liberty Lee's amusement.

Mummy invited more of our extended family and friends to her next party. Being a perfectionist she won't let me share the failed ones. Granny Summer was mumbling through the rack of lamb and poking her fork in the air for emphasis. Granny Janet has been focused on losing weight and felt sick at the thought of eating when she'd already had her dinner just minutes ago.

I grabbed hold of Debbie and we played in the Wendy house. Although she looked slightly better than before I was insistent she shouldn't wear the same colour as me.

We're not twins, you know, and pink isn't your colour. Try green.


I've been experimenting with my chemistry set and though it was a lot of fun to mix all sorts of ingredients together, nothing came of it. I'll have to give it another go before my teen birthday.

Granny Janet likes to play the violin when it's time for dinner. It's kind of her to do so but really, why can't I just get a text instead?

Mummy got a promotion. In that terrible outfit I'm amazed she's rising through the ranks so fast. She also got a few new items and so the garden was rearranged and a new deck was added for her art area that absolutely no one is allowed near. She doesn't know Grampy Gavin paints silly squiggles and stick people when she's at work!

Mummy and Daddy also went on their very first date, considering they've been married for donkey's years.

Another Gold, hun?


Then let's celebrate at home.
*wink wink*

Love, Kestrel H Chant.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2015, 11:07:28 AM »
Awwww! So cute! Loving this family Nettlejuice  ;D

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2015, 12:28:48 PM »
I'm enjoying the dynamics of little Kes interacting with adults as well as kids her age.  She's wonderful in that we see how blatantly manipulative she is, yet her honesty about it makes it endearing rather than distressing.

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2015, 01:33:49 PM »
Donkey's years? LOLZ! That was so funny. I like how you do Kestrel's dialogue - it fits a kid about eight years old. Keep up the good work.  ;D
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2015, 02:38:25 PM »
I'm with EtnaFan666 Donkey years was great.
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #83 on: February 07, 2015, 04:17:40 PM »
@KTK10 Thanks so much  8)
@PeregrineTook Even I have fallen under her spell and she is sweet to her cousins, almost makes me wish she had a sibling to see what her relationship would have been like.
@EtnaFan666 Hey, new reader! Thanks for reading and I find Kes a darling to play with.
@sdhoey I can't believe it was their first date, much like when two married Sims got the first kiss buff back in Sims 3  ::)
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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2015, 04:20:15 PM »
@Nettlejuice Well how about when they have been married for Donkey years and living in the same house and start throwing wishes to move in with each other? LOL
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #85 on: February 07, 2015, 04:22:50 PM »
@sdhoey That one was the worst, lol!
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Twelve (07/02/15)
« Reply #86 on: February 08, 2015, 09:41:52 AM »
The Last Days Of Childhood

Dear Nettie,

I came home from school one day to find Donny spaced out in my room.

Earth to Donny! *snap snap*

He didn't bat an eyelid so I went to clean up all the dishes. Grampy Gavin complains about the mess we leave behind so I thought I'd do my bit. It also meant extra pocket money from everyone.

Granny must have had a talk with Donny as he wasn't in my room when I went to check later. I opened the toy box I'd borrowed from the kids room no one uses to give the poor things some love. The Llamacorn said some very rude words about being locked up for years so I threw him back in.

A new family moved in next to the Goths. They weren't in so I called the cousins and we played pirates for a while. I let Debbie take the wheel, she's afraid of heights and the boys only joined in to play with the cannons.

Land ahoy, Cap'n Debs!

When the Kellys returned home I invited myself in. They have a teenage daughter who went prancercising as I was about to introduce myself. I went upstairs to find her brother, Matteo, and his Dad who destroyed the dollhouse before I could lay my hands on it.

Sorry, my Dad does that a lot.

Yeah, we have someone like that at ours

Daddy, I can't work with you looking like that.

The ladies of the forum voted for me, I think they'd appreciate it, love.

Did Nettie vote for you?


You won, Daddy, that's what counts.

I finally plucked up the courage to visit the SKLs. Greyson wasn't in but his brother Jessie and sister Destinee were gracious hosts. Jessie's the kind of boy girls will swoon over when he's older and I can already tell Destinee will be prettier than me.

Hey, Dad. Any chance you've seen Mum?

She's gone clubbing with Katrina. She'll visit before long, lad

Grampy J is easily fooled by the trick I learnt from Daddy.

Granny and Grampy Gavin are so cute together. It almost makes me wish to be serenaded by someone. Almost.

I've had more success with creating potions. I tried the slimy green drink that's supposedly an emotion potion.

Nothing. What a waste of time.

We all forgot Mal's birthday. He's mean to everyone so there's no prize for guessing why there was no party or a cake. He wasn't too miffed and played dolls with me. The kids room is looking much more inviting, I just may sleep here once in a while.

Nancy was long overdue a visit, and when she did show up Grampy J started flirting with her.

And it wasn't long before one of our own went to join her and Geoff on the other side.

Love, Kestrel H Chant.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (08/02/15)
« Reply #87 on: February 08, 2015, 09:50:25 AM »
Kestrel has such a distinctive voice in your legacy, she is so funny - you write her so well.

Aww no, I don't want to know who dies *covers eyes*, I like them all! :-(

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (08/02/15)
« Reply #88 on: February 08, 2015, 01:14:14 PM »
I am amazed and impressed by how quickly you're moving through this.  As we're in the midst of the school year, I feel like I'm moving at a snail's pace.
Anyway, Kes was so sweet caring for the neglected toys and wanting her cousin to drive the ship since she's scared of heights and such.  Really rounding out to so much more than just a manipulator.

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Re: Chant Immortal Dynasty - Chapter Thirteen (08/02/15)
« Reply #89 on: February 08, 2015, 01:18:46 PM »
hehehe I quite like the fact that everyone forgot about Mal's birthday!
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