My name is Jeana and my sister's friend came over one time and brought the game over. I couldn't leave it alone ever since. That's how I discovered The Sims 3.
My Sims experiences states back to Elementary School in the third grade, on computer day, when I played SIM TOWN. I found the original sims quite fun, but the sims 2 gave me more possibilities when I first played with my cousins on the video game counsel. I love creating lives.
I plan on getting my own SIMS 3 base game, under my own name, with a fresh supply of Sim Points, and even installations of all the EP's they have so far, so I have more CAS options, and towns, and less dependence on the The Sims 3 exchange, which tends to be full of worms, and bugs.
I'm also addicted to FarmVille as well. SO when I'm not socializing out of the house away from the computer, or pampering myself, with the use of tanning beds, and getting my nails done at the salon, that's another game I play.