Heya I'm Nibbles and I am addicted to playing Sims. My first experience was with SimTowers, I would sometimes just stare at the family condos and wonder what those little people were doing.
Some how I heard about Sims 2, bought it, played it and got hooked. But you're probably asking, 'But Nibbles...' (please, call me Susan) '...how can you skip Sims1 ?!' Simple, once you're used to Sims2 why backpedal to Sim1?
With unhealthy interest I followed development of Sims3 and descided it is the best thing EVAR. Shortly after buying the game I realised my dinosaur of a pc couldn't handle its awesomeness. Boo. So bought a more powerful one. And I replaced the mouse, speakers, headphones, and screen.(See? I'm that addicted.) For me I can't enjoy a game unless the graphics settings are sky high. On a good day I play up to 6 hours but weekdays work enjoys more priority so maybe 2 hours. Usually I'm either working on maxing out my Omni Sim, however, it would seem Leto beat me to it. Or furthering my Dynasty or Legacy(s).
It feels good to say it out loud. But I can quit anytime I want, right? Right?