Hi, My name is AriaGirl, and I'm a Sims Addict. Somtimes... when it's really bad... I avoid doing things like laundry, and dishes, things I know I NEED to do to keep myself clean and healthy... and I ignore the fact that those things need to be done just so I can... can... update my Dynasty/Legacy threads. *SIGH* I'm so ashamed!!!
Lately, I've been so absorbed with my "real life" that I can't play at all, and the closest I get to getting my Sims Fix is coming here and posting on the forum. And horror of horrors... I still haven't bought the latest expansion! I am jones'n real bad, let me tell ya! To top it all off, my mother-in-law is visiting, and so there's no hope of getting my fix until Nov. 10th!! GAH!!! How will I survive?!?!