Author Topic: Sims Anonymous  (Read 164848 times)

Offline Pam

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Sims Anonymous
« on: October 28, 2010, 11:38:44 PM »
Hi, my name is Pam.  I'm addicted to Sims and I'd like to hear everyone's addiction stories!  :D
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2010, 11:44:26 PM »
Ha lol this is great! :D

Hi my name is Hannah and I'm a sims addict.

I first started playing sims in 200... was it 06 or 08? Anyway, I was quite sick with OCD and I found the sims to be a wonderful distraction - it totally absorbed me for hours on end, leaving me free of the awful thoughts in my head. For that I am very grateful - it was the most effective distraction available to me.
Since then I have continued to play sims, but purely for enjoyment. I even continued through the time my OCD made playing difficult (which is thankfully gone now).

I just love designing people and stories and houses! I love imagining new stories for my sims - I have always had a healthy (sometimes not so healthy) imagination and I can explore it to my heart's content in sims.

So it has been... 5 mins since I last played sims and I intend to play again within the next 10mins :)

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2010, 01:30:40 AM »
Wow how cool is this? Did my post influence a thread? The newbie feels special!  ;D However that was not my intention. But thanks to Pam for doing this. The first step is admitting you have a problem right?

Well I'm Malissa and it has been nanoseconds since I last played Sims. It is running in the background as I get clarity on the Dynasty challenge. I am very nervous about starting it but I'm just gonna jump in it.

I have been playing Sims since the beginning. I couldn't tell you how I stumbled across it. I moved to Minnesota in 2002 away from all my family and friends in DC. There was no social life for me here because I was overloading with school and raising a 1yr old (who is now going on 9). So Sims Hot Date had me with the Vampires (which is my second addiction). It was Hot Date that had the vamps right?

At first I just played the installed families. Then when TS2 came out I started w the Broke family and thought I'd take a stab at doing my own family. Struggling single mom. I even created my boyfriend and stuck him in town somewhere and everything. Created my own dream life. I didn't think I'd ever get it for real so why not create the fantasy. Then when I found out there were sites dedicated to Sims I was hooked on those too. Hairstyles, clothes, lots, furniture... Cars, ooo man the cars. Then I found a site that did TS2 challenges and that set me off on a whole new addiction. With all that Sims started to be my alternate ego. I suppose that's when my friends back home in DC started to think I was losing it.

 I don't know about anyone else but TS has been great therapy for me. I feel like when the game is loading I'm heading to another world (kinda like the tunnel to Toon Town in Roger Rabbit).  :o

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2010, 06:05:38 AM »
Hi I am Samoht but you all can call me Tom, I am addicted to sims. I got on when OfB came out and have been here ever since, I started late on Sims 3 since my computer broke and I had it sat in the draw for 6 months... But since then it has been so cool, I think I am also addicted to this site...  :D Now hopefully the bad weather persists to cancel this family walk so I can then become addicted to LN which I am waiting for by staring out the window willing the postman on...  ;D
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2010, 06:25:59 AM »

Hi! I'm LD, and I'm an addict!  I first played Sim City back on my highschool boyfriend's 286.  When the computer died, the game was gone because he hadn't liked it, and I didn't have the money to get it for myself.  I remember my neighborhoods always became slums, so I know I wasn't very good. Hehe.  Real Life intruded on my gaming and I sort of forgot about Sims, but a couple years ago I met a gal online from my writing, she reviewed a story, and we got to chatting.  Found out she was into Sims2 and Sims3 was on the way.  I fell in love with her screenshots and Sims and the stories, but decided I may as well wait for Sims3.  I got it last spring(late winter here), and haven't been far from my computer since.  This game appeals to my meticulous nature, and the fact that it's ever-expanding, I don't know that I will ever get bored of it.   ;D  I have all the expansions and stuff packs, a few things from the store with quite a wishlist of things I still want to get.  I'm limiting myself to a $40 purchase of points from the store once a month.  I could easily go crazy spending far more money than I should there.  Thankfully, November is only a few days away!

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2010, 07:38:15 AM »
Hello everybody,

My name is Malteser, but you can call me Alexia  ;) and I have been a sims addict since 2001 when I first played the Sims. I still own the Sims 1 and all expansion packs, and I do believe my username might still work on the official Sims1 site. When I first discovered the sims I couldn't stop playing, it was so addictive. I possitively squeeled with joy when I got Unleashed and Hot Date and all the new neighbourhoods were added. In fact one of the things I miss from the original sims are the restaurants and shops - who here remembers telling their sims to play footsies under the table at the cornerbooth in the restaurant  :D The waiters were a bit slow though. And in general the original sims was sooo difficult to keep their moods up, and making and keeping friends was impossible. Plus you had no days off for work, you could skip work for one day, but then you got the popup with a stern telling off! Oh, and I was useless as a celebrity.

I never played sims 2 as my laptop wouldn't have been able to run it, plus then life got in the way. But I still played sims 1 every-so-often when the sims bug caught up with me again. I finally got a better laptop (believe me, I made the last one live far longer than it should have!), and my first thought was, ooh, I can buy sims 2. So imagine my delight when I discovered that Sims 3 had just come out. So the sims addiction is truly back again! If I didn't have to work... well, you can guess what I'd be doing instead!

Offline Saltypaws

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2010, 09:22:30 AM »
Hi, I am salty, but you can call me Diane.  I have been addicted to the sims since it first came out.  I have spent many sleepless nights playing my addiction and tried to seek help, but to no avail.  They said I was too far gone and it was useless.  I have come home from work early to play and I have played all night.  I know I need help, but there are no help groups here, lol.  So, I will continue to play until my fingers are sore and my eyes are crossed.  ;D
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2010, 10:41:43 AM »
Hi my name is Esther and I'm a sim addict. It's so nice to meet all you other addicts!  ;D I'm not sure how it came about, I was looking on amazon last year, saw the base game figured I'd try it and buy it no harm could come from that right?  ;D Then I was having problems finding a pink diamond and did a search and lo and behold I found this amazing forum! Ever since I found the cheats, I've been addicted. I'm so addicted that when my graphics card died, I downloaded it on my sisters laptop and now I can play there! Also a little more information on my addiction, when I hadn't played for several weeks due to my graphics card, I went to facebook and was watching Pam's videos and I started crying on the burning love dance. That is when I decided I needed help and put it on my sisters laptop lol.  ;D

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2010, 11:11:45 AM »
I'd like to hear Pam's story too.

I was a programmer, so I was aware of current games. I bought the original Sims for my kids, then 13 and 7. I ended up buying most of the expansions for them too. I knew they'd love the game, but I just couldn't generate interest in these mindless, soul-less "ants" (sorry, that's how they seemed to me), especially while I was struggling with a fresh divorce and new single parenthood. My daughter loved the sims people, my son loved to make houses.

In the meantime I played MMO's like Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft, in addition to PC role-playing games. Those were addictions straight from hell, and sadly, my son became addicted to WoW too. I'm proud to say that this past year we both dragged ourselves away from MMO's.

I needed another game because I'm still recovering from the effects of cancer treatment a couple years ago, specifically fuzzy cognition. Games sharpen my mind, keep me challenged, brought me back the bright mind I had before treatment. Sims 3 had come so far since Sims 1, that I had to give it another try. I did so this past March and here I am! I'm trying to pull my daughter back into it (she's a new college grad with a part-time job in her field), and even my son. I don't know if they'll return to the game but I think I'll probably always play Sims.
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Offline MomOfMany

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2010, 03:04:33 PM »
Hi I am MomOfMany or Alisha whichever is fine! I don't consider myself an addict but I am trying to get there. I think most of it is the time it takes to get started and then getting frustrated when I must get off to deal with the kids. LOL! I am working on my addiction. Can you help me get there?
Never thought I would ask for help getting an addiction! LOL! Who does that?

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2010, 03:19:46 PM »
Can you help me get there?
Never thought I would ask for help getting an addiction! LOL! Who does that?
A true addict! You don't need no help from us!  ;D ;D

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2010, 04:50:36 PM »
Hi my name is DeNile, but you can call me D or Lacey. I've been a Sims addict for... I believe since 2004 or 2005 and started with The Sims.

I was introduced to the game by a friend on a rainy day and made my mom go buy it a few weeks later. I never bought a The Sims expansion, though I bought the Deluxe Edition. I quickly moved on to The Sims 2, and bought all of the expansion packs over the course of the four or five years until The Sims 3 came out. The first expansion I bought was Seasons and after a terrible thunderstorm I opened my disk drive to find the disk cracked clean in two!

(Anyone want to see a pic? I've still got the disk, never had the heart to throw it out.)

Anyways, my mom agreed to go buy me a new disk since I was so heartbroken, but didn't want to buy me another Seasons, so I bought a different one in hopes I could play with that disk. But I wasn't computer savvy as an 11 year old, and bought University :P. After several years of collecting the expansion packs, and buying a second Seasons, which ALSO meant a terrible end within a computer, I heard about The Sims 3.

   Long weeks of begging and excitement followed and my mom preordered it for Christmas. When the release was coming, I got too giddy to work at school, when it was delayed, I threw a humongous fit, and when I installed it and realized my computer couldn't handle it (luckily I'm FAR more computer savvy these days), I ordered my mother to go upgrade the computer, which she did as it helped her to, and have been playing ever since.

Since then, I've bought all of the expansion and stuff packs, and am expecting to recieve Late Night early next week. I'm probably an addict in the worst form, I get motion sick from 3D graphics if exposed to them for too long, and I always played until I'm too sick to keep going. I've even put myself in bed sick for days because of it. Luckily for my health I'm not quite as bad anymore, but I still love to play to my limits.

   I've also turned to converting, pushing people into the ways of The Sims, I've got a little girl hooked on the game and she now owns her own copy, and my friend and I design homes all the time together. Now, I'm working on my girlfriend, which is going a lot better than I thought it would.

   So I'm Lacey, call me D if you want, and I'm a Sims addict, always have been and probably always will be. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2010, 07:25:01 PM »
Hi, I'm Naomi Foss-Alfke, and I'm addicted to sims.

Often, when walking to or from school, and seeing a random stranger, I think "Man, I could totally recreate him/her in CAS."

And also, I constantly think about what traits I would give my friends, family and enemies.

I spend a lot of time on the sims, and get devastated if I can't play it for some reason. Not being able to play LN put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

To sum it up, I'm a sims addict. ;D
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2010, 11:00:01 PM »
Ok, here goes.

Hi, my name is Pam, but you can call me Pam or Pam.  I've been a Sims addict for a little over a year.

I had vaguely heard of Sims before Sims 3 came out, but not enough to know anything about it or to play it.  I used to work for and the Spore release was causing a lot of excitement on that site.  I remember part of the marketing was that it was made by the same people who made Sims.  The thing that got me really interested was a blog called Alice and Kev, which was completely fascinating.  I bought Sims 3 as a direct result of that blog.  I didn't realize it had just been released!

It was a whole new world for me and, naturally, it didn't take long before I needed help.  I did an internet search and found Carl's Guide.  It was very helpful.  He had comments set up on the Guide itself at the time.  Because of my experience on JIG, I offered to help manage the comments.  Very shortly after that, we launched the Forum and I started helping with the Guide.  It was absolutely perfect for me because by that time, I was completely hooked on the game.  Now I have an excuse to play it all day and all night.  My husband started playing it a few months ago and so now I share it with him on his days off.  The Forum and Guide are also the perfect excuse to purchase every expansion pack and every stuff pack.  It's a lovely arrangement for a Sims addict!  :D
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2010, 11:04:10 PM »
Hi, my name is Pam, but you can call me Pam or Pam.
Just those three? Can't we call you Pam? :P
Formerly Simstar3