Hi my name is DeNile, but you can call me D or Lacey. I've been a Sims addict for... I believe since 2004 or 2005 and started with The Sims.
I was introduced to the game by a friend on a rainy day and made my mom go buy it a few weeks later. I never bought a The Sims expansion, though I bought the Deluxe Edition. I quickly moved on to The Sims 2, and bought all of the expansion packs over the course of the four or five years until The Sims 3 came out. The first expansion I bought was Seasons and after a terrible thunderstorm I opened my disk drive to find the disk cracked clean in two!
(Anyone want to see a pic? I've still got the disk, never had the heart to throw it out.)
Anyways, my mom agreed to go buy me a new disk since I was so heartbroken, but didn't want to buy me another Seasons, so I bought a different one in hopes I could play with that disk. But I wasn't computer savvy as an 11 year old, and bought University

. After several years of collecting the expansion packs, and buying a second Seasons, which ALSO meant a terrible end within a computer, I heard about The Sims 3.
Long weeks of begging and excitement followed and my mom preordered it for Christmas. When the release was coming, I got too giddy to work at school, when it was delayed, I threw a humongous fit, and when I installed it and realized my computer couldn't handle it (luckily I'm FAR more computer savvy these days), I ordered my mother to go upgrade the computer, which she did as it helped her to, and have been playing ever since.
Since then, I've bought all of the expansion and stuff packs, and am expecting to recieve Late Night early next week. I'm probably an addict in the worst form, I get motion sick from 3D graphics if exposed to them for too long, and I always played until I'm too sick to keep going. I've even put myself in bed sick for days because of it. Luckily for my health I'm not quite as bad anymore, but I still love to play to my limits.
I've also turned to converting, pushing people into the ways of The Sims, I've got a little girl hooked on the game and she now owns her own copy, and my friend and I design homes all the time together. Now, I'm working on my girlfriend, which is going a lot better than I thought it would.
So I'm Lacey, call me D if you want, and I'm a Sims addict, always have been and probably always will be. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.