Hi, my name is Eldridge. You can call me Eld for short
There's a time when I looking at game magazine and I look into The Sims 2 review for PC. Back then I just wonder, that will be great if I can play this game. I was hooked when see the feature, especially when I see that every life stage has it's moment. I really want that badly, but I can't. My parent won't let me. I remember that I only enjoy The Sims and The Sims 2 for console. I usually play it together with my sister. Though, it's not like the PC version but I'm satisfied for the moments.
For The Sims 3, I can't remember the date when i first time play. I started the game much recently. When I play it first, I totally lost for what to do. I don't get used on PC game. I don't know how to control either but after the time passes I started to get used to it. At first, I only play just for fun. I do the things that I can't do in real life mostly... like make people that I hate suffer and burn someone house lol. I get bored easily when I just play like that, so I decided to play different style.
But, when I search info about the background of story especially townies, I somehow want to give them a happy ending. I know it's only a game, but it's really sad when I read the story. For example about that Agnes Crumplebottom, I try to reunited her with Erik Darling at all cost, lol.
I guess for me The Sims is not only for gaming and just to have fun. I am learn a new things too from this game about life. When I first play, I really hate baby and elder. For the baby they are so annoying and elder is so ugly. But, when I try too see them from different aspect and put heart into it... I begin to like them, hate less than before. Strangely, it's affect me too in real world, lol.
The things that I love in The Sims is that "Family Tree" things. I love to see how everyone can be connected each others.
I'm addicted with it and can't stop playing.
I love to read other simmers story. And kinda envy them who can make such a good story and amazing legacy lol. The first Sims 3 story that I have been read is Alice and Kev, I was touched. And I want to try to make my own story too.
And guess what? Not long ago, I stumbled into The Sims 2 and I finally can play that game I wanted before. And I say: "oh, I remember, I do really want this game back then. And it's really awesome.". I love The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 boths, each game has it's up and down. So, it's not fair when people say this game better, that game suck
Too bad, my friends that I know not into simmie things and not interested so we can't talk a lot. It's weird that when only me that so passionate talking about sims and the other just say ohh... lol. And too bad, I don't know how long my PC can handle more Sims games, because from the beginning my parent didn't approve PC use for gaming lol.
I guess that's it for now. Thanks