Author Topic: Sims Anonymous  (Read 164846 times)

Offline Castaras

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #360 on: August 16, 2012, 09:45:07 AM »
Hi, I'm Castaras and I keep returning to Sims. It's one of three games which always has me returning to play when I get bored of other games (others in this list are Minecraft and Civilisation).

My parents have got to the point of asking me "You still playing with your digital dollshouse?".  And I find myself getting ridiculously emotionally invested into my sims ("oh gods oh gods meteor run little girl RUN you're going to die why can't toddlers walk any faster oh gods oh gods oh gods").

Offline Coocoo girl

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #361 on: August 19, 2012, 12:47:09 AM »
I don't think I've ever talked about how I got started on sims... If I have, alert me and I'll ask my mom to go to the docter because I'm too young to be losing my memory. :(  I got started on sims last year, (or was it two years?  I think it was two years.)  While in walmart, I saw the game of sims.  I don't remember what I said to my mom, but either I was practicing to be a professional con artist or I begged to get it a lot... because, I think maybe a month or so later she got it for me, it wasn't even Christmas!( Hehe, that shows what a little fake groveling can do,. ;))  At first I didn't build a house, I moved in to a premade one.  Bam!  Addiction hit, even though I was either nine or eight.( And way to young to be playing sims, but hey, 8 or nine vs 10, nearing 11... big maturity difference.  Don't worry, I have my mom's permission to be on this forum.)  Addiction to sims... the addiction that you probably carry into your 7o's.( Well I think I will at least, If the game holds out that long!( Slightly off topic:  I've searched the forum, and have never found anyone younger than me,  I think I'm in the nominees for youngest member on the forum!Lol.)  Sorry for so many of the little thoughts inside sentances, I think I've been using those more often lately.
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #362 on: August 19, 2012, 06:08:35 PM »
Yesterday my husband jokingly asked me if there was a 'sims anonymous' thread on here. I told him yes, yes there is. And I've already posted in it. But everyone here is like what? I don't understand? There's no such thing as too much sims! Clearly it was time for a little break.

Offline Dextra2

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #363 on: August 19, 2012, 09:07:48 PM »
Yesterday my husband jokingly asked me if there was a 'sims anonymous' thread on here. I told him yes, yes there is. And I've already posted in it.
75% of the time I'm on the computer, Dad asks me if I read "Sim fanfiction." It's not fanfiction! But I am on the forum a unhealthy amount... Eh, who cares?
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #364 on: August 19, 2012, 11:20:37 PM »
I started off with Sims for the nintendo, and I thought it was okay. Then, after a lot of googling and pleading, I got the Sims 3. After the first two minutes of having the game running, I was hooked. I play most afternoons and weekends, possibly just a tad bit unhealthy ::) And I'm on the forum a lot, and I check in time to time during the day.
My friends say I have a slight problem, I say it's just the sim bug ;D

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #365 on: August 26, 2012, 10:02:10 PM »
I started off sims 2 on playstation, 4 years ago (I looked at it recently, and it's really quite boring).  Then when I was a game stores I realised for the first time there was a computer version and I managed to persuade my dad to buy the sims 3 and here I am still playing it non-stop 4 years  ;D

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #366 on: October 03, 2012, 03:00:40 AM »
Yay; there's Canadians~ <3

Heya, i'm ladyaya or Anna and I am addicted to the Sims.  ;D

I once downloaded The Sims (original) off of the internet using a program, and it was fun.  :) I don't remember for the life of me what the family was named, but I kept trying to create a bedroom under the slanted roof thing for the female child of the family. It actually did somewhat work in the end, but that was my first impact with the sims.

Next, a few years later, I heard about The Sims 2, and got it for Christmas one year. After that, I slowly got every single expansion/stuff pack for it. The last one I got, I got like a year or so ago, but I haven't played it for awhile. Mostly because I managed to get a laptop that can actually play The Sims 3. Because back when I first got it; around when it first came out; I couldn't play it because it was soooo graphic intensive. I also stumbled onto the forums after I got it, but I think before I could play it, because I remember bookmarking it awhile ago. Anyways, usually my playing style was more creating, and furnishing houses, plus just creating sims, although now i'm using the challenges to go for generations, rather than just making my sims get married, have nooboos and such but never actually playing them to elderhood. Oh, and I used to play different mmo rpgs, and I do still play one quite frequently, but that's it. =P

Anyways, that is I, and my sims addiction, and I live in British Columbia, Canadia.  ;)

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Offline Stellastatistic

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #367 on: October 03, 2012, 04:01:28 PM »
I love this!

Hi, I'm StellaStatistic, and I am addicted to The Sims. I have been playing since SimCity came out and, even though I was never any good at it, the addiction was instantaneous. I somehow missed out on The Sims 2, probably because my family never upgraded computers until I bought my own, but I am back in the game with The Sims 3.

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #368 on: October 05, 2012, 04:39:12 AM »

Hi, my name is Gloria, my friends call me Doe.  One of my nieces got into Sims 2, and got my kids interested in it.  When Sims 3 came out, my oldest son wanted it for his birthday.  Turns out he didn't like it, but his sisters did, and they got me going on it. 

I'm glad they were able to feed themselves when I found Sims, that's all I can say.  I started small, made a simself, let her have some fun.  Then my husband suggested I make a SimHim.  So I did, but they didn't get along all that well.  Hubby lost interest, and I decided to merge my two great obsessions.  Started moving in Lord of the Rings sims, and couldn't seem to walk away from the computer.  Bad bad thing in a house with only one computer and seven occupants.  When I got my laptop, I promised myself that I would concentrate on my writing, (freelance) and not install the Sims.  Ha!

I started writing down my sim's crazy adventures and emailing them to my sisters.  Then I began to illustrate them with screenshots.  My kids learned to cook. My sisters considered finding me a nice quiet room somewhere.  After stumbling across Alice and Kev, I realized I wasn't loosing my mind and found this place, where I fell in love with Hebe, the Mans and the Dreamweavers.  Dynasties suit my playing style perfectly, so I'm going to be doing these for a long while, I can tell.  Might even finish one.  Have also introduced both my daughters and four of their simming friends to this site, so now our conversations are full of strategies and the locations of seeds and spouses. 

So, yeah, I'm addicted.  My longest time was approximately 28 hours.  Am I worried?  Nope.  I'm also Canadian, and winters last a long time in Northern Ontario.
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Offline Deklitch

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #369 on: October 10, 2012, 11:22:46 AM »
Hello, I'm Deklitch, and I'm told by family members that I'm 'addicted to a big waste of time on the computer when I should be doing something productive'. I've since worked out that they are either talking about me working on my computer or playing Sims 3 on my computer.

I've been a simmer since The Sims. I then moved onto Sims 2 and started knowing what I was doing, then I moved onto Sims 3. I dabbled with Sims Medieval, but didn't like it as much and returned to Sims 3. I have all the expansion packs and stuff packs for Sims 1, 2, 3 and Medieval, with the exception of Diesel and Katey Perry Sweet Stuff.

Am I addicted? Yes, most definitely, but there are worse things that I could be addicted to, I suppose, and if I wanted to, I could stop. I just don't want to, that's all.

Offline Dextra2

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #370 on: February 22, 2013, 01:52:29 PM »
My name is Dextra2 and I am so not addicted to Sims3.
I can stop anytime I want to, I just don't want to. I'm very stubborn like that. ;)
When I was young and Sims2 was the THING, I begged my parents for it. They said no. I would still beg them. They would still say no.
Sims3 came out. I begged my parents for it. They said no. I still begged. They still said no. Then Mom left town for family matters, and I bought Sims3+Pets with my own money. Best. Day. Ever.
And I have been addicted happily playing ever since.
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Offline NearlyWitches

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #371 on: February 22, 2013, 02:33:52 PM »
I'm NearlyWitches and right now I have to revise but sims is so much more appealing...
I had all of the Sims2 games and when Sims 3 was announced I was adamant that I wasn't going to restart a collection and spend more money. I played the Sims 3 at a friend's, ran out to the shop and brought it and never looked back. It's not addiction, I prefer the term 'dedication'  :D
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #372 on: February 23, 2013, 02:03:55 AM »
Hi my name is Margaret.  You can call me Maggie or Magz and I'm a Sims addict.

I started with The Sims around 2001 and graduated to The Sims 2 in 2005.  When The Sims 3 first came out I resisted.  My computer wasn't strong enough to render it well, so I bit the bullet and got a new computer.  I've now clocked over 4,000 hours on steam playing TS3.  I wake around 5:00 a.m. and logon and check the forum before going to work.  I come home and get straight into my game and often stay on-line until 11:00 p.m.

I have been a baaaaaaaad girl.  I got so bored with my IRL work that I hopped on to one of the shared computers to log into the forum in my lunch break AND I found someone else from my workplace logged into this forum.  So "C", I'll keep your dirty little secret if you'll keep mine.

I'm Margaret and I'm a utterly shamelss Sim addict.
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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #373 on: February 23, 2013, 02:33:24 AM »
I have been a baaaaaaaad girl.  I got so bored with my IRL work that I hopped on to one of the shared computers to log into the forum in my lunch break AND I found someone else from my workplace logged into this forum.  So "C", I'll keep your dirty little secret if you'll keep mine.

Are you serious??  You have a co-worker who is a member of this Forum and neither of you knew?
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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: Sims Anonymous
« Reply #374 on: February 23, 2013, 06:28:19 AM »
Are you serious??  You have a co-worker who is a member of this Forum and neither of you knew?

Yes, although I don't know if she knows who I am.  Imagine my surprise when I got on the work computer and opened explorer.  I pulled up the last browsing session which lists this site because I thought I was the last on the computer.  I clicked on the site but one of my co-workers had logged in the forum with her log-on and not logged out.  It automatically came up with Hello "C...."  I browse the forum sometimes at work but rarely log in because I'd get pinnged on the list my supervisor gets each month for internet usage. 

I know of a couple of simmers among my colleagues but didn't know "C" was a member of this forum until last week.  Simmers really are everywhere.  But to be fair there are over 860 people in my building so the chances of finding another simmer is high.  The chances of finding one in your own team of 26 is less.  :D
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