Hi, my name is Gloria, my friends call me Doe. One of my nieces got into Sims 2, and got my kids interested in it. When Sims 3 came out, my oldest son wanted it for his birthday. Turns out he didn't like it, but his sisters did, and they got me going on it.
I'm glad they were able to feed themselves when I found Sims, that's all I can say. I started small, made a simself, let her have some fun. Then my husband suggested I make a SimHim. So I did, but they didn't get along all that well. Hubby lost interest, and I decided to merge my two great obsessions. Started moving in Lord of the Rings sims, and couldn't seem to walk away from the computer. Bad bad thing in a house with only one computer and seven occupants. When I got my laptop, I promised myself that I would concentrate on my writing, (freelance) and not install the Sims. Ha!
I started writing down my sim's crazy adventures and emailing them to my sisters. Then I began to illustrate them with screenshots. My kids learned to cook. My sisters considered finding me a nice quiet room somewhere. After stumbling across Alice and Kev, I realized I wasn't loosing my mind and found this place, where I fell in love with Hebe, the Mans and the Dreamweavers. Dynasties suit my playing style perfectly, so I'm going to be doing these for a long while, I can tell. Might even finish one. Have also introduced both my daughters and four of their simming friends to this site, so now our conversations are full of strategies and the locations of seeds and spouses.
So, yeah, I'm addicted. My longest time was approximately 28 hours. Am I worried? Nope. I'm also Canadian, and winters last a long time in Northern Ontario.