So I just realized... I haven't shared my story. Sorry about that.
Hi everyone, my name is TheChronicR and you can call me Chronic or TCR. I'm a simaholic and has been one since about 2004 or maybe 2005, if memory saves me. Well, whatever, it all started out with TS2, as I haven't discovered TS1 yet. One of my classmates was an addict at the time and we used to visit their house once a week at least, so whilst our parents were chatting, we played Sims on her computer. I used to wonder what all those families were, since she couldn't create just so many and I genuinely thought that it was her father who created them and populated the town with the likes of Don Lothario and Cassandra Goth.
Thus, when I got my first PC in 2006, I got a chance to purchase and try out the game myself. And then it all started... one after another, all my DVD shelves were occupied with TS2/TS1 discs. It was a total addiction, and what's totally and absolutely embarrassing (please also note the fact that I was 7-8 then), I didn't realize that I should
save the game before I exit. I used to think that it was some mystery how all my families kept on disappearing. But I was (sort of) wrong... Lol.
In 2009 June, TS3 was released and that same girl told me about it. I rushed to the store and bought it without hesitation. Sure enough, my old PC wasn't capable to run it due to utter lack of RAM and a video card that didn't support Pixel Shader 2.0. Turned out that the video card couldn't get changed because the main system was rather ancient and replacements for it were rare and hard to seek. In August, I got a laptop just for simming purposes. It's the same laptop I'm using now, but it's already a bit worn out. And since that very August, I was addicted. My first game... My first game went on to become my first attempt at a Legacy. But it got ruined by a darned pile of computer viruses. Then it was another game that got ruined due to my short interest in mods. And now... I'm here. Without any mods, with little CC, and about 6 stories on the go.
Whew, that was quite a long post.