So my sister went onto Sims 3 and told me her female sim sounded like a man. I checked it out and there's much more a problem than she said.
~ Her sims, other than one cat, had all frozen in their current action that she had previously saved them doing.
~ Her simoleons had gone down to zero. Even if you sold items and it made the "ching" sound it stayed at 0 simoleons.
~ She couldn't control her sims.
~ If you press the arrow on the UI, that section for seeing sims' traits, skills, needs, etc, won't come up.
~ AND her female sim sounded like a man (this sim was stuck in a speech to the mirror).
I checked my own family on sims 3 and the same thing had happened, except the sounding like a male bit.
I looked though loads of threads and posts and I've tried F10 and restarting the game. When I switched active households it fixed it. However, when I returned to the family after fixing the others it had returned to the state described above.
I have not installed any EP's or SP's recently or downloaded any extras or vacationed or anything. This is completely random (I presume).
Anyone got any ideas on this...?