Author Topic: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley  (Read 30028 times)

Offline awaytobeunshaken

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #45 on: May 22, 2015, 03:53:16 PM »
They're back!

Naomi gets a job at the Bistro, where her boss is Susie Sackholme.  AKA her grandmother's best friend. 

Well that's no good.

So she heads to the diner, where her boss is also Susie Sackholme.  Curse you, story progression!

Well, I guess the "boss" metric will have to stay in the red for this one.

Enjoying your first night out as a young adult, love?

It's all right.  I'm starving, though.  Can I get a plate of hot win- er, I mean a- a plasma punch?

Yeah, I don't think that actually has any plasma in it.  You should probably just head home and grab a juice box.

Meanwhile, next on the spouse list we have... ah, yes.  Aaron Finnigan, werewolf.

Luckily, they seem to have hit it off.

Ciara: I'll race you to graduation!

Naomi: LOL! Fairy float versus vamp dash?  You're on!

Naomi's pretty talented, dispatching this burglar handily despite having 0 athletic skill.  Still, why isn't Mason handling this?  Didn't he used to be a cop or something?


Cop: So, I hear you're really into gardening.  Outside.  With your shirt off.

Mason:  Why, yes I am.  Maybe I could teach you a few things...

Excuse me, Mason!  You are a married man.  Knock it off with the sparkly hearts.

Naomi flies through the alchemy skill, but not before snagging the wish to master it. 

Aaron took an offer to switch from the business career to politics, so it was time to throw some fundraisers.

As your (checks cheat sheet) governor, I promise to promote the arts,

and keep trash off our streets.

After spending her kids' entire childhoods on maternity leave, Marian is finally off to her first day of work as an astrounaut.

Meanwhile, Naomi's commitment issues kick in.

Naomi: ...but the fact remains that at any moment I could lose control of myself and start draining your blood.  Which is why I think it's best that we keep this unofficial.  We'll make a nooboo when the time comes, and then you can be done with me.  Plus, my sister's, like, REALLY nosy. You probably don't need her dropping into your private conversations all the time.

Aaron: Don't do this, love.  Don't let your worries take control of you.  I knew what I was in for when I moved in here.  We all have our issues.

I turn into a big hairy beast once a month,

and you shower in your evening wear, and none of that matters.  Because I'm here, with you.

Naomi: You really mean that, don't you?

Aaron: Every word.

In that case, well, will you marry me?

You bet

So, yeah, I've been playing a bit of sims 4 but I do really want to finish this at some point.  Plus I have a new PC to play on so you can  look forward to prettier screen shots in a generation or so.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #46 on: May 23, 2015, 06:21:49 AM »
Welcome back =]

Naomi and Aaron make a perfectly odd couple. Hope she gets a unique friend, that Susie is everywhere  :o
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Offline awaytobeunshaken

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2015, 01:59:28 PM »
@Nettlejuice Well since you mentioned it, here's the tale of Susie Sackholme and how she almost wrecked my dynasty.

Her first night at work, Naomi got one of those chance card thingies where she does something awesome and gets an instant promotion and the rest of the day off.  This raised her relationship with Susie to just the tiniest sliver from best friends status.  I knew I had to tank the relationship quick.  She hadn't learned the potent discord elixir recipe, but some mean socials ought to do the trick.  So I sent her over to Susie's house the next day, and Susie was invisible.  I had Naomi hit her with an Ad nauseum elixir and tried to follow up with a potent meloncholy, but Susie had to make breakfast.  Which she burned, so she made it again.  By the time she finished, the ad nauseum had kicked in.  The toilet was upstairs.  3 sim hours later I had barely made a dent in the friendship bar.  Ended up going back over the next day with every form of bottled nastiness she could whip up and finally managed to get things back down to a comfortable level. 

Naomi got her cooking skill high enough to fix her dad his favorite food, grilled salmon.

And a little something for herself, plasma fruit cobbler.

Meanwhile, Aaron isn't always having the best luck winning over his constituents.

Aaron: How 'bout this one?  Your mama sheds so much...

Orion: My mom's dead, you jerk.

Yeah, maybe stick to the inspiring speeches rather than the shedding jokes

Another paparazzi dies in our backyard, presumably because I have celebrities disabled in this file and they have nothing better to do.

But at least it give Ciara the chance to...

to, ah...

Ciara: Has anyone ever told you that hood really brings out the emptiness in your soul?  It's pretty hot.

NOPE!  There will be no hitting on Grim in this household.  Go... fish, or something.

That's better.  Hanging around the cemetery at 2AM ought to keep you out of trouble.

Back to the nectary for wedding time

And post-wedding time

Naomi took up piano in the hope that she would wish to master it.  No luck there.

Same with photography, but she managed to get a $2500 photo of the Vault of Antiquity to satisfy a 5K wish slot

And, (drumroll) here comes the Try for Baby


Generation 4 - Naomi Carlisle

One best friend - Shauna O'Connell (werewolf)
Two career rewards - Ingredient Eviscerator, Cooking Skill certificate
Three opportunities - Alchemic Mastery, New High-Quality Ingredients, Learn a Recipe
Four Lifetime Happiness Rewards - Meditative Trance Sleep, Complementary Entertainment, Body Sculptor, Immortal
Five Wishes worth 5000 Points - Master Alchemy Skill, Master Cooking Skill, Take a Photograph worth $2500, Reach Level 10 of Culinary Career, Reach Level 10 of Alchemist Career.
Six Skill Challenges - Menu Maven, Master Alchemist, Master Pianist, Architectural Eye, Excellent Elixirs, Alchemists Anonymous
Mausoleum Piece - 7 Elixirs

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #48 on: May 23, 2015, 02:32:47 PM »
Sounds like you had some terrible glitches to battle with Susie. That dopey face Naomi is pulling is hilarious as is her romantic inclination towards Grim. Love the fireworks shot at the end.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline awaytobeunshaken

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #49 on: May 24, 2015, 10:30:08 AM »
Meet Gen 5!

The one on the left with the beautiful bright green skin is Selene, who is unfortunately a vampire.  The sleepy one on the right is Luna, the heir. 

They would soon age up...

into the two most adorable toddlers I think I've seen in any of my games.

Toddler spam incoming, but first,

Emergency potty training!  (Seriously, I went into build mode and stuck the potties in the dining room because there was no way we were gonna make it to the nursery in time.)

Followed by a round of synchronized milk-drinking.

And while the gnomes relax and enjoy some old movies,

And poor Mason gets fire-blasted by his wife, again,

the girls start to discover who they are.  Luna tests out her claws on a desk chair,

and Selene learns to feed.

Still, the life of a dynasty toddler isn't all fun and games.  There are lessons to be learned:

And having 2 toddlers with way too many adults wanting to take care of them can cause some problems.

Seriously?  What am I supposed to do with this?

Never mind, figured it out.

But it's all done...

out of love.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2015, 06:19:32 AM »
Aw, they really are so adorable. That poor dolly will have teeth marks all over it by now and the stuffings pulled out. Baby food and a bottle, overfeed much?  ;)
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

Offline awaytobeunshaken

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2015, 09:48:04 AM »

Despite a few growing pains,

the girls become children.

Luna checks out some new computer games

and experiences her first full moon.

She likes playing hero princess.

While her sister just wants to be an astronaut like her grandma.

Oh, and you three need to go to bed.

David, maybe try going through the door?  Instead of the counter.

Oh, hey Naomi, whatcha up to?  Making ambrosia?


What for?

Cuz I can.

Luna starts learning to fish in her special greenhouse.  (Both girls were born hating the outdoors).  Not sure why she's still in her princess costume, though. 

It's because I'm a princess.

Soon it's birthday time again.

Ew!  Underpants and a hoodie?  What is this?

That's what you get for aging up in your sleepwear.

You can tell that's Luna learning to drive because she actually had to get in the car.

The teen years did not always go smoothly for our heir.

Selene: You're such a snob.  Always thinking you're too good for everyone, just cause you're a dynasty heir!

Luna: That's not true!

Luna: For example, I don't think the back of my hand is too good for your FACE!

Unfortunately for Luna, the disagreement did not go unnoticed.

David: How dare you, young lady! This dynasty is supposed to be about fostering good will among different life states, not picking fights with them.  Go stand in the corner.

*sniff*  It's not fair.  She started it!

Hey, cheer up.  You'll be a young adult soon, and then you can really get going on your requirements, and hopefully you'll meet someone to marry soon.

Well, actually, I may have already.  Met someone, that is.

Oh, a friend from school?

No, he's a... well... someone I met at work.

Okay, that's nice.

That reminds me, I should freshen up a bit before the carpool gets here.

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Offline KRae

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #52 on: May 27, 2015, 11:53:17 AM »
Only in the Life States Dynasty are there so many fights. Three guys sitting on the couch exhausted, and then they get up and take a nap. Just go to bed already!

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2015, 03:06:47 PM »
The girls are great! Hopefully they can come to some kind of understanding soon. I really like Luna's look, btw, she's awesome. Can't wait to see who her spouse is going to be!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2015, 07:18:41 AM »
Ah, sibling rivalry. Hope the girls are back on friendly terms before Selene has to move out.
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

Mother Gothel & Baba Yaga Enthusiast

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #55 on: September 04, 2015, 08:21:16 PM »
So, apparently I could have fixed the issue with my game not spawning occults with a factory reset; now that I moved my saves to the new PC, Dragon Valley's crawling with them.  Oh well.

Despite the rough teen years, the girls age up without a hitch.  Well, except for Luna's hair.  I am so, so sorry.

It's a quick enough fix though.

And she gets to be my first sim ever to wear the kitty ears to graduation.

I look ridiculous

Finally, it's over!  C'mon, Watcher, I need to show you something!

Uh oh.

Okay, so I orient the stone with the primary curvature toward the anterior quadrant...


Then balance it eleven degrees to the right of the minor stem...



Niall Mithrilen: Huh?  Oh, hullo.

Oh, I see.  You've summoned a ghostly spouse.  Well, let's just have a look at his traits, then... oh, Luna, he's grumpy, and hot-headed and...

Luna: And gorgeous!

What? How-- he's transparent!

Luna: Oh, you're just jealous

Give him a makeover, and one of those young again potions from the alchemy chest,

and he'll make a fine piece of arm candy.

Come here, you, and we'll--

Urgh!  Ouch! Full Moon!

GRRR!  You call that a swimsuit?  Get your horrible fashion sense out of my family's park.

And these library chairs are hideous.  Ew!

Well, she's definitely owning that snob trait.

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #56 on: September 05, 2015, 11:02:02 AM »
Oh, goodness. Electric ghost spouse, here's to hoping the 'heir on the first try' luck holds out. Niall is indeed nice arm candy. Is Luna going to fish and collect for her skill challenges? Either way, you go girl for taking the initiative and finding your own spouse.

Offline awaytobeunshaken

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #57 on: September 05, 2015, 06:27:09 PM »
So I'm reaching the point of ultimate boredom/annoyance with the previous generations, so I've decided to set up:

Dynasty Jail version 1.0

When I realized that A) Sims apparently will autonomously listen to tabcasts and B) There needs to be some kind of barrier between sleeping and instrument playing sims, I had to rethink the design a bit

Ooh, an inappropriate forum posting machine!

Uh, sure.  Have fun.

After not wishing to master the gardening skill, Luna needed to try setting up some backup wishes.

Piano, huh?  Classy.  I like it

Yeah, it suits you.

And then a proposal to set up the marriage wish.

Yeah, so I'm not sure that's the most appropriate outfit for fishing.  Even if it is in the backyard.

Well, at least I didn't schedule a bachelorette party for full moon night.

Touche.  Still, that dancer seems to be into that inappropriate sniffing you're doing.

Ew, it's all outdoorsy out here.

Yeah, well if we tried to catch 350 fish from the greenhouse you'd be at it til you're an elder.

Niall, meanwhile, went into politics; and when his boss couldn't make an important dinner with a big donor, Niall had to pick up the slack.

Lucky he's engaged to a werewolf, this didn't seem to faze him.

You know Seamus, if you're going to play hooky, you should probably avoid the event you're skipping out on.

Well, Niall's been sitting on that "marry Luna" wish for a week now without a hint of the same from her.  So just get married already.  I'll be holding out for "have first child" at this rate.

Luna, you may be the most frustrating sim I've played, but you two do make a cute couple.

And cue obligatory endless rice-throwing townie.

So I realized, I don't think I actually posted all Luna's traits at any point.  She hates the outdoors, Good sense of humor, Hot-headed, snob, and perceptive.

Offline awaytobeunshaken

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #58 on: September 09, 2015, 07:37:19 PM »
Needing one more skill challenge besides gardening and fishing, Luna heads out in search of metals.

Wait, why did we slow down to "1" speed?  And is that burglar music?

Ooh, looks like we've got a smart one this time, didn't even make it through the front door before thinking better of it.

Not that that's going to help her.

Uh, Niall?  Are you sure you should wander out of your campaign fundraiser to go skinny dipping?

Hey, I'm a man of the people.  Just keepin' it real over here.

All right Luna, you've maxed your scientist career, you just hammer away at those ivories while I sell off your stockpile of money bags for the gardener career.  One of those wishes has to pop.

I wanna grow a perfect life plant!

Fine.  Your great-granddad stashed a ton of them in the chest downstairs,  I'll take it.

Oh, look, you're becoming an adult.  I wonder how that happened.

Ugh, I feel so OLD.  What's going on?

It's okay, it's just a midlife crisis.  And it never would have happened if you would have just wished for the things I told you to wish for!

And while Luna heads to a party at her great-great-grandmother's old place, the all-important life fruit reaches maturity. 

Ok, skill challenges - check, opps - check, best friend and backup best friend - check, four wishes with have first child waiting - check.  Ok, lets do this.

Luna: So, mom, I didn't transform when the moon came up.  I think I'm gonna have a nooboo.

Naomi: That's nice, dear, but Mommy really needs to escape from the coppers right now.

Ah, nooboo.

Ah, finally.

I hope it's a girl!

Grr, I hate you so much.

Wait, what did I do now?

Sigh... nothing.  Just eat your apples.

K.  What do I need to eat apples for?

Uh... because they're good for you?

Oh, makes sense.


Meanwhile the rest of the family hides out in the master bathroom to escape the onslaught of kids' TV.

And Luna gives birth to 2 gorgeous little ghost-boos.

Generation 5 - Luna Carlisle

One best friend - Genevieve Griggs (werewolf)
Two career rewards - Gardening skill certificate, Fishing skill certificate
Three opportunities - Pediatric Piano, School Musical, Fix It!
Four Lifetime Happiness Rewards - Super Green Thumb, Alpha Wolf, Eye Candy, Teleportation Pad
Five Wishes worth 5000 Points - Catch every type of fish, Master fishing skill, Reach level 10 of Science Career, Grow a perfect life plant, Have first child
Six Skill Challenges - Master Planter, Amateur Ichthyologist, Master Farmer, Botanical Boss, Commercial Fisherman, Metal Collector
Mausoleum Piece - 7 deathfish

Offline dontmindme

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Re: The Carlisle Dynasty - Return to Dragon Valley
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2015, 04:29:59 PM »
Yay, Luna, congrats on completion! Double congrats on two heirs the first try! Oh, Niall, skinny-dipping? Well, at least it seems you're being cooperative/not overly mean so good trade off? You're so close, Away, I wish you quick completions and good traits down the stretch.