Placing an item from Inventory on non home lots is not allowed.
Is this from the buy mode inventory, or your sims inventory? For example, is it ok for me to travel and place an instruments from my sims inventory into the world?
No, you cannot do that. This may be changed for next year.
Darn, guess I'll have to start over then. Oh well.
Start over in the Tournament Finale?
Yeah. I only had 15 days left in sim time too. Is it alright for me to use the same two sims I created for the challenge, or do I need to create two new sims to re attempt the challenge?
Make sure to carefully ready the General Challenge rules at the beginning of this thread. You cannot restart a challenge once you begin a scoring file, but given you have not participated in any events this year the team figured we could give you one free pass, so go ahead and restart.