I had an issue with the jobs challenge that I asked about after the event was closed in the thread for that challenge. As of the time I'm posting this, it is still the most recent post in that thread, so I thought I'd ask it in here as well. It was an issue that involved my sims progression towards the next level of their career. It went like this ... the first day they advanced in it through the colours of the progress bar from left to right.
On their next day of work, their progress bar had dropped considerably from where they had been the previous day back to the start again. It didn't matter what mood they were in, whether or not they had completed their daily task or anything else. It just kept on returning to the start. On the day after that it returned to the start again and didn't move at all.
I took them out of their first careers and put them into other careers with the same result. Yes, I spent the entire time of their ya and a lifespans trying to get it not to do that ... each of the jobs I tried was having that same effect.
To me this seemed like that bug that most were suffering from and was supposedly solved by that patch that was put out mid way through this challenge. Anyway, I had told the downloader to download the patch to my game and it indicated that it was done. And I started this challenge AFTER that point. By the way, my sim from the first challenge of 2015 managed to get to level 3 or 4 of his career.
In the first post in this thread, Metro says: You must always play your challenge file under the most current EA patch — this applies to before creating your file as well as the duration of the event.
I don't want to start on the next two challenges, only to discover that something has happened and I'm somehow not patched properly. I can get awful scores on my own, I don't need anything working against me that doesn't need to be working against me in these things. So, if someone could please help me out, I'd be ever so grateful.
Can someone tell me
1) How I go about ensuring my game is patched properly and up to date? Is there a number thing to look for like in Sims 3?
2) Whether the fact that I don't have that game pack would impact on the patch/what I'm experiencing in some way?
Thank you