I've noticed that when there is a tie, the person who reported their score later is listed on the leadberboard below the person who reported their score earlier. How are ties on an event scored in the world ranking?
Hi ClayMask - there actually are no ties. The spreadsheet carries everything out to who knows how long - 10 places or something. It's just that I do not feel like carrying the World Ranking out more than 3 places after the decimal.
EDIT: Okay, my bad - it's early and I am still waking up.
I did not understand your question at first. Okay...let me try and explain how I do this. I copy the leaderboard after I close an event and paste it to a text document to print out. So, now it's sitting next to me and I am ready to work on the World Ranking. I start at that bottom. It may be a DNF or it may be someone who did turn in a score. Whatever the case they get a 0 because they beat 0 players. If the player above them has the same score - DNF or otherwise - they get a 0 as well because they did not beat anyone. I mean to beat someone means your score has to be better, right?
Let's say the total field size is 20. Then the best the winner is going to get is 19. They can only beat 19 other players, so I would put a 19 by their name. Their ratio for that event in the spreadsheet would be 19/19. No let's say you and Lena both finish right under the winner and are tied for 2nd. Neither one of you beat each other - your scores in the event are the same, so it's entered in the spreadsheet not as 18/19, but 17/19.