Author Topic: The Oasis Life: Chapter 3  (Read 4801 times)

Offline SimOakley

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The Oasis Life: Chapter 3
« on: December 12, 2014, 04:19:17 PM »

maria ross:

As I looked through the cab window to see what I would be staying at for the next couple of months, feelings swarmed in my head; happiness, joy, excitement.. You see I was fresh from university and part of the university bundle is that you get to stay at one of your friend's place for a couple of months to get yourself a job and such. The only person I could think of that lived in a large, contemporary house is Andrew Schaffer who is basically my other half, but not romantic, of course...Anyway, we always talk on the phone and he said that his parents had left him their retirement home which was a large and contemporary home with traditional furnishings; Lets just say when Andrew got it there were massive furnishing renovations *laughs* wait I just laughed to myself, now the cab driver probably thinks I'm insane or hysterical! Okay Maria, calm down, get back to the story. Right, so Andrew is a super rich guy who is quite hot and muscular and has a great personality and... is my friend. So Andrew invited me to stay at his place for a couple of months, you know for the university bundle, so I obviously said yes because large house and nice room! So, now I'm in Oasis Springs and in a cab from the airport, and all I see is... a really large house, I think I can get used to this!

Notes: Any criticism or tips, please let me know. Hope you liked the prologue!

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2014, 09:06:16 PM »
Hi SimOakley! What a gorgeous house! Looking forward to reading more.

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Offline SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2014, 08:22:44 AM »
Hi SimOakley! What a gorgeous house! Looking forward to reading more.

It's not actually my build, but I did all the furnishings! It is quite a nice house though... Expect a chapter tomorrow, I need to get my creative juices running.

Offline SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life: Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2014, 09:56:29 AM »
Chapter 1

maria ross:

As I walked to the front door, I looked back to survey my surroundings a bit. It was an amazingly sunny day in Oasis Springs (as it always is) and it was already 3 o'clock, so most of the people were coming back from school and work. There were 3 Spanish styled houses and a plaza in the middle. I'm guessing that this house is a bit out of place... Oh well, I have always been the odd one out!I decided finally to go through the front door with the key Andrew sent about a week ago.

As I went through the front door, I was astonished on how warm it felt inside, completely different from the modern, slightly cold exterior! As I went to look around a bit, I found a note from the one and only Mr. Schaffer.

Dearest Maria,
I am sadly out and can not meet you as you arrive, but Oh my god, I can't wait for us to catch up! Dress nice for dinner, it's going to be in the dining room, it's going to be a welcoming dinner with your favourite food, but it is still a surprise, so I won't tell you which!

Wow, I feel so honoured! I decided to check out my room, which was obviously an old furnished room with large modern windows and bright colours. The best feature, which is actually my favourite ever and ever, is the old Georgian styled fireplace and it is gorgeous! As I unpacked my clothes (which is about 1 to none), I somehow stumbled on an sleeveless nude and black coloured dress and black heels, which is probably the most expensive dress that has been in my hands (I wouldn't question it's origins as Andrew is a bit of a Serial Romancer) . After even more searching, a necklace and bracelet was found (I wouldn't ask it's origins either) and all my outfit needed was make-up which I obviously packed because I was quite the beauty guru in university! Everyone would always ask where my make-up was from, but I didn't tell them except one person who told everyone, so that was a mistake. So, now all I had to wait for was Andrew to come back, and that was the moment I heard the front door open and close. I hoped that was Andrew as I did forget to lock the door. Oops

And that concludes Chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed and leave any criticism or any tips down below!

Offline arimau

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2014, 08:36:28 AM »
I wondered about Sim that you mentioned in your story such as Andrew Schaffer. It would be great to included screenshots of your Sims more, it’s okay not to show all of your Sims face, but somehow I think you have surprises for us in later chapters ;)

Good luck with your story! Looking forward to read more!
Arimau's Playground
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Offline SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2014, 07:44:11 PM »
@arimau It is a it of a cliff hanger, or should I say face-hanger *bad dum tish*. There will be hopefully a two part chapter tomorrow and you will have a face to Maria and Andrew there! Hope you like it!

Offline SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2014, 01:26:02 PM »
Chapter 2: Part 1

Maria: You have got to be kidding me
Andrew: Your favourite food, of course is.. "gummy bear delight pancakes!"
Maria: Well, at least it is actually amazing! It is really great to finally catch up with you, I mean I didn't know you were working at "Culinary Acts"? Is it good there?
Andrew: And you are a Palette Cleaner! That must be fun
Maria: Oh, don't get me started about my boss
Andrew: I think I won't go there.. But I will go to how it is hilarious my uncle is your boss! I mean he has seen you paint.
Maria: He may be the funniest boss I have ever had! He made a joke about me cleaning palettes and that I should be the one painting and not any person in there. I guess he still won't pre-promote me, so to speak.
Andrew: *laughs* That sounds a lot like Uncle Teddy! So, how was the rest of uni?
Maria: OH, do get me started on that!

-A few hours later-

maria ross:

You know that feeling you get, when you feel comfortable around someone and they, just get you? It's as if a cupid shot me with an arrow because I have never felt that about Andrew, ever. He has always been my friend, but now that I have concluded I felt that about him, I don't know how to act around him. Usually, men don't look at me as a person, like a thing that they can compliment and later date, but all of those relationships have ended badly. I would be a mess and my friends would tell me "He's nothing compared to you" or "You will find another guy". This time I think I will take it slow and try to find out the romantic side of Andrew, the so called "University Womaniser" and see the (hopefully) true Andrew that I know and has been one of my best friends for years. I just hope that this town and these few months will not be as difficult as the months of the "aftermath" of university and I will get my life, finally on track. Anyway, I must go to bed soon as my first day as the one and only Palette Cleaner is tomorrow and you know what they say, everyone started from the bottom. And this time it is rock bottom, like the Mariana Trench bottom or.... the centre of the Earth. *giggles*. I should probably not laugh at my own jokes, it makes seem a bit insane.

Hope you enjoyed it and part 2 will be up in a bit as it is New Years today, and I think I might be a bit busy with the food tonight!

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2014, 02:33:22 PM »
She is very pretty! And she should always laugh at her own jokes, I do!  ;) Happy New Year

Offline ManiSims

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2014, 06:34:36 PM »
Ooh, I love the home. Maria and Andrew seem like a cute couple. Looking forward to seeing where your story goes! :)

Offline SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2015, 06:49:41 PM »
Chapter 2: Part 2

andrew schaffer:

Things ran smoothly for us, Maria now is making new friends, I'm excelling in my career, and I am in a large confusion. Thing is, before I was having Maria coming to stay, I had a girlfriend. Dina Caliente. A wonderful woman that I had nothing in common with. We were more of a show couple, I mean, who wouldn't want to see Andrew and Dina (Anina was our couple name *cringe*) as a couple! *Ugh* It wasn't a nice break-up after realising that Maria is, literally, my soulmate and I want no one else in my life (Okay, very cringe worthy). Now, back to Maria and her friends, she met these ladies at the new bar that was built. Their names were, I think, Eliza, Kerry,Mina and the lady in the back with the orange skirt, Mila (Mina and Mila are not siblings). She seems to have a lot in common with them (Namely types of drinks...) and they all seem to have fit romantic interests (Just kidding, I was the only one  ;) ) As for my career, I am now a Sous Chef! Maybe having a dad in the business helped. Oh well, at least my cooking is top notch for my 'Gal'. I just love cooking, like the thought of making something that pleases other people really brings a sense of accomplishment to you. Like seeing your kid successful, something my parents never got to see. My parents died young, but old enough to make a will. It was car crash. South of France, Toulouse area. I was still in University, my Senior year, and it really took a toll on my exams. I nearly failed my degree, but managed to scrape with a A-. All my friends really helped me through it, you know. It was like a blanket of sadness was over me and they were the wind to blow it off. You know that's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt. Thing is, I love Maria, but somehow, the way I sometimes act with women could rub off on me being with her and I really don't want to mess this relationship up.

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely 2015! Any tips or criticism is very welcome.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2015, 05:08:30 PM »
Maria is stunning, I don't want Andrew to break her heart. I love how you've furnished the house, it looks very inviting.
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Offline SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2015, 05:02:18 PM »
@Nettlejuice  Maria is quite the looker isn't she! and we will have to wait and see with Andrew  ;)
  The house was a struggle as there is ally of open space and move objects wasn't there yet!

@ManiSims  Thank you! We will have to wait and see if Andrew can stay with her though....

@KTK10 She is quite pretty inside and out (the good trait) and hopefully their children #spoiler will be pretty too! Happy New Year!

Offline SimOakley

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The Oasis Life: Chapter 3
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2015, 07:04:57 PM »
Chapter 3

maria ross:
Dear Mum,
Well, a few weeks have passed and I am now, not, a Palette Cleaner! Oh, it's wonderful, I just love being a Canvas Creator! You get to.... create canvas' (It does say it in thejob title though!). Andrew has been lovely so far, making fabulous meals, fixing things around the house, taking me on dates and of course I also do the same for him. Well not the cooking. Certainly not the cooking. But, anyway I met a woman named Dina Caliente. She was a tall, skinny, blonde and beautiful woman. She told me about the days when Andrew and her were going out. How she loved oh so much and she thought she and him were a lovely couple and she was already planning children and marriage, but then Andrew just dumped her for someone else, she didn't know who, but if she ever learnt who it was, she would be angry with them. Very angry. Then, after asking Andrew about Dina, I learnt that Dina was extremely obsessive, jealous about most girls, if they even looked at him, it was an interesting mix. I asked Dina, as small talk, her past relationships. They were apparently very pleasant, no jealousy and such. I'm guessing Andrew was slightly different, hm very interesting. Anyway, if I go on about Andrew and Dina, I might get a bit obsessive like her about relationships! Oh, and I must say a bit about my new friends; Mina and Mila are very lovely, we go shopping every Wednesday and I take care of Mina's little niece for her (She has family troubles at her home), Mina sometimes says I would be a great mother, but I guess I did grow up in a big family. Oh, and Kerry is also wonderful, she gives me free drinks everytime I go to The Blue Velvet and we always have a laugh! Eliza is a tricky one, she is very sweet, but she does come around quite a lot... lots of obsessive people in this town.

To end off there, here is a photo that I quite like of a time that we had a pool party with all our friends! It was great to catch up with the girlfriends from University and meet Andrew's friends! There was food coming out of our ears and a mixologist, and let's just say that the night was a bit hard to remember again! Oh, the joy of being a free spirit, with a fabulous life. I actually feel free for once. Isn't that a change!
With love,

I decided to do a different style of writing, tell me if it is okay or not! And thank you for 215 views, it is quite astonishing people actually read this.  ;) Also, hope you have a great year! -SimOakley

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Re: The Oasis Life: Chapter 3
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2015, 09:44:45 PM »
I like the change in writing, I love hearing her voice and she just sounds so happy! That screenshot with them by the pool is perfect.  :D

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Oasis Life: Chapter 3
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2015, 05:15:24 AM »
They look so cute together and I'm sure we'll find out soon who is telling the truth.
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