Author Topic: Kyleigh's Legacy..Mods, Please Move to GraveYard. Thank you  (Read 19178 times)

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Kyleigh's Surprises Don Update #2 1/10
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2015, 09:01:11 PM »
I love how she just takes control and he blindly follows.. Oh Don.. hahaha  :D

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Kyleigh's Surprises Don Update #2 1/10
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2015, 04:46:19 PM »
heh, nice to see Don getting led around lol.

"Don: This is awkward.. I've heard of one with nature but this takes the cake." << from two chapters ago, but made me laugh!  :D
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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Smooth Move Don 1/26 Updated
« Reply #32 on: January 26, 2015, 03:04:19 PM »
Don: Well at least now we have a wall of sorts heading the john. That's better then nothing. Better wake K up before I have to go to work.

Kyleigh: I think I'm gonna go in town to the library later. You wanna meet me there after work?

Don: Sure, sound safe. You are looking beautiful this morning.

Kyleigh: *digging* Looking beautiful. He has no clue. What am I gonna do? Do I just go for it and ask him?

Kyleigh: If I chip a nail on this I'm gonna be so mad. The watcher will feel it.. 

Kyleigh: Yogurt taste good but it's starting to get old watcher.

Get to earning some money honey.

A little after dark, Kyleigh was proof reading her book and Don came in sat down at the computer across from her and started writing jokes.

When she noticed him she got all excited.

Don: *blows kisses* How was your day today K?

Kyleigh: *Blushes* It was boring without you here to say the least.

Don: Well come  here and let me fix that. *kisses*

Don: Why don't you go take a shower and change into something more comfy?

Kyleigh: Hmmm, okay be right back.

Kyleigh: Now, I feel so much better. What is it that you want to do?

Before she say another word, Don pulled her up and dipped her so fast and kissed deeply

Well the next thing I knew it was morning.. Kyleigh was gone and I smelled something cooking.

Well, Hey goodlooking!! What'cha got cooking?

Don: I knew it!! I knew there was a watcher somewhere around here.

Don: *sad* What did I do? I remember kissing her, then we got in the bed and then it was morning.

You feel asleep romeo! Good job. You better have a good fix for this when she gets home from work.

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Kyleigh Plans a Big Surprise 1/26 Update #2
« Reply #33 on: January 26, 2015, 03:27:43 PM »
Don: Almost time for her to get home. Do you think will still be mad about that?

*smh* If you keep falling asleep she's going to kill you.

Kyleigh: *pushups 1, 2, 3. Men!!! All they do is sleep, and then they expect us to forgive them.

Don: K please I'm so sorry about the other night. It's just you had me so high strung and I didn't know which way I was going.

Kyleigh: I have already forgiven you Don. It's okay, everything is good.

Don: *shocked* Seriously? Your not mad anymore?

Kyleigh: Nope, you keep cooking like this and we will be just fine.

Don: *smug* Well, I've been complimented on other things before but never my cooking.. WOW.

Kyleigh: Just shut up and kiss me already.

Don: My pleasure ma'am.

The next morning Don was up and scooting to the toilet.

Talk about togetherness!! LOL

Kyleigh: I feel as if I have gained a new best friend as well as a boyfriend.

Don: You can't have one without the other I hear.

A new nightie?

Kyleigh: Yep, I got it on my way home the other day. Do you think Don will like it?

What are you up too young lady?

Kyleigh: *smells* hmm Don can cook wonderful grilled cheese.

At the Library:

So What are you reading?

Kyleigh: How to plan a small but quick Wedding.

Girl: Just spring it on him at the last minute.

Kyleigh: My online research says that I need to guide him and let him know it's gonna be okay and that we can handle his commitment issues together.

Don: I know she's up to something. I can feel it. Why is it when I'm around this woman, I can't control myself? It's like she has me on a string.

Kyleigh: *showers* Tomorrow is my big plan. I have to be ready for anything.

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Kyleigh Plans a Big Surprise 1/26 Update #2
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2015, 11:55:29 PM »
LoL!  Oh my... Kaleigh, I love you.  You are too cute!  I love watching her lead Don around.

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Kyleigh Plans a Big Surprise 1/26 Update #2
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2015, 01:00:16 AM »
Hmm, I have to admit to being a bit worried about K's 'Big Plan'. Sheesh!
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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Kyleigh Plans a Big Surprise 1/26 Update #2
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2015, 06:47:11 AM »
Kayleigh is just so funny! I love how you make your sims so alive and full of personality

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Faces His Fears.. 1/31
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2015, 08:48:07 AM »
Don: *whispers* K?? Honey, what's going on? You said this was a date. This thing behind me is scaring the poo out of me.

Kyleigh: Oh my sweet man, it's nothing but a little arch. Something I thought would look cute in the back yard.

Don: I don't know K, it's looks seriously, committal and all.

Kyleigh: *whispers* Tell you what, if you do something for me, psst psst psst psst, later okay?

Don: *stares off blankly* I'm a goner..

Don: *taking her hand* You want me to marry you don't you K?

Kyleigh: Oh my dear Donny, it's not that bad. Everything will be fine. I'll be right here beside you..

Don: But... *goooo*

Kyleigh: Don, baby, Look at me, Your gonna be fine. Just look at me and repeat what I say. You'll be just fine baby.

Don: *Lost in her eyes* Donny be just fine..

Don: Lets do this K, it's now or never okay?

The music keys up, Don starts sweating bullets. Kyleigh is giddy, and the ceremony begins.

Don: Kyleigh, *gulp*Where did this come from?? I don't remember buying this. *gulp* I give you this ball and chain, I mean ring as I token of my love and devotion to you and our love. I hope you will love and cherish it as much as I do you. *gulp*

Kyleigh: See that wasn't so bad now was it. No one died.. *giggles*

Don: *Cocky* I'm smooth!!

Kyleigh: OH Don, it's beautiful, I love it and I do love you..

Don: Come here beautiful and lets make it official and seal it with a kiss.

Don: Now that I have survived the commitment arch, you promised me a little something something and I think I I'm gonna collect on that now.  Plus I think it's pretty of my Husbandly rights.

Kyleigh: *laughs* Now you get all husbandry on me.

Kyleigh: Well husband, a promise is a promise, if you can catch me, you can have it.

Don: Oh I'll have it, you can count on that K..

*giggles* I told you that I would have it.. You can not out run the Don when it involves fun..

Sometime later after the *Don Fun* LOL

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Gets a Surprise.. Updated 1/31
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2015, 09:22:18 AM »
Don't you look happy this morning?

Kyleigh: Well I should. I got married, I'm going to have a baby. Plus I have a job I like.

Plus, you still have your figure. Are you sure your preggo? Must other sims are already showing.

Kyleigh: I can't help it I'm in great shape and have a great body. Fitness and Activeness is the key. I'm sure I'll balloon out soon..

Don: Don't stress it Don. It's just a ring. Jewelery. Nothing more. Just don't think about it.

Don: I hate stress. I eat when I'm stressed. Food, what is in here..

As the day went by, Don relaxed, He's such a baby. LOL

When I came home from work, I showered and changed into my nightie. Don was cleaning the kitchen.

I took a hamburger from the frig that Don made for dinner. As I was eating, it was good, but I don't think my tummy was happy with it. I got sick and threw up. I broke the toilet.

Don: Dang woman. What is wrong with you? You woke you sick, you came home sick. Now you broke the toilet. WOW.

I washed my dishes and wondered how long I had before I should tell him I was pregnant.

Before bed, I sat down at the computer to work on my book for work and Don wanted to read up on Handiness. Then it was off to bed.

The next morning I awoke to only find out that it was time to tell Don about the baby. But how?

I sat at the dinning room table, and was reading, trying to figure the best way. Then I decided to just do it.

Don was working on the computer on some jokes and stuff for his job. So I walked over and sat on the bed.

Don: *Blows Kiss* Morning beautiful. Aren't you just glowing this morning.

Baby, I, umm, well, I, we are having a baby.. I'm pregnant.

K: Surprise!!

Don: WHAT???

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Gets a Surprise.. Update #2 1/31
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2015, 10:33:40 AM »
I cracked up waaayyyy too much at those last couple updates.  I really did.  The wedding was hilarious.  And I can only imagine his face when she tells him she's pregnant XD

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Gets a Surprise.. Update #2 1/31
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2015, 11:37:46 AM »
You have three projects at once, wow. Anyway, I am in love with the way you portray your characters as always.
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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Gets a Surprise.. Update #2 1/31
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2015, 01:01:08 PM »

You have three projects at once, wow. Anyway, I am in love with the way you portray your characters as always.

Hmmmm yeah, I'm crazy that way. Lol I like to keep busy when not busy at home. It's my sanity keeper.

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Gets a Surprise.. Update #2 1/31
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2015, 02:00:32 PM »
What a lovely story to post my 500th comment on...

I just love how Kyldon interact with each other... She leads him by the *cough* nose and he is too busy to notice that she has life all planned out for them! I love your writing, Shannon! I have quite a few authors here at Carl's that I truly think are brilliant and you're right up there with them! I hope I have more time to keep up to date with this legacy because I can see a good many laughs coming from Kyldon and everyone needs some laughter in their life! ;D
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don Gets a Surprise.. Update #2 1/31
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2015, 02:58:50 PM »
What a lovely story to post my 500th comment on...

I just love how Kyldon interact with each other... She leads him by the *cough* nose and he is too busy to notice that she has life all planned out for them! I love your writing, Shannon! I have quite a few authors here at Carl's that I truly think are brilliant and you're right up there with them! I hope I have more time to keep up to date with this legacy because I can see a good many laughs coming from Kyldon and everyone needs some laughter in their life! ;D

WOW! I'm speechless. Thank you so much. Yep. Poor Don has no clue what has happened to him yet. so far they are full of laughs.. Thank you for reading their story

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Re: Kyleigh's Legacy.. Don's Baby Reaction Update #3 1/31
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2015, 03:52:18 PM »
After I told Don about the baby, he developed a headache and went to bed. I just read some books and thought of the future. I had to remember why I was here and why I was sitting here at a table out in the open. 

K: Did you have a nice rest pookie? Headache all better?

Don: Much better babe. I had a really weird dream or nightmare *chuckles*, You told me you where having a baby.

K: We are Don. It's true.

Don: *dumbfounded*

K: Don? Hello?? Do you see my belly? I'm with kid. YOUR KID.

K: *pokes out belly and pats it* You wanna touch it?

Don: I don't know about this K.

Slowly he reaches over and rubs her belly. That's when the baby kicks.

Don: K!! It's ALIVE!! It's moving in there.. I made a baby!!

K: *laughing* yes that's what happens.

Forgetting he had commitment issues, Don grab me and pulled me into a passionate kiss. He's never kissed me like that before. It was full of warmth and love. I melted in his arms.

K: WOW. That was..

Don: I think I've finally fallen in love with you Kyleigh Lothario..

K: OH DON!! *hugs him* I love you too

Don: Here let me rub  your shoulders and back. Why, I need to be more attentive to you now. I'll take care of all the heavy stuff. You just go to work and relax after okay?

K: Oh your silly. I'll be fine baby.

Don: *kisses* Lets get some rest baby. It's been a long day and you need your sleep.

K: Right after I eat something, I swear, I'm hungry all the time now.

K: And pee alot more.

W: Well that was not the reaction I was expecting from him. I thought he would run off or something.

K: I'm happy with the way it went. All is well in the Lothario home. good night watcher.