Author Topic: The Dangelo Legacy - graveyard please  (Read 20724 times)

Offline KTK10

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The Dangelo Legacy - graveyard please
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:19:17 PM »
Hi, I'm Willow Dangelo - and my watcher is too chicken at the moment to say anything because she is still upset about her previous Legacy.. some family called the Gloombummers??

Ok.. enough of that! I promise to leave the Cloudbringers behind and concentrate only on you.. ok?

Good! Now I have been watching for a while and I know where I want to go and which guy I want to hook up with so let's get to it.. plus, would rather talk to someone else right now.. Oh.. no offence

*sigh* Come on then

Hellllooooo handsome

Lisent Zesty, I have been checking out the other Legacy's and Dynasty's and I know that you are a fairly popular choice.. but let's be honest.. so are quite a few other sims too *Do... ahem...n..* See what I'm saying?

So?? What do you think Zesty man??

Zest "First off.. who the heck are you? Secondly.. my name is Zest, NOT Zesty.. and thirdly, You have got to be kidding me"

Oh my!! You are soooo funny!! But we really don't have time for jokes right now Zesty

Zest "I want to speak to your watcher.. NOW"

Zest? I'm so sorry. She really is such a wonderful girl. Bit of a handful.. obviously.. but if you please just give her a chance I think that you would really like her. Plus.. there is no way I would have let her come over to you if I didn't think that you guys would eventually hit it off.

Zest "Oh, whatever... Cheers.."

<whispers> Ooohhh.. I think he might actually like me! Squee!!!

Wiilow? Time to invite him back to your place

Hey! Zesty?? Want to come back to mine for a bit?

Zest "Whatever.. sure..."

So here we are.. want to move in?

Zest "Whatever.. sure.."

Ummm.. I think the watcher is going to do something with this.. Watcher?

Yes Willow.. am looking at it now

So Zest wants to be a joke star. So I got him this..

Man.. he is not going to be happy with me.. However, at least they are starting straight away with a house. Here is the rest

So Watcher?  Did you tell them what my aspiration is or what my rules of the legacy are?

Not yet, *mumbles* but I'm sure if there was a how to be annoying aspiration.. everyone could guess..


Nothing. Willow Dangelo is a Romantic, Creative, bookworm and the Legacy succession laws are Equality, Modern and first born.. and her aspiration is Soul Mate.. if you can believe it

Listen I may come off as a bit shallow - but I'm actually really insecure. Like, does my butt look big in these jeans?

You are really going to need to tone it down.. A LOT for Zest ok? And he really wasn't kidding when he asked you to not call him Zesty


Oh come on! Willow.. get it together or soon this legacy will fail before it even begins. Take a deep breath and for goodness sake.. be yourself and just talk to him.. ok?


Are you kidding??

Yes - I'm kidding. I hear what you are saying Watcher and will be a bit less aggressive.. I promise..  Hey Zest.y.. I would really like to talk to you.

Zest "Whatever... sure..."

How you doin??

Oh geez

You've got really nice hands... you know that? Can I touch them?

Zest "Um..*snatching hands back* Why don't we just start with talking"


<Watcher and Zest at the same time>

"Why are you yelling?"

Was I?  I'm just so nervous? I really want to make a good impression and I really want him to like me and I don't think it's going very well and my voice just gets louder and louder and I keep talking without taking a breath and I keep hoping that nobody notices how annoying I can be and then I just keep talking over the top at everyone and..


Zest "Stop.. Willow.. Stop.. Let's sit down"


So how do you find the place Zest? Oh! I'm suddenly feeling all faint.. you may need to hold me up..

Oh please no..

Zest "Are you for real?"

*whispers* I'm so nervous .. I'm sorry Zest - but my assigned Watcher doesn't really like me yet and I'm just so scared that she is going to just put me back into the Gallery if I don't get it right

Zest "Oh Willow. That is the first real thing you have said all day.. It's kind of refreshing"

You mean you might actually like me? I so want this to work out, I really want you to be my partner.. that's why I begged for the soul mate aspiration - I have been in love with you from afar for so long now.. *blush*

Zest "Then lets try this together.. Have you ever kissed anyone be..mmfff"

No.. Was that OK?

Zest "not bad.. but we can take it slow if yo.. mmmfff"

Watch your head!! oh.. never mind..

Taking it slow huh?  Oh boy.. I think I might have my hands full with this one..

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2014, 03:50:58 PM »
I'm in love already. You got me at 1) Willows so, so cute and 2) Zesty baby.  :-*
Good luck, I've got you bookmarked.
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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2014, 06:10:38 PM »
Oooh! I just love Willow; she certainly doesn't dilly-dally about what she wants, does she?

Offline markarch

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2014, 07:27:00 PM »
Finally I'm able to read your legacy! Sorry can't read the last one, too busy and too late  :'(!
Well, lovely start!

Do you plan to show us the succession law thingy? Just curious.

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2014, 10:16:24 PM »
Cheers to a new legacy! And what a great start!

Willow seems more like a force of nature than a sim. I'm quite excited to see where this legacy takes her, or more likely, where she takes the legacy.  :D

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2014, 12:20:23 AM »
@Playalot - I thought that you might be happy with Zest! I can't believe how tiny he is, you managed to beef him up a bit! He's a great sim isn't he.
@Ginj - Willow is certainly a different personality to work with, some of the expressions are so funny. Have got to love the romantic trait!
@markarch - So glad to have you reading! I put in the laws - but it wasn't obvious. sorry!  Willow Dangelo is a Romantic, Perfectionist, bookworm and the Legacy succession laws are Equality, Modern and first born.. and her aspiration is Soul Mate.. if you can believe it   :D
@officialghosts - Thanks! She is such a force of nature isn't she! And your right, she is probably going to absolutely rule this legacy!  ;D

Offline markarch

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2014, 12:43:27 AM »
Ooops I might've missed it, hehe, I had this habbit of just skimming the first chapter of "any type of writing" hehe.

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2014, 01:46:09 AM »
Learning about the Future

Zest "So, I think that went rather well last night, I mean we hardly know each other and you kind of surprised me"

I did? I mean I'm one cute lady, full of energy and life.. of course things went well last night! What a great romance we have started.. don't you think?

Zest "I'd like to think that some of that has to do with me too.. "

What are you guys TALKING about??

We were talking about what we did last night! Keep up Watcher.. Zest.. can you deal with her please? *deep sigh*

Zest "Don't you remember Watcher? I decided to write a new book"

Zest "And Willow was helping me out with the editing and cover art"

Zest "What did you think we were talking about?"

*embarrassed*.. oh.. nothing.. please.. continue

So.. I was reading this passage about the girl being too shy to make the first move.. and something just doesn't sit right with me.. do you think we should probably try testing it out? Just to make it a bit more realistic for writing purposes..

Zest "Gee Willow - you really are so amazing sometimes really what are you doing?"

Oh, in the book the guy has his shirt off when she attempts the massage.. you were saying?

Zest "Oh yeah, I'd forgotten you had added that bit.. anyway.. oh that feels nice"

It sure does Zesty man!! Now lets stop the talking and continue with the research

Zest.. I think you should know.. I'm kind of falling for you

Zest " I don't remember that in the book.. hang on, let me just go and check"

Zest Jonny! Get your cute butt back here.. I'm trying to tell you that me.. Willow Dangelo.. is starting to fall for you.. Zest Jonny.. Sheesh!!

Zest "Oh"

Let's kiss for real.. no more pretending that it's just research for a book. It's starting to get a bit embarrassing now - I mean look at me, you know you like me!

Zest " 'K..*melts in a puddle*

Um, guys. I hate to interrupt, but one of you is about to ruin this lovey moment if said person doesn't go to the bathroom..

You have to work now Zest.. sorry! What are you going to do today Willow?

I am going to do some research on some stuff

Paint some flirty paintings

Then wait until Zest comes home..

Ok, well here he is - hope that your research went well Fiesty girl

Oh Great.. so the other one got Princess as a nick name and I get Fiesty Girl?

Just trying it out! So that's a no on the Fiesty Girl?

That's a no.. Hey Zest how was your day? Did you meet any nice people?

Zest "Well my new boss is all like..'this is how you do this.. and this is how you do that'"

Zest "And I'm like.. well this isn'....."

Yeah that's great.. whoohoo! Good talk.. anyway.. You won first prize in the life game!! ME!

Zest "um.. what?"

Yeah! Great isn't it! You not only get me forever, but also this great ring! Whoohoo!!

Zest "What just happened here?  Watcher?"

Um.. I'm actually speechless right now.. Willow? What are you doing?

*whispers* You are ruining my moment Watcher..

What on earth.. oh Willow.. which book were you 'researching' this stuff from?

How to Win the Dating Game and other Lifestyle Game Shows.. why?.. am I doing this wrong?

*laughing* Actually no.. this is just PERFECT for you! *still laughing

Zest "um..Not sure what to do right now Watcher.. Watcher?"

*still laughing* Just go with it Zest.. just go with how ever you feel

Zest "Well it is a nice ring, and she is kind of cute and sweet under all that bravado.."

I don't get it.. what's taking so long? <getting nervous>

Oh yeah! Sorry.. Forgot to add.. Love you Zesty! *thinking* oh yeah.. that has got to clinch the deal..

Zest "Oh what the heck.. Come on.. let's celebrate!"

*whispers* Thank Goodness.. I'm so glad I researched that..

Zest "*whispers* She is really growing on me.."

And we end as we begun... Boy am I tired now..

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2014, 01:58:43 AM »
Owhhh they are cute together. :D and boy the children they could make.

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2014, 02:01:56 AM »
Owhhh they are cute together. :D and boy the children they could make.

Am hoping to see some nooboos soon!  ;D

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2014, 02:03:12 AM »
Good golly Willow is very full on!  I don't know whether to laugh or cringe! Either way, loving it all!  :)
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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2014, 02:30:07 AM »
@Playalot - I feel exactly the same way!

Offline markarch

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2014, 08:01:37 AM »
Never liking Mr. Zest in my own play, but well! But I like willow, she's just so passionate(?), well done!

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2014, 08:09:50 AM »
Never liking Mr. Zest in my own play, but well! But I like willow, she's just so passionate(?), well done!

Thanks markarch - she is super passionate about everything.. like a little girl with too much hope and trust, but quite insecure underneath. Zest is a really great Sim to play, he is growing on me a lot.  :D

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2014, 12:14:08 AM »
Morning Sunshine, congratulations on your engagement!

You OK? You're being super quite

*mumbling* .. must go.. must go.. must go..

ooops! Sorry!

How are you feeling this morning Zest?  Big day for you yesterday.

Zest "To be honest, I'm really not sure? Everything has just moved so fast"

You don't have to do this you know.. I can ask Willow to look around.. maybe even..

Zest "No Watcher.. I think that I am actually happy, not just smiley - but truly happy"

Zest "You know what? I actually think I might really love her.. Wow.. that was a shock"

<wipes brow> Thank Goodness, I was worried that I had misjudged your compatibility there for a moment

So what are you guys talking about? Me?

Zest "You bet we were"

Really? *Whispers* Really Watcher?

Zest "Why is that hard to believe?"

Oh Wait! I've read about this - how to make a romantic moment more romantic

What do you think about me... now!!

Zest "*silence*

Yes.. ahem.. very romantic there Willow.. Um, do one of you guys want to do something about that toilet there?

Zest "Hang on there Watcher, I have some sweet things I want to talk to my fiance about"


Zest "You bet, I'm going to make sure that I look after you and I'm going to get bigger and stronger and do everything around here"

Oooh!! Including fixing the toilet??

Zest "Oh yes.. that's going to be easy.. but first"

Zest "My job is done"

Watcher? I'm confused?

Join the club of millions honey

Hey! Buck up! What's wrong?

Oh nothing.. I thought for maybe a moment.. oh it's nothing..

Oh honey, I'm sorry.. Look why don't you have some fun today whilst Zest is at work

Your right! I think I might do some painting

I'm also awesome at making drinks! Who me?? Yes, yes madam you are.. hehehehe


I'm also a terrific athlete, so I'll work out for a while

Are your feet actually moving there Willow?

What? Am I doing this wrong?

Keep going..

Actually, that's not too bad at all Willow. Well done!

Oh! I know what I'm going to do now

I'm going to dance until my gorgeous fiance comes home.. you can watch if you like 'coz I'm really good at this too.

<looking down> She is just so childlike.. Silly girl has captured my heart