Author Topic: The Dangelo Legacy - graveyard please  (Read 20686 times)

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #60 on: December 24, 2014, 06:22:49 AM »
@Playalot I love that idea! Definitely will check out the gym for that!  :D

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #61 on: December 25, 2014, 05:17:10 AM »
Lovely update, KTK! I've only played Zest a bit, but I quite like how you're writing him. I'm going to echo the others in complimenting you for the candid facial expressions you manage to capture - they're awesome! :)

I'm looking forward to more, but honestly, take your time to work through everything - simming should never come before family, and as someone already said, we're not going anywhere. ;-)

Also, I hope you had a Merry Christmas Day. :D
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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #62 on: December 25, 2014, 02:37:57 PM »
@Whirligig - Thank you! I hope that your Christmas was wonderful, we were lucky to have such a gorgeous day, so an outside lunch was perfect. Am actually itching to get back to playing, I'm dying to see if the Dangelo's have any glitches and to play around with the new Christmas Stuff. Enjoy Boxing Day!

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #63 on: December 25, 2014, 08:55:27 PM »
So you know how I have been doing so well with my Mathematical Diagrams that are on the wall in the study? Well, my logic is like WAY good now, so I thought I would go and see how many people I can beat at chess in the park!

Not going so good?

No, it's going just fine! *whispering* I think she is cheating, I'm like really good! Level 2 and everything! So am extremely confident <wink>

Random Girl "So I hear that you married Zest. Wow, you must be pretty special, although clearly not too logical..."

What? I must have misunderstood you...

Random Girl "Well obviously people that come here are actually good at chess - the way you play it's like the very first time you have even seen a chess board!"


My pregnancy much be affecting my ears.. but surely you were not insulting me and my intelligence?

Random Girl "*whispering* What intelligence? *giggle giggle*

Nope! Hearing is JUST fine!

Walk away Willow, Random Girl can't help it.. she has the mean trait.. and frankly - it's just not worth it

FINE. I'll take the higher dirt

Ground honey.. it's higher.. Nevermind

Now she looks like a much better challenge for me, want to make sure that I'm not insulted again by fear of my intelligence

Oh.. you are actually really good at this!

Vicky "I know!"

Well I think I'm done here for today Watcher.. Oh! Don't look now.. but do you think I could stick around and see if this kid actually does pee himself??

Zest "How is my little baby in there going? My gorgeous little it.. can't wait to meet you"

Me too! Oh.. how does my butt look now?

Zest "Looking good as always my beautiful Illy, I'm going to have a quick workout.. why don't you have a relaxing shower - I promise to one day buy us a bath.. wouldn't that be nice?"

Oh Zesty, you really are the most thoughtful man

ZEST JONNY DANGELO!! How could you.. she is PREGNANT!!

Zest "I have no clue what you mean.. whoops.."

Please stop shouting at Zest each time I fix something that is broken Watcher. I don't mind, honestly. I mean, do I get a little upset when I see something else broken?

Well - yes.. I guess I do. But does he make it up to me in so many ways? Yes.. yes he does

Ok.. I will not make a big deal of it any more... actually, that's not true.. I will TRY not to make a big deal of it any more. That ok?

*Whistling* Old McDonald had a Farm.. Eee Iii Eee Ii Ooo

Where are you going?

Zest "My girl needs a massage, I can see that her back is aching"

Oh! That is very sweet of you Zest

Zest "It's simple Watcher - I love her"

*Gulp.. sniff sniff*

Wow, you got over your aching back pretty quickly!

Yes, I mean - although I am an extremely good massager myself..

Masseuse honey


As I was saying.. Although I am an extremely excellent massager myself, Zest is pretty good!

Although, I don't think this baby likes me running that much.. <crack>

Oh honey, I think that is enough standing and exercise for today - the baby is only a mere 24 hours away - why don't you put your feet up and read a good book

You know what?  That is EXACTLY what I'm going to do.


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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #64 on: December 25, 2014, 09:14:40 PM »
The continued gag with the fixing the plumbing is hilarious XD I can't stop laughing.

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #65 on: December 25, 2014, 09:59:09 PM »
So sorry to see what happened to your Legacy, KTK. Aww, and it’s such a cliffhanger chapter too. It’s hard to part with your beloved Sims, but life must go on…   I’m glad that you finally get over it and create a new one.

Willow… is… too… straight-forward. *blushing* She is so different from the princess who is elegant and well-mannered but I like Willow personality, she’s a lovable founder!

Somehow I feel sad when Travis always make an excuse for repairing things. Why he couldn’t do that himself -.-

Things that I loved from your story are: your sense of humor and the facial expressions. They’re priceless. I had burst of laughter from reading yours, lol. This is one of the reasons that I thankful for :)

I wonder why Willow obsessed so much with her butt, lol.

Good luck with Dangelos!

P.S: I hope everything is alright, KTK. Remember, family comes first :)
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Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #66 on: December 26, 2014, 02:52:17 AM »
@Shewolf13 .. I just can't seem to stop!  ;D Although Zest does seem to break things.. often..
@arimau - Thank you Ari, was actually really mad at myself, but learnt a very good lesson about taking my time  ;D I'm glad you like Willow, she has basically just turned into this amazing character that I have lost control of! haha. Her butt is her prized asset I think  ;)

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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #67 on: December 26, 2014, 03:45:17 AM »
I'm getting a bit worried about Illy's incoming nooboo... I mean at this rate she might accidentally forget about it... or leave it at the hospital.... or be just about to feed it but then have to go check her butt out in the mirror.  ;)
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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #68 on: December 26, 2014, 05:33:06 AM »
@Playalot - How did you know!! ;D Not sure if the pregnancy is making it worse or if she is actually a bit better! haha

Offline Whirligig

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #69 on: December 26, 2014, 06:37:28 PM »
I'm with Playalot - the poor kid! And considering Zest's track record with the plumbing and the electronics, I don't think the kid can rely on Dad much either. Good thing the Watcher will be watching out for him or her. :) I can't wait to meet the much-anticipated nooboo.
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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2014, 02:50:19 AM »
@Whirligig - I agree with you both, I'm not sure how this poor baby is going to get through things! It's been born in game now, so am hoping to catch up with all my screenshots soon and introduce you to the nooboo.. it's surviving so far!  ;)

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2014, 10:30:18 PM »
So Zesty baby, we have only a few hours of just you and me left, shall we have one last dance together? You and me? Oh and the bump.. and the watcher.. and maybe that lady peeping through the window..

Zest "Watch away strange lady! Let's show them how it's done!"

Not to spoil the moment.. but what window??

Zest "How is our little munchkin going? Not long now huh?"

I think that it's going well - it's hiccuping right now

Zest "Really? Oh wow, let me feel!"

Hey Sunshine, you're looking very studious right now - what's happening? Are you doing some freelance work?

Zest "Yep, Yep - that's what I'm doing"

You just earned an extra 240.. well done!

Zest "And that's how it's done"

Hey Willow honey. Oh why are you cleaning that?

I don't mind, really!

Where is your husband Willow? Where is he.... *grumble grumble*

Um, oh there he is in bed. He must be tired

So what you are saying is.. while you are busy scrubbing the scum off the shower and your husband is snoring away, you are absolutely fine with it

Yes..Stop making me think about it Watcher

So not even a little bit upset?

*clenched teeth* Not even a little bit! Now go away!

If I wait here long enough - do you think some tomatoes are going to fall down from the sky too?


Owww... Gosh what was that?

It's coming Willow! Quick go and get Zest

He told me not to wake him..

He WHAT????

He said... OOOwwwwwwwww....

I'm speechless.. I am going to get his sorry butt up right now....

Don't go, I need you!

Of course, oh honey I'm so sorry, why don't you move into the baby's room so you can give birth in there..<meanwhile prodding Zest awake>

In here Watcher?

You are doing perfectly, please stop looking so sad Willow - look, Zest is up and I'll just go and talk to him *stomping off to count to 10*

No time!! Please I'm scared I'm not doing this right

You are already the perfect Mum Willow - go ahead, you are ready I promise

He she is!! Oh Watcher *sobs* oh she is so perfect!

That she is - what would you like to call her?

You know what? We hadn't thought of any names at all.. can't you just roll that dice thingy? Yell out the choices to me?

Ok - first rolls are Tegan or Beatrice

No - not those

Um... Carol, Annabelle, Nicole, Daniella..

Um.. Nope

There's Jordan, Sophie, Misty

Oh I think I like one of those.. hang on..


Willow? Are you waiting for her to say something?

Of course I am! What kind of mother do you take me for? I would NEVER give her a name she didn't want!

Oh Illy, She can't speak yet, or feed herself, or go to the bathroom..Didn't you research this stuff?

Yeeeeessss *looking sheepish*

Put her in the crib honey and just look at her.. a name will come to you

One more roll Watcher - please

OK... it's

Rochelle... her name is Rochelle

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2014, 10:40:52 PM »
Awww, welcome baby Rochelle!  Yeah, shoulda just let Zest sleep... they really are useless to the mother XD

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #73 on: December 30, 2014, 11:13:31 PM »
@Shewolf13 You are so right! Better to have him eating than jumping up and down in panic mode..I don't think Willow could have taken it  ;D

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Re: The Dangelo Legacy
« Reply #74 on: December 30, 2014, 11:44:21 PM »
Welcome little nooboo Rochelle! What a great chapter. lol @ Willow cleaning the shower and then becoming increasingly mad at Zest! Happy New Year KTK10  :D
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