Well I decided to sit this one out. I see you have to make a whole new game file and I'm not familiar with doing that. Before I try the next one I'll see if I can make it. I have to admit I'm a bit intimidated with the scores posted and am really eager to see how they got that high. I thought I was a crafty Simmer, but on my trial run I didn't even get close to the middle scores. Nice job everyone and good luck with the other challenges...
Two questions, do you have to do all the challenges in order to win? Or do I still have a chance?
When you are at the Main game Menu just click the + sign at the top right of your screen and bingo - fresh new game.
To be honest it was not clear to me either on day 1 when the game came out.
As to your question on participation, no, you do not need to participate in all events. Now, obviously if you understand how the world ranking is computed and the fact that participation is a big component, then your chances of doing well increase with more scores submitted over the season. Your WR is based on your top 10 finishes, so it's a real incentive to do 10+ because then I can drop your not so good finishes.