Author Topic: Kicking Careers into High Gear  (Read 51094 times)

Offline thefaeriesgirl

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #120 on: February 12, 2015, 03:53:44 AM »
Played all night to try to finish this.  Hopefully it's in under the wire.

2 careers capped 2400
0 careers 6-9             0

11 career rewards 1.55 multiplier 

3720 final score if my math is right

better than no score  :)

Offline Tixxis

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #121 on: February 12, 2015, 05:33:24 AM »
Comgratulations, Tixxis!  You're the only one who managed to cap more than four careers.  I wonder if you figured out something the rest of us didn't.

Thank you, ClayMask, but I am not sure if my entry will be accepted. I posted my score a few minutes late. And now, I realise I had 56 items, not 54. *sigh*

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #122 on: February 12, 2015, 06:21:51 AM »
Thank you, ClayMask, but I am not sure if my entry will be accepted. I posted my score a few minutes late. And now, I realise I had 56 items, not 54. *sigh*

I am sorry, Tixxis, but if it was February 12th when you posted then I cannot accept your score. I am assuming you are in Europe? Anyways, I hope you will share with everyone how you managed to cap 5 careers.


This event is now closed. Congratulations to ClayMask on another win. Everyone is now free to share strategy. The leaderboard is not quite done, so I will get to that momentarily.

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #123 on: February 12, 2015, 06:38:01 AM »
I feel kind of weird winning this event, since Tixxis got a better score.  Tixxis, you just gotta get your score in a little earlier :(  I'm looking forward to finding out what you did that I didn't do.  At any rate, here's what I did do.

I started off with two Sims having identical traits:  loves the outdoors, ambitious, and geek.  Geek was pretty arbitarary, and I now feel like there are better traits I could have picked.  Loves the outdoors is a staple if you want to set up your house outdoors, since the +2 happy it gives when your Sims are outdoors ir very helpful.  Picking ambitious seemed appropriate for the challenge.  It gave them many wishes to get promotions, and great moodlets when they did.  I'm not sure if it helps them get promoted faster.  I hope it did, but the description of ambitious doesn't mention this ability, and I didn't notice the bar moving any faster because of it.

I figured that it was important to make it so that they both could boost their performance as many ways as possible, as soon as possible.  My favorite way of boosting career performance outside the job is make connections:[job title].  This ability is gained by completing the computer whiz aspiration.  Along the way, they also gain the ability to hack work performance.  With level ten charisma, they gain the ability to ask for a bonus.  This also raises their career performance, but can only be used every other day.  The make connections one is my favorite because it works 100% of the time, and can be used every day.  Hack work performance is very unrealiable, only working about half the time, and is also time consuming.

I decided to have them reach level ten charisma before they got a job, and get never weary and the connections reward in the process.  The first thing I had them do was complete the friend of the world aspiration.  Once they got 4000 whim points, they bought never weary.  Once they got another 3000 points, they bought connections.  I would raise friendship levels quickly using quick interactions.  Some of my favorites are heartfelt compliment, get to know, and brighten day.  I would normally have them socialize while in a happy or very happy mood, but would occasionally use a confident mood to benefit from a different set of whims and the relationship boost confidence gives.  I also made sure to ask for a lot of loans, which was a great help for their money situation.  It gave them the ability to buy the best bed and bathtub.

After joining and quitting a few careers that they would never do in order to get the career rewards and bonuses, the next step was having them both join the tech guru career, in order to gain the ability to make connections and hack work performance.  After this, one of them joined the culinary career and did the chef branch, while the other one joined the writer career and did the journalism branch.  I chose these careers for a couple of reasons each.  The ideal mood for both careers is inspired, which is my favorite ideal mood.  I was able to get them inspired for 8 hours before work by bowing for inspiration on the violin.  It took a while, but the 8 hour buff was worth it.  Also, I wanted to be sure my Sim made it all the way through the culinary career chef branch, since it gives by far the most reward objects of any career.  In addition, for some reason it was super easy to get promoted in culinary, and because of the time changes between the various shifts, many times when getting promoted in it a Sim can work two shifts without much break between them.  I chose journalism because of its many work days, and ideal mood of inspired.  It also had a good number of career rewards.  The last careers I had them work on were painting, patron of the arts branch, and business, investor branch.  I picked these for some of the same reasons as the previous set; painting had an ideal mood of inspired, and business had a lot of long work days. Both had many reward objects.

It took a lot of experimentation during practice runs to figure out how many outside of work performance boosts I needed at different career levels in order to get promoted in a single work day, and how I should answer the random career events that came up.  I still didn't quite perfect these things, but would keep a close eye on their performance bar during work hours to see how much spare time they had after they reached promotion point in order to have an idea of how to handle the next level.

I had them make connections every day.  I would have them ask for a bonus after this if it was a day that they could ask, and it would matter for their promotion.  I only used hack work performance if it would be necessary for a promotion on their next shift, and they had already done everything else.  When they had more than a day off, I could usually get away with just making connections.  In order to increase my success with hacking work performance I made sure they were very focused, and added the IP spoofer upgrade to their computers as soon as I could manage.  I tried a lot of other things to increase success, but nothing seemed to work.  However, if they needed to hack in order to get a promotion, it was worth trying.

I made sure to get them in as good a mood as possible before work.  Some of the happy buffs I gave them were high level impeccable quality gourmet food, a bath in the nicest tub, playing a modded game, using a toilet with a bidet, telling each other a deep secret, lending emotional support (earned from completing the soulmate aspiration), and listening to music.  I also would have them look at art of the appropriate mood type right before work if possible, and reminisce.  If they needed the focused mood I also had them ponder chess moves and browse simpedia.  If they needed energized, I had them research exercise techniques and sometimes finish the last bit of run oolong tea.  If they needed confident, I would have them psych themselves up in the mirror, and sometimes finish the last bit of earl grey tea.  One thing I started doing partway through is having them eat first when beginning to get ready for work, but stop before the last bite.  They would finish the last bite right before leaving so the happy buff would last as long as possible, since the food gave such a big mood boost. 

As far as rewards, they got entrprenurial after connections, and then got night owl and morning Sim, stoves and grills master, followed by savant, carefree, steel bladder, antiseptic, hardly hungry, independent, and a bunch more that didn't matter much.  Stoves and grills master I only got on one Sim.

I can't think of anything else worth mentioning, but feel free to ask if you have questions.   

Edit:  Added some clarification about hacking work performance and asking for a bonus. 

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #124 on: February 12, 2015, 06:43:47 AM »
Congrats Claymask and to tixxis for hitting 5 careers

Offline december22

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #125 on: February 12, 2015, 06:53:49 AM »
Well done Claymask, your're definitely the one to beat!

Offline Tixxis

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #126 on: February 12, 2015, 07:15:48 AM »
I am sorry, Tixxis, but if it was February 12th when you posted then I cannot accept your score. I am assuming you are in Europe? Anyways, I hope you will share with everyone how you managed to cap 5 careers.


Thank you, sir. My post was entered about  three minutes after midnight Greenwich Time.
I'll gladly give an account of my strategy. But I have a question first.
Do you think it would be acceptable to enter me on your score list as DNF?

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Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #127 on: February 12, 2015, 07:32:04 AM »
Thank you, sir. My post was entered about  three minutes after midnight Greenwich Time.
I'll gladly give an account of my strategy. But I have a question first.
Do you think it would be acceptable to enter me on your score list as DNF?

Yes, I can do that. Being the "enforcer" is the part of my job I hate the most. :( All I can say (and I am talking to everyone here, not just you) is get those scores in on time because there has to be a cut off. Otherwise, what do I do? 3 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? What would it be? The simple solution for everyone is to not push it and submit scores that close to the deadline, but I realize that real life sometimes creeps in and makes things difficult. I know. :) I have 3 girls and life comes to a grinding halt when they need something. Lol. Anyways, Tixxis - well done. My hat is off to you.

Offline Tixxis

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #128 on: February 12, 2015, 07:41:42 AM »
Yes, I can do that. Being the "enforcer" is the part of my job I hate the most. :( All I can say (and I am talking to everyone here, not just you) is get those scores in on time because there has to be a cut off. Otherwise, what do I do? 3 minutes? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? What would it be? The simple solution for everyone is to not push it and submit scores that close to the deadline, but I realize that real life sometimes creeps in and makes things difficult. I know. :) I have 3 girls and life comes to a grinding halt when they need something. Lol. Anyways, Tixxis - well done. My hat is off to you.

Thank you so much.
I understand and respect the needs for deadlines.
I have already changed some settings on my computer. No more unprompted Windows Updates in the late evening!

Offline pithenia

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #129 on: February 12, 2015, 08:14:17 AM »
UGH! How did I miss the deadline?  :o That's okay, I will not miss the others. I am so back in this tournament.
Just keep Simmin'

Offline Tixxis

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #130 on: February 12, 2015, 08:52:17 AM »
Congratulations, ClayMask!

My Sims also had identical traits. They were both quick learners, ambitious, childish and creative.
My Sims could not fulfil any ambition-related whims. This was probably a glitch. But they did enjoy the 8-hour moodlet from being promoted.

Like you, I tested for the best ways to get promoted fast. However, I totally forgot about mastering charisma and the perk to ask for a bonus. Instead, I noticed how influential 'bow for inspiration' and 'research art reference' were. These moodlets last for 8 hours and help tremendously during a work shift. But 'research art reference' is unreliable and 'bow for inspiration' doesn't quite deliver results when a job requires any other than inspirational mood. I went in search for a lasting and neutral moodlet.

The solution was found with the option to 'Renew Wedding Vows'. This requires a wedding arch and the ceremony takes about 45 minutes. 'Renewed Vows' is a +3 happy moodlet which lasts for 48 hours. Wedding vows can be renewed at any time. My Sims renewed their vows every two days.

It is the first thing they did. Then, they started work on the Computer Whiz aspiration. They aimed for the 'Connection Reward' first. The next was 'Carefree' because it allows to work hard without any negatives. I had them work on the Curator aspiration as well, because I wanted those aspiration rewards fast. By the end of the first week, they were level 6 in the Tech Guru career. They became Webmasters over the weekend, capable of making connections and hacking their work performance if needed.

In the dash for 100 hours of computer time, they had practiced writing. When they hit level 7 of the Tech Guru career, one Sim continued, but the other entered the Writer career. By the start of week 3 both had completed the Bestselling Author aspiration. They wrote a Book of Life for each other and were now able to invigorate themselves or each other. This was important. As their working hours differed, the Sim at home could invigorate the Sim at work.

I used 'hacking work performance' for the lower echelons of their careers. They could reach level 5 in a day and level 6 in a day. It was not as effective for higher levels, but it could make a difference when used on days off. I must mention that the emotional state of my Sims did not seem to matter. They hacked their work performance succesfully as long as they were all in the green and 'very X'. All in all, I used this sparingly despite a 100% succes rate both in testing and in the actual file.

As for career tracks: one Sim became a Start Up Genius (Tech Guru), then a Celebrity Chef (Culinary), and finally, became a Fine Art Affionado (Painter career level 8 ). The other sim became a Creator of Worlds (Writer), then an Interstellar Smuggler (Astronaut), and finally, a Champion Gamer (Tech Guru).

My Sims never made friends. They had to rely on each other and their teddy bears. For the longest time, I kept them deprived of most home essentials to keep those whims to buy such and such coming. They initially used moodsolvers to get them through. The Astronaut Sim used these also to get over fatigue and pulled muscles.

I found this challenge quite complex, but I enjoyed it very much. Thank you, Challenge Team.

Online Metropolis Man

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #131 on: February 12, 2015, 08:59:15 AM »
The solution was found with the option to 'Renew Wedding Vows'. This requires a wedding arch and the ceremony takes about 45 minutes. 'Renewed Vows' is a +3 happy moodlet which lasts for 48 hours. Wedding vows can be renewed at any time. My Sims renewed their vows every two days.

Absolutely brilliant. :)

Offline IronicBeauty

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #132 on: February 12, 2015, 09:40:18 AM »
Wow! Just, wow!

I stayed up to finish my file though I couldn't submit it and only finished with 2 careers done. The sheer amount of strategy that had to be implemented is mind boggling.

@ClayMask I tried the 'Hack Career Performance' also since I sheepishly was trolling other threads and noticed you asking questions about how it worked. When it failed most the time and lowered work performance instead I became really frustrated. But, on another file I used a good bit of inspiration objects and cloud gazing (6 hr moodlet btw) it never failed. Just FYI  ;D

Plethora of congrats! Everyone who attempted this deserves it.

Offline christinal3106

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #133 on: February 12, 2015, 09:46:54 AM »
Congrats to the winner and almost winner.  I don't think I could of maxed 3 careers for each of my sims, but I could of definitely done better than I did.  I wish I had the dedication that some of the other players do to play test.  I even had a free shot when the patch came through to redo my effort, but I just never had the inspiration to redo it.  I finished this challenge in the first week it was posted, and yes I learned quite a bit.  I made two fatal flaws.  I should of had them get the connections reward first before starting the first career and I should of joined and quit all the careers at the end.  One of my sims could of easily got me a few hundred more points, but I learned that once you use the connections once, you can't use it again for the same career.  When I tried to put him into a new career, it would start him out at the beginning. 
Like Tixxis,  my main way of keeping my sims very happy was the renew wedding vows.  So, a big shoutout to playalot who shared that info in the emotions board.  Also, something very powerful that hasn't been mentioned is good sims powerful moodlets from donating money to charity.  If you donate $1000 your sims get a +2 happy for 6 hours plus the +2 happy for just donating. 
As for trait selection, I just mentioned that both of my sims were good, and also, loves outdoors, and cheerful.  I prefer to pick traits based on happy boosts than any other emotion.  That avoids having conflicting emotional states.  Besides that claymask pretty mirrored what I did as far as the connections, hacking, and calling for bonuses with max charisma.  My sims maxed the Tech Guru - Entrepreneur, Culinary - Chef, Business - Management, and Artist - Patron of the Arts. 

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Re: Kicking Careers into High Gear
« Reply #134 on: February 12, 2015, 11:48:08 AM »
Wow! Just, wow!

I stayed up to finish my file though I couldn't submit it and only finished with 2 careers done. The sheer amount of strategy that had to be implemented is mind boggling.

@ClayMask I tried the 'Hack Career Performance' also since I sheepishly was trolling other threads and noticed you asking questions about how it worked. When it failed most the time and lowered work performance instead I became really frustrated. But, on another file I used a good bit of inspiration objects and cloud gazing (6 hr moodlet btw) it never failed. Just FYI  ;D

Plethora of congrats! Everyone who attempted this deserves it.
That's strange.  The ideal mood for it is supposed to be focused.  How many times have you successfully managed it while very inspired?