Author Topic: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty  (Read 65201 times)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #150 on: April 17, 2015, 02:01:20 PM »
Chapter Thirty One

What are you up to?
Ray:  Oh, just preparing for my first day of work.
What kind of job did you take?

Ray:  Policeman!  Das right, being all up in dis uniform.

Ray:  Das right, researchin all da clues.
Officer:  Hey rookie, the chief wants you to head out to the crime scene and do some casing.  See what you can find.

Ray:  Can you think of anything that might be useful?
Witness1:  Well there's not much I haven't told the other officers already.  The room directly above us is where some of the damage is, but most of it's in the kitchen.

Witness2:  Yeah, it was a teen girl, red hair from what I could see.  She took off over the back fence.

Ray:  Hm...  looks like she set the fridge on fire.  She was wearing gloves, so no fingerprints...  maybe I can use this hair in the DNA scanner.

Witness3:  She hopped that fence over there.  Red hair, wearing some sort of jacket and a skirt.
Ray:  Thanks Miss.

Ray:  Hm...  looks like whoever I'm looking for is insane.  These DNA scanners sure are handy!
Ray, time to head home.
Ray:  What?  I was about to go looking for the suspect!
You're outta time, we got to go.  You can get back to it tomorrow.

Ray:  Hey Zara!  I had an amazing day at work.  Want to hear about it?
Zara:  Yeah, but I've got a faster way...  hold still.
Ray:  Um... What are you planninininininnnnn

Zara:  Ohhh, it all looks so interesting!  It's like being a Space Ranger, but on earth!  A Earth Space Ranger?
Ray:  Maybe it would be better to say that a Space Ranger is more like a Space Policeman.

Zara:  Almost time for me to have this here nooboo.
Ray:  Already?

Ray:  Oh wow, they are getting pretty big...  is it normal for the baby to grow this fast in aliens?
Zara:  *laughs*  It takes just as long as you humans, but you've been so busy you haven't kept track of time!
Ray:  Oh!  Um...  Is today our wedding then?
Zara:  Yes!

Rhia:  Now you remember, that's your only drink for tonight.  You're not old enough to be drinking.
Amira:  Yes MOTHER.

Congratulations to Raymond and Zara Knethen!

What are you guys all doing out front?
Nick:  Enjoying the night air, obviously!
You're going to miss the cake cutting.
Nick:  Ahhh, Ray'll be fine.  His mom's in there.

I missed the cake cutting didn't I.
Ray:  Yeup!
Sorry I was busy arguing with your grandfather.
Ray:  Ah well.

Rhia:  Congratulations you two!
Ray:  Thanks mom!

Zara:  Isn't the human custom to feed each other cake?
Ray:  Or to mash a plate of it in each others faces, yes.  Are you wanting to do that?
Zara:  The eating one yes.

Where'd you put the cake?
Ray:  I've got it right here.
Apparently it's invisible cake now.

Mmmm, tasty invisicake.
Zara:  Watcher, hush or go away you're ruining it.
*mumbles receding*  Still not actually feeding eachother cake...
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #151 on: April 17, 2015, 02:08:25 PM »
That was great! I have actually never had a proposal turned down yet, so I had no idea that's what they did! What a fantastic thing to add to the story and make her so much more complex. Congrats on the engagement and the incoming Nooboo  ;D

Thanks!  I had some forewarning on it possibly happening (Zara is non-committal) but it's still a fun/good change up.  The other possible proposal denial they just gently push the ring back...  Zara was a little more vehement ;P

Poor Ray, but I get where Zara is coming from. I love the Sylvan Glade proposal and congrats for having a nooboo on the way already. I really wish there were new aspirations with GTW.

I really do like the Sylvan glade, it's probably my favorite place.  I wanted to do the wedding on Sixam (there's a really amazing place there) but without the teleporter it isn't happening.  I too wish they had released 2-3 more aspirations with GTW.  Policeman seems like a good opportunity to add a new fitness focused aspiration, but really any new ones would be welcome.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #152 on: April 17, 2015, 02:32:21 PM »
Well, now that we can build in the hidden lots I may have a wedding there, non-official of course for storytelling.

Congrats to the happy couple, the police career is fun but gets repetitive after a while  :-\
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #153 on: April 17, 2015, 04:17:45 PM »
Really need to bribe my folks to get the Get to Work expansion, or at least Outdoor Retreat. I really enjoy the new jobs and the aliens. :)
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #154 on: April 17, 2015, 04:23:47 PM »
Congrats on the wedding and the invisible cake...which is actually great as it has no calories!  :P Looking forward to seeing Zara and Ray's nooboo.
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #155 on: April 17, 2015, 10:59:52 PM »
Gorgeous wedding, I do like a black dress in a wedding sometimes  ;D Can't wait to see the Nooboo!

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #156 on: April 18, 2015, 03:59:37 PM »
Been lurkin' and readin' and just chimin' in to say I love this dynasty. 
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #157 on: April 18, 2015, 10:52:13 PM »
Chapter Thirty Two

That went fairly smoothly.  Though I do wish you'd gone to the hospital instead.
Zara:  I didn't want to.  Got to keep the number of humans that know about us down to a reasonable amount.

Have you decided what to name him?
Zara:  His name is Tarkett.

Time for work Ray!
Ray:  Hang on, I'll be there in a tick... just need to finish changing this diaper.

Didn't we go here last time?
Ray:  Yeah, the chief thought I could use some more practice... apparently my fumbling about last time didn't get the info she wanted.

Ray:  It's alright though, this gives me an opportunity to talk to the witnesses again...

Ray:  And also ask my colleagues what they've come up with.

Ray:  Then it's back to the station to put it all together!

Dillon:  Hey Ray, you mind going over what I told you back at the crime scene?  I seem to have lost my notebook...
Ray:  Yeah, no problem!  Here's what I've got...  Female Teen, Redheaded, wearing a jacket and shorts, and she's Insane.
Dillon:  Alright got it... thanks!  Also, go punch out, you're already here 2 hours past your end time.
Ray:  Ah ** already?  I was hoping to put an APB out today.
Dillon:  No luck there then.  You can do it tomorrow, no rush.

Ray:  You're getting pretty old dad.  You know you're supposed to get a medical checkup every so often.
Ken:  I just got my physical for the tournament yesterday.
Ray:  Well if you ever need to get a prostate exam...

Zara:  I'd be happy to help.
Ken:  What in the hell IS that!  IS THAT A BEATER?
Zara:  Oh no, this is a highly specialized probing device. 

Zara:  Take this tool, for example...
Ken:  Mercy please!

Zara:  Oh I'm just messing with you!  Go blow out your candles.
Ken:  I...  I knew that.  Never had me.

Welcome to old age Ken.  How's the back?
Ken:  Pretty good actually Watcher.  Not sure why everyone else is complaining all the time.
Oh.  Well um... hopefully it stays that way for you then.

Ray:  Aha!  You're the pyro who's been setting people's fridges and violins on fire!
Myra:  What?  No that wasn't me!

Ray:  Put the hands out.  Even if you're innocent we've got more than enough evidence to bring you in for questioning.

Ray:  First things first, we have to get you into our system.  Do you have anything on you that you wish to announce?
Myra:  No.

Ray:  What in the...  Why do you have a live fish?
Myra:  Oh I totally forgot that was there!

Ray: Alright, in you go.  One of the detectives will be here to question you shortly.

Ray:  Hey Detective Nasir, I've got that girl you wanted booked.  She's waiting in the tank for interrogation.
Nasir:  Thanks Ray.  I'll get to her in a bit, for now take the rest of the night off, just go through the database.    If the girl you brought in is the right one, I'll talk to the Chief about getting you a promotion.
Ray:  Thanks Nasir!  Good luck with the interrogation!
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #158 on: April 18, 2015, 11:53:25 PM »
Chapter Thirty Three

Ray:  Man time sure does fly when you're having fun.  Or busy.  Or both.
That it does.  Seems like just yesterday that Tarkett was born.
Ray:  And now he's already 2 days into childhood.
Sorry I missed the shots of him growing up...
Ray:  Oh well.  I'll always remember the first time I saw him...  Obviously a Geek like me, first thing he wanted to do was talk about that new show.

Ray:  Great grandpa Kell read him a book later.  The title of it was a little odd...  "In Which Ponies appear" or something like that.
Oh, that's one of Amira's books I think.  An earlier work.

Ray:  My work has been keeping me distracted.
Yeah, feels like we spend most of the day there, it's hard to keep up with event's back home.
Ray:  Chief handed me a pack of documents and told me "Solve it by the end of the day." 

Ray:  Found her by mid-afternoon, next up was the interrogation.  Chief put me in charge of it this time.
Pretty impressive you found her so quick.
Ray:  All the clues were already there, I just had to put them together.

Ray:  First thing I did was ask if she'd done it.  She responded, of course, that she had nothing to do with it.  I figured I should give her the chance to talk before starting in.

Ray:  Laid out the evidence right in front of her.  We had her prints at the scene, with a witness that was able to pick her out of a lineup.

Ray:  She got pretty upset at that, though she still wouldn't admit to anything.

Ray:  When I mentioned that we had her partner in custody, and that whoever gave us info first, well... maybe they'd get their time cut...

Ray:  She admitted to the whole thing.  I put her in the cell with her partner, and gave the papers to Chief.

Ray:  Then it was on to another case.
No, this was the next day.
Ray:  What?  I don't remember going home then...
That's because you were so tired you passed out on a bed and slept so long that when you woke up you had to go straight to work.

Ray:  Well this day was pretty easy then...  Someone had broken all the PCs in the library and painted graffiti everywhere.  Pretty standard day too, take photos, get fingerprints, interview the ghost.

I should cut you off here and mention that while you were working, at the house...

Your mom and your wife both had their birthdays.

Ray:  Alright, I'll admit that that's a little weird, so back to my work day instead!

Ray:  I got to work analyzing all the DNA samples, and cross-referencing the fingerprints.   Pretty soon I had a good number of clues about the perp...  Blond hair, Male Teen, loves the outdoors, wearing a jacket, also loves smashing PCs.

Ray:  Picked him up in the park due to some call-ins for suspicious activity.  Apparently his name is Lucas.

Ray:  I got to interrogate Lucas.  Went much quicker than the last one...  Lucas confessed as soon as he saw the evidence.
And that got you the promotion.
Ray:  Yeah.  I actually should have been promoted the day before, but I needed to close another case.  Like the Chief said, my performance was fine, my paperwork needed to be filed.

Post-Story Story:

Alright, where to start... haven't done one of these in a while.  So... I suppose I'll cover whatever comes to mind!

Nick was in sparkles when he ate his first ambrosia.  I'd gotten a bit lax on his requirements while I focused on Ken, and almost lost due to that.

Zara came into the house at level 9 of Astronaut. A very nice bonus. 

I've started to get worried about how much potion of youth I need.  I did some calculations, and from where I'm at to the end of the dynasty is going to take 80 more potions of youth (and this is assuming I counted correctly).  This is a lot.  That's like...  120,000 aspiration points a lot.  If I had realized how many of these things you'd need throughout the game, I'd have been stockpiling them, not to mention playing differently (more focused on whims/side aspirations).  I'm thinking it'll be close, but I should be able to get enough.

What else...  This is my 4th generation natural male Heir.  So including my Founder, that's 5 male dynasty Sims in a row...  What are the odds.  Actually no I can do that, it's 6.25%.  I've still got a 50/50 for boy on my next Heir, but if I do get a male Heir there was only a 3.125% chance of that happening when I started this game.  Weird how odds work like that.

What else...  Ray is done with both aspirations but is only at level 6 Policeman going into Adult.  I'm not overly worried, I can hack work performance and Call about raise with about 90% success, so that cuts down promotions times by a ton.

Kett (the new one, Gen 5 Heir, cute with red hair and blue skin) is done with 3 aspirations.  I'm bleeding over into the future chapters a bit here, but in my head its all done and past so it's hard to remember exactly when I'm at, chapter-wise.  So Kett's done with 3 child aspirations, wont be doing the 4th because...  social.  Hates it.

I've got Ray and Amira both done with the Writer aspiration, so it's Books of Life for everyone!  Never realized till recently how amazingly strong the Book of Life is.  Enough that I would give serious thought to starting out with a Writer, were I to do a legacy.

That's all I got for now, If ya got any post-story-storyish questions and/or gameplay questions feel free to ask and I'll put it in the next post-story story.  thing.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #159 on: April 19, 2015, 12:19:10 AM »
Last couple of chapters were simply hilarious. That alien probe, nearly choked on my coffee.... how absolutely hysterical!  ;D
Woo on your next immortal, I knew Nick could do it (not that I'm picking favourites or anything  :P ). That was pretty close though, gosh! And I loved seeing the new police career. It looks a lot of fun and can't wait to try it for myself. That live fish! lmao what the heck? Too funny!
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #160 on: April 19, 2015, 02:29:59 AM »
Oh sheesh, that probe was both hilarious and scary! I love that Ray is such a committed policeman he stays out all night.

For spare members of the house, have you switched their aspirations to get more points for Youth Potions?
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #161 on: April 19, 2015, 03:01:04 AM »
the police career is fun but gets repetitive after a while  :-\

That's kinda how I've been feeling about it myself.

Really need to bribe my folks to get the Get to Work expansion, or at least Outdoor Retreat. I really enjoy the new jobs and the aliens. :)

Definitely try for the expansion then, as it's got the aliens and jobs.  I've enjoyed it a lot so far.  Haven't gotten to try out even half of it yet due to only playing on my dynasty, but every thing I have gotten to try has been cool.

Congrats on the wedding and the invisible cake...which is actually great as it has no calories!  :P Looking forward to seeing Zara and Ray's nooboo.

He's blue! Woo blue baby!  I was hoping I'd get a hybrid baby, I am pleased.

Gorgeous wedding, I do like a black dress in a wedding sometimes  ;D Can't wait to see the Nooboo!

Zara picked the black dress herself, I thought it looked better than white did anyways, so I ran with it.

Been lurkin' and readin' and just chimin' in to say I love this dynasty. 

Thanks Joria!  Always nice to hear :D

Oh sheesh, that probe was both hilarious and scary! I love that Ray is such a committed policeman he stays out all night.

For spare members of the house, have you switched their aspirations to get more points for Youth Potions?

I have been taking my spares through aspirations, but I was much more lax about it then I should have been, as it turns out.

Last couple of chapters were simply hilarious. That alien probe, nearly choked on my coffee.... how absolutely hysterical!  ;D
Woo on your next immortal, I knew Nick could do it (not that I'm picking favourites or anything  :P ). That was pretty close though, gosh! And I loved seeing the new police career. It looks a lot of fun and can't wait to try it for myself. That live fish! lmao what the heck? Too funny!

Thanks!  Every so often I come up with fun dialog for the chapter, or get some good screenshots. I do wish I was able to do it consistently.
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Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #162 on: April 19, 2015, 02:49:09 PM »
I did a double take on reading your post-story story.  When I think about your dynasty, Nick is so central in my thoughts, haha. I went back and read the chapters up to when Nick was in the child stage.  So much has happened.
Thank you for the detective screenshots. I cracked up at the shot of Ray frisking that woman's legs/thighs although she was wearing shorts.
The wedding was great, a level 9 astronaut wife is a catch, and Kett is really adorable!
Congrats all around!   ;D

P.S. I envy your all-male-heir dynasty...

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #163 on: April 20, 2015, 12:10:31 AM »
I loved him finding the live fish on the suspect! So funny, laughed a lot in the last couple of chapters  ;D Good luck with the Potions of youth, at the beginning you think you have loads of time and I guess that's when you have the best shot at getting the most! Your going to make it I'm sure!

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #164 on: April 27, 2015, 12:22:01 AM »
Chapter Thirty Four

Rhia:  Good to see you dear.  How has work been?
Ray:  Very busy, but going well.  How are things at home?

Rhia:  Your father made us some... um... I think he called it tuna casserole.  It was edible at least. 

Kett:  Hey Watcher, what's with all the strangers?
Your grandfather needs to make some friends before he can become an immortal, so Ray's been inviting over some friends he met while working.
Kett:  Oh.  Are any of them my age?
Nope, sorry buddy.  Maybe after you get to teen, there's not many kids around recently.

Rhia:  So who's the guest this time?
Ray:  That's Terra, she's one of my co-workers, a detective.  She enjoys a lot of the same shows and games as me, so we get along pretty well.  How's dad doing?
Rhia:  He's getting close, but he keeps losing one or two while he's making more.  He should be done soon.

Grim:  Ken!  Good to see you, it's been a while.
Ken:  Yeah it has.  You've been busy with work I assume.
Grim:  Yeah, lots of death recently.  Hell, this is the first time I've been free this whole week.

Myra:  Well why don't you get back to killing people then!
Grim:  No, I don't...  *sigh*  Why does everyone think it's my fault?  All I do is handle the legwork, I don't cause it.

Who's that?
Ken:  This is Kristin.  Kristin, Watcher, Watcher, Kristin.  You know Watcher, I've always thought there was something odd about Kristin, but I just... can't put my finger on it.

Um... is it that she's glowing?
Ken:  Nah, that's not it...  hm.  I'm sure it'll come to me eventually.

Well either way, that's that.  Shall we head back and get you your ambrosia?

Ray:  So how's it taste?
Ken:  Eh...  a little bland.  For a food that makes you immortal, it could use some more seasonings.
Ray:  Maybe you can ask Great Grandpa to do that?
Ken:  Nah, he says if he adds anything else it doesn't work.

Ray:  Well I can't make judgments on the ambrosia just yet, but everything else Kell makes tastes pretty ** good.
He's had a lot of practice.
Tarkett:  So what's it like on Sixam mom?
Zara:  It's very pretty there.  Not nearly as much plant life as there is here, but we have so many crystals.  Our water is radiant, and our sky's are much more colorful than the sky here.

Back to work eh?  I thought you were supposed to be finding that arsonist.

Ray:  Already did.  I'm taking a break from the field to catch up on some work that I've needed to do around here. 

Ray:  Been talking with the Chief a lot recently too, turns out we get along pretty well.  We've become best friends actually.
Oh, great!  I'm sure that's helping with getting promoted.
Ray:  Hard to tell really.  She seems pretty honorable, I don't know if she's letting it affect her evaluation of my performance. 
Well at least it's one less thing you have to do later...  Unless she's older than you?
Ray:  It's pretty close...  I'll have to check who gets elderly first.
Well I'm headed out.  See you when you get home.

Hey Kell.
Kell:  Hey Watcher.
What are you all up to?
Kell:  Working on some more aspirations...  I'm worried about our supply of youth potions, and I thought it would be a good idea to stock up early to make sure we don't have issues down the line.

Hm...  Sounds like a plan.  I'll work on figuring out what other aspirations we can use without mucking things up down the line.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)