Author Topic: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty  (Read 72671 times)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #225 on: August 14, 2015, 10:15:51 PM »
Chapter Forty Nine

Pierre:  Hey Nirian, thanks for meeting me here!

Nirian:  Well I kind of wanted to try on my new dress... What do you think?
Pierre:  Looks...  wow.

Nirian:  So what do you do for work?

Pierre:  I'm actually between jobs.  I moved into town recently and haven't had any luck finding one yet.
Nirian:  Oh.  My Grandpa's the Chief of Police, if you think that's something you'd be interested in, I could get you an interview. 
Pierre:  Well it's not my first choice... I'm not exactly great with confrontation.   If I don't have luck soon though I'll need to head back to my home town though, so maybe in a few days if I haven't found anything on my own.  I do appreciate the thought though.

Pierre:  So how about you, what made you want to get into medicine?
Nirian:  Well, I like helping other Sims.  And when I was younger, we had a cold go through our house, but it kept re-infecting everyone that had already been sick before, so it went through the household almost four times before the Watcher managed to stop it.

Pierre:  What's a Watcher?
Nirian:  You really are from out of town...  How do I explain this...  The Watcher is the thing that takes care of my family.  I'm from a special family, called a dynasty.  Our first born children all live forever if they complete a set of goals, and the Watcher helps them get those done.
Pierre:  Wait, you're immortal?
Nirian:  Well not yet, I still have to finish a bunch of stuff... but yeah I will be.

Pierre:  Is that why you're blue?  I've kind of been dying to ask about that this whole time, but I didn't know if it would be rude...
Nirian:  No, that's because my grandmother was an alien.
Pierre:  I'm... unsure if I can take everything you're saying entirely seriously.
Nirian:  Feel free to ask anyone, everyone from around here already knows about it.  Really the weirdest thing about this entire conversation is that you don't know about any of this.

Pierre:  So... half alien?
Nirian:  No, just a quarter alien.  My father is half alien, he's got blue skin like me. 
Pierre:  Huh.  I wonder why we don't have any aliens in my town. 
Nirian:  You probably do, they just disguise themselves.  Me and my dad aren't full alien though, so we can't.  It's some sort of telepathy trick they do.

Pierre: Well, this has been the most informative date I've ever been on... and I just want to say again how beautiful you look.

Pierre:  I've love to see you again.  Until then, *blows kiss*
Nirian:  No, you don't do it like that.

Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #226 on: August 14, 2015, 10:17:40 PM »
Sorry for the short one!  It's been a while since I've played, and I wanted to get a chapter up before I started just so I'd have a better idea where my story is at.  More to come, hopefully not too long!
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #227 on: August 15, 2015, 08:40:20 AM »
Well, at least Pierre knows what he's getting into. Hopefully he gets a jib soon, we wouldn't want him moving back home.
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #228 on: August 16, 2015, 06:47:46 AM »
Perhaps a possible spouse in the offing?  Looking good!
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #229 on: August 16, 2015, 03:47:16 PM »
Lol oh poor Pierre! Wait! What? You're nearly immortal, quarter alien...*thinks for a moment* Na, you're still so cute that I wanna kiss you anyway! That has to be the makings of a dynasty spouse surely?
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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #230 on: August 16, 2015, 08:02:13 PM »
@Nettlejuice - He's got the basic info anyways.  As for the job, we'll see...  I feel like after you've asked a sim what their job is that their chances of getting assigned one get lower.

@Joria - We'll see!  I certainly like him, but as things are now it's entirely possible that the game might decide otherwise. 

@Playalot - I think that being accepting of new and different things is one of the marks of a good person.  Also, if you ask out someone who has blue skin, I'd say that you're probably pretty open minded... which is likely a good trait for a dynasty spouse!
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #231 on: August 17, 2015, 12:26:28 AM »
Chapter Fifty

Time for another round, eh gents?
Kell:  Mmm.  Worst part about this is having to cook all of them.  I'm not looking forward to having to cook 8 at once.
Well the good news is, you only have to do that once.  You WILL have to cook 7 of them at once a few times though, so... yeah.

You alright Nick?  You've put on some weight, which for you is kind of odd.
Nick:  Yeah, I'm fine.  Works been really busy recently, so I haven't had time to workout.

Eating deep fat fried fruits probably isn't helping.
Nick:  Stress eating I suppose.  I'll work it off when my stuff at work blows over.

Kendrick:  Hey Nirian, you got anything you're doing today?
Nirian:  Nope.  I called Pierre to see if he wanted to come over, but he's too busy looking for a job.
Kendrick:  Pierre?
Nirian:  Oh, a guy I met at work.  I'd love to introduce you, but...  looking for a job.

Kendrick:  Well how about a trip then?  There's a new spa that opened up over in Newcrest, I'd like to go check it out.
Nirian:  You mean like, get massages and manicures and stuff?
Kendrick:  Well there's yoga classes there too.  I've been looking into it as an alternative for working out, since I'm getting kind of old... from what I've read, it looks like a good way to keep fit without worrying about wearing yourself out.  Especially us old folk.
Nirian:  Yeah, I'll go.  Sounds fun!

Kendrick: Pst... Nirian...
Nirian:  Mmm?
Kendrick:  First off...  thanks for coming.  It's nice being able to spend time with you.  Secondly...  I'm not getting the point of this, and it's amazingly boring... what say we go get massages?
Nirian:  Thank goodness, I swear my leg fell asleep like 10 minutes ago.

Kendrick:  *mmph mrrr mph mgh*
Masseuse:  Yes, the stones are supposed to help balance your energies... and they also provide pressure and heat to muscle groups.
Kendrick:  *mmrrr ngh mphh mmm*
Masseuse:  Thank you!  I suppose 10 years of experience on top of classes would help with that.

Masseuse two:  Alright we're going to do an aromatherapy massage.  There's 3 reasons to do this.  The oils will help to enrich your skin, making it smoother and softer.  The scents built in will evoke your memories of the massage, and help you to stay in the mood you are when you have the massage.  Lastly, like any massage, it helps to work out any sore muscles you have!
Nirian:  *Mmmph*?
Masseuse Two:  That's right, it's linking the scent to memories you have of when you smelled that scent.  In the same as when you hear a song that you listened to a lot when you were say, playing a game, and then wanting to play the game because of it.
Nirian:  *mmph*!
Masseuse Two:  Haha!  Yes, it is very cool.  You can do it at home and work too. Just keep a small jar of the oil with you, and smell it whenever you're feeling good or doing something you enjoy.  Then when you need a pick me up, you can smell it and it'll help you feel better. 

Nirian:  Oh no way am I trying that!
Woman:  Amen sister.
Kendrick:  And I don't blame either of you, that pose is crazy.

Kendrick:  Hey thanks for staying late to give us a private class.
Instructor:  Well with what you're paying me to do so, I'd be insane not to.  You guys ready?
Nirian:  Yup!

Instructor:  Alright, breath in... lower your hands to your chest while exhaling slowly...

Instructor:  Breath in while raising your hands... Exhale while leaning as far as you can to your side.  We're not looking for pain, so don't worry about pushing it too far.

Kendrick:  You know, with how much I exercise I thought I'd be a bit better at this...
Instructor:  This is more about how limber and balanced you are rather than just strength. 

Kendrick:  Gah!  Cramp!

Instructor:  Alright, this one is difficult and requires a lot of balance and strength, so don't worry if you can't do it.
Kendrick:  Still working out this cramp, I'm out.
Nirian:  I'll give it a shot this time, why not. 

Nirian:  Almost... got...

Nirian:  Gah!  Ow...
Kendrick:  You hurt at all?
Nirian:  Just my pride.  Maybe my back.

Instructor:  Alright, not a bad job guys.  I've gotta head home, got dinner and a date with my wife.
Kendrick: Thanks again!

Niriah:  Agh!
Kendrick:  Told you to practice more before you tried it again.

You alright?

Nick:  Yep!  Just lost some nose hair, maybe an eyebrow!
Are you sure?  You look like you've picked up some more weight and you're acting kind of... manic.
Nick:  I'm fiiiine.  Just busy with work and such.  Tell you what, next weekend I'll work off the weight I've picked up just to make you happy.  Deal?
Hm.  Alright.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
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Offline Playalot

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #232 on: August 17, 2015, 12:57:13 AM »
Oh. MY. GOSH! Nick's pregnant!!!! YES!  ;D Alien in-coming. LOL.  On another equally awesome moment... Nirian is so cute doing yoga and thanks for making me laugh when the townie says 'Amen sister'. ...and then die from a coughing fit!  ::) More...more updates I say!
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Offline Joria

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #233 on: August 17, 2015, 04:56:38 PM »
What she said, plus.....why not make a bunch of ambrosia ahead of time and put them in a locked room?  Do you have ghosts?  If so, not a good idea but if not could save some time in the long run in case someone forgets to eat or make it quickly enough.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #234 on: August 17, 2015, 07:13:44 PM »
@Playalot - Sadly, I won't be able to keep it...  no room!  if it had happened earlier in the dynasty I'd have been alright with it, but 6 gens in and about to start 7... I just cant. 

@Joria  - I know, it's what I should do... I'm just A)  Lazy and B) a little OCD, even just having the youth potions that I had to buy with helper points before they died sitting around bugs me.  Also I'm worried that I'll get a glitch or something and it'll eat all my consumables laying around.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #235 on: August 19, 2015, 12:05:09 AM »
Chapter Fifty One

Pierre:  Nice moves.
Nirian:  Thanks, my um...  great great grandfather taught me.  I think.
Pierre: You think he taught you?
Nirian:  No, I think he's only 2 greats.  Hard to keep track.

Tarkett:  Oh hello there.  Who's your friend sweetie?
Pierre:  I'm Pierre, I don't believe we've met... you must be Nirian's father?
Tarkett:  I am!  How could you tell?
Pierre:  Lucky guess.

Nirian:  Pierre's my boyfriend daddy.
Tarkett:  Hm, how odd that I haven't heard of you before...
Pierre:  Well, I suppose we've moved pretty quick.

Tarkett:  Well then on that note, when's the baby due?
Pierre:  Uhhhh...
Nirian:  Don't mess with him Daddy, it's mean.
Tarkett:  Heh, sorry.  It's good to meet you.

Tarkett:  I told you these speakers are better.  Just wish there was more room to dance.
Pierre:  Why not put these ones by the pool then.
Tarkett:  My grandfather insists that someday he's going to get back to working on the rocket and refuses to let anyone move "his stereo system".

Nirian:  I'll be right back, I need to go milk the cow... plant... thing.

Nirian:  Uhhhh.... Watcheerrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Hey Pierre, have you seen Nirian around, I swear I just heard...  Oh hey Nick.  No killing this one, Nirian likes him.
Pierre:  Oh hello there, you must be the Watcher.
I suppose this IS the first time I've talked with you.  Sorry I've been kind of busy.  So um...  Very delayed nice to meet you?
Pierre:  Ditto.  So Nick, you're Nirians great great grandfather?  She told me you taught her to dance.
Nick:  Oh yes.  Evil masterminds are the best dancers.  THE BEST.  The beeeeeeest.

Nirian:  Um... hello there.
Cheyanne:  Hello!  Sorry about the quick pickup, but I wanted to check on your family's Incubation.
Nirian:  Our... what?

Cheyanne:  Your Incubation... you know, Nicolas?  He should be about ready to have the nooboo by now.
Nirian:  I'm really not sure what you're...  ohhhhh!  Um, I don't think he actually knew about it.
Cheyanne:  Well... that's not good.  I swear I told them to make sure not to apply the brainwash this time...

Pierre:  Are you alright sir?  You seem a little... Manic.
That's what I said!
Nick:  It's the job.  Always the job.  Gotta keep busy busy busy.

Nick:  You know, now that I think of it I have some work that I need to do.  I'll be seeing you.
Pierre:  Yeah, uh, good to...  meet you.  Might I recommend that you go take a nap first?  Or at least go inside the house?
Nick:  Mmm, yes, you might be right.  Much better to plot in private.
Um...  k then.  Pierre, where's Nirian?
Pierre:  She said something about milking a plant, then a few minutes later this UFO came and picked her up.
Oh, aliens abducted her?  That's a pretty normal thing around here, they never really do any harm.  Though I've heard that every so often they can... oh.  Nick, I think I know whats wrong with... where'd he go?
Pierre:  He ran inside while you were muttering to yourself.

So um...  you're pregnant.  By the way.  So you know.
Nick:  You don't say?  Boy, never would have figured THAT ONE OUT.  THANKS FOR THE HELP.

Well uh... congratulations.  I think.  You got a name for her?

Nick:  Well, I haven't really had much time to think about it, but... I think I'll name her Jade.

You know she can't stay.
Kell:  I know.  I never expected to have another grandchild though, so I'm going to enjoy it for the short while I can.

Nirian:  Hey Cheyanne, thanks for coming by.  Looks like Grandpa Nick is done with his... Incubation.

Nick:  Speaking of which, I'm am somewhat annoyed about all this.
Cheyanne:  I know, I'm so sorry.  We picked you up because we wanted to get an Incubation into the dynasty, and you agreed to it.
He did?
Nick:  I did?
Cheyanne:  You did.

Cheyanne:  So we weren't supposed to put the brain block on you, but apparently that order got lost somewhere along the line.  If you'd like, we can remove it now so you'll remember everything from when we abducted you?
Nick:  No, no I think I'll pass...  Really I think I'll be happier not knowing what I was thinking when I agreed to carry a nooboo to term.

Cheyanne:  So if you want to keep the nooboo for a while you can, but we'll have to reclaim her before she becomes a child, or she stays here forever.
Nirian:  Well... I think you'd better take her today.  We'd love to keep her, but we're running out of room in the house, and...  the dynasty comes first.
Nick:  *muttering*  The heck WAS I thinking...

Post-Story Story

Alright, so time for another post story!  Story.  Thing.  First things first, Sorry about the extended break (again).  I was out of state for a while, then when I got back I was super busy with interviews and following that, a new job.  Also, I was having some issues working up the motivation to play (2 more generations, just power through, so close...)

I wish I'd gotten more time to make story with Nick's Incubation.  I didn't even know he was pregnant till he was almost 48 hours in, and with the Spa trip and Nirian's active work as a doctor, I had very little time to get screenshots.  The way I found out about it was when I tried to invite Pierre to the household and was denied because it was full...  I thought it was a glitch at first too.

The new Spa day pack is EASILY worth the money to buy it.  In fact, I'd be seriously tempted to say that it's the best pack released so far (contesting with Go To Work).  It gives access to a lot of cool new animations, new buildings, new gameplay in general, and a TON of long lasting moodlets. 

Just off the top of my head, you can get a +1/+2 for 8/12 hours by doing yoga (depends on if you use incense and the level of your wellness), +2 happy for 8 hours by taking a lavender scents bath, +2 for 8 hours through an interaction unlocked at level 4 wellness, and +1 happy for 24 hours or +1 of a specific mood for 12 through massages.  These new moodlets make it super easy to stay in a very emotional state your entire work day, or just happy in general.  Amazingly handy. 

I haven't had a chance to check out the new Ice Cream pack thing.  I wasn't overly impressed with the dishwasher.  I always just drag them to the sink/trash by hand, and the sims pause in front of the dishwasher for me so it really doesn't seem like it saves much time.  Nice as a general addition, but nothing I'm impressed by.

I'll be starting generation 7 soon (2 more 2 more 2 more just stick to it) I'm really just waiting for the space in the house at this point.

Can't think of anything else...  feel free to ask if you have any questions!  I'm still exploring the Spa Pack and I haven't even looked into the ice cream pack, so if you've found anything cool in them, let me know!
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #236 on: August 19, 2015, 07:10:47 PM »
Tarkett:  Oh hello there.  Who's your friend sweetie?
Pierre:  I'm Pierre, I don't believe we've met... you must be Nirian's father?
Tarkett:  I am!  How could you tell?
Pierre:  Lucky guess.

Despite my lack of a sense of humor, this one had me laughing.  I agree totally on your take on the dishwasher, (thumbs down), and the Spa, (huge thumbs up).  So far I've heard of a lot of interesting flavors of ice cream but haven't actually tried it yet.  Keep up the good work, (2 more, 2 more ;))
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I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #237 on: August 20, 2015, 05:15:11 PM »
Great chapter. Loved the scene where Nirian's abduction turned into a pick up from Sixam...really nice twist.  Poor Nick agreeing to have an alien nooboo, then being brainwashed... then not wanting to have the brain washing reversed! lol Out of all your sims I would never have imagined Nick to get pregnant! Priceless.  :)

Only two gens to go! Funny how the last two seem the hardest to get through. You'll do it though.

Few thoughts about the dishwasher, my sim uses it automatically for everything, even cleaning out the fridge. I have only seen him use the sink once since I installed Cool Kitchens. There are also some nice animations with the various 'special flavors' of ice cream that can be pretty amusing.

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #238 on: September 08, 2015, 07:12:58 PM »
Chapter Fifty Two

Well Nick...  you sure you want to do this?
Nick:  Don't have much of a choice in the matter, do I?
No, I suppose not.

Nick:  Besides, I'm sure she'll be much happier with her own kind. 

Nirian:  Alright, you say you've got a fever, a rash, and you tend to giggle at inopportune moments?
Preston:  Yeah, that's right. 

Nirian:  Hm, looks like you've got a chest infection. 

Nirian:  Alright, drink this and try to keep hydrated for the next day or so and you should be fine. 

Preston:  I feel better already!  Thanks doc.

Nirian:  Alright... headaches?  Anything else?
Beth:  No, that's it.
Nirian:  Lets give you a quick scan, see what we can find.

Nirian:  Don't use electronic devices while you're in the machine please, it's sensitive.

What are you up to?
Nirian:  Analyzing and entering the information for a deadly virus that the hospital discovered today.
Um... is that safe?
Nirian:  Oh don't worry, the patient is in quarantine, and I'm wearing gloves.

Girl:  Hang on, let me take a selfie...  #atthehospital #totallysick
Nirian:  Dangit, THIS is why you're not allowed to use electronics, the whole machine needs to be repaired now.

Nirian:  Well, I think that day went rather well!

Nirian:  Pierre, guess what!  I got to examine a virus that has the potential to wipe out an entire city today!
Pierre:  When you say examine, you mean look at through closed and locked doors, right?
Nirian:  No, like I was the one they assigned to test it and log the results.  How awesome is that!
Pierre:  That's... fantastic.  Very good news for you.

Pierre:  Mmm  cake....  I'm so very hungry...

Pierre:   Waaaaaagh!
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #239 on: September 08, 2015, 08:34:46 PM »
Chapter Fifty Three

Kendrick:  So I'm out front in the microscope, and I look over...

Kendrick:  And there's Pierre, trying to eat the cake!  Man the look on his face when it ate him instead...  hah!

Pierre:  Nirian, I know that this might be a bit quick... 

Pierre:  Will you marry me?

Nirian:  Of course I will!

Preston:  Oh hey Nirian.  Good to see you again.
Nirian:  You too!  So I guess that medicine didn't work?
Preston:  Oh no, it worked fine!  Then I got sick again.

Nirian:  Alright, let me run some more thorough tests.

Shouldn't you clean that up?
Nirian:  No, one of the nurses should get to it soon.  I've got to get these tests done.

Nirian:  So Preston, why do so many aliens come to this hospital?  I swear I see more aliens here than I thought were in town.
Preston:  Mostly because you work here.  It's much easier to trust a hybrid than Sims that don't know we exist. 

Nirian:  Alright, I'll give you another antibiotic to try, and hopefully that'll clear it up for you.  Have a good night!

What happened to not cleaning that?
Nirian:  Well the nurse never got to it, and I'm close to the end of my shift, so I thought I'd take care of it so it won't be this way tomorrow. 

Nirian:  Ooo, feeling a bit nauseous... 
Pierre:  Hopefully you didn't bring anything from the hospital back with you.

Nirian:  You alright mom?
Myra:  I don't think so dear.  I love you.  Tell your dad I'll miss him.

Nirian:  Oh no, don't leave mom!

Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

