Author Topic: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty  (Read 63275 times)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #165 on: April 27, 2015, 12:22:30 AM »
I did a double take on reading your post-story story.  When I think about your dynasty, Nick is so central in my thoughts, haha. I went back and read the chapters up to when Nick was in the child stage.  So much has happened.
Thank you for the detective screenshots. I cracked up at the shot of Ray frisking that woman's legs/thighs although she was wearing shorts.
The wedding was great, a level 9 astronaut wife is a catch, and Kett is really adorable!
Congrats all around!   ;D

P.S. I envy your all-male-heir dynasty...

You, and a couple others I can mention both wish they had my all-male dynasty heh.  I do wish I had at least one daughter, but...  maybe it'll all work out and Gen 7 will be female, eh?  I'm happy to provide the detective shots, it's a very fun career, for me anyways.

Nick was a pretty big part of the story.  I think having to get used to traits/aspirations I'd never done before, and also because I was just starting out on the story in general, he got a lot more time put into him than many other dynasty members. 

I loved him finding the live fish on the suspect! So funny, laughed a lot in the last couple of chapters  ;D Good luck with the Potions of youth, at the beginning you think you have loads of time and I guess that's when you have the best shot at getting the most! Your going to make it I'm sure!

Yeah, I wish I could back up the clock a bit, or that I knew all that I do now when I started.  Looking back, I can see many things I could have done better.  Not that I did poorly, just that I could have done many things in a more efficient way.  It almost ALMOST makes me want to do another.  Maybe I'll do a legacy when I finish, those always looked fun, and they seem to have less restrictions than the dynasty does.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #166 on: April 27, 2015, 12:59:09 AM »
Yay! Ken's immortal. Congrats.  :) And I'll totally put my hand up to being jealous for all your male heirs. *sigh* So lucky.  :P
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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #167 on: April 27, 2015, 04:47:30 AM »
Congrats Ken and you!  I on't get aliens in disguise or abductions in my game, though I will probably regret it if it does start happening, lol.
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #168 on: May 10, 2015, 11:23:23 PM »
I really like how your guys talk to Grim, he seems to actually like the family!

Offline Joria

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #169 on: May 13, 2015, 12:43:41 PM »
With the eating strawberries thing you CAN get that female child!  Loving this story but particularly the interactions with Grim.  He's not such a bad guy after all.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #170 on: May 13, 2015, 11:20:57 PM »
Chapter Thirty Five

Another round of ambrosia!  Man time flies.  Sorta.

Zara:  You alright over there Nick? 
Nick:  Yeah just got a hang-nail...  ow.

Ray:  And that's a positive fingerprint ID.  Looks like it's time for the interrogation.

Ray:  Alright Sarah, time for us to review your case.  Sorry we couldn't get to it yesterday.
Sarah:  Whatever Officer.  I already told your friends I didn't do anything.
Ray:  Well if that's true, we'll be happy to let you go.

Sarah:  Look, all those pictures of me setting fire to the residence are OBVIOUSLY fakes.
Ray:  Uh huh.  And the fingerprints too?

Ray:  Well it looks like you can't really provide any proof that it wasn't you... and you can't provide an alibi either, so it looks like it's back to the cell for you.  We'll keep looking into the case, maybe we'll turn up something that exonerates you, but I doubt it. 

Kendrick:  Say "Cheese"!
Ray:  Shouldn't you be getting a picture with the kiddo?  It's his birthday too.
Ken:  Already did, now smile!

Ken:  See there's you... and there's the one with Tarkett.
Ray:  Oh hey that's a good shot.  Send that to me would you?

All:  Happy birthday!
Kett, you've got the same hair as your father.
Kett:  What, I think it looks good!
Well yeah, but it's your dads hairdo.  You gotta change it.  And new clothes too, got a preference?
Kett:  Oh, can I get a suit like Great-Great-Grandpa Kell? 
Um... Lets go with something a little less formal, but I think we can come to a mutually agreeable outfit.  After all, looking fancy is fine, but wearing a suit as a teen is a little overboard.  Also don't call Kell that, you'll make him feel REALLY old.  Which he is, but don't do it.

How's that?
Kett:  I love it!  Can't wait to see what dad thinks!

Kett:  What do you think of my new clothes?
Ray:  You look great!  Speaking of great, have you seen...  these?
Kett:  *appropriate noises of admiration*
Both:  *Laughing*

Oh...  Rhia...
Rhia:  Well watcher, it's been quite a ride... but I think I've got to leave.  Take care of my family.
Of course I will...  It's been a pleasure knowing you Rhia.

Oh no, Zara!  Why'd you both have to leave!
Zara:  Rhia's already gone?  Oh poor Ray...  I'm sorry Watcher, I can't stay any longer.
No it's... I'm sorry Zara, I didn't mean it like that.  Ray will be alright, he was prepared...  it's just hard with both of you leaving now.  I don't know exactly how the after-world works, but say hi to Ali for me if you can.
Zara:  Ali?
She'll find you.

Goodbye Zara.

You'll keep them safe?
Grim:  I will.  And they've got the better half of a dynasty family waiting for them.
Well I've got the lesser half waiting on me...  Thanks Grim.

You alright Ray?
Ray:  Just... trying not to think about it.
Nick:  Let's go do something then.  A visit to the museum might be fun.

Rest in peace, Rhiannon and Zara Knethen.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #171 on: May 13, 2015, 11:27:35 PM »
Chapter Thirty Six

Enjoying yourself?
Kett:  Yup!
Well quit it!  Go do your homework, we've gotta go!

Amira:  And then use that to calculate the value of your variable.  Is that the last one?
Kett:  Yeah, that's all of it.
Amira:  Then lets go!

Man you all look so old.  Stand up straight guys, we're on a vacation!
Nick:  Oh go suck an egg Watcher.
I...  Really?  Go suck an egg?  Yeah not old at all.

Ooooh horseshoes, I love horseshoes!

Huh... I'd challenge you to a game, but your aim is terrible.  Like... it's 10 feet away.  How is it possible to miss that bad?
Nick:  You're starting to get on my nerves.  It would be unfortunate if something was to happen to your bank account.
Right then.  I'll just be... over here.

Nick:  So what do you think so far Kett?
Kett:  Truthfully?  I'd be having more fun if there was a computer around here...  or maybe a good book.

Hey Ray, you should get Kett out and about.  He's too much of a geek and I suspect that if you don't force him out of the house he'll spend the whole trip being a lame-ass.
Ray:  Think he'd enjoy fishing?
Um...  would you enjoy fishing as a teen?
Ray:  Maybe if I did it with my father...

Ray:  Ahhh, fresh air!  I'm glad you decided to join me buddy.
Kett:  Mmhm...  Dangit still no signal out here.

Ray:  Who's a good fish?  You are!  Such a good fish!
Kett:  Anyone told you you're crazy yet dad?
Ray:  Usually only once a week!

Kett:  Well I can't send them to my friends, I guess I'll just save them for when I find a spot with some signal.
Ray:  Put that away and get back to fishing!  The point of camping is to disconnect, not to get closer with your phone.

Kett:  Fiiine...

Kett:  Oh come on!  These things never bother you!
Ray:  It's called bug spray kiddo.  Why didn't you put any on earlier?
Kett:  I didn't think there'd be so many of these things out here, there wasn't before!
Ray:  It wasn't nighttime before.

Kett:  *yawn* Maybe it's time to turn in?
Ray:  Nope!  You're not leaving till you learn to appreciate the great outdoors!

Ray:  Why don't you go take a hike, see if you can find any interesting plants?
Kett:  Aw cmon dad, this is boring! 
Ray:  Get moving!

Kett:  Ugh.
Really not enjoying yourself eh?
Kett:  I don't get why dad enjoys this.  There's no cellular, no internet... I've been wanting to play a game all day and I can't.

Kett:  And that's not even mentioning all the bloody bugs!

Kett:  I will say though, it's nice to get out alone.  There's really no way to get any time to myself at the house, there's so many people there all the time.

Are you doing homework?  Really?
Kett:  Well... less actually doing it and more just studying.
Wow you're a geek.


Kett:  Oh, uh...  hello?

Bear:  Hey!  You're Kett right?  Raymond's kid?
Kett:  I am...  Who are you?
Bear:  I'm Daniel.  I just started at the police station your father works at a few days ago actually.  He's pretty proud of you, brags about you all the time... and I haven't seen many other blue teens around, so it was a pretty easy guess.

Kett:  Oh, nice to meet you then.
Daniel:  You're looking a little bored.  May I make a recommendation?
Kett:  Sure, I guess.
Daniel:  There's a cave over to the east... it's kind of covered by vines, but if you can find it there's some pretty cool stuff on the other side.  Think of it like a Myst game.

Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #172 on: May 14, 2015, 01:00:12 AM »
Chapter Thirty Seven

Kett:  Oh look, have you ever seen a mushroom like this?  It's like swiss cheese...
Careful, might be poisonous...

Oh, whoh!

Ray:  Ow, ow! *waves arm frantically*

Ray:  Alright, that's enough fire for me today...

Whatcha up to over there?
Kett:  Just making some soup.  Thought I'd use some of the plants I found in it, I recognize some of them from wikipedia.
That sounds...  dubious.
Kett:  What, you don't trust me?
Not when it comes to possibly poisonous plants being in my soup.

Kett:  You know, the stars are really bright here...  amazing how clear they are.
It's cause there's no buildings around.  All the ambient light people make kind of blots them out.

Ray:  You're a geek too?
Patrick:  Are you kidding?  I love computer games!  Truthfully, the only thing I miss about society is the gaming.

Kett:  You know, I really wasn't into this at first, but...  I'll admit it's nice to just relax and watch the world.  Thanks for making me come out with you.
Ray:  Just remember that in the future.  You may not like what I tell you to do sometimes, but I always have your best interest in mind.  I love you kid.

Kell:  Cheese!  I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Kett.
Kett:  Me too, hah.  So, how do you play horseshoes anyways?
Kell:  **ed if I know.

Oh, nice shot Kell.
Kell: Thanks Watcher!  Kett, you're up.

Oh hey there Grim, I didn't know you were on vacat...  Um...  Is that...
Grim:  You alright Watcher?  You seem a little distracted.
There's...  another you.  Like, just behind you.

Grim:  Oh, that's my sister, Trim!  She's a barber.
I... what.
Trim:  No really, I work at a barber shop down in the Plaza. 
Trim:  Well I've gotta head off anyways.  Good seeing you Grim.
Grim:  You too, seeya Trim.

Okay, little close on that one.  Next time you guys aren't feeling in tiptop shape maybe mention it a little earlier?
Kell:  I told you before we left that we should bring the ingredients.
I... er...  right.  Sorry...

Happy birthday Amira!

And congratulations on your final promotion Ray.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #173 on: May 14, 2015, 01:02:34 AM »
Thanks to everyone for continuing to read!  I've just recently gotten a new job, so odds are postings will be a little infrequent for a while (like that's any different ;P). 

Yay! Ken's immortal. Congrats.  :) And I'll totally put my hand up to being jealous for all your male heirs. *sigh* So lucky.  :P

Thanks Play!  I guess this means I'm about halfway done now.  Feels like much longer.

Congrats Ken and you!  I don't get aliens in disguise or abductions in my game, though I will probably regret it if it does start happening, lol.

Technically I went looking on Sixam for my alien, heh.  I like their facial structure a lot, and I'll admit to wanting a hybrid Dynasty sim.  None of my abductions ever resulted in pregnancies (probably because my household was full) and I've only ever found one alien that spawned naturally.

I really like how your guys talk to Grim, he seems to actually like the family!

I like Grim!  He's just a guy doing his job.  Also, it makes sense to me that he'd be friends with the dynasty family, as he's the only other immortal sim.

With the eating strawberries thing you CAN get that female child!  Loving this story but particularly the interactions with Grim.  He's not such a bad guy after all.

I'll definitely be doing that for gen 7, but I'm going to try to avoid dictating the sex of my others...  I like the random factor it introduces. 
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline Playalot

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #174 on: May 14, 2015, 01:16:15 AM »
Gosh! Where to start? RIP Rhia and Zara, both taken by Grim in the same moment.  :(  I LOVE the way Kett looks, what a F I N E sim!
The old guys walking in for their holiday looked so funny and Nick's 'great' come-back, lol, suck an egg? Pffft. If I were his watcher I'd be a little concerned about my bank account too.  ;) Great Myst ref, so true. Funny how Kett's such a geek, not happy about being disconnected yet still does his homework! And then to top it all off.... Grim and his sister Trim lmao. Dang it deth, way too funny. Really enjoyed seeing the family again. You are getting close to the end now, how exciting.  :)
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #175 on: May 14, 2015, 02:23:44 AM »
Oh how sad... Rhia and Zara.. But the birthday was such a lovely family moment - a very fitting goodbye too

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #176 on: May 14, 2015, 05:07:42 AM »
All the deaths seem to come at once, RIP Rhia and Zara - she didn't even look that old  :-\ Even the Grims need a holiday, must get depressing dealing with death all the time. Kett is so handsome and dapper.
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #177 on: May 16, 2015, 05:14:58 AM »
@Playalot Thanks play!  Glad you're enjoying the story so much.

@Nettlejuice It certainly seems like if Sim's are going to die they always die in groups...  Well at least those are my last ones for a while.  One advantage aliens have, they age pretty well.  And Dapper:  That's the word I was looking for!  Fancy without being formal, dapper fits pretty well.

@KTK10 Thank you!  I've been trying to do more grouped up parties for the birthdays, I feel like I've been kinda lazy for them recently.
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Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #178 on: May 18, 2015, 12:24:37 PM »
The vacation chapter was much great dialogue.
I especially loved how Kett started out whining about poor signal reception but eventually learned to enjoy Granite Fall.
As someone who spends more time at home since Sims 4 came out, I can totally relate to Kett.  (Okay, that was an embarrassing revelation, haha.)

Congrats on Ray's final promotion.  And congrats to you, too, on your new job, dethduk.  May you fly through your promotions as quickly as Ray. 

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #179 on: May 19, 2015, 08:21:18 AM »
Chapter Thirty Eight

Ray:  So they're releasing a new game soon.  Since it's got almost no storyline at all, they've been able to take all the extra funding and make some of the most advanced gun animations and gore system there is!  You can literally shoot each mob to pieces.

Nick:  Oooo!
Kett:  Oooo!
Ray:  RIGHT!?!?!

Happy Birthday!

Kett:  Thanks for inviting me out Amira!  Though truthfully, when you asked if I wanted to spend the night out I assumed you meant drinking, heh.
Amira:  You know I don't like drinking.  Besides, I thought we could play some chess!

Kett:  Oh I love chess!  I suppose you're ready to lose then?
Amira:  You have serious memory loss when it comes to your ability to win chess against me...

Kett:  So how've you been anyways Amira?  Haven't seen you around much. 
Amira:  I've been pretty busy with Dynasty stuff.  Now that Ray's almost done hopefully there'll be more time for other things.

Amira:  Checkmate!  You know, as much as I love winning you're usually better than this.
Kett:  Yeah I'm uh...  a little distracted.

Kett:  The girl over at the other table *indicates with head* is pretty cute.

Amira:  Hm?  Yeah she actually is very pretty.
Kett:  Gah!  Don't just look!
Amira:  Why don't you go join a game with her?  I'll cook us some food.

Kett:  Hey there, mind if I join in?  Name's Tarkett by the way.
Girl:  As long as you're here to play and not just stare.  I come to the park to play chess, not to get looked at.
Kett:  Yeah, of course.

Kett:  And...  checkmate.
Myra:  Oh, well played...  Want to play another?  I don't usually find many people who know how to play well.  I'm Myra, by the way.
Kett:  Sure!  It's kind of a thing with my family...

Kett:  *Stretching*  Well that was fun.  Say, would you... uh... be interested in... ah...  doing some cloud gazing?
Myra:  Hm... Well I suppose I don't have much better to do, why not.

Amira:  Well they seem to be getting along well.  *sigh*
Whats up?
Amira:  With all the work I've had to do for the dynasty, I've really not had a chance for a life of my own, you know?  Never really got the chance to start my store, or meet someone.
Hm...  Well, with Ray not needing my help at work and Kett about to start his own, I'm about to have a decent amount of free time.  Would you want to start the store now?
Amira:  Oh could we?  That would be great!

Amira:  So how'd it go?
Kett:  I think it went alright.  It's hard to tell really, she seemed alright with hanging out, but didn't really seem excited or anything.
Amira:  Well did you get her number at least?
Kett:  No, I didn't ask.  I don't think she was interested.

Amira:  Well really the only way to tell is to ask...  and if you're still paying attention, she just moved to a closer chess table.  She might be looking to get you to join her again.
Kett:  Eh, I don't know if it's worth it.  I mean, being in a relationship is a huge dedication of time and money, not to mention that if she says no I'll be embarrassed for hours.
Amira:  Well... up to you Kett.

Kett:  Yeah, I just...  I don't know.  I don't want to put so much time into something when there are better than even odds that it ends poorly one way or the other.
Amira:  Just keep it mind that you'll never know what would happen, or what you'll miss till you've tried.
Kett:  I know.

Decided not to risk it?
Kett:  Yeah...  I'd rather not work on something that isn't really a guaranteed success, or at least has a good chance of going well, you know?
I actually know exactly what you mean, and I tend to agree with you.  I strongly suspect that Myra doesn't though.

Myra:  Hey Kett!  I was wondering where you'd run off too.  I was hoping you'd like to go out with me sometime?
Kett:  I uh...  Yeah, I'd actually really enjoy that.

Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

