Author Topic: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty  (Read 63269 times)

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2014, 12:10:40 PM »
What a huge compliment you just gave me! Thank you!! Yes, the images broke when I was silly and thought I was being organised by putting them in folders on photobucket and realised I had broken the link.. by that stage I had accidently deleted the file from the game so I didn't think it was worth re-linking them all again.  ;D

It's a very good thing Imgur doesn't seem to have that problem, or I'd likely be in much the same boat right now (but admittedly with less than half the work you've put in).  I just want to say again how awesome it is that you've been reading and commenting on my story!  I was beyond surprised.  Your enjoying this is a compliment beyond anything else I could receive I think.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline KTK10

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2014, 02:33:49 AM »
Awww... shucks.. ;D

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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2014, 02:34:17 AM »
Alright, Chapter Four.  I have to say that the last Chapter destroyed any hope I had of maintaining a slow, continuous storyline.  It took me forever to set up some of those photos (why are you never at home Summer!) and I was so focused on it that I may have forgotten to take photos of other Sims, like oh say...  Kell's son, who's name you STILL don't know, and who is now 1 day from Aging to a teen. 

So, to try to make up for that while not also falling into the same trap I did before, I present to you a week in the life of Nicolas.

Nick:  So the Watcher says I should talk with you guys for a while.  Which sounds fun!  Talking with the watcher is fun too.  It's like talking with James, but the Watcher isn't as bossy.
James:  I'm not bossy!  I'm just telling you what you need to do.  You're the one that wanted to do it, remember.

Nick:  Oh yeah, I'd forgotten again.  Good thing you're here to help me.
James:  It's what I'm here for.

Nick:  So Mom says I'll have a baby brother or sister soon.
James:  That will be a lot of fun!
Nick:  I know!  I love Mom and Dad, but they're so busy all the time.

James:  Your dad was pretty happy.

Nick:  Yeah.  Mom seemed relieved, but I'm not sure why.

Nick:  Me and Mom have been getting along better now.  She's been helping with my homework, even though I don't need her to.
James:  Maybe she feels like she should spend more time with you.

Nick:  Dad too.  It's been much better ever since dad and mom started fighting.
James:  Are your parents not getting along?

Nick:  No, they get along fine.
James:  Then why are they fighting? 
Nick:  I don't know.  Mom always starts yelling at dad. 

Nick:  Then they start circling each other,

Nick:  And get into huge fights.
James:  That doesn't sound good. 

Nick:  No they still love each other.  I can tell.
James:  Well what about you?  How's your aspiration going?

Nick:  Oh I finished that a long time ago.  Got an A+ in school too!
James:  Great job!  Did you think about taking a second one?
Nick:  Yeah, but the watcher didn't think I could make it.  I only had 5 days, and there wasn't a weekend. 
James:  Anything else exciting happen? 

Nick:  Dad got promoted.  He say's he just needs one more.
James:  I remember that night.  He wasn't very happy. 
Nick:  Hehe!  He said he had to chase a guy through the sewer to stop him. 

Nick:  And we got a new TV!  The watcher said that since Dad got his promotion, we could buy one.  He said something about Mom and Dad always complaining about needing one even though we had one already.  He also said he's looking into adding a pool!
James:  Maybe it's just me, but the Watcher sure does complain a lot.  Anything else?

Nick:  Well mom's been busy in the garden and at the lake all the time, so we decided to take a trip to the park.
James:  How did that go?

Nick:  It's weird.  We went to the park to take a break, and then we all started fishing anyways.  I guess Mom really enjoys it!  She's so good.  She caught a really cool looking chest right when we got there. The watcher totally freaked out, it was funny.

Nick:  I was more excited about the fish she caught!  Mom promised I can keep it in my room.

Nick:  Me and Dad caught some stuff too.  His was cooler.
James:  I'd have to agree.  So after you went to the park, you went to school?
Nick:  Yeah.  And when I got back home, my brother was there!

Nick:  He cries a lot.  I tried to help, but Mom came over and shooed me out of the room. 
James:  He looks a lot like you did at his age. 
Nick:  How do you know that James?
James:  I was around at the time.  Anything else?
Nick:  Nah, that's all.  Oh, I almost forgot!  My birthday is tomorrow!  My Mom and my brother too.  Me, my mom, and Richard are gunna age up on the same day.  It's so cool!
James:  You mean painful.
Nick:  What was that James? 
James:  I said you need to prepare for it.  You should practice on your Violin so you can play for Eric and his family.
Nick:  Oh yeah!  I'll do that now.  Thanks James!

Post-Story Story
So this Dynasty is actually going really well.  Outside of a rather severe lack of money (apparently being a secret agent is NOT enough to support a 3 person family in a large house) I've completed my career, I'm 50 socials from completing my second aspiration, and with charisma 10 and a friendship bar that never degrades over time, I'm feeling pretty confidant about my chances of making my 6 good friends (and BFF).

My rewards for Kell are done as well, I took Marketable and Never weary as sharable traits.  Main reason for marketable is, even while I'm busy trying my hardest to not fail in this challenge, my competitive side still lurks, and if possible I will max out my museum's worth. 

The only thing that has me worried at all is parties and the deathflower.  Parties I have a more or less unlimited number of tries, so I'm not too worried.  And Ali just found both the pomegranate and an Angelfish, so I have the makings of the ambrosia, I just need to finish making a Deathflower and cook it. 

Ali, how can I praise her enough.  I was definitely worried about her Evil trait, but I decided to take the chance, both for the opportunity for storyline and the huge benefits of having a Sim that had fitness maxed, and was a Loner.  Also, she's one of the prettier Sims I'd seen. 

She has provided every single ingredient for the Deathflower, including the gardening level needed to create the plant.  She has trained Kell from level 0 all the way to level 10 Fitness.  And she did all of this in about 2/3rds the span of her Adult life-stage.  If I win in this Dynasty, at least half or more of the credit goes entirely to her.

Also I promised my requirements after a few chapters, well this is the 5th set of pictures so... here you go.

Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2014, 05:22:57 AM »
Looks like things are going well for you!

Just remember Kell will need ambrosia fairly often so keep stocking up on the potions, fishes and flowers you will need them.

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2014, 08:57:36 AM »
It was really great idea of doing Nick's point of view for the chapter! I really like him, and welcome to little baby Richard. You are really racing through this - and you are right, you made a wonderful choice when you decided to go ahead with Ali - she has done her family proud!  ;D

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2014, 07:00:17 PM »
Looks like things are going well for you!

Just remember Kell will need ambrosia fairly often so keep stocking up on the potions, fishes and flowers you will need them.

Thanks for the heads up!  My luck with angelfish has been, at least in my opinion, horrible.  Ali has gotten to level 8 Fishing, and has only ever found one of them.  I actually havent created the deathflower plant yet, I'm waiting for the pomegranate tree to finish growing, heh.  About how often do Sims need to eat ambrosia?  I haven't really had a lot of experience with elders, and none at all yet with ambrosia.  I know the way we are using it, it works just like a normal potion of youth.

It was really great idea of doing Nick's point of view for the chapter! I really like him, and welcome to little baby Richard. You are really racing through this - and you are right, you made a wonderful choice when you decided to go ahead with Ali - she has done her family proud!  ;D

I'm only movin fast right now because all my Sims 4 experience thus far has been with the First Generation, and a tiny bit of the second generation.  If I'm entirely truthful, I haven't had a second gen Sim get past teens yet.  That's part of why I wanted to do a story, it'll keep me on course with the challenge!  I suspect I'll slow down a bit when Nick gets to young adult, but we'll see.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2014, 07:14:53 PM »
My immortal needs to eat ambrosia about every 10 days! By rights it should be about 20 but for some reason his age bar expires very quickly! So be prepared with as many angelfish, Potions of Youth and death flowers as you possibly can get.
I had a lot of luck fishing just on the beach outside where your dynasty house is located (Oakenstead), so no travelling to get there. Makes it easy to send a spare sim down there and just spend hours fishing until their needs are just about on red.
Good luck!
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Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: December 05, 2014, 08:29:20 PM »
My immortal needs to eat ambrosia about every 10 days! By rights it should be about 20 but for some reason his age bar expires very quickly! So be prepared with as many angelfish, Potions of Youth and death flowers as you possibly can get.
I had a lot of luck fishing just on the beach outside where your dynasty house is located (Oakenstead), so now travelling to get there. Makes it easy to send a spare sim down there and just spend hours fishing until their needs are just about on red.
Good luck!

Thanks for the info!  I'll try to have a few ambrosias stored up before Ali passes.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2014, 05:50:45 AM »
About 10 days seems right to me as well, although I admit I don't really keep track of how long it is between them.

Remember that skills aren't restricted now so you can always have Kell working on the twin cooking skills during down times.

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2014, 04:03:26 PM »
Chapter Five

Well as it turns out, I had a bit less time than I thought before Richard aged up, and a bit more before Ali and Nick did.  So instead of birthday parties, you get to see what my Sims did the day before!

Hey Ali!  I thought that since it's the day before your birthday, and your son lead yesterdays, you might want to do this one.
Ali:  I'd be happy to watcher.  Where should I start?
Well why don't we start with what happened the night before?

Ali:  Well Kell got his final promotion.  I'm so proud of him, becoming the best Secret Agent in town.
I am too.  That was a long journey.

Ali:  My second son turned into a child last night too.  I was busy trying to find more angelfish, so I wasn't at the house.
Looks like they both got your hair and eyes.
Ali:  I wish that they were like their father.  He has such warm eyes...

I'd say he's happy they ended up with yours.
Ali:  Kell seems pretty excited about Richard growing up.   I think having Nick around has changed his point of view.  Nick was inside practicing his Violin, so Kell played some chess with Richard.

Wait... Is Kell cheating?

Ali:  Yeah it's fine.  I love my Husband, but he can't lie to save his life. 

Ali:  Besides, our son is no good at it either.  It all balances out in the end.
Hah!  I suppose it does.  What about you Ali, how have you been feeling?  It's your Elder birthday after all.

Ali:  I'm doing alright.  Me and Nick have been getting along better.  I think I finally figured out how to talk to him.
I'm glad.  I was worried about how much you two yelled at each other before.
Ali:  We'll see.  He's growing into a Teen tomorrow, anything could happen. 
Very true.  Well Ali, we're all caught up so... what now?
Ali:  I don't know about you watcher, but I plan to go for a swim while Kell puts the kids to sleep.

Way too cute.

Kell:  Mind if I join you sweetie?
Ali:  Jump on in!
(playful splashing commences)

Ali:  Hold that thought...  gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee.
Kell:  I'm going to make myself a drink, I'll meet you out front.

Your garden looks amazing.
Ali:  Hm... needs to be watered.  Say, how many of those has Kell had?
Probably one too many.  Why?

Kell:  You think I won't eh?  Hang on, let me put this down.
Ali:  Hah!  This should be good. 
Ali, what did you...

Oh.  My.  God.
Kell:  Did the full lap around Eric's house.   Now give me that 20 bucks.
You ran nude around Eric's house for 20 bucks?  I really hope no one was awake still.
Kell:  I didn't see anyone.  No harm done watcher, calm down.  I'm just gunna run to the kitchen for some food.

Kell:  What... hey!
What is it?
Kell:  I can't stop running!  Watcher, help please.

Hm... this could prove interesting.  Go clean that bathroom for me would you?
Kell:  Hey stop that!
Next you should go do a couple laps around house.  Then go get something to eat.
Kell:  Watcher, If you don't fix this.
Then you'll have gotten exactly what you deserve.  And besides, what are you going to do about it?  You have work in 5 minutes.

Kell:  I do?  WATCHEEEEEEeeeeerrrrrrrrr.......
Heh.  I'm sure he'll be fine when he gets back.

Well that's everyone gone for the day.  Sorry about this Ali, I meant to have Kell cook the food.
Ali:  Oh don't worry.  It was worth watching him do those laps.  He'll be livid by the time he gets home you know.
Or extremely apologetic.  Maybe even both.

Looks like the winning lottery numbers are A-N-G-E and R.

Kell:  I will kill you someday watcher.
Are you still stuck running?  Haha!  Hang on, I'll fix that now...
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2014, 01:59:59 AM »
That was hilarious!!! Well done! Am still giggling.. Loving the boys too.  ;D

Offline dethdukk

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2014, 12:42:37 AM »
Chapter 6, Birthdays.  Two of them, to be precise.

Gotta make sure everything's ready...  Kell's walk animation is fixed...
Kell:  Finally!

Homework is done...  Kell has the day off tomorrow...

Needs are filled, everyone has some happy moodlets.

Candles have been counted and put into the cake, the food is on the table.  Looks like we're ready Kell!
Kell:  Alright, I'm inviting everyone over now.
Don't forget to hire the mixologist, I'd rather you not have to make drinks all night.

Kell:  Remember, to float on the water you need to have some fat.  If you're all muscle like me and your mom, you have to tread water to float instead of just relaxing.
Ali:  Well Alice and the Mixologist showed up at least.
Kell:  *Sigh*  Hang on, I'll call again.

I don't remember your name random mixologist, but thank you for all your hard work.  You did a great job.

Nick:  When I grow, I'm going to be THIS big.  Like, bigger than you!
Kell:  Hm, I suppose I better pick you up while I still can then.

Richard:  I love being outside.  You can swim, and run, and fish, and play on monkey bars, and it smells good, and its awesome, and and...

And that's one.  Rolling the trait...  yeah I suppose I could have seen that coming.

James:  MUAHAHAHAHAH!  Finally, I'm FREE!  I will own this town!
Looks like we'll be trying the deviance aspirations after all.

Ali:  I think your Evil plans are wonderful dear.  Let me know how they go.  But first, you have to come eat.
Nick:  Yes mom.

Oh I'm very worried about how this is going to work out.

And you!  There's still 3 plates of food outside Eric!

And that's the second.  No semi-expected surprises this time.

Nick:  So after I've worked my way through the ranks, I plan to take control of the entire thing.
Malcolm:  Hm...  A good idea overall.  You should be careful who you tell about it though, there's no way of telling who might try to stop you.
Nick:  You're right, thanks.  We should hang out more.
Malcolm:  We should.  I've been looking for a new prodigy.

What the hell happened in here?  I JUST looked in here when Eric was snooping through the fridge, everything was fine.
Kell:  I have no idea.  I'll fix it, just let me look up how to do it on Simpedia first.
Thanks Kell.  I need to tell you something about your son.
Kell:  He's Evil right?  Ali told me.
Yeah but... I'm not sure he's like Ali.  Kell your sons Insanity added to his Evil might prove too much.  I can't say what he might do in the future.
Kell:  It doesn't matter.  We'll deal with whatever happens.  If anything happens.

Speaking of heart attacks... Ali you can't work out anymore, you're too old now.
Ali:  I'm going to Watcher.  I need to, I can't stop being Active.  Hoooo.... gotta say its hard to breath right now though.  And my shoulder hurts....
STOP.  Go lay down in bed for an hour.  You can exercise in the pool instead.

Enough excitement for one day.  Have a good day at school Nick.
James:  Oh don't worry Watcher, I plan to.

Post-Story Story:

So all that confidence I had last chapter is gone.  I just realized that I need to harvest an orchid, plant it, grow it, splice it AGAIN, then I'll get a deathflower.  I also need to get my cooking and gourmet cooking to 10, and I haven't even started on the latter.  The good news in, Kell is still 5 days from elder, and I should have plenty of time. 

Actually, what I'm more worried about is that with all the skill leveling I have to do with Kell to finish his ambrosia, that I won't have someone to replace Ali when she passes.  I've been thinking about moving in a "helper" but am unsure if I really want to do that (it feels sort of cheaty at this point in the game, and also breaks storyline). 

To sum up,  Kell is 5 days from elder, I don't even have an orchid yet (waiting for one to be harvestable) and he needs to max out 3 more skills in order to be able to finish his requirements and eat ambrosia (not including the time needed to craft his museum pieces).  I'm sure I have plenty of time, and I'm just feeling the pressure now because I'm so close to elder.

Knethen Immortal Dynasty
Double Time Dynasty Rules (A modification of the immortal dynasty)

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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2014, 02:07:25 AM »
Well, you'll certainly have your hands full with Nick! He has aged up rather handsome though.
You should have enough time to make it... 'elderhood' is 20 days so as long as you've got a plan etc.
Loved the poolside party, it looked really great.  :)
As for moving in a helper, well it's a traditional part of a dynasty so don't feel as though it's a cheaty thing to do and they don't need to be part of your story. They can be in the background sort of like an old fashioned servant if that suits your story better.
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2014, 02:22:18 PM »
Well, you'll certainly have your hands full with Nick! He has aged up rather handsome though.
You should have enough time to make it... 'elderhood' is 20 days so as long as you've got a plan etc.
Loved the poolside party, it looked really great.  :)
As for moving in a helper, well it's a traditional part of a dynasty so don't feel as though it's a cheaty thing to do and they don't need to be part of your story. They can be in the background sort of like an old fashioned servant if that suits your story better.

Thanks again for the encouragement and hints.  Having read through your story I appreciate them quite a bit.  I still plan to beat your museum score if I can!  But judging by what I've seen so far I think you might beat me, heh.
Knethen Immortal Dynasty
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Re: The Knethen Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: December 08, 2014, 03:35:00 PM »
Oh lol, you'll  beat me easily! I haven't planned things out at all and this is my first attempt! I can already see where I should have done things differently! I honestly don't have a clue what each gen is going to collect, I'm just making it up as I go along! I've already collected three different things for Beth only to sell them and try again!  ::)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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