Author Topic: The life of Miranda Right  (Read 9654 times)

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2014, 01:07:51 AM »
That looks better. :)
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Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2014, 11:38:23 PM »
Chapter six: Holy cow birthdays, grad, and a wedding

Tonight is the night in which most of our class turns 18! So crazy, really. And Ryan is turning 5 tomorrow! Stop growing, baby brother!

See, he can even read!:

After school, Bella, Morty, Lisa, VJ, Holly, and I headed to my house for the party. Now for the aging to begin!

First up, VJ Alvi! Would you look at the ripped purple pants? Who is he, Hulk?

Next, Lisa Bunch! The Neverending short shorts.

After that, Bella Bachelor!  
Kinda reminds me of when I was just a kid and they would read Sherlock Holmes to me.

Then Holly Alto!

Then, little ol’ me!
I have nothing here. Oh, no wait I do! I’m a ginger! Now I shall travel in the Tardis!!

Last but not least, Mortimer Goth!
Time traveler! Ahh, he’s my Doctor!

We all talked and ate cake and had an all around good time, and they rated my party to be epic!

I played with my brother until I had to put him in his crib for the last time. “That tickles, Sissy!” Stop growing Ryan. I had nothing else to do afterwards so I went to sleep.

I woke up at exactly 6:00AM, forgetting that I wasn’t going to school that day. So I slept until 7:00AM, realizing that the day was graduation day!!!

After five verses of The Wheels On The Bus from Ryan’s preschool graduation, we went to city hall for my twelfth grade graduation.

“Our class valedictorian, Miranda Right, will now give a speech.” Mr. Dollar, our principal, said.

“I’m the valedictorian?!” I gasped.

“Yes, of course. You’ve had the most excellent grades of your entire class.” Mr. Dollar replied.

“Um, okay. Ahem,” I started. “Hello, friends, family, and other people. As we walk down the aisle of the city hall we won’t be those little kids anymore. We are now young adults, the next generation. We will make this world a better place, and I just can’t wait. When we walk away, we shouldn’t be feeling sadness, but happiness of what’s to come next. Thank you!”

“Okay everyone, please move your tassels from the left side to the right side.” Mr. Dollar said when they were done with diplomas and whatnot.

“A farewell to the graduating class of 2014!” Mr. Dollar said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

We all yelled hooray and threw our hats in the air.

As we all left the building we threw our diplomas,
and hugged. “I’m so proud of you, honey.” “Thank you, Mom.”

“I love you, Mira.” “I love you too, Mom.”


“Yay Sissy!” “Yay Ryan!”

“Congrats, Bells.” “Congrats, Mira.”

After that it was dark and so the moms, Ryan and I all went home, where Morty was waiting in his swimsuit.

“Morty! There’s something I want to tell you.” I said.

“Yes?” Morty asked as he came out of the water.

“Will you marry me?” I grinned.

“Yes! A thousand times yes!” Morty yelled.

“I actually had a ring so that I could propose to you.” Morty chuckled.

“Well, let’s use them to get married right now.” I said as my mind was now spur of the moment. “But wait while I get something real quick.”

So I ran into my room, got my swimsuit on and ran outside again.

“Hahaha.” He did his, ‘Man you’re adorable’ laugh.

“With this ring, I thee wed.” Morty said when Mom Sam said all those things.

“With this ring, I thee wed.” I said.

“You may kiss the bride.” Mom Salonda said.

Then afterwards we were lying in our bed when I asked, “When do you want children?”

“I want to be at least 24 before kids.” Morty answered.

“Aw, me too! We’re perfect together.” I agreed. How did he know I didn’t want kids until 24?

Then we went outside where my brother turned five.

Chapter six is donezo!

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Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2014, 01:59:21 AM »
Chapter seven: Expect the unexpected.

Hello everyone! Today’s chapter will be written in the view of my brother, six year old Ryan. But first, remember that Holly, Bella, Morty and I are now nineteen.

Hi, I’m Ryan. I will start the chapter with a fun conversation between Mommy Sam, Holly, and Sissy Mira.

“Hi, Mira. Want some waffles? I just heated some up.” Holly asked.

“No, thank you. I’m not really feeling well.” Sissy said.

“Oh, do you want some coffee? It’ll wake you up.” Mommy said.

“No, not like, I’m not awake. I’m mean I don’t feel well, like I’m about to throw up.” Sissy said.

“You’ll be okay. When you feel better, there’s waffles.” Mommy said.

“I’m kinda scared, though.” Sissy said.

“Why, honey?” Mommy asked.

“Because last year Morty and I agreed that we didn’t want kids until we were twenty four. But, I’m pregnant.” Sissy said.  

No talking for a few minutes, then Mommy had a smile.

“Well, do you think this is good news?” Holly asked.

“Kind of. I’m sort of curious about how pregnancy feels. Right now, I’m not liking it if I am.” Sissy said.

“Well, even know no one in this room knows how you feel, we will help you. Congrats.” Mommy said as she kissed Sissy’s head.

“Ugh.” Sissy said as she got up and felt sick.

“Mira? You okay, babe?” Mortimer asked.

“Morty... I love you so much. Please don’t leave me.” Sissy replied.

“... Mira? What are you talking about?” Mortimer eyes were all big.

“I’m pregnant and I know we didn’t want kids until we were older and I’m so-” Sissy said but then Mortimer interrupted her by kissing her. Man these two are gross.      

Afterwards Sissy finally threw up.

Then she brushed her teeth.

Mortimer was waiting for her in the library.
“I know you’re not pregnant enough for me to feel the baby, but can I try anyway?”

“Sure.” Sissy chuckled.

“Mira... This is our baby. We did this.” Mortimer looked mystified and soooo happy and excited. Like I look when Mommy Sam buys Fruity Crunchios.

To celebrate we went to the winter festival.

“Mira?” Ethan Bunch, who was working there, said.

“Ethan? You’re working at the winter festival?” Sissy said.

“Yup. So how’s life over at your place?” Ethan asked.

“Well, today I found out I’m pregnant.” Sissy said.

“Congrats! Mort’s the dad, right?” Ethan replied.

“Yup.” Sissy said.

“Well, that’s awesome. Life at my place is normal.” Ethan said.

I got really bored after that so I played chess with Holly. And after that Mortimer and Bella played chess while Sissy cheered. For both of them.

“I have absolutely no idea on how to play this game, but go Morty and Bella at the same time!” Sissy said.

Then it was late at night and Sissy whined. I don’t even do that anymore!
“Mortttyyyyyy. I cold and tirrreeddd. Can we go home?”

“Okay babe. I can help you with the cold part now though.” Mortimer said.  
Bleah with a side of bacon.

Hi guys! It's three months later! Sissy looks bigger too.

“Morning hon.” Sissy said to Mortimer as they got out of bed.

“I’ll make our bed.” Mortimer said.

“Morty. I can move a blanket.” Sissy rolled her eyes.

“I know, but you should rest.” Mortimer said.

“Morty! You never let me do anything anymore!” Sissy said.

“Babe, I’m just trying to help!” Mortimer said.

“Well, I don’t really want you helping this much!” Sissy said.

“I was just trying to be a good husband, but don’t worry, I’ll stop!” Mortimer yelled.

And with that Mortimer ran off and Sissy got onto their bed and started to cry.

Two hours later I found Mortimer sitting on my chair crying and saying, “I’m so sorry.”

So I said, “Mort. Come on and go apologize to her, not my block table.”

We walked back to Sissy and Mortimer’s room and he wiped away his tears, while we looked at her, and she was sleeping but you could clearly see she HAD been crying, with dry tears on her cheeks.

“Mira?” Mortimer sniffled.

“Yes?” Sissy looked at the floor with more tears in her eyes.

“I am so, so sorry. I didn’t mean it.” Mortimer said with tears in his eyes too.

“I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to start that. I just can’t control my emotions.” Sissy said.

“I know, my moody princess.” Mortimer said as he gave her a backrub. Wow, my sister’s like a sappy princess movie.  

“How do you feel now, babe?” Mortimer asked.

“Good.” Mira said with her hand on her tummy. “Ooh!”

“What is it?” Mortimer asked.

“The baby. It’s kicking. Wanna feel?” Sissy replied.

“Of course!” Mortimer looked excited.

“Aw. I’m feeling this love I’ve never had before.” Mortimer said with a big grin.

Sissy grinned as well.

Chapter seven is done!

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2014, 11:51:53 PM »
Chapter eight: Katherine

Hi again, guys! It’s me, Miranda, but this chapter will be written mostly in Morty’s perspective.

Hello, everyone, I’m Morty! Mira’s husband. Today is the day of the baby shower and I’m really excited.

But I’m also kinda worried. Well, we invited my mom and dad, who have never met Mira. My dad gets so mad if he doesn’t even know my crushes. So, meeting someone who is now my wife might be a red flag. My mom is much nicer about these things and actually can’t wait to meet her. To show you the idea, here the phone call I had with them last night.

“Hello?” Dad answered the phone. “Goth residence.”

“Hi, Dad.” I rolled my eyes.

“Hello, son. How’s life?” Dad sounded like himself, angry with a side of impatience.

“I was wondering if you and mom would come to the baby shower for my wife.” I winced, knowing what he’d say next.

Baby Shower?! Wife?!” yup, there it was.

“Gunther, what are you yelling about?” I could hear my mother saying.

“Our son has lost touch of us.” Dad said and I rolled my eyes again.

“Oh, Gunther. Give me the phone.” Mom said.

“Hi, Mom.” I said.

“Hi dear! Now what was your father going on about?” Mom replied.

“I asked him if you guys would like to come to the baby shower for my wife tomorrow.” I said, calm now that my mom was on the phone.

“Ooh! My little Morty’s gonna be a daddy! Of course we’ll be there, sweetie!” Mom said. “Ooh, I can’t wait to spoil her!”

“It might be a boy, Mom. We didn’t want to find out until the kid was born.” I said with a little smile. My mom’s always nicer.

“Aw. Well, it’s time for dinner. So we’ll see you tomorrow.” Mom said as she hung up.

“What was all that about?” Mira asked.

“Nothing you need to worry about, babe.” I said as we kissed.

And here we are now.

“Hi, Dad, hi, Mom.” I said as I answered the door.

“Hello, Mortimer.” Dad said as he put his coat in my arms.

“Hi, sweetie.” Mom said as she got the coat off of me.

I ran into the dining room to thankfully see my wife and my dad not meeting yet.

But of course Dad looked in disgust at my wife. I wanted to punch him for that look.

“Hello, I’m Gunther, Mortimer’s father.” Dad said, holding his hand out to my wife.

“Hello! I’m Miranda, Mortimer’s wife.” Mira said with her usual happiness.

“I’m so happy that I can finally meet you!” Mira said.

“Yes yes.” Dad said as they sat down.

“So this is Mort’s dad?” Lisa asked.

“Yup.” Mira said.

“Hello! I’m Cornelia, Gunther’s wife and Morty’s mother.” Mom said.

“Hi! I’m Miranda, Morty’s wife.” Mira said.

“So this is the woman my son marries.” Dad started.

“Oh no.” I whispered to myself.

“You’re so annoying. So peachy and lovey and blah blah blah. I don’t think we can ever reach good terms.” he finished.

“Gunther!” Mom looked very angry.

“It’s okay.” Mira said as she got up from the table and ran off crying.


“Mira!” I said as I ran over to her.

“He doesn’t like me. At all. I wanted so bad to know and like them.” She sobbed.

“I know, I’m sorry.” I held her hands and wiped her tears away, with anger, now rage, at my father inside me.

“Father!” I yelled.

“Excuse me, young man?” Dad said as he came into the living room.

“You will NEVER talk to my wife like that again!!!” I screamed.

“Mortimer Daniel Goth! You will not EVER speak like that to me!” Dad yelled.

“Mortimer! Gunther! Stop this immediately!” Mom said. “Stress isn’t good for anyone.”

Mira stepped slowly out of the room with a very scared face.

“Mira?” I looked over at her. 

“Hon, Morty. I’m going to take your father home and calm him down now. Thank you for inviting us.” Mom said as she kissed my head.

“Bye Mom.” I said.

By then it was ten and Mira was getting ready for bed.

“I’m sorry, Babe.” I said as we got into bed.

“You shouldn’t have to be sorry. I AM too happy. It annoys people.” Mira said.

“No you’re not. I love it when you’re happy.” I said as I kissed her head. “Night honey, I love you.”

And that is the end of me writing and now Mira is back.

1:00AM. Is the time when I went into labor.

“Morty...” I said as I woke up to a really bad pain in my stomach.

“Yes?” He said, half awake.

“Ow... Morty, I think I’m in labor.” I said as I stood up.

“Yeah, cool. Wait What?!” he said, now fully awake.

“Ahh!” Wow, this hurts. 

Soon everyone woke up and we walked into Mom’s office, which instead of for kids, it is now for birthing.

“You can do it, sweetie!” Morty called from the waiting chairs.


“It’s a girl!” Mom Sam said as she came to wrap her up.

“Hooray!” Mom Salonda, Morty, Ryan, Holly and Bella cheered.

I was lying in the bed for a few minutes and then Morty came in with our beautiful new daughter.

“She’s so cute.” Morty said.

“What should we name her?” I asked.

“I’ve always loved Katherine for a girl.” Morty said.

“And I’ve always loved Anastasia for a girl.” I said.

“Katherine Anastasia Right.” Morty said.

“Perfect.” we said together.

Chapter eight’s ending.

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2015, 04:09:49 PM »
Chapter nine:  8)

Hi! It’s me, Miranda!

I think I might be parenting wrong, because I have been sleeping like a log... and so has Kate!

Anyway, she is three months old now. One day Morty and I decided to play pool, so he got her baby swing out and guess who was the happiest little kid ever? It was her first time playing in it. Thank you, Cornelia!

“Okay Kate, wish Daddy good luck!” Morty said.

“Al bah goo.” Kate giggled.

See a close up of our little baby?! Isn’t she so cute?!

It was an amazing game! I won, of course.

“Mira honey I want to tell you something.” Mom Salonda said as she picked up Kate.

“Yes Mom?” I said as I put the pool stuff away.

“This house is too big for us, so your mom, Ryan and I are going to move into a smaller house and we are going to leave you guys with the mansion.” Mom Salonda said.

“Really? Wow! Thanks, Mom.” I said, hugging her.

And finally after all that was said and done, we were left with this people.

Our ages.

Miranda: 21.

Mortimer: 21.

Bella: 21.

Holly: 21.

Katherine: 2.
Yes, our little baby is two now! And here’s her birthday story and pictures.

“Happy second birthday!” Morty, Holly, Bella and I said.

“Birfday?” Katherine giggled in response.

Soon she blew out her candles... And she's a Fairy!!!!!

“Our daughter is a fairy?! How did this happen?!” I exclaimed.

“Well, my great great great grandmother was a fairy. Maybe she got it from her.” Morty said.

“Well, maybe.” I shrugged.

“Anyway, what’s the surprise, Mira?” Bella asked.

“Oh yes! Well guys, we’re having another baby!” I said.

“Eeeeeee!” Bella and Holly squealed.

“Eeeeeee!” Kate squealed. “What’s a baby?”

“It means you’ll have a new playmate soon.” Morty tickled her chin.

“A playmate!” Kate squealed.

After her birthday two days later, it was raining  a lot.


“Mama, what’s that sound?” Kate asked.

“It’s just rain, sweetie. We’ll be okay.” I said, bringing her closer.


Annnndddd the power went out.

“Mama!” Kate squealed, now shaking. “It's dark!”

“I know sweetie. Calm down. Let’s go see Daddy, Holly and Bella, okay?” I said, kissing her head.

“Okay.” Kate said and I walked downstairs, almost choking on her grip.

I found them all sitting in the theater room.

“We were watching a movie and everything just turned off. What happened?” Bella asked.

“The rain made the power turn off, I guess. Hang on, Mom Sam is calling.” I explained.

“Hello? Mira? Is the power turned off at your place too?” Mom Sam asked.

“Yup. I think it’s an all around town thing.” I said. “Oh darn. I think my phone’s dying.”

“Oh I’ll let you go then.” Mom Sam said. “Bye, everyone!”

“Bye G’ma.” Kate said and then she hung up on my mom.

After a few minutes of sitting in our chairs doing nothing, I went upstairs to the library and got four books, came back downstairs and said, “Read these. I’m not going to have us all be in a bad mood today.”

So we sat there and read the books while Katie took a nap.

Afterwards we were hungry so we ordered a pizza. (We can be mean sometimes :P)

That was also the day when Bella adopted a little girl.

Meet Cassandra Bachelor.

We all decided to welcome her awesomely.

So Holly taught her how to be a spy and sneak up to people. (Morty didn’t like that)

Morty taught her how to play guitar. (Holly didn’t like that)

Bella was just being a good mom.

I played on our playground with her.

And Kate posed so she could take a picture.

Ending of chapterness.

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2015, 02:57:44 PM »
Chapter Ten: A Mix of Stuff

Hi everyone! You know who I am or at least you should by now. I’m Miranda. But this chapter will be written by me but in Kate’s perspective. 

Hi everybody! I’m Kate Right. I am two years old. I have a mama, a daddy, a Holly, a Bella, and a Cassie.

I’m very cute and awesome. But you knew that!

So today Mama went swimming and saw G’ma and Nanny. See they had fun.

You know what I’m excited about? My new baby sibling! Well it isn’t born yet but it will be in five months! We call it Itsy. That’s ‘cause we don’t know if it is a boy or a girl and also it’s itsy bitsy. I hope I get a baby sister. That would be really fun.

And guess what? I have a new friend! His name is Alexander and he is Bella’s kid. I call him Alex! See here he is with Holly.

We are bestest friends. Cassie says yay to a new brother.


Guys! It's three months later! We went to the Spring Festival!

It was so much fun! First we got ready and we walked out the door...

Holly and Alex went first.

Then Cassie...

Then Daddy...

Then Bella...

Then Mama and ME!

I was taking a little nap in Mama’s arms so I could have energy to play!

So then we all got there. Mama set me down and walked away to get some juice, Daddy went off to dance, Cassie went off to find eggs, and Bella went off to find something called love. What is this love and why does she need to find it? Did she lose it? Anyway Holly stayed with me and Alex. She put me on a bee and it moved! She called it a spring rider.

“Holly dis is fun!” I said.

“I know, isn’t it?” Holly laughed.

“Yeah it is.” I said and I stayed on it for ten whole minutes!

“Okay, Katie, time to get off.” Holly said.

“No, I still playing on it.” I said.

“Kate...” Holly said in a slightly mad voice.

“NO! I still playing on it!” I yelled.

“Katherine Anastasia...” she said in a slightly more mad voice.

I got scared because she said my names so I said, “Fine.”

“Thank you Katie.” Holly said in a satisfied voice.

“You welcome.” I said in a defeated voice. “Holly?”


“I sorry, you still love me?”

“Of course, Katie.”

That was good times. Then Alex and I were put into the swings.

Then I decided to take another nap.

“Sleepy head.” Alex said and I heard it.

Afterwards... One month later!

So I was just taking a nap outside on a blanket and Mama was reading a book.

“Ahh!” Mama said and it was pretty loud so I woke up.

“Mama? Are you okay?” I said and yawned.

“Um, yes, sweetie.” Mama lied.

“Mira are you okay?” Holly and Bella asked as they came outside.

“Um, no, I don’t even remember it hurting as much with Katie...” Mama said the truth.

See I told you she lied.

Then everyone freaked out.

“You are great help, thanks guys.” Mama said sarcastically.

Soon Daddy came out and picked me up and then Mama, Daddy and I went to the hospital and I was scared because I didn’t know what we were doing.

And soon at 6:42AM, My baby sister was born!

“Well, there’s no way she’s Itsy with her size.” Daddy said.

“Yes, with her nine pounds and ten ounces of self.” Mama said.

“Her name should be Laura.” I said while playing with my toy bear and looking at my baby sister.

“I love it. But princess, where did you get that name from?” Daddy replied.

“It’s my bear’s name.” I said with a smile.

“Okay, how about Laura Isabelle Right?” Mama suggested.

“YES! That's my sister's name!” I yelled.

“Shh, princess, Laura is sleeping.” Daddy said.

And then two days later Bella and Holly came and we took Laura home with us.

“Is the baby home?” Cassie asked as she looked out the open window.

“Yeah is she?” Alex bounced.

“Yes! Here is Laura!” I said as I came in with Daddy.

“Aww she’s so cute!” Cassie smiled.

“She looks like a baby. I don’t see why she’s so special.” Alex shrugged.

“She’s special because she’s ours.” I said.

So then three months later I got used to having a baby sister. Daddy decided because my third birthday was in a few days that I should learn my skills.

“Daddy I’m going to fall!” I said as I tried to walk to him. 

“Princess, of course you won’t. And if you do, I’m right here.” Daddy said.

“Daddy look I did it!” I said.

“Hooray! Good job, Princess.” Daddy said.

And on the day of my birthday:

“Happy birthday, Katie. Wanna watch the stars tonight?”

“Sure, Alex. It’s our first date!”


We ate cake and watched my favorite show and I opened my presents and then finally we went outside.


And somehow we fell asleep! I bet Mama put warm milk in our sippy cups today.

Soon Alex woke up and pointed to a star... “Look, Katie!”

“I see it, it’s pretty!” I said and pointed to the same star.

After that Mama took us to bed and Laura smiled. Then we all fell asleep.

That’s all, I’m done!

Offline Oncerandsimmer

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2015, 03:47:27 PM »
Chapter 11: Meeting the author, birthdays, and Leisure Day!

“I remember my story of Fangirling over Panic! At The Disco.

I was around 4 or 5 years old when I heard I Write Sins Not Tragedies. I was in my own kid way of sure, the song's okay, but I'd much rather play with my toys, wish for a baby sister, and watch my shows than fan girl over it. (Also, I didn't know what fangiring was at the time)
I started to grow more, I achieved my dreams of playing and watching, then I got the baby sister, and I was a content little girl.
I grew up some more, I started to realize, hey, I like this song. I sang it with some replacements of some words, and it was all good. Then I heard more songs, and I had no idea what band it was, who anyone in said band was, or what the songs names were. I just knew, I like this music. I heard other songs from other bands in that time and soon I was asking "What is this song?" "What is that song?"
And then, in either September, October, or November of 2014, I started looking the songs up, and I realized, "Every song I look up is P!ATD's song. Hmm. This is my favorite band."
I just rolled with it and decided, "Okay, I'm not going to look up the band members names or what they look like or anything, but I'll listen to the songs!"
I had seen the videos to I Write Sins Not Tragedies and The Ballad Of Mona Lisa, and I thought it was cool, and I left it at that, didn't really care about how the singer looked or anything.
Then... One day I'm just sitting here in my chair, and we're watching Youtube videos and such on our TV, and we talk about Girls/Girls/Boys for a few minutes, and because at that point it was my favorite song, so I'm like, okay, show me the video.
I watching the whole thing, saying "What..." the whole time and thinking, "This is ridiculous, the singer is completely and utterly ugly, and this is just wow."
I don't like the band for a while, and blamed myself for being so curious about the video. But then I'm like, fine I'll give this another chance. So I listen to the videos and I just start to love it again and I soon decided, I think it's time to know more about this. Fangirling soon set in. Then I learn that my hated singer was not actually named Hated Singer, but Brendon Urie and then soon I gave that a chance and total fangirl set in. I mean seriously, he is the cutest guy ever in my book. You could ask me a question about it today and I would most likely know the answer.  The end.” I, the author, said.

“Um, why are you telling me this?” I, Miranda asked.
“Duh! Because you need to know!”

“Um, what exactly is Panic! At The Disco?”

After two years into the ICU...

“Panic! At The Disco is the best freaking band ever. Here, listen to this one, Vices and Virtues.”

Five hours later...

“That was the best band I have ever listened to.”


Then the author stopped talking.

Anyways, our intro... Hi, I’m Miranda. You knew that. The chapter will be written by me in my perspective.

The girls and Alex will be aging up today. Katie and Alex will be turning 5, and Laura will be 2.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen kids so excited. Like they literally haven’t slept in three days.

So I am very glad about the birthdays being today.

“Mommmmmyyyyy! It’s my birthday!” Katie said.

“I know, are you excited?” I said, picking her up from her crib for the last time.

“Very!” Katie said, and went on. “I can’t wait for my cake, I hope it’s vanilla. What am I getting for a present? Uh, put me down Mama.”

I set her down and she keeps going.

“Is Alex going to be there? Oh yeah it’s his party too!” she says and Morty comes into the room and picks up Laura. “I hope there is no pink decorations. I hate pink. I like yellow and blue.”

“Yes, your cake will be vanilla, I can’t tell you about your present, it’s a surprise. There is no pink decorations that I know of.” I said and she got a big smile.

Do you know how annoying two small children can be when it’s their birthday? Every adult can safely say they had some Aspirin today.

“Can we have cake now?”  Katie whined after we got back from a big day of stuff.

“I guess, o impatient one.” Morty said and we got the cakes out.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Katie, Alex, and Laura, happy birthday to you!” we sang.

Katie went first.

“Happy birthday, baby girl.” Morty said, a tear rolling down his cheek.

“Daddy, be happy!” Katie said with the cutest face.

“Haha, I am, sweetie, it’s just a dad thing.” Morty smiled.

They had one more daddy-daughter hug, and Katie was on her way to being 5.

“This. Is. Amazing!” Katie giggled.

Then Laura...

“Happy birthday, sweetie.” Holly said.

Laura just look confused, but had a smile on her face.

You see, our kids like to look exactly like one parent. Katie looks just like her daddy, except she has my red hair. Laura looks exactly like me, but she has her daddy’s black hair.

Lastly, Alex.

“Happy birthday to my awesome little dude.” Bella said.

“Thank you Mama!” Alex said giddily. “I hope this cake is chocolate.”

And that was the end of our birthday extravaganza!

The next day was Ryan’s birthday, but he just wanted to spend the day with the moms. But Katie wouldn’t allow her uncle to do that. No, of course she wouldn’t.

After her first day of school....

“Hi Uncle Ryan!” Katie bounced over to him at City Hall, where he was trying to get a mentor for driving lessons. 

“Hi Kate!” Ryan turned around and smiled.

“Wanna see Mommy today?” Katie asked.

“Actually, I was going to spend the day with my moms.” Ryan said.

“But don’t you want to see your sister?” Katie asked.

“Yes.” Ryan rolled his eyes.

“I’m going to fly you over to the house.” Katie said.

“Woah, really? Thanks!” Ryan got an excited look on his face.

So they flew over to the house, and I was surprised to see my brother.

“Ryan, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“Katie took me over. Hi, Sissy.” Ryan said and we hugged.

“I’m sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t get a gift. How about I teach you how to drive?” I said, knowing how much I wanted to drive at his age.

“Really? Thank you so much!” Ryan looked so excited.

I was terrified.

It wasn’t him, he did a fantastic job. It was me and my worries. What? I have two kids at home.

By the time I came home, Laura, Alex, Katie, and Cassie had gone to sleep.

The next day was Leisure Day.

First, before Bella, Cassie, and Alex went off to their new home, the older kids decided to play with Laura.

And then we went to our backyard pool and swam...

And finally, the beach. They swam again and the fearlessness of these children are crazy, I couldn’t do what they did! So I just stayed with Laura and waded.

See how far they went?!

But all too soon, Bells, Cassie, and Alex left.

And, surprise, surprise! Holly got engaged to her high school sweetheart, Ethan Bunch.

What a perfect day...

Chapter eleven is donezies!

(Also, sorry to RaiaDraconis for me using Holly and Ethan together, but after reading Two Hearts fifty times, I just can’t see the two with anyone else)

(Also also, we learn that Laura is a grump)

(All of her bars were up, but noooo she had to be mad)

(Same thing here)

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2015, 09:57:25 PM »
Chapter Twelve: The Anniversary and, Uhoh!

“Guys!” Holly ran over to Morty and I as we were putting away the breakfast dishes.

“Um, yes?” Morty said casually.

“Today is your five year anniversary, guys!” Holly said, or maybe squealed.

“We have an anniversary?” we looked shocked. No, really, we were shocked.

She looked at us in such a weird way we got uncomfortable. “Of course you do! And it's today! I'll watch Katie and Laura while you go have a nice day!”

We still looked very shocked as we got ready, but got over that.

“Oh, I hope he likes my outfit, it’s my favorite dress.” I said, looking at myself in the mirror.

“Mama!” Laura said as I walked downstairs.

“Yes sweetie?” I responded as I picked her up.

“You look so prettyful! Where are you going?”

“Daddy and I are going to spend the day out of the house, but we’ll be back tomorrow.”

“But then we don’t get cuddle time tonight...”

“Holly will be here to cuddle you, and we get some cuddle time now.”

“Remember to give Sissy some cuddles for me, okay?” 

“Okay, bye Mama!”

“Can we go now?” Morty sounded bored, but his smile said otherwise.

“Haha, okay. Bye Laura!” I said and we went to our first destination, the fancy restaurant that I don’t remember the name of.

And even know we tried really hard not to, we basically talked about Katie, Laura, and future children we may want.

Like seriously, here’s the conversation:

“So... Katie got an A+ today.” I said.

“Cool. Did you know Laura used the potty for the first time today?” Morty replied.

“Yup, she told me. Did you know Katie can sing her ABC's backwards?” I said.

“No, that’s awesome. So, want any more kids, or do you think Laura should be our last?” Morty replied again.

“No, I would actually like three more kids, I love kids. And you?” I said, taking a bite of my sandwich.

“I’d love to have three more in the near future. But I think we should wait until Laura is at least four, you know how much she loves being the baby of the family. She should be able to understand it more.”

“Ah, yes.”

We finished up our meals, paid, and went to the museum. The art was lovely and the seats perfect for a good cuddle.

Then a luxurious hotel for the night.
And that’s all you need to know  ::)

Approximately three months later...

“Hey baby, can I talk to you?” I asked.

“Okay Mama.” Laura said.

“How would you feel about being a big sister? You’d get a new playmate!” I said, knowing she knew what I meant...

“But I’m the baby! That not fair!” There it was...

“Sweetie, it’ll be lots of fun to have a baby brother or sister!”

“Can I dress him or her up in a pretty dress?”

“Um, sure.”

“Okay I like this baby.”

And that’s how I told the youngest member of the family.

The next day I told Morty.

“Okay so, know when a person says later, they mean later?”

“Um, duh.”

“Then how come when we say it, it always means sooner?”

“What do you mean?”

“A baby will soon be here in ‘bout, six months.”

“Really? That’s awesome!”

“I know, Right!”

Then the last Right of the family.

“Hey Katie, guess what? You’re going to be a big sister again!”



“This is my newest baby sister and her name is Melony. Laura and I will have so much fun playing with her and I’m in charge of both of them because I’m the biggest sister, of course.” Did I mention she’s very bouncy and talkative?

“Wait wait wait, what if you two get a brother, Katie cat?”

“I won’t. That’s my newest baby sister. Trust me.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“My fairy powers, Mommy! I can see if the baby is a boy or girl, and if it’s healthy or not! And I am going to have a healthy baby sister!”

And Katie decided to take over the writing.

Hi guys! It’s me, Kate. You know that because my mommy wrote the words I said years ago. And I’m pretty sure she talks about me a lot.

I am going to have a new baby sister soon. I’m the biggest sister so I can be ruler of the sisters. See, here’s my ‘I’m the boss’ face.

Pay no attention to the rubber duck floatie, I’m older than I look.

To make sure my sisters know I’m the ruler of the sisters, I got a new hairstyle.

Lookin’ good, Katherine Anastasia!

The next day Laura woke me up with one of her earache cries, they happen a lot, and frankly, I can’t decide if I should be annoyed at or scared for her.

Holly came in and asked her, “What’s wrong, Laura?”

“My ear again!” Laura cried.

Mommy came in with the phone on her ear and said, “You have a doctor’s appointment for today, honey.”

“I’ll take her.” Holly said and went to go get dressed after dressing Laura.

“I’ll come with!” I said and went to go get dressed.

So we sat there for a real hour, but thankfully they gave Laura some ear medicine so she stopped crying. She was actually laughing and banging her feet against her chair.

“Okay guys, we have good news and bad news.” The doctor said.

“Yes?” Holly looked up from her book. “Bad news first, please?”

“Well, the bad news is she’s had too many earaches, so we’re going to do a surgery on her ears where we put tubes in them to drain the bad stuff.” he said.

“Oh no! Will she be okay?” I asked.

“The good news is that she’ll be feeling better very soon. The operation is tomorrow, so she’ll be staying here tonight.” He said.

So later Holly, Mommy, Daddy and I went to the hospital and said goodnight in  the hospital.

Holly took her over to her crib after our goodnights.

She looked so angry and untrusting.

But after ten lullabies sung by everyone, she got to sleep.

Next up: The new baby

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #23 on: April 09, 2015, 01:32:36 PM »
I love this story! When's the next part up?
I'm neurotic all right...

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2015, 03:20:42 PM »
Thank you, Neurotic! I absolutely love when people comment on my stuff, it tells me I'm doing a good job with what I do. And to answer your question, Right now!

Chapter thirteen: Kids Galore!

Hi guys! It’s very much later, like, six months later. Holly made a daycare and Melony will be here any day now. Laura is much better because of the operation. Oh, and this is Kate writing it.

Laura wasn’t very happy to have two little boys in the house, but that was only for an hour. Then she warmed right up to them.

Those two people are Sam Sekemoto and Forrest Keaton. Laura thought it was really cool to be playing with children that are older. (She is 3, they are 4)

Oh yeah! Here are our ages:

Mommy: 25
Daddy: 25
Holly: 25
Me: 6
Laura: 3
Melony: Not born yet.


Bella: 25
Cassie: 9
Alex: 6.

Did you know that first grade is awesome? I love reading the books with my class and our teacher. Math is annoying, though.


It was October 27th when I felt Melony in Mommy’s tummy. That was awesome! I Can Feel The Baby In Mommy's Tummy!

“Daddy! Daddy come over here!” I said as he walked in.

“Yes, Katie cat?” He came over.

“Come feel the baby in Mommy’s tummy! It kicks!” I said excitedly.

Daddy smiled and so did Mommy.

“I do feel the baby.” Daddy said.

“Isn’t it amazing!” I squealed.

“Yes it is.” Daddy said.

Then the next day...

Daddy, Holly, and Laura had gone to see a show about farm animals, and I was at home with Mommy to keep her company. (Also, I’m much too old for that stuff)

But then!!!

All I could do was scream. And Mommy screamed. I didn’t know what to do! Daddy had taken the only car, so we couldn’t drive to the hospital. None of the ambulances were working, so we couldn’t get them to take us either! So Mommy was going to have to have the baby at home.

I called Dr. Landgraab and he told me what to do to help.

And soon, baby Melony Amber Right was born.


Then Mommy said another baby was coming!

So then baby Melody Elizabeth Right was born.

Mommy Had Twins! She had no idea! I had no idea! When I called Daddy, Daddy had no idea! Holly had no idea! Laura had no idea! None of us knew!

Daddy, Holly, and Laura rushed right home to see the new babies.

See, here is Melony:

And Melody:

Mommy and Daddy said they were very proud of me and I was very grown up.

Everyone went to the hospital afterwards to make sure everything was okay.

And soon, two days later, we took Melony, Melody, and Mommy home.

The same day that they came home, Mommy was abducted by aliens!

But she was fine.


Then, Mommy taught Laura how to walk! We were so proud!

Mommy also taught her how to talk!

They mostly talked about Holly’s wedding, which is in two weeks! I’m going to be the lovely flower girl!

Next up: Miscellaneous.

(Okay, seriously, I had no idea it was twins. I was really only planning on Melony. But, oh well, I love nooboos!)(But then of course, who doesn't?  ::))

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2015, 06:09:40 PM »
Chapter fourteen: Oh... um. Why Do You Want Me To Name It?!

Guys!!! It’s approximately two years later. It’s Kate, by the way. I’m eight now. Mom says that’s only a year older than she was when she started writing this! Speaking of her and writing this, she wants to write again but I won’t let her. Maybe I will someday. Well, she says this is the last chapter I get to do for a while so she can write it.

Laura is five now, and she doesn’t like her kindergarten. I think she’s crazy, kindergarten was awesome. Third grade is the annoying stuff, and I love school! So that’s really saying something.

The twins are two, and they go to Holly’s daycare. They’re the only toddlers there.

Speaking of Holly, today is the day of her wedding! We all look so lovely in our dresses.

It was raining when we got there, so we knew our rainy day wedding would go amazingly.

Here are the beautiful flower girls, Laura and I.

I looked over at Laura and she was crying.

“What’s wrong, Laura bug?” I asked softly.

“I’m worried that Holly is gonna move away and never see us again.” she sniffled.

“It’s okay, she’s not going to move away, she loves us.” I said and she smiled a little.

“Are you sure?” she almost whispered.

“Yup.” I said and then the guests came!

See the beautiful wedding in pictures:

It was kinda gross and sappy but whatever.

Then we had really tasty cake. After that we danced, I even tried the slow dance with Alex! I only stepped on his foot ten times, and he only stepped on mine twenty times!

After the after party, the guests left and they went to France for their honeymoon. My family’s about to go on vacation too, so I’ll get back to writing the story soon.

Hi guys! Everyone’s back. It’s six years later, we really like to vacation. We all had a great time in Starlight Shores, and when we got back we adopted three things, a cat, a dog, and a person.
Here is Kimmy, the dog:

She’s so small but she’s adorable.

Here is Brenny, the cat:

Isn’t he so cute? He’s mine, Kimmy’s the family dog.

And Kurt, our 13 year old brother:

So now here is our ages because we got new people and also most of us kids have our birthdays in mid summer:

Mom: 31.
Dad: 31.
Holly: 31.
Ethan: 31.
Kurt: 13.
Me: 13.
Laura: 10.
Melony: 7.
Melody: 7.

Bella: 31.
Cassie: 15.
Alex: 13.

Holly and Ethan came home today as well.

They said those outfits are the last clean ones they had. I don’t know why Holly had her hair all fancied up again, but, whatever. Ya know, they could have bought more.... huh.

And also, as I moved away from our welcome back hug, I noticed her stomach looked a little bigger. I really wanted to ask her about it, but I knew I shouldn’t be nosy.

So I snooped around the next day when Mom and Holly were teaching Melony and Melody to read.

“Hey Mira?” Holly asked when they were taking a break.

“Yes?” Mom asked when they came back.

“Can you get a crib for the nursery?” she asked.

“What?” Mom looked confused for a minute. “Holly, are you???”

“Yup.” she smiled.

So Holly is pregnant!

Anyways, you might want to know what the reading of the twins was.

Melody’s eyes lit up whenever Holly read about music. Melony on the other hand got really bored when Mom read about music to her. But she loved sports.

So yeah. My baby sisters learned how to read. 

And on Monday Laura got sick. Right after dinner she said, “Dad, I don’t feel good.” And then threw up the peanut butter and banana sandwich we all had. It was gross, that Holly then threw up in the convenient but not as convenient for Laura trash can. No one else threw up. But sandwiches weren’t appealing to me anymore.

So here we are now. She’s taking up the couch.

Kurt had no idea because he was doing homework at his friend’s house.

“Mom, why is Laura sitting on the couch in her pajamas at seven PM?” He asked.

“She’s sick.” Mom said.

“Ewww, I’m gonna use one of the numerous beds downstairs tonight!!!” He yelled.

“That was mean... I mean, he’s thirteen. He should be okay with that.” She said sadly.

Mom went to talk with Kurt and Laura fell asleep. Later on everyone went to bed.

Until 3:30 in the morning.

Laura woke up and wanted Mom, so I went and got her for Laura.

She looked like this while I got Mom, by the way.

“How are you feeling, sweetie?” Mom asked.

“Sick.” Laura said, sitting up.

“How so?” Mom asked, sitting down next to her.

“My stomach hurts, and I feel like I’m gonna throw up again, but not right now.”  she said, kinda sniffily.

“Yup, sounds like you caught yourself a stomach bug there.” Mom ruffled her hair.

“Ugh, I don’t like it.” Laura sniffled harder. “Hey Mom, can I sleep with you and Dad? Like I used to?”

“I’m sorry sweetie, but our bed isn’t big enough for three people.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Well, how about I let you sleep with Daddy and I sleep in your bed?”

“Okay, thank you Mommy.”

And then they cuddled for like twenty minutes, and I found it kinda weird that they had no idea I was watching them from my bed the whole time. And Laura is ten years old. 

I also found it annoying that Laura was getting all this special treatment.

During their cuddles, Laura fell asleep. So Mom went to their room and I followed.

“Laura wants to sleep with her daddy, is that okay, hon?” Mom asked Dad.

“Yup.” Dad said sleepily.

So that’s chapter fourteen for ya. Goodnight, see ya later. Big whoop.

Also, thank you to Spladoum for her Big Sister poses, (The one where Mira was holding Laura)

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2015, 04:55:46 PM »
A/N (Author's Note): Sorry I haven’t been doing any chapters, but I’ve been doing stuff.
Chapter fifteen: No Mom! I'm Writing Right Now!

Hi everyone, it’s your friend Kate here. Laura got Mom and I sick, so here I am. I just got sick today. It’s been three days since she got sick. She’s better though.

Before that....

Tuesday morning...

We were all sitting at the table and eating cereal, except for Laura, who was eating crackers in our room.

“Hey Katie Cat, can you see if your sister wants to come to school with you guys today?” Mom asked.

“Okay, hey, Kimmy, wanna come to school with me today?” I asked happily.

“Kate, you know I meant Laura. And Kimmy’s a dog.” Mom giggled a little, though.

I was grumpy because of Laura getting more special attention then I ever got when I was sick, so I said, “Oh, get the little princess yourself.” and walked away to go to school.

It was my usual day of eighth grade, and when I came home I saw the usual since last night thing, Laura on the couch...

She looked better than last night...

I was kinda embarrassed by what I had done and man did I feel guilty. She didn’t mean to get sick, and that just wasn’t nice of me.

I decided to hide from everyone and go into my fairy house. So I shrunk down to my whisp size and flew in to do my homework.

I heard Mom and Dad talking about it.

“She’s thirteen and kinda moody.” Dad said.

“But she’s our little sweetheart, it was just so surprising.” Mom said. I kinda blushed.

“Maybe I should have just a daddy-daughter day with her on Sunday?” Dad suggested.

“Yeah, I think she would like that.” Mom said and they walked away.

At dinner that night Laura came down. “Can I have dinner with you guys?”

“Are you feeling better, Laura Bug?” Holly asked.

“Yup!” she said happily.

When she sat down I said, “Sorry that I got all mad and said that, guys.”

“What did you say?” Laura asked.

“At breakfast Mom asked if I could go see if you wanted to go to school, and I said, ‘Go get the little princess yourself’, because I was jealous of all the attention you were getting. Again, I’m really sorry.”

“It’s okay.” They all said.

The next day, Holly went to a party at the Landgraab house. One of them she said was kinda drinking a lot of nectar and flirted with her, and she got very mad.

And today, here we are. I was at school with my buddies, and I threw up, on the cafeteria table. I was so embarrassed.

So I’m taking up the couch. Yes I’m wearing a nightgown at thirteen years old.

Mom is sick ever so gracefully.

I got bored and I was feeling a little better so I decided to talk to my bird, Mona Lisa.

And our lucky dad here wasn’t sick so he ate some garlic toast.

Oh! And Holly is about to have the baby. Here she is with Ethan talking about what they are gonna name her, and Holly wants to name her after Mom and Bella. 

Okay! It’s the next day and the baby is literally about to be born! Ethan was no help and Dad was yelling at him to get Holly to the hospital, we found that funny as one of us usually has to yell at Dad to get Mom to the hospital.

So then they went to the hospital where people freaked out.

And soon Mirabelle Lindsey Bunch was born. She was born on Earth day, so they gave her a flower blanket.

Then three months later we all had our big summer birthday thing.


Kurt: 14.
Me: 14.
Laura: 10.
Melony: 8.
Melody: 8.
Baby: Not born.

Oh hey, did I forget to tell you? Mom and Dad had an anniversary, so Mom’s pregnant. AGAIN.

Also tonight I talked with Alex for the whole night. I got like maybe two hours of sleep, I was excited because he was coming over. He can’t usually because we’re both too busy with homework most of the time.

Remember though, we’re just friends.

So here I am now, waiting.

Holly let him in at precisely 5:00PM, when he was supposed to come.

“Hello, Katie!” he said with his usual chirpiness.

“Hello, Lexie!” I smiled.

(He hates that by the way like I don’t like being called Katie, we tease each other)

We sat on the new fun room couch and mostly talked about normal fun stuff.

And because we knew Mom and Holly were watching, we pretended to flirt because we knew they ship us for some reason.

But weirdly enough Alex couldn’t stop finding things he liked about me.

“Sheesh, Alex, it’s like you actually like me. Like me like me, I mean.” I laughed a little.

He looked very embarrassed and he looked away.

“Oh my gosh, you do like me.” I said, smiling.

He glanced over at me and nodded yes. 

We leaned in closer.

And clooooossseeerrrr.

And even closerrrrr.

And the our lips touched! Oh my gosh we kissed!

“I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you too.” he whispered.

I put my head onto his shoulder and somehow dozed off. Might have been the only got two hours of sleep last night thing, because it was only nine PM.

“Ew, you’re sappy.” Melony said.

“Yup, we are.” Alex said.

I’m pretty sure he carried me up to bed, because I woke up the next morning in my bed.(Redundant, I know) He was sleeping lightly on the bedroom couch.

I walked downstairs to go get us breakfast and I saw Mom and Dad talking about baby number 5.

“I mean, I can’t believe it.” Mom said.

“I know, how are we going to take care of six children? Five is already stressful, thankfully Kate is such a good girl.” Dad said and he made me blush.

“I think we might be able to manage. But I want to quit my job. I can’t, though.” Mom said.

“Yes you can, I’ll get a job.” Dad said.

I decided to leave them alone to talk while I went my way to get breakfast.

Chapter fifteen is done!

Thank you to the people who made the outfit Mira’s wearing and the poses that Kate, Alex, Mira, and Mort used. And also I forgot to thank Anubis360 for her Jasmine gown that Holly used in the last chapter.
Actually, I would like to thank every person who I downloaded something for this story. And things I'll download for the story in the future. Sorry I keep forgetting names, I just do that. 

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2015, 05:44:39 PM »
I meant to say Laura was eleven!  ::)

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #28 on: August 05, 2015, 02:56:51 AM »
Chapter sixteen: It’s a chapter don’t make me name it.

I finally have my own story back, so hi guys, it’s Miranda.

I’m about to have my fifth baby. It’s crazy, really. Also what’s crazy is that all my kids have summer birthdays.

Kurt-June 24
Kate-July 5
Laura-May 31 (Well, not really summer but pretty close)
Melony and Melody-August 1
Newest baby- Due June 29
It’s June 26, so Kurt just turned fifteen and Laura turned twelve last month.

Alex comes over every other day and stay from after school to their bedtime, it’s cute, and on weekends they have sleepovers.

“SOPHISTICATED SLEEP AT THE SAME HOUSE NIGHTS!” I hear Kate yell when she read this from her computer.

Okay, they have sophisticated sleep at the same house nights.

Today my poor Laura got a bad sunburn.

Her bit of advice: Do not play outside all day in June with no sunscreen. Even if you’re in a pool or water slide, you need the sunscreen.

The family’s very excited, we’re all going on vacation in August and we’re going to some random place I can’t think of. It’s a surprise trip for everyone except Morty and Ethan. Everyone’s first plane trip, well not for me but whatever.

 Here’s an adorable picture of Brenny for no reason.

Also, I’d like the interrupt any theme this chapter might have to show you that my daughter, uh, Melody, looks just like me. She agreed to put on my old clothes for this and for me to cut her hair, she said it was getting too long anyways.

The only thing missing is the freckles and I have no idea on why she doesn’t have any, the child plays outside in the sun all day if she can. (Seriously, I try not to have her out all the time but she won't listen)
See, this is her.

And this is me, when I was seven.

Anyways... a few days later, June 29. 

We had another baby girl today, which was surprising but also not. We were told we were finally having our biological son, but alas, nope. 

We named her Serena Claire Right.

We’re all pretty chill with this baby thing, so we got right into it.

So then, it was two months later and the day of the trip.

Thankfully today, the day of the trip, was when everyone was packed, and so the kids went out with their friends and I stayed here and cuddled with Serena.  

So now we’re sitting bored, in the airport. Oh wait, we’re about to get on the plane!

Okay, we’re on the plane. I have to get off of it soon, so I’ll just show you the pictures of the family on the plane.

We were given books to read. I can't for the life of me find the picture of Morty, Serena, and I though.

Melody got right into her book, but Melony and Laura were just watching and enjoying the plane.

Alex and Kate were like Melody, but Kurt was the same as Laura and Melony.

And Holly and Ethan were oh you know by the picture, reading books. Mirabelle absolutely loved it as well, I have no idea why. Is it just something for babies to enjoy? When I was going to Sunset Valley from Riverview, every baby on that plane was crying.  

Gotta go! They won’t let me write anymore on the plane so I must say...

Chapter sixteen is done.

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Re: The life of Miranda Right
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2015, 03:45:00 AM »
Okay, I give up with the whole, "Actual Age" thing. They are whatever age I want them to be at that time.

Which brings me to say, I am sorry. I am rapidly aging them up and I guess I shouldn't be? I dunno. It's not going stop until chapter eighteen though, because I can't change that. They are older now! So like, yeah.