Author Topic: Complete All The Aspirations! || 26/28 || Rambunctious Scamp  (Read 24938 times)

Offline marwolfer

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Master Mixologist
« Reply #45 on: January 19, 2015, 10:04:28 AM »
Master Mixologist - COMPLETED!

Thanks to a patch, Master Chef and Master Mixologist can be completed by the same Sim (yeah!). After Cherry mastered the culinary arts, she set her sights on bartending. Learning fun new tricks and how to make tasty new drinks was a lot of fun, especially seeing the effects of the drinks. Cherry nearly didn't make it to the bathroom after one particular beverage. But through trial and error, she rocked it out.

Here are some pictures of her journey to bartending success.

After buying a bar and a few stools for her patio, Cherry started practicing.

Through a lot of trial and error, Cherry was quickly able to learn some flashy tricks and tasty beverages.

The hardest part of this Aspiration was getting to the Mixology branch of the Culinary career; Cherry had three days off in a row in the middle of the week, and you can't get promotions if you're not at work! All in all, she still managed to become a Master Mixologist. Now, there's no party she can't wow!
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Offline arimau

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 12/28 || Maste Chef/Mixologist
« Reply #46 on: January 19, 2015, 03:01:29 PM »
I thought Master Chef and Master Mixologist couldn't be completed as one. Oops, but you say it’s because the last patch. I haven’t got my chance to play into the game again thoroughly especially for Aspirations, but this is interesting. Your story not only fun but it’s beneficial for reader like me. I can’t wait to see you finished all of them! Thank you for the info and good luck with the rest! :)
Arimau's Playground
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Offline marwolfer

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 12/28 || Maste Chef/Mixologist
« Reply #47 on: January 19, 2015, 10:06:31 PM »
I thought Master Chef and Master Mixologist couldn't be completed as one. Oops, but you say it’s because the last patch. I haven’t got my chance to play into the game again thoroughly especially for Aspirations, but this is interesting. Your story not only fun but it’s beneficial for reader like me. I can’t wait to see you finished all of them! Thank you for the info and good luck with the rest! :)

Yeah according to the guides, you were supposed to reach level 8 in culinary to complete the Master Chef, but get into the Mixology branch to completed Master Mixologist. The patch changed the requirements for the Master Chef so that you could do both. I think it's great since I find it fairly easy to complete at least 2 Aspirations per Sim, still with plenty of time to be social and raise a family if that's how you play. :)
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Computer Whiz
« Reply #48 on: January 21, 2015, 05:13:08 PM »
Computer Whiz - COMPLETED!

Get ready for a triple update! It may be kind of boring though since the Knowledge Aspirations mean a lot of time grinding away at skills. I've got a brand new Sim, Heidi Boland, with a quirky/nerdy look. This first Aspiration was a lot of Heidi staring at a computer screen... literally. She had to log at least 100 hours on a computer. It was a little surreal for me as a Watcher: I was staring at a computer screen while the person on the screen stared at a computer screen... but I digress. lol

Here are some pictures of her journey to becoming a total techno wizard.

Meet Heidi Boland. She was completely randomized, except for her bright clothing. She took the traits Genius, Geek, and Bookworm; all seemed natural for a nerdy seeker of knowledge!

This is the view I had of Heidi 97% of the time. If she wasn't programming or hacking it was video gaming. Lots of fun for her, I'm sure, but kind of boring for me!

When Heidi would get too cooped up, she would have a whim to go to the library. She could work on the computers there and I got to Sim watch! This was a super easy Aspiration; Heidi even made it to level 4 in the Tech Guru career without too much trouble.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Nerd Brain
« Reply #49 on: January 21, 2015, 05:26:47 PM »
Nerd Brain - COMPLETED!

This second Knowledge Aspiration was pretty fun because Heidi and I got to play around with one of the unique aspects of TS4: rocket ships! I was too nervous to launch her into space (I feared she might not survive), but she got her rocket completely upgraded. Maybe now that she's done with all her Aspirations, I'll let her fly off into space. :wink:

Here are some pictures of her journey to becoming a complete NERD.

Heidi and I were both excited to work on her rocket, but first she had to build one! I bought her a kit and set her to work.

As cool as the rocket looks, it just doesn't look very safe!

The other major requirement for this Aspiration is logic. Since Heidi had her adult birthday, I gave her a new chess table, which can raise her logic AND her fun at the same time!
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Renaissance Sim
« Reply #50 on: January 21, 2015, 05:37:29 PM »
Renaissance Sim - COMPLETED!

I will admit: this Aspiration frustrated me to no end. There are basically two parts to this: have a variety of skills and work in a variety of jobs. In the second milestone, you must reach level 3 of a single career. No problem, since Heidi was already level 4 in Tech Guru. (The skills didn't pose a problem as Heidi had lots of skills at high levels.) But in the third milestone, you are supposed to get to level 3 in two careers... but the careers don't carry over! She had to start two new careers. I hate sending my sims off to work (super boring time), but this was making me nuts. I don't remember what all careers she had, but she finally finished it on the day she was supposed to age up to Elder.

Here are some pictures of her journey to becoming the most well-rounded sim.

Repairing and upgrading made handiness pretty easy to get a high level. All of Heidi's plumbing and appliances had the highest upgrades and rarely ever broke by the end.

Heidi also made some wood sculptures to decorate the house with. They were nice, if not a big money-maker.

When she wasn't busting her hump at the insane amount of jobs she had to do, Heidi chose to fulfill her fun need with her chess table. Such a relaxing past time!

I forgot to keep track of all her careers (she made it to at least level 3 in 6 different careers), but I know Heidi made it to at least level 6 in Cooking, Handiness, Logic, Programming, Rocket Science, and Video Gaming. Maybe now I'll let her take off in that rocket ship. :wink:
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Offline arimau

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 15/28 || Knowledge Aspirations
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2015, 06:33:55 PM »
Oooh, she looks like a nerd already! Yeah, that’s hilarious! Staring at Sim who staring at the screen is simply hilarious!

I agree, when we grow up we have to prioritize for what important but some of us still a child at heart ^^
I haven’t tried this aspiration. But, the way you deliver it looks like fun.

Yes it is (the rocket thing)—especially when it’s not fully upgraded. I heard Sim could die from it, is that true?

Yup, wish that they could make work more interactive, at least it looks like open business like TS2 or Ambitions in TS3. It’d look fun!
I anxiously can’t wait when you completed them all. Good luck!

Thanks a lot; it helped me how to deal with complete the aspirations for my project ^^
Arimau's Playground
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 15/28 || Knowledge Aspirations
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2015, 01:09:33 PM »
Wow, good effort on trying all the Aspirations! Keep up the good work. :)

Offline marwolfer

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Serial Romantic
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2015, 04:14:32 PM »
Serial Romantic - COMPLETED!

For those of you who know me, social sims are not my forte. But I decided that as a Watcher it was time to take the plunge and defeat these Love Aspirations. I created a new sim, Sadie Clooney (bonus points if you know what her first name is from), and sent her out into the world to fall in love. I felt a little guilty having her juggle so many romantic relationships (in real life I'm super monogamous), but in the end it was fun trying to get as many people to fall for Sadie as possible!

Here are some pictures of her journey to becoming the most loved sim in town.

Meet Sadie. She has big dreams of the perfect romance, but first she needs to test the waters... ALL of the waters! Her traits are Romantic, Cheerful, and Outgoing.

Sadie rushed off to the park (a safe place to meet lots of new people), and after having a few flops, she met Korey Coyle. They had an instant attraction, and it wasn't long before they shared their first kiss!

Sadie decided to take Korey out on a date next. The pair had a strong connection, but Sadie wasn't ready to settle down with the first guy she met!

Sadie headed off to the Museum next and quickly met a new guy. Things progressed quickly, but Sadie just didn't feel the same spark with him as she had with Korey.

Sadie worked her way through a total of 8 paramours: Korey, Aaron Crowe, Alice Spencer-Kim (she was even married!), Don Lothario, Tanya Edge, Gavin Richards, Sheena Bellamy, and the park ranger Haylee Coles. But nothing could compare to how Korey made her feel.

Sadie was through with being the Serial Romantic. Now she was ready to find her true Soulmate... and she had a pretty good idea who that was.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Serial Romantic
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2015, 04:24:48 PM »
Soulmate - COMPLETED!

After all that rampant romance, Sadie decided it was time to settle down. Her feelings for Korey never changed, so she hoped he would give her another chance.

Here are some pictures of her journey to true love.

When Sadie called on Korey, he was a bit hesitant. But when she professed her undying love, Korey knew that she had truly loved him all along. He agreed to move in with Sadie and give their love another chance.

Sadie wasn't about to screw this relationship up a second time, so not long after Korey moved in she proposed. Korey was so amazed at her willingness to commit, that he accepted immediately.

Too excited to wait, the pair eloped immediately. It wasn't necessarily the most memorable wedding, but Sadie and Korey were just happy to be together.

Now Korey and Sadie had the rest of their lives to be together. They moved into a bigger house (Korey's Aspiration was for a large family), and now it looks like they may be starting that family sooner rather than later. True love wins out!

So, unfortunately, Korey and Sadie won't be the parents for my Family Aspirations, but stay tuned. Those are next.  ;)
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Artistic Prodigy
« Reply #55 on: February 10, 2015, 12:00:37 PM »
Artistic Prodigy - COMPLETED!

While trying to get the mom to complete the Successful Lineage Aspiration, I was able to have her daughter complete the Artistic Prodigy Aspiration! The daughter's name is Katy Gosling, the adopted daughter of Rhea Gosling. She has big plans to be an artist some day, but the hardwork has to start now as a child.

Here are some pictures of her journey to become a true art prodigy.

This Aspiration was not difficult for Katy. In fact, she managed to complete it well before she aged up to teen and did not have to take any days off of school. I like to give my sims a favorite color (even though TS4 doesn't do favorite colors). Katy's is yellow! Here she is diligently doing her homework to be the best student she can be.

There were really only two aspects to this Aspiration, drawing and playing an instrument. Katy enjoyed playing the violin, but liked drawing even more.

Katy always got a little crazy with her drawings, but when she gets older she'll definitely be able to channel all that creativity into a wonderful career as a painter.
Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Successful Lineage
« Reply #56 on: February 15, 2015, 07:33:00 PM »
Successful Lineage - COMPLETED!

Rhea Gosling is Katy's mom, and while Katy was working toward becoming an Artistic Prodigy, Rhea was trying to get a Successful Lineage. Even though Katy is adopted, Rhea worked incredibly hard to help her daughter to be the best that she could be. That left a lot of free time while Katy was at school, but when the little girl was home, Rhea crunched it. After lots of hardwork and love, she got her Successful Lineage.

Here are some pictures of her journey to lineage success.

This is Rhea Gosling. She has a retro stay at home mom look, but it doesn't really matter what she wears. Her traits include Childish, Loves Children, and Cheerful. With so much positivity how can she fail?

The most important part of having a successful lineage is babies. Rhea didn't need to complication of a man getting in the way, so she adopted a little baby girl and named her Katy. The pair had an instant bond. (Sorry the picture is dark! Rhea was trying to keep a soothing environment for her nooboo.)

Rhea worked with Katy every single night to keep her grades up. All the extra help let Katy follow her passion of art at the same time. Rhea wanted her daughter to have a balanced life; school is important, but so is following your dreams!

Thanks to Rhea's great guidance, Katy placed her total trust in her adoptive mom. Despite the lack of a blood bond, the mother daughter duo became the absolute best of friends.

Thanks to the wonderful bond developed in childhood, Katy trusted Rhea to help her even as an adult. Rhea achieved her ultimate goal: Katy made it to the top of the painter career and achieved her own dreams. Rhea finally achieved her dream just as Katy reached hers.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Friend of the World
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2015, 07:48:50 PM »
Friend of the World - COMPLETED!

Time to take a break from the family life and work on those social skills! Our newest sim is Alicia Light, and she wants to be incredibly popular. In fact, she wants to be a Friend of the World. It will be tough juggling all those friends, but thanks to a trust fund (provided by motherlode), Alicia can completely devote herself to others.

Here are some pictures of her journey of friendship.

Meet Alicia Light. She's an outgoing, good, and cheerful girl with a laidback style. Even though she's rocking the blue hair, Alicia is definitely friendly and approachable.

The first step to making friends is to actually meet some people. Alicia headed out into the world armed with her winning personality. She visited several locations, introducing herself to anyone and everyone. The first day was taken up completely with shaking hands, but now that she knows some people, Alicia can make friends from the comfort of her own home.

Before inviting some people over, Alicia worked on her Charisma. It was nice being able to practice in the mirror so she could avoid any embarrassing situations later on.

Alicia found it quite easy to make friends once she got people one on one. Everyone seemed to find her delightful and charming, which only boosted Alicia's confidence and charisma.

Alicia was having a blast getting to know the people in her neighborhood. Everyone was so unique and nice. It was easy to get along!

After getting to know a lot of people, Alicia decided that she needed a best friend. She felt she really connected with her neighbor, Sara, and after a little more hanging out, the two solidified their relationship with a hug. Now that Alicia was comfortable with pretty much any Sim on an individual basis, maybe she could tackle the big party scene.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Party Animal
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2015, 08:00:20 PM »
Party Animal - COMPLETED!

Alicia was ready for the next step: parties. Social Events are tough, and it can be hard to put yourself out there. And if she does well, the standards for her next get together will always be higher. Yet Alicia felt she could handle all the stress, planning, and (hopefully) success.

Here are some pictures of her journey of social fame.

Alicia thought she would start out easy with an intimate dinner party. She invited over two of her closest friends and spent most of the time cooking and trying to keep her guests happy. She just missed the gold, but it was only her first try! The only place to go was up.

Slowly, Alicia branched out and her parties got bigger. It was a constant stream of guests and entertainment, but Alicia powered through (despite a few third degree burns from the firepit and stove).

Finally, Alicia threw her biggest bash yet. A black and white party was sure to impress all of her guests. So she picked a location, hired some help, and invited her favorite people.

The black and white party was a huge success! Everyone declared Alicia to be the queen of all parties ever, and Alicia completed her second aspiration.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Joke Star
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2015, 08:13:20 PM »
Joke Star - COMPLETED!

Despite her social prowess, Alicia was missing one key element: comedy. Wanting to refine her comedic timing, Alicia decided to try for the Joke Star Aspiration. After all, how hard could telling a few jokes be?

Here are some pictures of her journey to comedic success.

To begin, Alicia thought it was best if she learned some of her friends' favorite jokes. She headed to the park and soon had a group of people sharing their most humorous anecdotes.

Alicia joined the entertainment career to learn from the professionals, but she also made sure to practice on her own at home. It was easy to be funny in the privacy of her own home, but Alicia was hesitant to try her jokes on people. She had a good reputation to maintain after all.

Rising through the entertainer career slowly grew Alicia's confidence, and when she was promoted to Comedian, Alicia finally decided that she needed a real audience instead of just performing to her wall.

Despite all her nerves, Alicia volunteered for an open mic night. And she did great! Everyone was roaring with laughter at her witty routine. Finally, Alicia was a completely well rounded socialite.
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