Author Topic: Complete All The Aspirations! || 26/28 || Rambunctious Scamp  (Read 24921 times)

Offline KTK10

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 2/27 || Painter Extraordinaire
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2014, 03:57:14 PM »
Well done! I love this aspiration the most! Congrats on number 2

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 2/27 || Painter Extraordinaire
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2014, 11:48:30 AM »
Well done! I love this aspiration the most! Congrats on number 2

Thanks! I'm blowing through these Creative Aspirations, lol. I was always drawn to the creative careers in previous Sims games, so it makes sense that these would be easy!
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Bestselling Author
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2014, 12:17:18 PM »
Bestselling Author - COMPLETED!

Andrea is going to be my Creative sim, so it was time to get started on the next Creative Aspiration. After struggling with writer's block in the beginning, Andrea managed to crank out book after book. She was still working in the Painter career, and reached the max level of that career around the same time she completed her Aspiration. Andrea was earning over 6,000 simoleons a day on book royalties, so I let her quit her job as soon as she reached the top. There's quite a bit of money banked that I may have fun playing around with later. ;)

Here are some pictures of her journey to literary success.

The first speedbump was having Andrea get Writer's block... her study was so nicely decorated that I had to strip it down to nothing before she could get stressed out. But we got it and beat it with a quick bubble bath. Easy peasy.

I had bought her a Young Again Potion a while back, knowing that I would want to extend her Adulthood. After Andrea published a few bestsellers, a notice came up that she would soon be an Elder. As Watcher, I put a stop to that!

Andrea spent a lot of time repairing her radio. I guess I was just too lazy to buy her a better one, but it made a nice break from writing all the time.

With her high level job, Andrea didn't have to work as much. So she had more time to work on "hobbies," like gourmet cooking. Now she felt great after every meal! (She also got a new holiday makeover.)

Above all, this Aspiration just took time and patience. Now it's on to the final Creative Aspiration: Musical Genius!

(Sorry for all the back of the head posts. It was hard to get a good shot of her from the front. But she'll be out and about on different lots in the next part, so I should have nice pictures!)
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 3/27 || Bestselling Author
« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2014, 12:23:17 PM »
Congratulations! I am loving that study - it's somewhere I wish I could write.. Looking forward to the next one.  ;D

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 3/27 || Bestselling Author
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2014, 08:39:01 AM »
Congratulations! I am loving that study - it's somewhere I wish I could write.. Looking forward to the next one.  ;D

Thanks. She had several masterpiece paintings on display plus her rewards for the Painter Career. It helped keep her inspired when she was writing, once she got past the writer's block.

I don't know what Aspiration I will start next (after Musical Genius). I'm gonna have to DL TS4 on my laptop since I'll be going back to Indiana to visit family for a month. :c
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Musical Genius
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2014, 09:02:10 AM »
Musical Genius - COMPLETED!

This Aspiration has been the easiest by far (probably because I'd already bought so many rewards and her house was so well decorated). I finished it yesterday but didn't have time to post. This time, Andrea has a lover (James Liang). They never got past boyfriend/girlfriend, but she moved him in to help finish the Aspiration. Still two days away from Elder, and Andrea completes her third Aspiration!

Here are some pictures of her journey to musical success.

This Aspiration was pretty much as easy as making Andrea play the violin: a lot. She got the best one, since she had more than enough cash banked. (Over 130,000 simoleons by the end.)

Playing for tips was a breeze. Andrea visited a few locations (the lounge, the museum, the park) and was able to attract about 5 sims at each location. They seemed to really enjoy her music.

Another part of this Aspiration is writing songs and licensing them. Andrea wrote 6 songs total: The Dancing Violin, Violin Dancer, Lindsey, The Dancer, Stirling, and Stirling Stream. Can you guess my inspiration? lol

Another part of this Aspiration is to Serenade a loved one. Since Andrea was so good about completing her other Aspirations with minimal sim interaction, I decided to find her someone to spend the rest of her life with. Enter James Liang.

Their romance progressed quickly, and James soon agreed to move in with Andrea.

Finally, all that was left was mentoring James for 15 hours in violin. It took some time and patience (he had to sleep and eat, unlike Andrea!), but they got there! Now the pair can live the rest of their lives any way they choose (since I won't be controlling them!).

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Offline ManiSims

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 4/27 || Musical Genius
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2014, 10:53:57 AM »
Yay! I agree with you, the creative aspirations are definitely the easiest. :) Looking forward to more!

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 4/27 || Musical Genius
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2014, 05:06:40 PM »
Yay! I agree with you, the creative aspirations are definitely the easiest. :) Looking forward to more!

Thanks! I just completed the fishing one and it was crazy easy too. Gardening is giving me a bit of trouble though, just because it takes time and patience lol.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Angling Ace
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2014, 05:29:31 PM »
Angling Ace - COMPLETED!

Time for a new set of Aspirations, with a new sim! This time, we've got Willow Bark, an outdoorsy type sim with the traits Loves the Outdoors, Cheerful, and Loner. She also has the bonus Collector trait for her Nature Aspiration. Hopefully, she'll be able to complete all three Nature Aspirations. She flew through fishing; it was mostly about patience. It was quite boring, but fast paced enough (I finished in under 24 hours).

Here are some pictures of her journey to angling success.

Willow lived really close to two fishing spots (and not far from two more), so in the beginning she just stuck around her neighborhood and fished all the time.

Eventually, though, her neighborhood got a little boring, so I decided to send her off to find a mysterious tree...

Willow followed my instructions, and easily found the Sylvan Glade. There were a lot better fish and the scenery was breathtaking!

For the rest of her Aspiration, Willow split her time between her neighborhood and the Sylvan Glade. In only 10 days she completed her first Aspiration!
Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 5/27 || Angling Ace
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2014, 11:02:36 PM »
Well done!! I'm so pleased Andrea got herself a lovely guy before turning elder.. and Willow looks great. Looking forward to seeing what her future aspirations are going to be  :D

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 5/27 || Angling Ace
« Reply #25 on: December 07, 2014, 10:01:45 AM »
Well done!! I'm so pleased Andrea got herself a lovely guy before turning elder.. and Willow looks great. Looking forward to seeing what her future aspirations are going to be  :D

Thanks! I'm trying to crank through some of them before I go on vacation. Andrea's beau was so handsome. But one day he was at her house blond and young, then the next day she invited him over and he was an elder! At least she was set to become an elder soon. lol
Origin ID: marwolfer
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || Freelance Botanist
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2014, 11:49:42 AM »
Freelance Botanist - COMPLETED!

Gardening is really easy... it just takes so much time! Willow kept a large garden all the way up until her last milestone, just to keep her busy throughout the day. Then she narrowed her focus to have 10 really excellent plants. She also planted a cowplant seed she'd found while fishing. Unfortunately, she didn't feed it fast enough, so it died; however the time that it was alive was hilarious!

Here are some pictures of her journey to gardening success.

After purchasing one of each type of starter pack seeds, Willow got to work planting all of them.

After getting Willow on a schedule, it was easy to fall into the rhythm of gardening. Her whole morning was taken up caring for her plants, but the afternoons were wide open to have some fun.

The cowplant was endlessly hilarious. It's just like having a giant dog!

But whatever you do... don't eat the cake! THE CAKE IS A LIE!

If you're pursuing gardening, it's a good idea to get the bonsai trees. They raise gardening skill, increase fun, and can make your sim focused. It was a great way to start Willow's day.

All of Willow's hard work paid off when she finally got her tenth excellent plant. Now she is free to pursue her final Aspiration. Still 17 days until elder!
Origin ID: marwolfer
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Offline KTK10

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 6/27 || Freelance Botanist
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2014, 12:26:53 PM »
Wow! Well done! I found this one the longest Aspiration.. I never managed to have my cow plant grow though, I can't wait to try that again!

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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || 6/27 || Freelance Botanist
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2014, 02:10:50 PM »
Wow! Well done! I found this one the longest Aspiration.. I never managed to have my cow plant grow though, I can't wait to try that again!

My cowplant grew with very little intervention from me or Willow. She planted the seed actually while she was still working toward Angler, and he grew with just some watering. Then all you have to do is feed him and play with him. :) They give milk/liquid that can make your sim instantly happy.
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Re: Complete All The Aspirations! || The Curator
« Reply #29 on: December 09, 2014, 10:20:47 PM »
The Curator - COMPLETED!

All I have to say is screw collecting. I don't know if it's a bug with the spawners only refilling when you're in a location for a long period of time, but it sucks. Poor Willow got fat and upgraded all her electronics/appliances/plumbing while waiting for those stupid things to respawn. If you're going for Curator, get a side career or hobby or you will lose your mind... Luckily, I planned a little bit and started her postcard collection before she began this Aspiration or I'd still be pulling my hair out!

Here are some pictures of her journey to collection success.

Willow spent as much time as she could digging in rocks. Crystals were hard to find, but she managed to get them all eventually.

Catching frogs was easier, though with much less variety. There were a lot of frog spawners around.

Willow's completed collection was Postcards. They were fairly easy to get so long as she kept at it every single day.

Here's some shots of Willow's overall collections. She was 3 trophies shy of completing the MySims collection.

A little note: I will be traveling from El Paso to Southern Indiana this weekend and won't be back to my desktop until January 10. I will be playing TS4 on my laptop, but I'm not sure I'll be able to devote the time to this while trying to spend time with family. So if my updates lag, know that they will return full force in January.  :)
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