Author Topic: The Return of Brooks - The Final Chapter 01/08/17 Updated *COMPLETED*  (Read 681842 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Status Check Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1321 on: July 04, 2016, 03:41:37 PM »
*celebration sounds*

So was that a promotion I heard?

Tony: yeah, finally. I got my level 8.

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So now we need to see where we are.

Tony: So shoot.

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Childhood Aspiration √
Aspriations √
Three Skills √
Four Awards √
Five Gold Medals √
Six Good Friends √
Seven Whims √
Ten Museum Items √

You just need to max out your career dear.

Tony: Well I still have 5 days left so I can do this right?

You got this.

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Tony: Can't I get away from you for one minute?

Nope, where we going?

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Tony: Hey Flo, what's good today?

Flo: Hey sugar, anything you want.

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Tony: Just bring me the usual okay?

Flo: You got it babe. One burger nad fries coming up.

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Tony: Oh look, there's Adan and Tanya.

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Adan: Hey man, whats up?

Tony: Nothing much. Work alot. Got alot to do.

Tanya: We miss getting together. Need to do a club gathering again soon.

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You have such nice friends.

Tony: Yeah their not that bad.

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Tanya: I don't understand why he doesn't get himself a girlfriend. He's got the looks and lord he's loaded on top of it.

Adan: Tanya, There's things about Tony you don't know right now and he want's it that way. He's not interested in a girlfriend.

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Flo: Was it good honey?

Tony: Well it would have been better if you were sahring it with me Flo. *winks*

Flo: Boy you are a flirt.

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Tony: *snickers* this is gonna be so cool.
*pours bubbles in*

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Tony: That is just so cool when it does that.

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You need a hobby.

Tony: Who said I was bored? I gotta go to work. I hacked my proformance today. So we will see what happens tonight.

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Colt: So it's all true? You're really here?

Female voice: Yes, it's true, I'm here. Why? Gotta problem wit it?

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Colt: When can I see you? Because I need to know why your here.

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Female Voice: Well, if you want I can come over now.

Colt: NO! I'll come to you. Just give me the address.

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Where are you going?

Colt: No where. None of your business.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - The Lady in Red #2 Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1322 on: July 04, 2016, 05:04:57 PM »
Colt: So are we gonna just stand here with our backs to each other?

Shanica: Your choice ole man. You made the playdate not me.

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Shanica: WHOA!!! Mom said that chromedome was big and shiny but man I didn't want to believe her.

Colt: Yeah, about your mom, She and I'm using that very very loosly, isn't all she's made out to be. *snickers*

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Colt: So why have you been emailing Tony?

Shanica: How do you know about that?

Colt: Who do you think got him in business? ME!! I have my ways to find things out, especially if it's going on in my own house.

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Shanica: I'm just helping him with his promotions. Someone didn't tell about the option to negoatite his bonus' or about the wishing well. The poor sap has not been getting his promotions and he needed some help.

Colt: Oh, he didn't say anything nor did that our watcher.

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Colt: So you came all the here just to help him?

Shanica: No, I wanted to see you. I miss you pops.

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Colt: You have to understand, I thought all that was a dream. I didn't know that little twit of boss of your mothers was invovled.

Shanica: Well pops, She's letting me be more than just a dream.

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Colt: Oh who cares. Come here and give me a hug.

Shanica: That I can do.

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Shanica: I know that by birth, I'm actually insane, but trying to figure this out with mom, being a guy then a female, has totally made me stark raving mad.

Colt: You? Try me. I didn't know the red man could look that good.

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Colt: But then you turned out to be a beauty yourself little girl.

Shanica: Oh pops. You smooth talker.

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Colt: So, did your mom purchase this the little house for you? 

Shanica: No, the boss actually had it. She uses it every now and then.

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Shanica: There's more in the kitchen if you want some.

Colt: No Grilled cheese if more your mom.

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Colt: So how are your brothers?

Shanica: Their fine. They look alot like you.

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Colt: Look, I know you want to help Tony and all, but I need him to do this on his own.

Shanica: hmmm

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Shanica: So I'm not good enough for ya huh?

Colt: Calm down, I didn't say that. Geez...

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Colt: You do have your mom's temper.

Shanica: I'll take that as a compliment.

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Colt: Well, I have to go for now. I'll be in touch with you soon.

Shanica: Sure. See ya later pops.

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Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family Dinner #3 Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1323 on: July 04, 2016, 06:14:11 PM »
So did you get it?

Tony: No, I slide back to half. Why?

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I don't know. Maybe you need to do some yoga and concentrate more.

Tony: Putting me out to pasture already?

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I was talking to another watcher and she was giving me some tips for you. She's a great friend and your pops knows her.

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Tony: I'm gonna get to my task and get some rest and go out later. See ya

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Colt: Hello, you have reached my voice mail. leave a message and I will return your call.

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Gia: I miss my Milo so much. I keep hoping I can connect with him on some level.

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Thought you were napping.

Tony: I did, was, am, this is boring.

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Skye: Another Family outing, this is nice.

Colt: Someone is getting loose withmy money.

Gia: Oh don't be a scrooge pops, we can't spend all that money anyways.

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Hostess: Welcome sir, How may I may I help you?

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Kale: Ohh fancy..

Tony: Party of 8 for Brooks.

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Colt: I hope I can pronouce the food here.

Skye: Behave dad.

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Hostess: Your waitess will be here in a minute. Make yourself comfortable and enjoy.

Tony: Thank you

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Colt: Holy cow! The prices on the food and I can't even tell what it is.

Brody: Here we go. Complaining all night long again.

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Tony: Pops, I'll order for everyone and you just enjoy it.

Colt: Whatever..

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Waitress: Hello, Are you ready to order?

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Tony: And I think that wraps it up. Thank you

Waitress: It should be out soon.

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Brody: With all these places popping up, that means some good food can be learn and cooked at home.

Zoey: Maybe, who said I wanted to learn them.

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Gia: So Tony, how's the job going?

Tony: Fine mom, I'm level 8 now and moving along.

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Kale: Where did you go the other day pops?

Colt: Out, that's all you need to know.

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Rory: I'm starving, what's taking so long?

Zoey: We did order alot of food son.

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Tony: Pops have you been in my email server again?

Colt: *nervous* No, not my style

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Brody: Man, they are slow here. The sun is coming up.

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Waitress: I'm sorry for the delay, but we have had a small glitch in the kitchen, your order will be out soon.

Tony: Small glitch? We've been here all night. Look, just cancel my order and we will go else where.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family Dinner Pt 2 #4 Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1324 on: July 04, 2016, 07:07:49 PM »
Zoey: I do wish we had tables together.

Skye: I just hope we get better service.

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Colt: I feel like I'm playing musical restaurants.

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Rory: So are we eating breakfast?

Tony: Whatever you want.

Kale: This place is nice. Fancy looking.

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Gia: So now we can talk about the guys and not worry about them hearing.

Skye: I'm just gonna drink and be  happy.

Zoey: MOM..

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Waiter: Your orders ladies. Enjoy.

Gia: Smell wonderful

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Everyone starts taking pics of their food.

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Colt: What is this? Something from Sixam?

Tony: Pops, just eat and shut up.

Brody: Really pops?

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Tony: Well the check is taken care of. I have some business to take care. I'll see you all at home.

Gia: Son, is everything okay?

Tony: Yes mom, nothing's wrong.

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Tony: I hope my lucky redhead will bring me good luck. I need it.

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*tosses bribe*

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well lights up and the face smiles down at Tony.

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*Tosses in a §1*
Tony: *wishes for a career promotion*

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*phones rings*

Hey Tony, this Andy down at the warehouse. We've been looking at your records and relized we have overlooked you for a a bonus and some much need points to get a promotion. So After your next shift, you will get your next promotion. Keep up the great work.

Tony: Hey thanks Andy..

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Tony: WOW... I'm so good.

*well glows bright white again.

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Tony: Well, time to head home. I feel like something just happened and I missed it.

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What are you doing?

Tony: What you told me.

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I told you to do YOGA!!! Not meditate!!

Tony: It all looks the same to me.

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family Dinner #4 Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1325 on: July 04, 2016, 11:10:43 PM »
Wait, was that Colt and Artemis Grim's kid from the alternate simverse? Cool!

Tony, don't stress, love, you got this! And the WW can backfire so be super cautious.
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Family Dinner #4 Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1326 on: July 04, 2016, 11:14:40 PM »
Wait, was that Colt and Artemis Grim's kid from the alternate simverse? Cool!

Tony, don't stress, love, you got this! And the WW can backfire so be super cautious.

She ma'am that was their little princess.

Oh Tony is being very cautious of the WW.. But the well is controlled by a certain Grim LOL
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Re: The Return of Brooks - New Things and Wise Things Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1327 on: July 04, 2016, 11:21:12 PM »
Tony: Come on guys to the side and lets talk. This water is getting cold.

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Terrence: You have to be one of the coolest guys I know Tony.

Tony: Well, I hope you have all your homework done. Your school is very important.

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Tony: I know everyone thinks I get by on my pops money and rep, but I worked hard in school and got all A's.

Terrence: WOW, I didn't know all that.

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Tony: Just put your best foot forward and mind your own business and you can do anything.

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Lee: Yeah Tony was the teachers pet. *laughs*

Tony: At least I was the pet and not the class clown.

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Lee: I'm wounded..

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Tony: Hey lets hit the fire pit. Have as much fun before my youth runs out.

All: Sounds like fun.

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Tony: Why am I always the one to light the fire?

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Terrence: Because you have 9 lives like a alley cat.

Tony: Whatever.

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Lee: Now what?

Adan: I don't know.

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Tony: *starts dancing*

*others walk away*

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Lee: *calls back* See ya tomorrow Tony..

Tony: Chickens..

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Skye: The Delivery truck will be here soon with the new cooking station pops ordered for you.

Zoey: I know mom, I don't know what's wrong with the stoves I got. I mean they work just fine.

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Shake Shake Shake..

Colt: *sighs*

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They are putting in the new cooking station upstairs.

Colt: Great. Zoey deserves the most modern cooking wares.

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Colt: I still got the moves.

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Kale: *whistles* That is a beauty. Cook us up something good grandma Z.

Zoey: I'll cook you something..

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Zoey: Whoa... This is new.. a light show while I cook.

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Re: The Return of Brooks -New Things and Wise things #5 Updated 07/04/16
« Reply #1328 on: July 05, 2016, 05:32:15 AM »
So it was Shanica, here I thought it'd be a love interest lol. Little Terry'd grown up, I love his sort of father-son/older brother relationship with Tony.
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Re: The Return of Brooks -Good Times W/ Friends #1 Updated 07/05/16
« Reply #1329 on: July 05, 2016, 01:43:44 PM »
Skye: Dad, what are you doing?

Colt: Doing some upgrades to the theater system.

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Kale: Gonna get himself killed with all electronic stuff. I don't care how handy you are.

Colt: This coming from the man that studies flowers.

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Skye: Dad really, at your age, your should careful and leave that to Tony.

Colt: Dang it girl, I'm old not stupid.

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Zoey: I just made this with the new station you got pops.

Colt: Stinks..

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Skye: That looks cool and wreid.

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Zoey: The flavors are wonderful and very blissful.

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Colt: WOMAN!! Are you trying to blind me?

Skye: Well hurry up, I want to watch a movie. Like yesterday.

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Fishing again?

Colt: Yep, Zoey needs some more Angelfish for what should be our last ambrosia. Hopefully. But I'm gonna make sure we have plenty to be on the save side.

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Reaper: So where's that boy at today?

Skye: Who Tony?

Reaper: Yeah him, where's he at?

Skye: I'm not telling you. It's none of a reapers buiness. Go away and reap someone.

Reaper: So much like him.

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Hostess: Hey Tony, how many today?

Tony: Just seven today.

Hostess: Okay here ya go, Your regular table then.

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Lee: You know you want the burger and fries.

Tony: I'm thinking of getting a different drink this time. Maybe that granite falls one.

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Lee: So tell me, how far away are you now?

Tony: I'm five days now. I'm hoping for that promotion tonight.

Lee: Look the big guys have all been watching you and how you handle the computers and the money you bring in. It looks good.

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Tony: Eat up everyone. Because after this we are heading to the club for some dancing.

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Tatum: Oh cool, gonna get groovy tonight.

Lee: Sis, hush..

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Tony: Hey Flo, check please.

Flo: You got it honey..

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Tony: Well lets go to Windenburg..

Adan: I'm ready to Party.

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Terrence: Hey there's Tanya, She's so hot..

Tony: But she's so older then you and out of your league.

Terrence: Way to shot me down.

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Tanya: Hey Tony, Glad I was able to meet you all here.

Tony: My too, this DJ is great.

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Tatum: Hey lets do a group dance and show everyone what we got.

Tony: Sounds good.

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This is Tony and his crew doing their thang..

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Tony: That was great guys.

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Re: The Return of Brooks -Good Times W/Friends #2 Updated 07/05/16
« Reply #1330 on: July 05, 2016, 02:05:38 PM »
Hey Liz,  you're looking good from where I'm standing.

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Liz: *dancing* Are you flirting with me Tony Brooks?

Who me? Never.

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Liz: Put your eyes back in your head. Geez

Can't help it. The view is just out of the world.

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That's right babe, shake it..

Liz: Your so bad..*laughs*

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Oh come on now, You know I'm just playing around.

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Liz: All you Brooks are alike, romantics and flirts.

What do mean? My pops and other granddads haven't met you.

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Liz: OH, I was at a diner the other day and ran into this guy named Airon Brooks. Besides being red, he reminded alot of you and your pops. But he to was a flirt.

Red? Are you serious? Did he by chance have black hair?

Liz: Yeah, so you do know him. Not yet, but our family is big from what I have heard.

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Smile for pic.

Liz: Cheese


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 Hey Tanya, before you go can I get a pic?

Tanya: Sure.. *cheese*


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Tanya: Oh Tony, tomorrow is my birthday. I'm getting to be old.

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Oh come here Tanya, even with grey hair, you will stil break hearts.


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Tanya: Oh Tony, your the best. I'm so scared.

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You see these? I'll be there to pick you up when your cane fails ya.. *laughs*

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Tanya: *laughs* You are so crazy. This isn't gonna miss you up?

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Tony: Not unless you up and kick the bucket before I eat my stuff. But then I have if covered.

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Re: The Return of Brooks -One Step Closer Updated 07/05/16
« Reply #1331 on: July 05, 2016, 02:29:32 PM »
Colt: What's with all this Void Critter stuff?

New kid stuff that is out on the market.

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Colt: Soo glad that all our kids are out grown all this.

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Zoey: hmm, the smell and texture is very strange. But then it's delicious.
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Zoey: I'm gonna take a pic of this for my collection.

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Gia: Have a good evening at work Tony. Hopefully things for good in your favor again.

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Gia: Chef can you fix me something yummy?

Chef: Sure it will be out if a few.

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Gia: this is umm, okay.

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Colt: Well, he should get his level 9 promotion tonight.

Brody: Well, he's focused and right at the point.

Zoey: Pops, you told him no pressure. So back off.

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Rory: I have faith him. He's a Brooks, he's got us this far.

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Tony: Pops, I promise you that I will finish this. I'm not gonna let you down. Not you nor the family.

Colt: I know you won't son. Now get off to work.

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Brody: Who keeps picking this Dog's Journey Home movie?

Kale: POPS.. that's who..

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Colt: *cries* I can't help it, he's just so cute.

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Gia: Well I think it's wonderful that the dog loves it's owner so much that travels that far to find her.

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Skye: I live in a house with a bunch of saps.

Kale: Romantics to be exact.

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Rory: That dog is too small to be able to do all that.

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Gia: Awww, look at that love. She is lucky to have a friend like that.

Rory: Women.. saps.

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*celebration music*

Did you  do it?? huh huh??

Tony: Yep, I'm officially level 9 now.

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I'm so proud of you. You da man!!

Tony: Aww shucks, go on..

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Return of Brooks -Good Times W/Friends #2 Updated 07/05/16
« Reply #1332 on: July 05, 2016, 03:03:33 PM »
He has it covered? wow... that's almost like a "too bad, so sad" lol
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

Don't believe all the quotes that have been attributed to me. *Albert Einstein*

I can't ignore ALL of the voices in my head - Some of them actually make sense! *Blayzen*

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Re: The Return of Brooks -One Step Closer (Massive Updates) 07/05/16
« Reply #1333 on: July 05, 2016, 03:06:20 PM »
He has it covered? wow... that's almost like a "too bad, so sad" lol

LOL you know if  she kicks it, he has someone in the wings.. LOL
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Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Return of Brooks -A Cold Day (Massive Updates) 07/05/16
« Reply #1334 on: July 05, 2016, 03:26:53 PM »
Skye: I keep getting calls. I can't place the voice.

Brody: You are losing your mind.

Colt: You have been calls?

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Skye: She keeps talking about Tony. Asking about him. And you.

Brody: Do you know you it is pops?

Colt: Maybe.. I'm not sure.

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Kale: I think he's losing his mind. He needs to cool down.

Colt: BOY, I'm gonna... mm mmm mm

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Brody: *laughter*

Skye: That is it. He's lost his mind.

Kale: It's for your own good pops

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Colt: Boy, gon kic yo ear

Rory: Now that was too funny.

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Colt: BOy, get out here.

Rory: Sorry ole man. I don't have a ice pick on me.

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Kale: Sorry, I know he's gonna be mad, but he was getting upset.

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Kale: He's got to calm down. He's been taking about some other famiy and a weird little girl called the boss lately.

Rory: That is strange.

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*picks up ray*

Rory: What are you doing?

Kale: Making you clean up these dishes.

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Rory: I'm off to clean the house, it's a mess.


Zoey: At least I don't have to clean it up.

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Tony: Off to work. It's getting weird around here.

have fun..

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Colt: It's cold.

Your blue.

Colt: Shut up woman and let get to the hot tub.

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Colt: Who invited all you? I am not talking to y'all.

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Zoey: Don't be such a ninnie granddad. You are okay.

Colt: I'm blue and I am cold.

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Sometime later that morning...


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Tony: No, not today.

Calm down you have two days to work on it.

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I guess you heard?

Gia: It's all good, I have faith in my son. He will pull this out.

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Gia: I just love watching the boats in the cove across the street.

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Tony: Come on, almost in, the mainframe can hold me out from long.. come on..

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Tony: Yes!! I'm in.. now to see what virus' I download..

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Tony: Done. Now to go do this sissy yoga stuff.

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