Author Topic: The Return of Brooks - The Final Chapter 01/08/17 Updated *COMPLETED*  (Read 647155 times)

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Re: The Return of Brooks - At Home in Willow Creek Updated 4/2
« Reply #345 on: April 06, 2015, 03:15:23 PM »
The whole Brook household is so great! Cute child
Cake + Sims=Amazing

It is no joke that eating cake and playing sims is true awesomeness.
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Re: The Return of Brooks - Devon Discovers Fire Updated 4/14
« Reply #346 on: April 14, 2015, 12:06:39 PM »
Josh: And that's how the cat caught the mouse. Then the mouse decided he wanted to play with his cat nip...

Devon: Uncle Josh? I'm bored with this story now, It's been like 2 hours, I'm gonna go play with my chemistry set.

Herb: Oh there you are son. Be careful. That thing is always catching on fire.

Devon: *snickers* Yeah, Mom told me about the time it caught on fire with her. I can't believe grandpa Colt has had this thing since grandmother was a kid.

Herb: Yes it is a family heirloom and we try to take good care of it to have for all the future generations to use.

Devon: That's cool, I really like it dad.

Devon: Hey dad,  What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver?

Herb: I don't know son, what?

Devon: SWAG

Herb: *laughing* Oh son your a card..

Rory: Can someone help me think of a thesis statement using the book "Perks of being a Cowplant"?

Me: Nope, Sorry your on your own there.

Skye: Go ask one and maybe it will help you.  OH NO!! The fire alarm!!

Devon: Ooops. Well at least the sprinklers will activate in a second.

Guys: FIRE FIRE FIRE!!! HELP!! Someone out it!!! FIRE FIRE!!

Zoey: Oh brother. MEN!

All the men run for the room leaving Zoey, Devon and Skye.

*Sprinklers activate*

Devon: See nothing to worry about. Why did they run like scared little girls?

Zoey: Don't know, haven't figured that one out yet son. But you get to clean the floor, watchers rules.

Devon: Oh man..

Rory: WOW, that was scary dad. I mean, the little guy was just standing there.

Herb: I know, all those flames, *shutters* I don't even want to think about what could have happened.

Zoey: You know the sprinklers work just fine the art room now? Grandpa had them installed.

Herb: I know, I just wanted to make sure that Rory was okay. He was pretty freighted. * blushes*

Built a new study for Colt and everyone else, since they all like to use it.

Looks like the guys are all tired and tucked in ..

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Devon Discovers Fire Updated 4/14
« Reply #347 on: April 14, 2015, 12:10:59 PM »
Sorry it took a while to update, I've been doing the other challenges and RL have needed tending too. I'll have another update later today. I want to get the story caught up with the game.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Zoey Becomes An Elder Updated 4/14 #2
« Reply #348 on: April 14, 2015, 03:37:31 PM »
Now that's talent.

Rory: Hey little bro? Your kinda creeping me out here. Mind actually putting your book in front of you?

Devon: Nope can do bro, it's all in the wrist. *laughs*

Zoey: *blows out candles* pffffft

*horn blares*

Zoey: Oh SNAP!! And I do mean that Literally! I think I need traction.

And Now Strike a pose!!

Rory: Mom, did you see Dev doing his homework without being near his book?

Zoey: Son I think you need to lay of the herbalism.

Herb: So that's it in a nut shell, you get all that son?

Rory: Yes dad, Thanks

You know your dad is just trying to get in as much time with you as he can?

Rory: I know, I just don't want to think about it. the thought of my dad dying is hard to swallow.

Herb: There you are my boy. I think I'm gonna go for a swim in a bit. But I wanted to tell you how proud of you I am. I know that you will do great things. You will make me proud.

Rory: *sniffs* Oh dad, Please don't do this, I love you too.

All by yourself I see?

Colt: Trying to enjoy a relaxing swim ALONE if you don't mind.


Herb: Did I do something wrong?

No, he's in mood again..

What you doing?

Zoey: Was going swimming. But grandpa was in a mood again. So I decided to work on my books for my museum.

Herb: Want anything?

Rory: No thanks dad, I'm studying my Herbalism.


Herb: Nice night out.

Rory: *thinking* Awkward

Oh is it that time again?

Colt: Yep, thrilling. I look forward to eating this wonderful dish.

Alrighty then, I'll just leave you with it then.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Comedy Pool Central Updated 4/14 #3
« Reply #349 on: April 14, 2015, 04:36:12 PM »
The next few updates with focus on Herb

Devon: So Grandmother, what's it like to be a famous Artist?

Skye: Well sweetie, I'm still me, It's nice that other sims like my work and want to purchase them, but I prefer to just be me. My riches are right here in this house.

Colt listens as Herb plays the piano. 

How you feeling today?

Herb: Wonderful actually. My life is great.

Herb: Thank you for helping us to find each other watcher. Zoey has given me so much. 2 wonderful boys, a lifetime of memories. What else could a man ask for?
Well she worked a long shift last night and is still asleep, why don't you go a nap with her.

It's Saturday morning so all the guys are sleeping in.

Colt: Can you believe this is the same garden started by Martian?

I think he would be proud of what you guys have done with his tiny garden.

Herb: Spring must be here already, all the bugs are coming out now. Gotta spray to get them away.

Herb: All the weeds. There should be time that all the weeds just stop growing.

 I agree, but the gardening GODS don't see it that way.

Devon: Hey grandpa, What does the fox say?

Colt: I don't know what?

Devon: Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho Joff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff!
Tchoff-tchoff-tchoffo-tchoffo-tchoff *laughing*

Colt: I think you made that up.

Colt: Take a pic together?

Devon: Sure.. Cheese!!!

Devon: My turn.. Look over here.

How's the books coming?

Zoey: Great, this my sixth one.

Devon: I hate doing Homework.. It's so unfair.

Rory: I agree, but we have to do it. Rules are rules.

Nice night for a dip?

Herb: yeah, Mostly just sitting here thinking about life.

Wow!! All three at one time. I smell trouble!

Devon: No that's just Rory, he past gas a few minutes ago! *laughing*

Rory: Cute Devon. Just cute,

Devon: I know I am. What do you call a rabbit with beetles all over it?

Herb: What?

Devon: Bugs Bunny

Rory: Hey dad? Why did the fly never land on the computer?

Herb: I know know, why?

Rory: Because he was afraid of the world wide web.

Rory: But seriously dad, I'm having fun hanging with you guys tonight. This is great, we need to it more often.

Devon: Yeah dad, this is really cool.

Devon: Hey Rory.  Why was the ant so confused?

Rory: Why?

Devon: Because all his uncles were “ants”! Ants!! Get it???

Rory: UGH!! *shaking his head*

Oh boy!!

Devon: What?? I thought it was funny!

Good night

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Re: The Return of Brooks - R.I.P Heriberto Updated 4/14 #4
« Reply #350 on: April 14, 2015, 05:04:15 PM »
Morning, Back acting up again?

Zoey: Yeah, I think I'll go and stretch it for a few then finish this book.

Zoey stepped out for a minute, she will be back in minute. What's wrong?

Herb: I think it's time.

What? How?

Herb: Everything is going dark. Take care of my boys. Tell Zoey I love her. Not to cry for me, I'm always with her, just to look inside her heart and every time she looks at our boys, I'm always here.

OH HERB!!! *sobs*

Herb: I'm just gonna lay down here, and rest, It's okay. My life was wonderful watcher. thank you.

Herb hang on, she will be back,

Herb: No, don't let her see me.

But, but....

Grim: Hello watcher, long time no see.

Get your floaty rear in there before she see her husband just laying there!!!

Grim: Touchy... Going as fast as I can.

Grim: Ooops, look like I didn't make in time.

Zoey: *crying* Oh Herby!! Why? I should have stayed, I should have been here.

Zoey, he loved you honey. He didn't want you to see this.

Zoey: Can you hurry up and get this over with you black hearted monster!!

Grim: Have to follow the rules and make sure it's the right sim and do it correctly. *sighs*

Grim: Yep, everything seems in order, the pickup order is signed by the big man and stamped for today.

Grim: He lived a long happy life, this one. You are a lucky woman Zoey..

Grim: Well, time to go home, Herbie!! *swipe*

Grim: Another soul, another day.

Grim: Colt always has just cool places, maybe I'll hang for a bit and relax in here before leaving.

Zoey: Get out, before I get my grandfather.

Grim: You wouldn't?

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Comedy Pool Central Updated 4/14 #3
« Reply #351 on: April 14, 2015, 05:06:28 PM »
Oh  :'( RIP Herb. Dang it.

I am loving Devon and Rory together and those scenes with Herb as well were just awesome. Darn Grim and his reaping.
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Re: The Return of Brooks - Comedy Pool Central Updated 4/14 #3
« Reply #352 on: April 14, 2015, 05:07:59 PM »
Oh  :'( RIP Herb. Dang it.

I am loving Devon and Rory together and those scenes with Herb as well were just awesome. Darn Grim and his reaping.

I know, I think this one reason I have put off updating. I love Heriberto so much. He and Zoey made a great couple. But the show must go on. Rory and Devon are a hand full..

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Re: The Return of Brooks - R.I.P Heriberto Updated 4/14 #4
« Reply #353 on: April 14, 2015, 09:14:23 PM »
Noooo!  Not Heriberto!

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Re: The Return of Brooks - R.I.P Heriberto Updated 4/14 #4
« Reply #354 on: April 14, 2015, 11:47:20 PM »
RIP Heriberto. You shall be missed, by your family, and, remembered by your legacy.  :'(
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Re: The Return of Brooks - R.I.P Heriberto Updated 4/14 #4
« Reply #355 on: April 15, 2015, 11:15:06 AM »
Oh, Herb  :'( Poor Zoey! I adored their last few days together <3
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Re: The Return of Brooks - R.I.P Heriberto Updated 4/14 #4
« Reply #356 on: April 16, 2015, 12:57:40 AM »
Oh No!  :'( It was great to see the three boys spending time together before Herb died.. Great writing as usual!  ;D

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Rory and Death Upated 4/22
« Reply #357 on: April 22, 2015, 08:50:06 PM »
Rory: Didn't my mother tell you to get lost?

Grim: Oh why so glum chum? I was hoping for some of your comedy stuff.

Rory: And this coming from the boney guy with his arm thru the wall?

Grim: Job hazards, just ignore that.

Grim: *hands on hips* I guess your not as funny as everyone is saying. Should have known so, your a spawn of a Brooks.

Rory: Okay. Okay. I got one for you ..

I went for a job interview at a nursing home today.
The interviewer said, "What do you think is important in this area of work?"
I said, "Well I think you have to command the old peoples respect"
The interviewer said, "Is that why you've come dressed as the Grim Reaper?"

Grim: That was not funny!! Your sick!!

Rory: Not funny? Your Death, you hang around all the time just waiting for people to drop....

Both: *laughing insanely*

Grim: Hey that was really good, I need to remember that one. For the lunch room later.

Grim: Well Rory, it's been fun. But I hear grumpy. So I'll say farewell for now. Maybe when you are at a club, I'll stop by an catch your act one night.

Rory: Sounds good Grim. Smell ya later.

Then when he stood to find Colt, he found his fathers urn and feel apart.


Rory: Oh daddy!! How am I going to do this without you? There is so much I need to tell you. I never told you how much I love you. I assumed you always knew. Oh is mom gonna carry on without you?

ME: Rory, sorry to bother you but your grandfather is heading this way. You know how he feels about all this..

Rory: Oh Watcher, I can't help it.

Colt: *sighs* Oh son, I know how you feel, but get grip, it's life and you move on.


Colt: What? I'm being honest.

Rory: *sniffs* It's okay, I understand. But it just hurts so much. I miss him.

Colt: Wipe your eyes son, listen, your mom is gonna need us to be strong. She is in a sad place right now. He was your dad true, but he was love. They have been together since they where kids. A life time. She is hurting the most.

Rory: Your right granddad, mom is more important and I need to be here for her. Dad would have wanted it that way. She and Devon are gonna need me.

Colt: That's my boy! I'm always proud of you Rory. I want you to know that.


Rory: Thanks Granddad, your the best.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - A Birthday and Immortal #3 Upated 4/22
« Reply #358 on: April 22, 2015, 10:06:17 PM »
Your up and busy this morning, That's good.

Zoey: Not really. Wanted to stay in bed, but it's Rory's Birthday and I promised him a cake.

Well a Birthday is a time to celebrate and be happy sweetie.

Zoey: *sighs* I just miss him so much.

Zoey: Congratulations Son. I hope you enjoy your cake, I'm off to bed now.

Rory: Mom, PLEASE stay and celebrate with us, that is what dad would want.

Zoey: *pauses, sighs* I guess I can for a bit.

Devon: WooHoo!! Rory is gonna rock the party!!

Devon: *blows horn*

Zoey: *faintly* yay, whoopie

Zoey: Sparkles are here, that was your dads favorite time.

Rory: They still tickle.

Rory: Handsome as always I must say.

Rory: Mom, your hamburger cakes are the best. Thanks

Zoey: Your welcome honey.

Zoey: You have got to get it together!! You have two kids that love you and need you. Herb would not want this.

Your right, he didn't want you to do this. 

Zoey: You know your right. I need to pull it together and move on with my life. I will always have my herb in my heart and in my boys.

Hey, can you put that thing down long enough to go and check on your mother?

Rory: Your right, I'm going now.

Zoey: Sorry I put a damper on your party. I promise to cheer up and move on. You and your brother are my everything.

Rory: I am so glad to hear you so that. I was getting so worried about you mom. I thought I was going to have to have call the sadness hotline.

Zoey: *chuckles* I am not that far gone yet.

Working on your herbalism?

Rory: Yep and this stuff stinks. I think I'm gonna go and sit outside.

Zoey: Can we talk for second?

Rory: *standing* Sure ..

Zoey: *hugs* Thank you all you have done for me. 

Zoey: Today I am talking me last step in the Family Dynasty. I think that was part of my problem. It's been a long hard road and your father was there with me every step of the way. Thru the long work hours. Book writings, parties and even when he learned how to garden. I was hoping he would be here the day I took this final step. I was wondering if you would like to be there with me?

Rory: Wow, mom I'm so honored. Dad was so proud of all your accomplishments. He told me that he never regretted anything. I was happy living his life with you. But you earned this moment mom. I think dad is here in his own way and I think you should go and do this alone and enjoy your accomplishments.

Zoey: Your right son. Thank you so much. When did you get so smart? Oh darn, I forgot I have to work, I need to go change.

Later inside:

Zoey: Yes that's right, I am taking a personal day off. I lost my husband yesterday, today is my sons birthday and I need time for myself. I don't care if you don't have another Chef there. FIND ONE!!

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Re: The Return of Brooks - A Birthday and Immortal #3 Upated 4/22 #2
« Reply #359 on: April 22, 2015, 11:35:32 PM »
Congratulations Zoey-immortal. Woo! So sad that Herb missed out being there by a fraction. Bummer.  :(
Just loved the chapter with Rory and grim, dang that was some funny writing!  ;D
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