Omar: Your out early this morning Brody.

Brody: I have a few things to wrap up over the next couple of days. Shouldn't you be in school now?
Omar: Heading there in a bit, I come here early in the morning to see what's going on and the clear my head.

Brody: Good morning Ingrid, Great morning for a run.
Ingrid: Oh it's always a good time for a run.

Brody: But then, they said when my Pops was telling story, a ghost appeared out the woods, and everyone ran like girls to the cabins.
Omar: Oh man, I bet that would have been a funny site to see.

Brody: No, I'm serious Igrid. You really should consider coming and trying out for the Llamas. We could use a Athlete of your caliber.
Ingrid: Your serious? I'll think about it. I have to run now. Gotta get the kids off to school.

Brody: Bianca, have you thought of going and getting one of those Swedish Massages?
Bianca: Not really.

Brody: Oh man, you should. They way they work their fingers into your muscles. It feels soooo good.

Bianca: It sounds very painful to me. I'll just settle for a nice hot bubble bath.
Brody; Oh man, it's time for work. See ya later.
I hope your homework is done. Gia: Not yet. Is dad with you?
No, he went to work from the park. He was running late. Homework NOW. 
Gia: When I'm done with my homework, can I go to the park? Mom said to ask you or dad.
Sure, as long as it's all done. And you are working on your Social Aspiration. 
Gia: Cool. That is what I wanted to do. I want to get a head start and get it out of the way.
Well okay then, this is odd. 
Gia: Where are all the kids?

Gia: Oh hey!! I'm Gia Brooks. I thought I was the only one here.
Emanuel: Hi, I'm Emanuel, but you can call me Manny.

Gia: Where is everyone? Did they get abducted or something?
Manny: Nah, they are probably at Oasis Springs or something.

Gia: Oh yeah, my pops, dad and grandpa have all been abducted. My pops has a son that's an Alien. My dad met him last year.

Gia: Yeah, my pops is great. But my dad is one promotion away from a Hall of Famer!
Manny: Wow, that's cool. I like to watch your dad play. My dad says he the best player they have.

Manny: You see that star? I like to think that there's another plant out there besides Sixam.
Gia: My great Uncle Devon, went to Sixam when he alive.

Gia: On of these days, I'm gonna see the stars and cruise the milky way.
Manny: That would be so cool. I don't know what I want to do yet.

Gia: *hugs* I am glad I met you today. It's nice to meet a friend.

Gia: Wanna know a secret?
Manny: Sure.
Gia: I'm looking for a Best Friend.

Manny: I'll be your BFF!!!!

Gia: We will have a lot of full BFF.

Gia: Here lets take a selfie before we leave.
Manny: Cheese!!!
* Sorry it's late, third times a charm they say. Earlier I started this and lost it. So I just hung it up til now and started over.