Brody: So I wonder if I can just take P.E. in school and be done? I mean all this nonsense is just stupid.

Not happening squirt. You have to take all those "stupid" classes to make sure you can add all your money up to make sure you get paid correctly.
Brody: Right, I'll just get my pop pop after them. No one and I mean NO ONE, will mess with my pop pop.
*chuckles* Your pop pop don't scare me.

Having fun?
Kale: Well, I need these alien crystals for my serums and so I'm gonna just clone them for future use.

Colt: So you clean up pretty good for a Lothario.
Brody: *smugly* I'm a Brooks! And don't you forget it old man.

Colt: Cocky little kid ain't ya?
Brody: Just like my pop pop.

Colt: *studying* Hmm only time will time son.

Colt: I here that we have some trick or treating coming up soon. Are you excited?
Brody: I'm always up for some candy pop pop.

Colt: Well, Not too much or your teeth will fall out like ol' gabby in there on the table.

Colt: Here you go, your first piece of candy.
Brody: Gee thanks pop pop.

Brody: Wow, for this thing to be so old, it's pretty cool. I mean, I heard that pop pop had it put in for gran granny Zoey.
Yes he did, it has been here for every generation after that.

Brody: Cool, I'm gonna go in and play on the computer for a while.

Brody: To be such an old computer, this thing has some sweet graphics on it.

You are gonna have your hands full with that boy!
Kinley: Would not have it any other way.

You study a skill? That's not painting.
Destiny: Yep, I went out and got a job.

Destiny: I'm gonna be a Secret Agent.

Rory: Look at my little girl. All grown up and going out into the world to work. I am so proud of you.
Destiny: Oh dad, I love you so much.

Destiny: Now to get to reading and get my skill level up before my first day.

Ol'Gabby: Who does that ole coot think he is? Taking bout my ole teeth gone missin.