Author Topic: The Return of Brooks - The Final Chapter 01/08/17 Updated *COMPLETED*  (Read 681381 times)

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Father and Son Time PT 3 9/21
« Reply #705 on: September 22, 2015, 12:27:37 PM »
All caught up once again. Family Tree, Stats and the Brooks Family Heir pics have all been updated.
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Re: The Return of Brooks - Father and Son Time PT 3 9/21
« Reply #706 on: September 22, 2015, 03:24:58 PM »
Gosh! Brody is CUTE! Doncha just wanna pinch those lill' cheeks?
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Return of Brooks - Father and Son Time PT 3 9/21
« Reply #708 on: September 25, 2015, 03:26:45 PM »
That great softy just loves the latest grandchild, Brody, doesn't he?  Too adorable.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Father and Son Time PT 3 9/21
« Reply #709 on: October 03, 2015, 03:24:28 PM »
Oh wow! I started reading this at 7am and it is now 9:18pm and I am all caught up! This is amazing! I can see now why everyone on the forum raves about Colt and the Brooks'! And Shannon of course :) you have some talent there! The authors on this forum keep making things hard for me! I'll decide on my top 10 and then read something by someone else and want them in the top 10 but then don't want to drop anyone because you're all just so AWESIM! I think my top 10 is now made up of about 50 ties for 1st place lol and you are definitely in there!

My favourite Colt-ism was when he was going to see the nooboo and he said something to the effect of "my Destiny awaits"...

I just wish my Tapatalk liked me more because I think I've only seen about 5% of the images and even then it was only the ones I clicked on manually (like when everyone was talking about Rory looking like Don... Which he sooooooo does!) So I think I've probably missed out on quite a few one-liners that needed the image but it hasn't ruined/affected my enjoyment of this story one iota!

On that note: I need MOAR!!!

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because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

Only 2 things are infinite... The universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. *Albert Einstein*

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Father and Son Time PT 3 9/21
« Reply #710 on: October 04, 2015, 04:14:19 PM »
Oh wow! I started reading this at 7am and it is now 9:18pm and I am all caught up! This is amazing! I can see now why everyone on the forum raves about Colt and the Brooks'! And Shannon of course :) you have some talent there! The authors on this forum keep making things hard for me! I'll decide on my top 10 and then read something by someone else and want them in the top 10 but then don't want to drop anyone because you're all just so AWESIM! I think my top 10 is now made up of about 50 ties for 1st place lol and you are definitely in there!

My favourite Colt-ism was when he was going to see the nooboo and he said something to the effect of "my Destiny awaits"...

I just wish my Tapatalk liked me more because I think I've only seen about 5% of the images and even then it was only the ones I clicked on manually (like when everyone was talking about Rory looking like Don... Which he sooooooo does!) So I think I've probably missed out on quite a few one-liners that needed the image but it hasn't ruined/affected my enjoyment of this story one iota!

On that note: I need MOAR!!!

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thank you so much, Colt is a sim in himself, going back to the Sims 3. I will be updating this week.

I have the same problem with my tapatalk from time to time also.
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Re: The Return of Brooks - Like Pop Pop Like Brody #1 10/5
« Reply #711 on: October 05, 2015, 01:29:54 PM »
Brody: So I wonder if I can just take P.E. in school and be done? I mean all this nonsense is just stupid.

Not happening squirt. You have to take all those "stupid" classes to make sure you can add all your money up to make sure you get paid correctly.

Brody: Right, I'll just get my pop pop after them. No one and I mean NO ONE, will mess with my pop pop.

*chuckles* Your pop pop don't scare me.

Having fun?

Kale: Well, I need these alien crystals for my serums and so I'm gonna just clone them for future use.

Colt: So you clean up pretty good for a Lothario.

Brody: *smugly* I'm a Brooks! And don't you forget it old man.

Colt: Cocky little kid ain't ya?

Brody: Just like my pop pop.

Colt: *studying* Hmm only time will time son.

Colt: I here that we have some trick or treating coming up soon. Are you excited?

Brody: I'm always up for some candy pop pop.

Colt: Well, Not too much or your teeth will fall out like ol' gabby in there on the table.

Colt: Here you go, your first piece of candy.

Brody: Gee thanks pop pop.

Brody: Wow, for this thing to be so old, it's pretty cool. I mean, I heard that pop pop had it put in for gran granny Zoey.

Yes he did, it has been here for every generation after that.

Brody: Cool, I'm gonna go in and play on the computer for a while.

Brody: To be such an old computer, this thing has some sweet graphics on it.

You are gonna have your hands full with that boy!

Kinley: Would not have it any other way.

You study a skill? That's not painting.

Destiny: Yep, I went out and got a job.

Destiny: I'm gonna be a Secret Agent.


Rory: Look at my little girl. All grown up and going out into the world to work. I am so proud of you.

Destiny: Oh dad, I love you so much.

Destiny: Now to get to reading and get my skill level up before my first day.

Ol'Gabby: Who does that ole coot think he is? Taking bout my ole teeth gone missin.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Like Pop Pop Like Brody #1 10/4
« Reply #712 on: October 05, 2015, 01:58:02 PM »
Brody is great! Destiny is just so beautiful and Ol' Gabby is pretty funny! I've never actually looked that closely at it before. lol
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Re: The Return of Brooks - A Bad Day and A Promotion #2 10/5
« Reply #713 on: October 05, 2015, 02:12:36 PM »
Wow, what's that look for? Bad day?

Brody: Something like that.

Brody: All I did was skip my math and english class and go to the weight room. I wanted to work out. I hate math.

What happened?

Brody: I had to spend my lunch with the principal and she called mom. I'm so dead.

Kinley: So how was your day?

Brody: It was cool. Nothing much happened.

Kinley: Well, I got a call from your Principal and she says you had a very eventful day. Skipping classes?

Brody: Oh gees..

Kinley: Son, you have to get good grades in school. We have been over this. I don't want to have this discussion with you everyday after school.

Brody: Yes ma'am. I'm sorry.

Colt: Son, you need to listen to your mother. This is a very important part of your requirements. It's not a joke.

Brody: Yes, sir.

Kinley: Now, do we have an agreement? School comes first and then you can do all the workouts you want?

Brody: Yes ma'am.

Kinley: Good, now you can go outside and play.

Brody: Cool, smell ya later..

Kale: Honey, I'm home....

Look you got a promotion today!!

Kale: Yep, hard work pays off at the end of the day.

Rory: I know, Don't over do it.

Yep, please be careful

What are you doing here?

Destiny: Some research for my job.

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Like Pop Pop Like Brody #1 10/4
« Reply #714 on: October 05, 2015, 02:14:47 PM »
Brody is great! Destiny is just so beautiful and Ol' Gabby is pretty funny! I've never actually looked that closely at it before. lol

Brody is like Colts inner child come out. LOL
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Offline Magpie2012

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Re: The Return of Brooks - A Bad Day and A Promotion #2 10/4
« Reply #715 on: October 05, 2015, 03:17:19 PM »
Oh wow I actually saw some pics!!! Destiny is gorgeous!!!! I love how crazy Brody is over exercise, it's like Colt V2.0 only with the Lothario looks!
because... Math *Pippin The Most Tenacious Simmer*

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Re: The Return of Brooks - A Bad Day and A Promotion #2 10/4
« Reply #716 on: October 05, 2015, 03:51:13 PM »
That child needs some serious "consequences".  Does he have the evil trait by any chance?
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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The Return of Brooks - A Bad Day and A Promotion #2 10/4
« Reply #717 on: October 05, 2015, 04:43:10 PM »
@Magpie2012 yep he is. He loves his pop pop.

@Joria no evil trait right now.  just a little "active" that's all. At each birthday, that has trait choices, roll for them. So far I've been lucky

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Colt's A little Green Around the Gills#3 10/4
« Reply #718 on: October 05, 2015, 08:48:10 PM »
Brody: This is the life. The great outdoors. I love being out here.

Well don't forget you have to go to bed soon.

Brody: I will, just want to get this flip down.

Working on a life saving serum?

Kale: Nope, my museum items. I want to work on them and get the highest value possible.

*boom* WOW, that wasn't good.

Kale: Well it is and it's not. Well will see.

Kale: *pulls out notebook* Reaction was a false positive, but it is a good serum. All test come back positive.

Brody: WATCHER!! WATCHER!! Come look..

Way cool. So that's the famous flip you have been trying for?

Brody: Yep. Got it nailed now.

Zoey: Channel your energy son. Concentrate.

Rory: Easier said then done.

Colt: What the sim hill is going on?


Are you sprouting leaves?

Colt: Not funny Shannon. What was in that ice cream?

You have to ask Zoey, she made it.

Colt: Will I put down roots and grow fruit?

Colt: I think I need some air.

That sounds good hulk, go and relax. *snickers*

Now this is nice to see, the family that zens together, floats together.

Colt: Stop staring at me woman!

*snickers* But you look so cute.

Now talk about cute. All tuckered out and at his best. ASLEEP!!

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Re: The Return of Brooks - Colt's A little Green Around the Gills#3 10/4
« Reply #719 on: October 06, 2015, 06:52:03 AM »
I must say green is a rather fetching color for Colt. *snickers*  Aren't they all adorable when they're asleep?  My favorite time of the day.
What?  Grannies can't play games?
I speak perfect Nooblik, (and some Simlish)!

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