I've only had this issue come up with one of my sims so far. The other sim in the household is able to complete all opportunities, even in the multi-venue buildings, without problem. The other sim has been able to complete all but ONE opportunity, and it was in a multi-business venue (the bookstore and, I think, spa).
This a brand-new household I created at LN was installed.
*edit* It just happened again, to the very same Sim. The other Sim in the household has had numerous opportunities, and it worked out fine. I did notice this time it was to record a commercial at DooPea's Office building. But... there ISN'T a Doo-Pea's in Bridgeport. It's Steve's Business Complex and Restaurant. Perhaps the game isn't checking to see what buildings are in the town before spawning the opportunities? The first time I ran into this one, the same Sim was given an opportunity to go to Diverso Books (I think that's the name, eh?). Again, in Bridgeport, it's Wilki's Fabulous Books and Bath.