Author Topic: 2015 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule  (Read 9846 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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2015 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:49:19 AM »
2015 Sims 4 Challenge Tournament Schedule

IMPORTANT: There is a 3-event minimum participation requirement to earn a 2015 World Ranking.

January 1 - January 21. Who Says Money Isn't Everything?
You've heard the old expression - "Money isn't everything." Well, hogwash! For your single Sim in this short event, money is the only thing that matters. Rule set.

January 1 - February 11. Kicking Careers into High Gear.
See how many different careers your two Young Adult Sims can max before they age up to Elder. Rule set.

February 12 - March 4. That's Quite an Achievement!
Achievements...or in gamer lingo...cheevies. We love 'em. So, how many Achievement points can your single Sim grab by the time they turn Adult? Rule set.

February 12 - March 25. Baby Boomer 2015.
If there was ever a perennial favorite Sims challenge, it's good old Baby Boomer. Knock out the requirements to age up your little monsters quickly so mom can keep having more little monsters before dad turns Elder and says "enough is enough!" Rule set.

March 26 - April 15. Trait Expectations.
A simple goal with this one: accumulate as many traits as you can on a single Sim - via the Reward Store and finishing Aspirations. You only have three Sim weeks so it will take some planning. Rule set.

March 26 - May 6. Collection Obsession: Gotta Catch 'Em All.
Gamers love completing collections - we're an obsessive bunch. This event is the perfect opportunity for you to feed that obsession and put together as many Sims 4 collections between your two Sims as you can. Rule set.

May 7 - May 27. I Love You! What's Your Name Again?
We're rewinding five years to an old challenge — Following Romantic Interests to the Letter. The core concept is the same...finding romantic interest in town and having to acquire them alphabetically, but we're definitely making this updated version tougher with some new restrictions. Rule set.

May 7 - June 17. The Skills Dilemma: If You Get Help It'll Cost You.
There always has to be some version of a skills challenge every year — players like to see how many skills they can cap. The team decided to throw a twist in this year's event by forcing players to weigh the pros and cons of bringing in outside Sims to help since doing so will result in players taking a hit on their multiplier. Rule set.

June 18 - July 8. Hobos to Heroes: Rotation Transformation.
Start by grinding three Sims into the ground - making them enemies and starving them. Then, see how quickly you can "transform" them into heroes by accomplishing five goals. Rule set.

June 18 - July 29. Look What's in Store For You!
It's time for a Get to Work Challenge. Have your two Sims open up one retail store and see how much money the store can make over six weeks. So many decisions go into retail store success - this will be a tough one. Rule set.

July 30 - August 19. Elder Scrolls: Race to Immortality.
The clock is ticking. You're staring at your 3rd hip replacement and cataract surgery unless you can magically turn back time — it's a race to make Ambrosia with all your geriatric buddies. Rule set.

July 30 - September 9. I Dream of Teeny.
If you're a parent you know how challenging it can be to raise teens — so imagine how fun it will be for your houseparent to juggle an entire house full of teens. The good news is your houseparent is a genie that keeps getting more powerful as they repeatedly kick out teens that complete key requirements. Rule set.

September 10 - September 30. Newcrest House Hunters: Flip the Crick.
We're bringing back the popular House Hunters event but with a new twist: everyone starts in Newcrest with 15 identical Crick Cabana homes. Your couple can leave only two objects behind when they move to boost home value. How much will your Newcrest world be worth in the end? Rule set.

September 10 - October 21. Nobody Knows the Trouble Ive Seen.
Sometimes bad things happen to good people. So, what happens when bad things happen to your beloved Sims? Your score miraculously goes up in this challenge! Skill levels, promotions, completing Aspiration milestones are all important, but you need to do those with no rewards and while also seeking out negative emotions and misfortunes. Hey, sometimes it's good to be bad. Rule set.

October 22 - December 2. 2015 Challenge Tournament Finale: Let Us Entertain You!
As you probably gathered from the title, the Finale is centered around both branches of the Entertainer career. Your two Sims will only be scored on Household Funds in the end, so while it's a simple event, how you make money has restrictions. Rule set.

