Author Topic: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty- failed.... Please Graveyard it  (Read 124777 times)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #480 on: April 02, 2015, 03:59:41 AM »
Chapter 113 Name That Song

Zack: Well, this is it Trinity, all it needs is a title. The song I wrote for you.

Trinity: <breathless> Oh Zack, it's beautiful!

Zack: I love you to bits Trin.
Trinity: Oh me too, so much.

Trinity: That was the most beautiful song I have ever heard Zack. Your music is so lovely.
Zack: I'm glad you liked it.

Zack: <Very Deep breath> So, the song was for you but I'm hoping you will name it in time for our wedding. Trinity Hollingsworth will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
Trinity: <gasp>

Trinity: Yes. Yes, yes yes! I will. I really will Zack.

Zack: I love you
Trinity: I love you.

Zack: Now here's what I think we should do for our wedding... <sounds of whispering>.
Trinity: Oh! <giggle>

Lily: Oh hi dad, how are you?
Terrence: Good love, so I hear Zack's proposing tonight.
Lily: Yes, he's had to pull a few tricks though to get rid of the watcher.
Terrence: Ah well, that's easily accomplished.
Lily and Terrence together: LOL

Terrence: So I've had a really big talk to Ash.
Dude: He's ok?
Terrence: Yes, he is. He is actually better than ok actually, he's really come to terms with waiting until the Watcher brings us all back.
Dude: Oh that's such a relief. I was pretty worried about him there.
Terrence: Thing is... I think Zesty might go with him too.
Dude: <long pause> I understand that. I guess in some ways it will be harder for us not being able to see you all again until the end.
Terrence: Still, least Zack and Trin are getting a wriggle on eh?
Dude: Yep, that they are... that they are.

Oh Hiya Zack... I thought you were Casey! Your music sounds so good!
Zack: Thanks watcher.
Umm.. how come you're in your pj's?
Zack: Oh! <blush> I was just about to go to err... sleep when inspiration suddenly hit me.
Oh, ok. Fair enough. Have you seen Trinity?
Zack: Try the study.

Hi Trinity. How did work go?
Trinity: Work?
Yeah, you know that place you have to go to each day... and like, work, you know?
Trinity: Umm. It was good?
You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?
Trinity: <laughs> No. Sorry, bit distracted tonight.
<sigh> Did you get a promotion?
Trinity: Yes.
Nice. How come you're in your pj's too?
Trinity: Two?
No too...
Trinity: <blush> Umm.. 'cos I'm about to go to bed? <giggle>
Oh what has got into you guys tonight. You're all acting strange.

Well, that's another best seller, congrats!
Trinity: Thanks! Nite watcher.

Hahahha,  I've told you not to do those fireball tricks <snicker>

Dude: Woah, my ears are ringing!

Hey umm. Dude?
Dude: Hey umm watcher?
What's with this painting? It looks familiar. Have we been there?
Dude: Nope.

Oh for crying out loud. Will you NOT do that. It sounds gross!
Dude: Argh. Ooo. It doesn't feel that great either. Believe me.
Well, I'm going up to say bye to Terrence then I'm heading out for the day 'cos I'm sick of being everyone's nanny.
Dude: Fair enough. You'll miss the wedding though.
WHAT? Who's wedding?
Dude: <smug grin> Trinity's and Zacks.
<stunned> Oh!

See ya Terrence. Take care until I see you again.
Terrence: Bye watcher. I will. <takes one last look> Oh it is so beautiful here. I think I'll miss it.
You will all be back before you know it. I promise.
Terrence: I know.
Right, you'd better go then < a bit teary> I'll see you all soon.

You ok?
Dude: Yeah, I'm reading the letters everyone left. I can't wait till we are all back together. It will be one heck of a party!
It sure will... it sure will. Umm.... have you told Lily?
Dude: No, but I will.

You have to make sure she realizes that Ash's decision not to come back for any more visits is not because of her and Casey. The last thing we need is for her to feel guilty.
Dude: I got this.
K then.
<long pause>
I'm going to miss Zesty and Ash.
Dude: I know. Me too.

Trinity: ... and then that's when he got down on his knees Gran!!!
Beth: Oh! how romantic!
Trinity: ...and so I kept saying yes over and over again! It was soooo romantic!
Beth: Just how it should be. You two are just made for each other.
Trinity: I know, right!

Oh Jamel... what's wrong? What's happened?
Jamel: <sob>
What? What?

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #481 on: April 02, 2015, 04:04:38 AM »
Well, I just couldn't wait for GTW to be released here in New Zealand as I suddenly was itching to get going again. Unfortunately it didn't go quite as I had planned as during the first sim-night back playing the Hollingsworth's Ash, Zesty and Terrence's ghosts were culled.  :'( So... because I loved having them around and there were such a big part of the dynasty for me I tried to write in their departure as a decision based on the big get-together at the end of the dynasty. RIP you guys for the second time. This time you really, really will be missed.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #482 on: April 02, 2015, 08:11:30 AM »
No, why does this happen?  :'( RIP again, so sad. Zack and Trinity, we all know what they were up to  ::) A huge welcome back! So glad to see a new chapter from you and hope you can post when you get some inspiration  ;D
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #483 on: April 02, 2015, 12:30:34 PM »
*SQUEEEE* Their back!!! I have missed them. Poor Zesty. I've had my urns in family inventory for so long, I don't know if they have been culled or not. They still have names.

But poor things. They will be missed so much.  Glad your back.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #484 on: April 02, 2015, 01:52:33 PM »
Thanks guys, nice to be fired up again for sure. My family tree got 'cleaned out' too. I noticed this morning when I had a look. It now doesn't even have  a blank portrait with a question mark... just nothing. So it looks like Dude was never married and Beth never had a sister or was married. Just a straight line from Dude to Beth to Lily to Trinity. Just crazy... makes me pretty grumpy but... This is what a dynasty is about I guess, getting over the rough ground as lightly as possible. Besides we all know what the real family tree is so I'm not going to let it bother me too much. I might find a family tree designer thingy online and make one for reference at some point to make up for disappearing spouses etc.  :)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #485 on: April 02, 2015, 02:35:44 PM »
Chapter 114: Married For Life

Soooo... Casey smashed it and it has upset you Jamel? Yes?
Jamel:<sniff> Uh huh.
K then.... I've got some stuff to do... you know, timey wimey watchery stuff....

Zack: Oh man! It was great! Trin was stunned. I've never seen her so excited... geez I can't wait to tie the knot!
Dude: Zack, that so great. How's it going with 'The' plans?
Zack: Good, got it all sorted. Casey's all primed and knows what to do so it should all go according to plan.
Dude: Sweet.

Jamel: <Apparently over his 'upset'> Congratulations Zack. Trinity's one lucky girl.
Zack: Aww, thanks but I think it's me that's pretty lucky.

Wow, you sure are rocking out this morning!
Zack: Yep, got a few more songs to write to complete my first aspiration. Hmm hm.

Case: Woah! What the heck?
Yeah... fish taco's, zero caleries. get used to them big boy, 'cos now your nearly an elder that's all your gonna be eating. I'm not having any fatties in da house.
Dude: <snicker> Yeah, you get used to them after a while.
Casey: I can't eat this rubbish for the rest of my life!
<Rolls eyes> Gluttons....*le sigh*

Casey:... so then the maid brought me every type of food I thought about. I didn't even have to ask... she just read my mind and there was the next meal!
Dude: That's some dream there Casey!
Lily: Yeah, he always dreams about food. It's quite hilarious. I'm sure I'm going to wake up one morning missing a limb because my husband dear will have chewed on it during his sleep.

Casey: Come here doll. Mmmm
Lily: I love you Casey.
Casey: As I do you. How you going to like me with grey hair and wrinkles?
Lily: lol, even better.

Zack: Right, you ready? Nerves under control? Remember this is about us... not some gold medal that might or might not happen.
Trinity: Ok. I've got it. <Deep sigh>

Zack: Dial it up Trin!

Zack: Honey you look stunning, you're really, really going to have to come out of the closet. I mean I will just marry you in here but I would like us to at least make it to the arch, you know?
Trinity: I know... it's not the marrying bit. I can't wait to do that.
Zack: Then what is it?
Trinity: I don't know. I just get all stressed out at the thought of having to do a party.
Zack: But it doesn't matter. We have so much time. I couldn't care less about a medal, I just want to be your husband. Come on Trin, let's do this. I'll hold your hand the whole time. Right?
Trinity: *Nods*

Zack: OMG you're hot!
Trinity: Shh! <giggle> Everyone will hear you!

Zack: Since the first day I saw you I have dreamed of being your husband, to support you and help you and be with you forever, for the rest of my life.
Trinity: Since the first day I saw you I have understood what love is, to risk everything so I can be with you, love you, for the rest of eternity.

Zack: With this ring I name you my wife and myself your husband.
Trinity: Oh Zack!

Congratulations Mr and Mrs Zack and Trinity Hollingsworth. You may now kiss your bride. Oh! You already are!

That's one beautiful cake you baked there Dude.
Dude: Thank you Watcher. Least I could do for my great grand daughter.
Thank goodness Zack finally came around. What did you say to make him see sense?
Dude: Didn't you listen to his vows?
Dude: Well then... since the first time I saw you... <duh>
Oh! Darn it all.. he's been ribbing me!
Dude: <snicker>

You got to admit, they make a mighty fine couple.
Dude: That they do! Trinity's been one lucky girl to find a man like Zack. One in a million.
Is that a tear in your eye?
Dude: Yep, and proud of it!
Me too. <sniff> Silly old man
Dude: Least I have age as an excuse!

Casey: So how come you never married Jamel?
Jamel: Well, I guess I just never had the courage to tell the one woman how I truly felt.
Casey: Wow, that's some crazy story! So you've spent your whole life without her?
Jamel: Not quite without her... just not totally with her.
Casey: <confused> I see.

Zack: Mwahha. For my wife.
Trinity: Oh! I like the sound of that.
Zack:<grin> Wife!

Dude: What a beautiful toast Beth.

Dude: Well, my great grand daughter, that was one beautiful wedding. Congratulations darling.
Trinity: Thanks GGD. I wish Dad could have been here.
Dude: You know he's watching down over you though.
Trinity: Yes, I know. Somehow it's just not the same.

Dude: Well, here's something else for you to smile about... you just got another gold party medal!
Trinity: Woah! Really?
Dude: You betcha!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #486 on: April 02, 2015, 03:12:00 PM »
That was beautiful. Congrats to the lovely couple.

you can use it's free, that where I put alot of mine.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #487 on: April 02, 2015, 10:13:56 PM »
Yes!! They are finally married. Good luck with the nooboos Zach and Trinity! *Squeals* Nooboos!!  ;D
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #488 on: April 02, 2015, 11:41:25 PM »
They're BACK!! *does happy dances*

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #489 on: April 03, 2015, 01:48:17 AM »
lol, thank you! Yep, Zack and Trinity are married and on-track. Well, for now anyway.  :P
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #490 on: April 03, 2015, 02:24:27 AM »
Chapter 115: Honeymoon

Casey: Whatcha looking at doll?
Lily: Oh! Just one of granddads paintings. They're probably worth a fair bit now.
Casey: Hmm, well, it's cake time. Can't put it off any longer.

Oh come ON... make a wish already!
Casey: K... I've got it.

Happy Birthday Casey, welcome to the world of hip replacements and strange aches.
Casey: Nice watcher, classy.
Lily: Happy Birthday dear.

Casey: I love you.
Lily: I love you <under her breath> How long do we need to stand here?
Casey <whispering> Just until they get away love. Got to make sure the watcher doesn't follow them... <louder> I'm so glad you are in my life...
Oh yuk, gee you guys are sappy...
Lily: How rude! You could always go upstairs and watch granddad you know.

Trinity: Are you sure she won't see us?
Zack: Yep.

Zack: Mmm, are you ready for your honeymoon honey?
Trinity: <giggle> Oh yes!

Zack: Well... here we are... our home-away-from-home for the next few days.
Trinity: Oh it's so lovely here.
Zack: So quiet without everyone else or the watcher!
Trinity: I don't know what we will do all by ourselves!
Zack: Don't you?

Zack: How 'bout now?
Trinity: Hmm, nope. Still no idea.
Zack: lol Lemme show you then...

Zack: I adore you, I could easily spend the rest of our lives alone with you.
Trinity: You don't have to ask me twice! I'm so happy.

Trinity: Gosh, its so beautiful here.
Zack: So many stars.

Zack: You know, I've been thinking up a wee business idea...
Trinity: Let me guess.... It has to do with taking photos.

Zack: Yep. A camera studio!
Trinity: Great idea.
Zack: Well, I was thinking its probably about time your grandmother had more to do than drink all day long.
Trinity: <snort> I know, she's a shocker.
Zack: Hold still... cheeeeese.
Trinity: Well, I think you should do it.
Zack: Do you think Dude will mind if I ask him for a loan to get started?
Trinity: A loan?
Zack: Well, I don't have enough just yet...
Trinity: No... darling... our money is your money. That's how dynasties work. Each generation makes money for the next. It's your right to use that money in any way you see fit love.
Zack: Oh! Well... I'd make sure my shop is profitable..
Trinity: Of course you'll be profitable. Zack, everything you do is always wonderful.... Don't you realize you are the father of the next heir.... you're important now love, there's no going back!

Zack: The next heir did you say? <eyebrow wiggle>
Trinity: <smothered giggle> Ohh.. you're squishing me...
Zack: Hmm hm.

A little while later the next morning...
Zack: Gosh, I'm starving! Breakfast is nearly ready Trin!

Zack: So I thought I might go for a hike, want to join me?
Trinity: Actually, I thought I might spend some time at the rangers hut and play a little chess.
Zack: Nice! I might bring you back some bugs then.
Trinity: Ooo Kaaaay... ummm, not to eat though, right?

Zack: Just a little something so you don't forget your husband over the next hour or two...

Zack: <talking to himself> Hmm... that's a strange little creature. Cute.

Trinity: I missed you! How was your hike?
Zack: It was really good. I even managed to catch a few fish down by the waterfall.
Trinity: <Happy sigh> Oh it's just so nice being here with you Zack.
Zack: How 'bout we pull out the airbed and sleep under the stars then?
Trinity: Oh yeah, great idea!

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #491 on: April 03, 2015, 09:44:54 AM »
So glad to see the Hollingsworths back! Granite Falls is a great place for a honeymoon (and maybe we'll get something like Champs les Sims in the future). I hope GTW works for you. I'm loving it.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #492 on: April 03, 2015, 07:05:45 PM »
@MarianT , thanks. I would say that I have a love/hate relationship with Granite Falls. I get incredibly frustrated when the walkingstick insect spawner just won't spawn! In some of my files it just never has and yet in others the insects are there the minute my sims arrive in the hermit area.
As for GTW... I've only had a chance to explore photography so far... and I LOVE it. I so love having photos of my sims all over their house. Zack has taken over a hundred lol Most are selfies with the medium camera of him and Trin so I can't show them but he has managed to take quite a few totally stunning scenery shots using the best camera. I've got a feeling that photography is going to keep me entertained for quite a while.
I found that if you take a shot of a flirty sim then the resulting photo has a flirty ambience. So cool! I suspect the other emotions work that way too but...hey! They're on a honeymoon!  :P
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #493 on: April 04, 2015, 11:28:55 AM »
Now I wish I had spent my money on Outdoor Retreat.  :'(

Three Lakes from the Sims 2 Bon Voyage has returned with a vengance. The forest destination from Bon Voyage was my least favorite travel destination because Bigfoot never beat out ninja teleportation or the voodoo doll from the witch doctor(which I only used for instant romance ;) ) but Granite Falls is trying to make the forest lodge experience a lot better. I am sure you will have every heir have a honeymoon there.

I think I know what they were doing in their PJs, but I won't tell. ;)

Keep up the good work, Playalot! I am enjoying this story.
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #494 on: April 05, 2015, 08:49:04 AM »
Lovely wedding and honeymoon. I am with you on photography, love it so much though I don't take as many selfies in real life  ;) Lily and Casey are still a cute elder couple, hope he sticks around long enough =D
Chant: Life States (TS3) / Immortal Dynasty (TS4)

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