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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #435 on: January 02, 2015, 11:32:39 PM »
Chapter 104: Zach's Y.Adult Birthday

Zach: It's my birthday today Trinity.
Trinity: Today! Oh, that's great!

Dude: I've baked two cakes 'cos I know Casey really likes to eat.
Hmm... you should include yourself in that statement Dude. I swear your waist is growing exponentially every time I look at you
Beth: Ignore her dad, she's just jealous that at your age you can still look so good.
Zach: 18, 19 ...

Casey: Are you ok this morning? After.. you know, our kiss?
Lily: More that ok. I've decided to just follow my heart Casey.
Casey:<huge grin> Would you like to go for a walk?

Casey: I've written a new song for you doll.

Lily: Oh oo OO. So beautiful. <fan>

Casey: <singing> You are every space between every beat of my heart...
Lily: <melt>

Casey: You are so pretty.

Lily: I love you Casey.
Casey: You do?
Lily: I do.

Casey: We better hurry, Zach's birthday party starts in a few minutes.
Lily: <thinking to herself> I'm so happy! How surprising! I'm actually happy!

Zach: Mum says she's nearly here.
Loty: Great! Well son, looks like we are all set to go then.

Loty: Time to be a man son, make your wish count.

Happy Birthdayyyyy dear Zaaaack, Happy Birthday to you!

Zach: Oh! That was definitely weird!
A very Happy Birthday Zach! May all your wishes come true.

Zach: Oh Trinity! We're finally together again!

Zach: So, where shall we go for our first date?

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #436 on: January 02, 2015, 11:36:22 PM »
Awww!  As much as I love Ash to pieces, Lily deserves to have someone be with her.  Casey isn't replacing Ash by any means.  They are two separate Sims, after all.

Zach and Trinity are just adorable!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #437 on: January 03, 2015, 12:04:58 AM »
Chapter 105: A First Date

Trinity: Where are we going?
Zach: Just to a little spot down by the river.

Zach: Do you like it down here?
Trinity: It's beautiful.
Zach: I found it a while a go and have been saving it for a special moment.

Zach: I love you so much Trinity.

Trinity: It's been such a great day! I can hardly believe we can be together again.
Zach: I know, but it's real...It really is!

Trinity: I might need you to prove that to me.
Zach: I think I can do that...

Zach: Time I got you home I guess, you've got work tomorrow don't you?
Trinity: No, actually I have two days off but I have loads of work to get through before I go back...
Zach: Come on then, let's get going.
Trinity: I don't really want this night to end!
Zach: Well, we've got the rest of our lives ahead of us so there's no hurry. We can come back any time we want.

Zach: Night Trinity.

Trinity: Night Zach.

Dude: So how was your day son?
Zach: It was the best day of my entire life! I can't wait for tomorrow.
Dude: lol That's great Zach. I'm really pleased you had an awesome day!

Morning Zach.
Zach: Morning Watcher.

Gosh! That's starting to sound really, really good!
Zach: Thanks! Now that I'm quite creative being outside gives me a real boost.

Zach: Oh, er, that chord wasn't so hot.

Morning Trinity. The garden is looking beautiful.
Morning Watcher. Yes, it's really coming along now.

Umm, what is that?
Trinity: It's a cow plant berry. One of the last things I need to grow to complete my second life's goal.

Wow! That's pretty weird.
Trinity: Let's hope it grows. I've got one more cow plant berry incase this one doesn't but other than that I'll have to either graft some more plants or going fishing again.
Fingers crossed then!

Zach: Aha!
Trinity: Oh, I'll get you for that! lol
Zach: Good luck with that, you'll have to catch me first and you swim far to slow to ever catch me...
Trinity: Oooo, fighting talk! <grin>

Casey: Morning doll.
Trinity: Oh! <twinkle> I could get used to this!

Trinity: Do you think you can actually exercise too much?
Zach: Doubt it. Why?
Trinity: Well, I seem to have lost a lot of weight quite quickly. Err, instantaneously you could even say.
Zach: Hmm! Well, just eat some left over birthday cake and you'll be chubby again in no time.
Trinity: Are you calling me chubby? Did you think that I was CHUBBY?
Zach: <sinking feeling> Err.. no... I was just saying....that... you... me... oh.

Casey: Heh. Well, maybe you need some pointers on how not to make your girlfriend angry there Zach.
Dude: <grin> Nothing like the wrath of a women to teach you how to keep your mouth shut!

Zach: Yeah, well least I haven't got a personal hygiene issue! <shudder>
Casey: Least my girl's still talking to me.
Dude: <snort>

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #438 on: January 03, 2015, 12:35:03 AM »
OMG.. Zach is looking  F I N E! Nice job there watcher! I actually snorted about the chubby comments! Loving Lily and Casey - it never matters when love comes, as long as it does!  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #439 on: January 03, 2015, 12:38:13 AM »
OMG.. Zach is looking  F I N E! Nice job there watcher! I actually snorted about the chubby comments! Loving Lily and Casey - it never matters when love comes, as long as it does!  ;D

Totally agree with KTK on this one.  Zach is one HOT tomale lol!  And oh Watcher... so glad I didn't have a drink.  I would have snorted anything out my nose at the whole chubby comments lol  And then the guys ribbing him afterward?  That is totally something my dad and his friends or any of my guy friends would do lol

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #440 on: January 03, 2015, 12:57:31 AM »
@KTK10  @Shewolf13  both your comments had me laughing! I have so snorted coffee out my nose at other peoples story... hahaha, so funny.  Yeah, Zach's a pretty nice looking sim. Another *save* to the library! I'm just loving playing this story at the moment, I did try to pull myself away to have a think about the challenges but, nope.. spent the whole day with the Hollingsworth's. 

Got a few more updates to post but it'll take a while as somehow all my screenshots have saved into the folder out of order. So strange!
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #441 on: January 03, 2015, 01:42:28 AM »
Chapter 106: Casey and Lily

This chapter was written with this song in mind. It is written by Secret Nation and I think it is quite beautiful.

Casey: You look stunning Lily.

Lily: You look rather charming yourself!
Casey: I love you. Come on, let's go in!

Lily: How romantic!
Casey: Not too hot for you here?
Lily: No, just perfect.

Lily: Casey, you know I am just so happy!
Casey: Me too doll, I'm so pleased to hear you say that.

Casey: <Telling Lily one of his charmingly humorous stories>

Lily: Oh stop! Lol That's so funny!
Casey: <thinking to himself> My Watcher! She is utterly breathtakingly beautiful when she's laughing!

Casey: I just can't find the words to tell you how I feel.

Casey: But I do know that I can't bear to lose you. Tell me that you have decided for 'us' Lily.
Lily: I have Casey. The truth is that my heart had chosen ages ago but my head ... well. I have Casey. You make me so happy.

Casey: I wrote this last night, hoping you would say yes...

Lily: So beautiful. Oh my! < A little teary>

Casey: I feel like a kid again! lol. I just don't want to let you go.
Lily: Then don't!

Casey: You know doll, this is more than I ever hoped for. I promise to do my best to cherish you and make you happy.

Lily: So do I Casey. You've been my friend for so long and yet I feel like we are just getting to know each other all over again.

Casey: Lily. There is something I'd like to ask you.

Casey: Will you marry me?

Lily: Oh Casey. Yes, yes I will. Of course I will.

Lily: I feel like crying.
Casey: Happy tears I hope?
Lily: Very.

Casey: My darling. My love.

Casey: Here, let me...
Lily: Oh, it's so beautiful.
Casey: It is a symbol of my love for you. I have hardly dared to hope that you would wear it one day.

Casey: I can't believe that you're finally my wife Lily.
Lily: I'm sorry it took me so long.
Casey: Don't apologize my darling. We have finally found each others hearts in the same moment, in the same breath. What more could I possibly want?
Lily: Casey Finn, I love you so much.
Casey: Those words are music to my heart and that is the only kind of music that counts.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #442 on: January 03, 2015, 02:57:23 AM »
Chapter 107: Cow Plant

Zach: Woah! That cow plant sure has grown to some size!
Cripes! Is it actually supposed to look like that?
Zach: I guess so... I think I might go and get Trinity.

Trinity: You can come closer you know Watcher. It doesn't bite. Well, not if we keep it well fed that is.
Oh, very reassuring! Wait... What? Can it... kill sims?
Trinity: Yeah but it does prefer to eat proper cow plant food. If you see some cake hanging out it's mouth don't touch the cake whatever you do.
Why not?
Trinity: It will eat you.
Get rid of it.
Trinity: Don't be such a baby. Besides, he's quite cute.

Hmmm. Zack, what do you think?
Zack: What? Sorry, can't hear you Watcher.
<mutters> Chicken.

Trinity: Aw, he can't be hungry. How cute! Did you see him shake his head at the food?
No...I was too busy trying not to freak out.
Zach: <muffled laugh> Hey Trinity, wanna hear my new song?

Trinity: It's really catchy Zach!
Zach: Thanks. I thought it was a pretty catchy little number.

Woah! this things sniffing at me...   :o
Zach: <Quietly to Trinity> Let's escape the watcher for a bit. Keen?

Zach: Hahaha, you're so ticklish. I can get you to do anything... mwahahaha.
Trinity: Oh stop! Stop... oh my plumbob... I'll do anything, just stop already!
Zach: Haha told you!

Zach: Ohhh, it's so nice out here.

Zach: Ya know Trinity, we probably should start thinking about throwing some more parties and stuff.
Trinity: Oh no! I've got too much to do for work, I can't even think about parties...
Zach: They're not that hard surely? Besides if you bomb out on one you can just throw another.
Trinity: <uncertain> Yeaaah. I suppose so.

Zach: Wow! Didn't mean to stress you out there Trinity. You shouldn't take all these requirements so seriously. We've got so much time to get everything done. It will be fine.
Trinity: I know <sigh> It just seems that every time I start thinking about it all I get really stressed and so then I ignore everything and pretend it will all just go away.
Zach: Well that's not the way to deal with it all. Let's get a plan and stick to it, ticking each thing off as we go. That way when you feel stressed you can look at all the crossed off items and get a reality check that you are actually doing really well. Deal?
Trinity: lol Deal!

Zach: Hmmm. You're tasty!
Trinity: lol You're silly!

Zach: If that's what it takes to see you laughing then that's just fine. Mmmwaa!

Trinity: I wrote a poem for you...
Zack: Phew weee! That is one beautiful poem! Hey! I could write a song for that...put your words to music!

Zach: You know I love you, right?
Trinity: Yeah, I do. I love you too.

Zach: <sweet, but a little naughty, nothings>
Trinity: <giggle>

Zach: I better get us home! It will be light in no time.
Trinity: I've got to get the cow plant fed before I go to work.
Zach: Chill! I can do that for you. Your requirements were to grow one and it's been ticked off. You don't have to be the only person to feed it and play with it eh?
Trinity: <Breaths out> True Zach. Thanks for reminding me.
Zach: You betcha <wink> Come on. Let's go home.

Zach: Who's a hungry wittle planty then?

Zach: WOAH! Nearly had my fingers too!

Zach: Wow, you need to learn not to snatch your food boy if you want to stay living here!

Hi Zach. I wondered where you were.
Zach: Hi, just been here and there, you know, around.
Hmm hm. Whatcha doing?
Zach: Planning my life.

Planning your life?
Zach: Yep.
Looks like you're playing chess!
Zach: There's a lot to learn from a game of chess Watcher. You should try it sometime.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #443 on: January 03, 2015, 04:04:40 AM »
Chapter 108: Ash Visits. Lily's An Elder

Ash: Hey babe! How's it going?
Lily: <Sharp intake of breath> Ash!

Lily: I need you to understand. It's been so hard and I've been so lonely Ash.
Ash: I don't understand. What are you telling me Lily?

Lily: I've married again. I've married Casey.
Ash: <stunned> You've ....... what?

Ash: I don't want to hear it Lily. You've been played for a fool. Don't talk to me about love. I know what love is... what else did I have to do for you to prove that?
Lily: It's not like that. I still love you, deeply. But you're not here. Not here with me anymore. And I miss you unbearably.
Ash: So you replace me.
Lily: No...

Ash: Then what? ... WHAT then? What is it that you've done? Why didn't you just destroy my urn... you might as well have. At least then I wouldn't have to go through the pain of leaving you twice and this time for ever.
Lily: Oh Ash... don't please. It's more than I can bear.

Ash: More than YOU can bear. Lily... my Lily, I just don't understand why you don't want to be with me anymore. I thought that we would be together forever once this was all finished. So, now what...
Lily: I do still want that. You are my first love. The father of our child and I will always love you.
Ash: But you love him too. I'm going to kill him.
Lily: <Deep sigh> Ash, he makes me happy. Living alone, without you has been like living a nightmare. I didn't even realize how unhappy I was without you until I became happy again.

Lily: Forgive me Ash.
Ash: <long pause>
Lily: Please don't stay silent. Say something to me.
Ash: Does he treat you well? Really well?
Lily: He does.
Ash: And Trinity?
Lily: Yes Ash, he is a very sweet man.

Ash: Come here. I love you still Lily. In fact I won't ever stop loving you.
Lily: I love you too Ash. I do.... I don't know how but I love you as much as I ever did. In fact, more as I appreciate what you did for me so much more now that Trinity is the heir and I have time to breath again.

Lily: Are you ok Ash?
Ash: I guess I have to be. I want only good things for you babe. I always have only ever wanted good things for you.
Lily: I know.
Ash: Promise me one thing Lily?
Lily: Of course...
Ash: Don't stop loving me babe, don't ever stop.
Lily: I won't. I couldn't even if I tried.

Ash: So you might think you've won Casey but I'll be waiting for you on the other side. So as you lie dying, just you keep thinking about me.

Ash: 'Cos that's when you and I are gonna have a little man to man chat about how things worked out. K Casey, my old mate?

Casey! Oh lordy! I came to find you as soon as I heard that Ash had visited! Are you ok? How did it go? Was he ok?
Casey: <Through clenched teeth> It was just fine Watcher. No problems at all. In fact I think it went much better than anyone could have hoped for.
Oh thank heavens for that. I really wanted to talk to Ash myself before anyone else did but I guess it doesn't matter now that it's all sorted.
Casey: Nope. Doesn't matter at all. In fact I'd even go as far as saying it's all pretty well stitched up.
K then. Enjoy your work out!

Lily: How was it?
Casey: Just fine doll. No problems at all.
Lily: <sigh of relief> That's great! Well... thank you anyway.
Casey: I'd do it all again if it meant having you.

Casey: Are you sure you don't want everyone else doll?
Lily: I'm quite sure. I've lived nearly all my life in the limelight. Besides, I feel that this is just about us now.

Lily: Actually, just before I do blow out my candles, I just want you to know how much I love you.

Lily: You mean so much to me and make me so happy. I hope I do the same for you.

Casey: O.K. Birthday girl... do your twirl!

Casey: You are still the most beautiful woman in the world my love.
Lily: And I so needed to hear that!

Casey: It will be my turn very soon.
Lily: I wonder what the future will hold.
Casey: Yeah. I wonder.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #444 on: January 03, 2015, 10:05:43 AM »
o.o Oh boy... I can understand Ash's attitude a bit, at least with Casey... but I hope he calms down somewhat.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #445 on: January 03, 2015, 03:04:42 PM »
I'm sorry - but I was actually smiling so much during the Ash and Casey confrontation... can't help but love a bit of conflict between two great guys who love one amazing girl! Really enjoyable writing (is that weird??  ???)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #446 on: January 05, 2015, 12:33:39 AM »
Chapter 109: Jamel's Birthday

Woah! When did you learn those fancy knife tricks Zach?
Zach: Just recently, Dude's been teaching me.

Zach: Ha! Check it out!

Oh for crying out loud! This cow thing needs feeding again. Anyone? ?

Casey: I got this.

Casey: Aw, see, don't need to snatch boy.
Zach: You got time to give me a few pointers?
Casey: Sure!

Casey: Yeah, you just got to get that pinky pressing down firmly.
Zach: K. I've sort of been fudging a few chords... gets a bit tricky.

Dude: You'll totally top your fitness before your birthday if you keep going like you are. Good form!
Jamel: <heavy breathing>

Casey: That's it! You'll be able to write your own songs by yourself now! Cool!
Zach: Thanks for all your help, it's been great.

Zach: You know, I think this has to be my favourite thing to do. It just rocks!
Casey: I know, right. I can't live without my music.

Jamel: Hey Ash, good to see you!
Ash: <depressed> Thanks.

Jamel: Woo! Done! Thanks Dude, I'm sure my elder years will be easier now that I'm super fit.
Dude: You bet, nothing like a good work out to blow away the cobwebs.
Ash: Yep, makes all the difference.
Jamel: Well.... birthday time then I guess.

Blow those candles out Jamel!

Jamel: Aww, ouch. Oh my plumbob!
Dude: Hmm hm. Yeah, not so good eh?

Jamel: Being old actually sucks! It does! No wonder we put a smile on our faces... either that or we'll go cry in our beds for the next 20 days... far out!
Casey: Oh, I'm really looking forward to my birthday now. Not!
Zach: Woah! That sounds pretty awful. lol.. Somehow funny too!
Dude: I'll remind you of that when it's your turn son.

Zach: Where's Trinity?
Lily: She's talking to her dad.
Jamel: Lovely cake! Thanks Dude.

Ash: I don't want to calm down!
Trinity: Oh dad, you're just upsetting yourself.
Ash: I was fine 'till I saw him sitting there next to your mother.

Trinity: I know it's not easy, I get that dad. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if Zach ... well, look. You just have to think about mum. O.K?
Ash: I can and I do. I want her to be happy, it's just...It's very difficult watching them together.

Ash: How are you sweetheart? Are you getting through all your requirements?
Trinity: Good subject change there dad!
Ash: <sigh> I know, but there's nothing more to say really, besides that, it's important to me that you are coping with everything.
Trinity: I've completed everything apart from my job, the parties and making new friends.
Ash: That's great. It's probably time to knock those parties over eh love?

Trinity: I've got a bit of a block when it comes to throwing the parties.
Ash: Really? I always loved the parties. Time to relax and get a bit wild.
Trinity: Oh dad! lol.
Ash: You know it Trinity! Just throw one and enjoy it, don't worry about the results... you can always throw another!

Dude: I'm glad you could make it Terrence.
Terrence: Thanks, it's good to be back for a bit.
Jamel: Casey, do you think you could play some music for us?
Beth: <contented sigh> It's just lovely when we are all together.
Zach: <to Lily> So do you think it's a good plan?

DON"T eat the cake Jamel... back away...NOW!

Jamel: lol, I know Watcher! It's fine. Honestly, you worry about things to much.

Jamel: Oh my plumbob! Woah!!!
Yeah... see what I mean? Darn thing's smiling at us too!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #447 on: January 05, 2015, 01:09:52 AM »
lol!  I love the cowplant.  I do.  They are too much fun... and I get too much enjoyment out of watching it put the cake out XD

On another note... poor Ash :(

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #448 on: January 05, 2015, 01:26:26 AM »
Chapter 110: Date and Cow Plant!

Casey: Care to go out doll?
Lily: Of course!

Casey: Well, my love, despite the museum not being the highlight I had hoped for, I hope you are still enjoying yourself?
Lily: Any time with you is enjoyable regardless of what we are doing.
Casey: I'll remind you of that next time we're mopping up from all those broken plumbing fittings!

Lily: Oh, you know your music is quite simply divine. Just so delightful Casey. I honestly could listen all night and day long.
Casey: Hmm, well I like the sound of that night time bit doll!
Lily: <laughs>

Casey: You are happy aren't you love?
Lily: Totally.

Casey: It's one thing to fall in love. It's quite another to feel someone fall in love with you. That, my love, is the gift you have given me.

Lily: Oh there is something quite lovely about the desert air. I'll never be tired of living here and seeing these views.
Casey: I agree, some views just deserve a life time of lookin'.

Lily: Casey Fin! Were you staring at my behind?
Casey: Of course not! Well, <laughs> maybe a little, after all, wife, it deserves to be admired.
Lily: Caaseyyy! lol Shhh, someone will hear you!

Casey: Good, 'cos then they will hear how much I love you.

Casey: Shall we go in doll?
Lily: You know, I'd quite like to sit in the garden for a while.
Casey: Done!

Hey, Beth?
Beth: Hmm?
Can you stop painting for a minute and go and feed that darn plant thing again please?
Beth: Oh, sure.

Beth: Strangely mesmerizing.....

Lily: Beautiful.

Casey: Especially while sitting next to you.

Morning Za......<slightly taken back> Wow! What happened to you?
Zack: Well, I was working out before breakfast... then got all sweaty... then walked in on someone in the gym bathroom. So then I went into the other downstairs bathroom... but that was occupied. Now I just feel really terrible.
<blinks> Right! Well, er the gym bathrooms empty now so you can go in.
Zack: Thanks....

Dude: Ha... who's a little cutie? Lol...
That's perhaps not the wisest thing to play with Dude.
Dude: Ahh, he's fine.

Dude: Woah! What the heck! It nearly took my hands off.....
Told you... this plant needs to go. It's just not all that safe.

Dude: Right! That's quite enough of that... BAD cow...Bad BAD cow. NO! Do that again and I'll uproot you myself.
Way to go dude!
Dude: And here's another thing Watcher, I don't need you to tell me what is ok in my own home, so back off!

Feeling better?
Zach: Yeah, much. Were you watching me in the shower?
WHAT?    NO!
Zach: Then why are you in here?
I thought it would make a good photo opportunity.
Zach: You and that camera of yours are going to get into big trouble one day Watcher.

Dude: Zach
Zach: Dude
Dude: You ok?
Zach: Watcher's driving me nuts.
Dude: Join the club.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #449 on: January 05, 2015, 01:40:16 AM »
lol!  I love the cowplant.  I do.  They are too much fun... and I get too much enjoyment out of watching it put the cake out XD

On another note... poor Ash :(

The cowplant is like a sim magnet though.... I keep having to remind myself that first time being eaten they get spat out, but it does make me a little nervous having it around.  ::)
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
A Hollingsworth Immortal TS4 Dynasty-Completed Hall of Fame
A Teen Runaway Story - Pets Completed

Remember the Forum Rules. They're there to be followed.

