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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #405 on: December 31, 2014, 02:29:34 PM »
@KTK10 Happy New Year to you too! Always nice to finish on a feel-good chapter for sure.  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #406 on: December 31, 2014, 11:08:20 PM »
Chapter 96: Visits From Spouses

Hey Kid! How was your day?
Zach: Not very good really. I worked hard all day, didn't even stop for lunch. I was focused for most of the day and my performance bar didn't even move.
Oh, I'm sure it did, it just probably feels like it didn't.
Zach: Go look.
Ohhh! Gosh! You were right Zach. In fact it almost looks like it may have gone backwards a little!
Zach: I don't get it! I did everything right!

Jamel: You can do it Zach!
Zach: Thanks for the encouragement.
Jamel: I'll give you a hand with your homework and the Watcher's going to help you with your mixology skills.
Yep, so eat up! We've got some work to get to kid!

Zach: 26?
Jamel: Nope, 24.
Zach: Oh, now I got it.
Jamel: Just a quiet word... don't let the Watcher help you with your math, she get's a bit confused.
Zach: K then.

Woo! 10 excellent books sent to the publisher. God Job Trinity.
Trinity: Thanks!

Oh cripes! I think I may have started something telling Dude I was impressed with his knife tricks!
Casey: Hmm hm. Well, as long as you don't distract him when he's in the middle of it he should be right.
Good thinking.

So Trinity's dad's just coming over to met you.
Zach: Not to be rude watcher but I know that's impossible as he's passed over.. you know... to the other side.
Err, yeah, here's the 'thing' about that....We get regular visits from the umm ghosts of, well, you know, our passed over friends and stuff.
Zach: Hmmm. Well, now I'm starting to feel a bit strange.

Zach: Hello Mr Nelson. I'm Zach.
Ash: Yes, sonny, I know who you are.

Beth: Oh loosen up Ash! Zach's a great kid!
Ash: Just how old are you sonny?
Zach: <clearing his throat> I'm 10 days younger then Trinity sir.

Ash: Aren't you a bit young for mixing drinks boy?
Zach: Well, I don't drink them sir, I just wanted to get a head start on my skills and aspirations.
Ash: Well, that says a lot about you Zach. Good for you.
Zach: <letting out his breath> Whew! Thanks sir.

Ash: Now, let's get a few things straight though.... <blah blah lecture about responsibilities, the importance of hard work and hurt my daughter and I'll make sure you answer to me... blah blah blah>

Dude: You think it was wise leaving Zach and Ash alone?
Yeah... Ash actually likes him. I can tell.
Dude: How's that...
Oh he used his name before giving him 'The Lecture'.
Dude: Oh, that's good then. I was pretty sure Ash was going to be ok with Zach.
Umm... so is this a masterpiece?
Dude: Yeah.
Dude: What? What insulting statement are you about to make about my art then?
Oh... no <mumble> Nothing. Anyway... she Adrian over there?
Dude: Yeah, she's been there for a day or so now.
I think you need to ask her to leave.

Dude: She seems to be somewhat delusional. Apparently she thinks she is still helping Trinity with her homework!
Ohh! That explains the constant focused emotion Trinity has been in for the last couple of days then. Cool.
Dude: <nervously> So what should we do about Adrian then?
Ummm. Let's just ignore her. She can't hear us anyway.
Dude: What happens if she starves?
<Rubs forehead> Err.. well I guess it'll be tough luck really.
Dude: Nope, not good enough.
<sigh> K then. Go travel with her to the park and then come home alone.

Jamel: Well, Ash was quite mellow really about it all.
Beth: Yes, don't you think so Zach?
Zach: Umm.. I don't think I've mixed this right.

Casey: So your Lily's dead husband?
Ash: I am.
Casey: So you're not actually her husband any longer then?
Ash: .... Technically no.. but I am still... well....
Casey: So she's single and available then?
Ash: Touch her and I'll break every bone in your body.
Casey: Hey! Just getting my facts straight!

How's working on your charisma going then?
Zach: Good thanks.

Casey: So how often does your ex-husband come back for visits Lily?
Lily: Not very often <sigh>
Casey: Hmm hm. That's too bad doll.

Terrence: Ohhh I've missed you darling.

Beth: Way too much stress there Terrence. I hope you're not stressing about us all.
Terrence: Oh, feels great! Don't stop!

Zest: Hi! Nice to meet you.
Casey: You too... who's husband are you?
Zest: lol, no. I was Dudes helper when he first arrived in Oasis Springs.
Casey: Ohhh, you're that guy.
Zest: What does that mean?
Casey: Oh, I've heard all about your "compliments" during Dude's birthday party. Watcher, there's a real lot of ghosts hangin around, ya know?

Zest: Watcher?
I didn't tell him, I didn't tell him.... I haven't told anyone.
Zest: You put it in your story didn't you.
No...Oh! Wait. Err.. yeah, I did. But no-one who reads it would have told!
Zest: I think I'm going to hurt you....

Oh there you all are <nervous giggle>
Trinity: Woah! you came in here fast! Been running?
Oh heh, just in a hurry to find you all.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #407 on: January 01, 2015, 12:11:10 AM »
Chapter 97: Fishing Trip

Zach: So I've been working on my unbelievable stories. Do you want to hear one?
Dude: Sure, lay it on us Zach.

Dude: OH MY WATCHER!!!!!
Lily: AAAarrrrgghhhh.

Dude: Nothing better than a good fright son. All good.
Zach: I've got another one I'm working on, but it needs a bit of polish.
Dude: Plenty of time for that. We've got some angelfish to catch today. Want to come?
Zach: Totally! I'm in.

Dude: Wanna come fishing?
Jamel: Yep <grunt> sounds like a plan.
Hey! When did you start working out Jamel? I thought you said you didn't want to!
Jamel: Oh well, now that I've completed my aspiration I thought I might as well.

Umm, we're sort of all waiting for you Beth, so that we can go fishing. So, like, anytime soon would be good.
Beth: I'm eating it as quickly as I can <stares off into space>.

O.Kaaaay. So you're either taking the mickey here Beth or you're actually stuck.
Beth: --------- hmmm?

Zach: Umm, two questions Lily... 1. Why is your mum sitting still like that? I mean it's nearly been an hour. And 2. Why is the Watcher banging her head against the wall?
Lily: Well, mum's just thinking carefully about chewing each and every tiny, teeny, itsy, weeny bit and the Watcher gets like this when things don't quite go according to her "plans".
Zach: I see. So how old is the Watcher then?

I just can't take it any more... I know she's your gran and all that. But really! Over an hour to eat one little plate of ambrosia...
Trinity: Umm. err... I hear you Watcher but I'm, like, in the shower!!!!
Oh! Sure, right. Well, we're going fishing so, umm, have a good day at work.
Trinity: shoo!

Whatcha doing Zach?
Zach: Is that a trick question?
Zach: Well, I'm cooking Trinity her breakfast. I figured I had time seeing as Beth is still eating her ambrosia.

Casey: Morning Lily <flexing his muscles>
Lily: Oh hi! Morning, er, Casey. We're all going fishing this morning. Do you want to come?
Casey: With you? Sure. It will be good to learn a new skill doll.
Lily: Haven't you been fishing before?
Casey: Nope.
Lily: K, well better hurry. We're leaving in a second or two.

Zach: Dad! Good to see you! Mum, thanks for meeting us all here.
Beatriz: Of course son! It's lovely to see you. Gosh! Isn't it beautiful here!

Loty: So how've you been son?
Zach: Great! I've been learning heaps and working hard on my stories. Do you want to hear one?
Beatriz: Sure! are they still a bit scary?

Beatriz: Oh good gosh!
Loty: Wow! Thats one good story son!

Beatriz: Oh we're so proud of you Zach. Keep working hard, you've been given such an opportunity. It's not every sim that can be a big part of a dynasty.
Zach: I know mum. I am trying my best.
Beatriz: Of course you are love.

Casey: Hmm, I thought Lily would be fishing too.
Dude: She's gone to collect some more fossils. She's determined to find the rare ones for her museum pieces.
Casey: I see.
Jamel: I can't seem to catch anything!
Dude: Takes time Jamel, keep at for a bit.
I'll see you guys later. I'm going to nip home and see how Trinity's day went.

So how did your day go Trinity?
Trinity: You mean, did I get promoted? Well, nope, I did not.
Aww, well tomorrow for sure. I guess it all just takes a bit longer these days.
Trinity: I hope we haven't left everything too late. I mean I've only got one museum piece, one party... I'm not sure there's going to be enough time for everything.
Oh, you'll be fine. There's  stack of time hun. I'll leave you to your skilling then. See ya in a bit
Trinity: See ya. Say hi to Zach for me.

Brendan: So the most important thing in life, more important than any dynasty, is to be honest and kind to every sim. Do that son and your life will be filled with all good things.
Zach: I see. Yes, I see what you mean, for sure.

Brendan: So, take your time Zach. Think about all the possibilities before committing. Chess is a lot like life Zach. It's a good game for a young fellow like you to learn.

Brenda: Oh! Is that your mum over there?

Zach: Oh yeah! Mum and dad must be heading home.

Zach: That's cool, we've already had a big chat and stuff, you know.
Brendan: That's good, remember to stay focused on the task at hand though, don't be easily distracted from your present goal by things that seem important, but actually aren't helpful in the moment.

Zach: That's strange.... I thought I'd already moved my bishop...

Zach: Well, meck chate!
Brendan: Good move Zach, looks like leaving your bishop alone until the end of the game paid off.

Zach: Thanks for the game and chat and stuff.
Brendan: You're welcome, anytime.
Zach: I'm just going to run home and bring Trinity down here for some night fishing. Apparently that's when most angelfish are  caught.
<quietly so Zach doesn't hear>Thanks Brendan.  I saw you 'cheat' so Zach could win.
Brendan: Thats ok watcher. I thought he could do with a boost to his confidence. He's a great kid and he's taken on quite a lot of responsibility for someone so young.
And you're a good sim, truly.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #408 on: January 01, 2015, 12:23:44 AM »
LOL!  That was too funny.  Poor Zest... though I'm not happy with Casey hitting on Lily!  Back off, man!

Loved the chess game.  That Brendan is a nice Sim ^^

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #409 on: January 01, 2015, 12:55:00 AM »
Chapter 98: Angelfish, Woo!

Wow! You have caught two angelfish Beth, so have you Dude and Lily and Trinity have got one each so far! Way to go guys!
Dude: Funny how we catch more angelfish when you're not actually watching us.
I can take a hint. Umm.. what did you actually mean by that Dude?
Dude: <sigh> Don't go changing Watcher, don't go changing.

Given up on fishing?
Casey: Sort of, just the inspiration for a new song suddenly hit me so I went with it.
Gotcha. So....
Casey: Hmm?
Well, it occurs to me that you seem to be quite, err... sweet on Lily.
Casey: And?
Well you see, she really is still married in her heart, you know.
Casey: Well, I guess I'll let her tell me that in person then, eh.

What the? Did that homeless sim just give you money? ? ?
Casey: Yeah, didn't expect that!
Maybe she thought you were playing for tips!
Casey: I guess, I'm still writing my new song though.
It sounds great, by the way.
Casey: Sweet.

Zach: Oh, hi girls. I just left my book there. Thanks.
Girls: No problem <giggle> *fluttering eyelashes*
Blondie: Do you think he heard us talking about him?
Other Girl: Hope not... whew, he's dreamy! <sigh>

Oh yeah! That's 3 to Beth, 2 to Dude and one for Lily and Trinity. No, wait! 2 for Trinity! Woo!
Dude: And that's how many all together?
Umm.. 5...6...7...minus one... plus the other two...8. Yeah. Eight angelfish
Dude: lol It's a miracle that you mostly end up at the correct answer.

Casey: Thanks doll, glad you appreciate the notes.
Townie: *Giggle* Ohh, you're a cutie.
Yeah. Thanks for the tip scram!
Casey: You ok Watcher?
Fine. Just don't need things getting flirty and kooky.

Zach: Umm, Casey?
Casey: Yeah?
Zach: <whispers> Err... did you see what that lady was... or wasn't wearing?
Casey: lol, yeah. You get used to that in my line of business.
Zach: But she didn't really... I mean... I could see everything... not that I was looking. I mean I couldn't help but see... I mean ...
Casey: Relax kid. Some sims like to dress like that.
Zach: Right... <clears throat>

Zach: I'm just going to close my eyes then. Until she's gone.
Casey: You're a good kid.

We've got to go pretty soon 'cos Trinity's got work in a few hours.
Lily: Nearly done.
Find anything useful?
Lily: Yes actually. I found a watzit.
I'm not even going to ask.

Lily: So did you enjoy your first fishing trip Casey?
Casey: Sure. It would have been more fun if I'd seen more of you.
Casey: Come on Lily, you must know that I like you, a lot.
Lily: Casey..I.
Casey: No, please, let me finish. Lets give 'us' a go. I think we'd be good together. You're so beautiful Lily. I've never met a more beautiful sim in all my days. Come on doll, say yes.

Dude: Enjoy the trip Zach?
Zach: I did, heaps! I don't think I'm very good at fishing yet but I'll only get better, right? Actually I've been googling fishing tips on my phone...
Dude: Good for you. It takes time son. A lot of time actually and that's something you've got plenty of.

Talking about time....
Dude: On it.
What even is that white stuff?
Dude: Beats me!
But you're the one cooking it. I mean what ingredients do you put in that actually make the white stuff?
Dude: Maybe the Potion of Youth??
Oh yeah.. I guess so.

Oh, don't mind Dude eating ambrosia in front of you Zach.
Zach: It's fine!
Dude: Shut it Watcher.
Ha! your scary face doesn't do it anymore Dude.

Zach: Must admit, it's a pretty good stern face though Mr.H.
Dude: Lol, yeah. It used to make the watcher squirm but I guess we know each other to well now.
Zach: Maybe I should come up with one... give her a run for her money?
Dude: I like your thinking son!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #410 on: January 01, 2015, 01:00:18 AM »
Gah, Casey!  C'mon, man... I did have to giggle at Dude and Zach though.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #411 on: January 01, 2015, 01:04:58 AM »
I think Lily's got Casey's number. I guess he just needs to learn how a dynasty 'works'  :P   ;)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #412 on: January 01, 2015, 01:09:50 AM »
You have just created another sim in Zach that we are all going to just adore. His innocence is so sweet. That shot of Dude and Lily being scared with his outrageous story had me spitting my tea out onto my laptop! Excellent!! Keep it coming Playalot  ;D

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #413 on: January 01, 2015, 01:25:07 AM »
That shot of Dude and Lily had me cracking up when it happened, they looked at each other and pulled that *horrified* face! Too funny! And yeah, Zach... so much for the hopes of a spouse that I didn't like!  ::) Least we've got him for some time before Grim comes to call.

Thanks for reading! More updates tomorrow, unless I dive into a challenge file that is!  :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #414 on: January 01, 2015, 03:21:07 AM »
I simply love your story playalot.
And i finally caught up with it again. Still think your concept with the faces is amazing and you inspired me to write something totally different for my attempt.

And in regards to the challenges, you will do great, to great for me even maybe.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #415 on: January 01, 2015, 04:48:44 AM »
*jumps on the Zach Fan Club Bandwagon* - seriously, he's awesome. Also, I don't think Trinity has much to worry about in terms of completing her ambrosia requirements. Stop fretting the small stuff, girl, you're a Hollingsworth and you've got this! :)
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #416 on: January 01, 2015, 01:49:16 PM »
@LenaLJ , thanks so much! Hiding faces gets pretty tricky for screenshots at times but it is fun to try different 'styles' of story telling out.

@Whirligig, I know, right! Zach! Woo. What else can I say? (The funny thing is that he keeps autonomously heading for the gym! I know! I keep cancelling the action because I'm like 'you're only a teen'! And I thought it was all 'me' making the sim-dudes buff, apparently not.)

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #417 on: January 01, 2015, 06:08:37 PM »
I was hoping for some Jamal and Trinity!!  :'( Oh well. Zach is nice looking too  What's his face better watch out, Ash will hurt him for hitting on lily

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #418 on: January 01, 2015, 06:15:32 PM »
@sdhoey , heh, had you fooled then!  ;) Gotta keep some surprises up my sleeve. And yeah, what's his face (Casey) is probably heading for trouble... funny thing is how commitment phobic sims keep throwing out romantic whims, go figure.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #419 on: January 02, 2015, 12:02:49 AM »
Chapter 99: Busy Days

Loty: Hey son.
Zach: Dad! Good to see you.

Loty: Remember to use your manners Zach, the Hollingsworths have given you a great gift son...
Zach: I know dad. It is reciprocal though. We all benefit from working together.

Loty: I'm quite happy to help you with your homework son but you need to put away your phone.
Zach: Sorry dad.

See ya Lily, have a good shift at work.
Lily: Thanks.
You know you're going to have to have a talk with Casey, I'm pretty sure Dude's getting suspicious that somethings going on.
Lily: I know. <sigh> Not now, I'm busy.

Dude: So how are you and Lily getting along these days Casey?
Casey: Good, same as ever. Why?

So is it working?
Trinity: Hold on... Hmm hmm.. Great! Thanks!
Trinity: Too soon to tell Watcher, but you'll be the first to know.
K then. Time for dinner anyway, everyone's here.

Loty: Thanks for inviting us over!
Dude: Noom! Hey, no worries, you're part of our extended family now Loty.

Beatriz: Come on Zach, let's get your extra credit work done eh.

Zach: I really like your music Casey. Once you've finished eating would you play some more?
Casey: Sure kid! Any excuse to strum some magic.

Zach: Uggh!
What's up?
Zach: Er, some girls at school keep txting me photos of themselves.
Oh! Well, you now how to deal with that don't you?
Zach: txt them back telling them to stop?
Nope...*delete* then forget.
Zach: Hmm, k then.

Dude: Great sounds Casey. Glad you're too busy focusing on your music to be up to mischief eh?
Casey: Umm, yeah. Sure Dude.

Zach: Oh this is GREAT!

Trinity: I miss you Zach, you know.
Zach: Yeah, I know Trinity. Least we can still see each other all the time though. Be harder if I still lived with mum and dad.

Trinity: I still love you.
(Watcher's note: Don't even ask me about this interaction! I know its a romantic one and no... they don't have any romantic options between them 'cos of their age difference. Let's just chalk it up to love eh?)

Zach: Aw, cripes! you make it look so easy Casey. This sounds terrible!
Casey: Takes hours of practice kid, keep at it, you'll improve quite quickly especially if I mentor you.
Zach: That would be great, if you've got the time!
Casey: Sure, I'd be happy to do it!

Casey: There you go, sounding better already!
Zach: Hey! Yeah, it's not too bad.

I gotta hand it to you Casey, your music sure is really nice.
Casey: Thanks.
I do wish you'd back of from Lily though. It's a train wreck waiting to happen buddy.
Casey: You worry too much. Lily and I are best friends, it's a natural progression. Besides which I'm totally in love with her. She's the most amazing lady I've ever met.
Yeah, but she's not yours.
Casey: She's not anyone's actually.
<sigh> You just won't be told will you?
Casey: I'll be told by Lily. I have to try to win her watcher... how could I not?

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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