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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #330 on: December 18, 2014, 12:39:31 AM »
Thanks for reading sdhoey and wolf.

<nods> hmm, Ash is up to his usual. Can't help but like that sim tho'. It's quite fun how each gen's spouse has been quite different. I usually don't bother to discover all their traits so sometimes it's a bit of a gamble.
I have this 'thing' going on in the background where I make the heir have as their third trait one of the traits of their husband to be. It's quite interesting how that works out in their personalities.

One more chapter soon.
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #331 on: December 18, 2014, 12:50:52 AM »
Oooo, I like Vincent!  Totally shipping them.  *giggles* Oh Ash.  I'm going to be very sad when Grim comes for him!  That's one thing I hate about so many of the NPC's... they're adults.  It's very hard to find a YA for an heir.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #332 on: December 18, 2014, 01:24:09 AM »
Chapter 82: Fishing

DON'T MOVE! ...There's a HUGE killer bee heading your way.
Ash: It's gonna be one of 'these' fishing trips then?
Dude: Yeah, just zone her out. She'll get bored soon when we don't pay her any attention.
Fine! I'll just let it sting you all to death then...see if I care.

Well, least it's actually a fish Ash.
Ash: Yep. Fair comment.
So....<checking the score sheet> That's two angelfish to Dude and....nothing to everyone else.
Ash: Nothing for everyone else.
That's what I said.
Ash: No... you said nothing TO.... that is incorrect.
Dude: I probably wouldn't go there Ash.
Ash: <sigh> Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking.

Hmmm. I think those fish are just teasing.

Oh yes! I could kiss you! That's awesome fishing... well, more like catching, but you know what I mean.
Ash: Way to go Dude!

I wonder where you had got to.
Lily: Just trying to find some more fossils.
Funny how when you go looking for fossils you always get crystals, maps and metals etc
Lily: Yes, it's quite hilarious. <sarcastically>
No... I mean... ironic. Look, why don't you pretend you're looking for crystals and then you might find fossils.
Lily: Ummm. I might just carry on the normal way if that's ok.

Woah! I don't think you're supposed to squirt lighter fluid on to grills Trinity!
Trinity: Now you tell me.

Well, the hotdogs turned out alright in the end.
Trinity: Yeah, I don't think I really like cooking much though.

Ash: That's great hun. You've learnt another skill.
Trinity: Oh dad! It's only just level 1 and even then it's not really much passed the 'now I can cook without killing myself' stage.
Ash: I don't care, it's still great! Woo!

Ash: I know! really great, right?
Vincent: Totally!

Ash: I didn't know they hired secret agents so young. That's a big job for such a young fella.

Ash: Kids these days eh.
Dude: Vincent and his secret agent job yarn?
Ash: Yep.
Sounds like someone I know who tried convincing everyone that he was a marine biologist.
Ash: <snort> Who'd be stupid enough to try that?
LOL... hahahha.
Dude: Yes, yes, very funny watcher.

Lily: Gosh, it's going to be dawn soon. No wonder I'm so tired.

Yawn... ohh. So tired.
Dude: Yeah, me too. might be time to head for home.
Ash: One more cast, just in case.
Right, what's the final score.... let's see. Dude = 4. Ash = 1. Trinity = 0. Lily = 0.
Dude: I'll claim that!
Still, that's five more than we had before. All good.

Wow, where Do you get all that energy from Ash?
Ash: From my inner awesomeness.

Lily:Yes Watcher... only make it quick 'cos I'm nearly late.
Late for what?
Lily: A home date with my Ash.
Oh.... k, then. No problem. I'll see ya later.

Lily: Sorry I'm late.
Ash: Hi babe, nope, you're right on time.

Lily: <swoon> Ohhh, all your awesome gaming ability!

Ash: You know it babe.

Ash: Babe. I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone.
Lily: O.K. Should I be nervous?
Ash: I love you Babe. Totally, have for ages. In fact I'm gonna love you forever, not just for a while, but right to the end of my days.
Lily: Oh! Are you declaring never-ending love?
Ash: Yep, commitment issues and all.... I don't care. I love YOU Lily Hollingsworth.
Lily: Oh <long pause> Actually, <grin> I really like that! I love you to, a lot. A whole lot.

And I'm going to leave you all with a screenshot that I see a lot with Ash. Normally he walks around thinking about his commitment issues, you know, the old ball and chain or the wedding ring crossed out.
But then he see's Lily and he gets this 'thumbs up' thought. Ash also gets this thumbs up thought when he kisses Lily.
So.... does he really love her... or is he just giving himself 10/10 for his awesome kissing skills??
I'll let you decide!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #333 on: December 18, 2014, 01:33:08 AM »
Awww!  That is too cute!  Love Ash and Lily.  I like to think it's a bit of both for him with the thumb's up lol

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #334 on: December 18, 2014, 07:34:56 AM »
So glad your sims can cook again! Can't wait to see what Lily and Trinity look like.
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #335 on: December 18, 2014, 05:14:38 PM »
Ah Playalot, I'm so glad to see you have another story going.  I look forward to catching up!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #336 on: December 19, 2014, 12:59:19 PM »
@ Shewolf13, yeah, I think it's love too. He doesn't get the thumbs up thought bubble for anyone else... how cute is that?

@ MarionT, I'm a bit relieved too! I'm surprised what a difference a quick uninstall/install made. I must remember to do it more often!

@ Ginj, thanks! I keep getting distracted though! I'm now all distracted by the new challenges that are up! There's just too much simming happening!!!
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #337 on: December 19, 2014, 05:00:04 PM »
Play, I know what you mean!  I am totally gonna participate in the challenges this year!  Trying to get stuff up and running for ID story and need to continue my legacy story... So much stuff to do! lol

It's great that things are progressing with your game now though.  It really is.  The amount of problems and glitches you've had (albeit some of them have been amusing) has been amazing. 

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #338 on: December 20, 2014, 09:27:21 PM »
Chapter 83: Life and Everything Else

River: It's been such a lovely day.
Catalina: Just perfect and it's such a lovely sunset out there too.
Lily: We're lucky to be living in such a beautiful place. I can't imagine living anywhere else really.
Catalina: Well, we might turn in for an early night dear. When you get to our age there's nothing better than a lovely day topped off with an early night!

Trinity: This english homework doesn't make any sense.
Lily: Keep at it hun, you're nearly finished and only a day away from being an A student.
Ash: Practice makes perfect hun.
Trinity: <sigh>

Oh, thanks Jamel, I really don't know how we keep getting such huge piles of dirty dishes everywhere.
Jamel: That's ok Watcher. Yeah, it's pretty gross.

Oh, classy Beth... could use a glass at your age.

Catalina: It's time. Look after my Jamel, Watcher
I will.

Oh, don't watch River. It's too sad... I'll take care of Catalina for you.
River: No... I....

River: I'm going with my wife... wait darling..
Oh... <gulp> too sad...

Oh... my heart hurts. Oh Grim <sob> River and Catalina want to be together in death as they were in life.
Grim: This is a special assignment. I'm aware of the circumstances Watcher.

Zest! Grims here! Quick, go hide on the balcony.

Grim: I thought I had told you about visiting hours and times?
Zest: You had Grim. I haven't broken any rules.
Grim: Keep it that way Zest, or they'll be tears.
Zest: <uncomfortable squirming> Yes Grim.
Lily: What's happening?
Ash: Shhhh babe, I'm trying to listen!

Ash: Quick! he's looking... kiss me!
Lily: Hmmff!!!
Grim: What was that noise?
Zest: Hehehe <nervously> nothing. I didn't hear anything.

Grim: Remember the rules Zest, The netherworld is filled with souls who broke rules.... you don't want to end up there... for all eternity.

Ash: Just move your shoulder a bit... I can't see what's going on.
Zest: <shudder> That was close!

Zest: ... then he left with another thinly veiled threat.
Dude: <grinning nervously> Are you sure he's gone?
Zest: Yep.
Dude: Thanks goodness for that! Whew! Well, you better not stay till dawn today Grim might still be around somewhere.

Dude: Remember that time Grim turned up in the gym?
Zest: Oh lawdy! Good grief... I might get going soon, just to be safe.

Zest: I wonder if I'll even be visible on the photo?
Dude: Let's give it a go and see... angeeeeee.
Hahahha... angeeee! <photobomb>

Zest: Awww, Watcher, you totally bombed the photo.
Dude: Yeah, you do show up though... but kinda all white and filmy!
Hahaha, sorry, couldn't resist! I just felt like I needed a laugh.
Dude: Well Zest, you better go.
Yeah, just to be safe. it's a shame you're gonna miss Lily's adult birthday but better safe than sorry.

Ash: Well, this is going to be an awkward birthday to take photos of watcher.
Dude: Yeah, good luck getting any good shots with this birthday.
Trinity: Told you I should have sat at the table.
Well, I've got the cake and everyone's back. It's something I guess.

Wooo! Rocking-it Lily! Happy Birthday!

Trinity: Well... that was a rather unusual birthday!
Beth: It's ok. Lily's next one will be better.
Ash: It's the thought that counts!

Trinity: I just don't see why we can't just be a normal family. None of my friends have to keep their faces hidden.
Ummm, actually, your face isn't hidden it's just that you have to earn your right to ambrosia and to fame really.
Ash: Well hun, that's one way of looking at it.
Trinity: I'm going to be old and wrinkled by the time anyone ever gets to see me. It's not fair.
Ash: Well, not necessarily so. Your mum's basically done everything for ambrosia. She is just holding off the friends requirements as a lot of people move and it becomes too much work to make new friends everyday. If you work hard you might get to your moment of fame early too darling.
Trinity: I suppose so.
Well... hate to break up this deep-and-meaningful but it's time for school.

Oh What? not again?
Ash: Yep... I'm jinxed. Every time I touch some plumbing it breaks.
<sigh> O.K. I'll replace it... you mop.
Ash: Deal!

R.I.P River and Catalina Magana. You did quite a bit for the dynasty in your short stay and who knows, maybe your son will continue your personal legacy.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #339 on: December 20, 2014, 09:38:51 PM »
Awww!  That was so sad!  And yet so sweet too... I've never had that happen like that.  I'd bawl my eyes out.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #340 on: December 20, 2014, 09:41:31 PM »
I know Wolf, they were such a sweet couple! So many autonomous romantic interactions all the time and neither of them had the romantic trait. It was actually really fitting that they went together.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #341 on: December 20, 2014, 09:42:25 PM »
Yeah.  It was sweet.  And I do love that about TS4.  The autonomy is such a window into a Sim's personality.

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #342 on: December 20, 2014, 10:41:28 PM »
Chapter 84: Ghostly Visits and Decisions

Lily: Morning Trinity. You've left your homework a bit late.
Trinity: Morning mum. Yeah, and I'm stuck.
Lily: I don't have time to help you this morning, I really have to get the garden under control. Some plants are nearly dying and now that your dad is working there is no one else to care for it.
I think Dude's not doing anything much, I'll go get him.

Wow! drinking at this time in the morning!
Ash: Hair of the dog watcher.
Jamel: lol, What in the world does that mean?
Dude: It means that the watcher's about to tell us off.

Ash: Much as I'd love to stay for that Watcher, I'm off to work. Laterz.
You'll keep Ash.
Ash: Promises promises.
<snort> Anyway Dude, Trinity needs you.

Dude: So just divide the answer by 30 each time and that should be right.
Trinity: K. I still don't get it though.
I never understood math at your age either Trin.
Dude: You still don't. I've never met anyone with less of a grasp of basic math principles than you.
What? Awww come on. I'm not that bad.
Dude: What are 8 9's?
Ummm... 8 times 9 is .. err.. hang on. I'm just thinking.. Well 10 times 9 is 90 so if I take 9 lots of one away.. so that was 90 minus... umm 9...if I make that 90 minus 10 then add one more back on... that would be 81? Then take away the extra from making it 10 times instead of 8 times... would make it.... 71 plus that extra one from making it 10 would make it 72.
Dude: Case closed.
What? It is 72. Isn't it?
Trinity: My head hurts and I've got to go to school now.
Dude: I'm going fishing.

Beth: Got one!
Dude: <arggg> Whatever you do don't ask the watcher  to count up our totals. She'll blow a fuse.
I'm not staying round here to be insulted. I know when I'm being insulted. ... Are you insulting me?

Ash: How was your day?
Trinity: Gooood.
Ash: but?
Trinity: Well, I've been thinking about my goals. I want to learn how to tend your garden dad.

Ash: I thought you wanted to be an author?
Trinity: I do... I want to both things.
Ash: Well, I'm delighted that you want to learn how to garden but you'll have to start from scratch.
Trinity: Can't I just take over from you?
Ash: Not if you want to learn properly. I'll get it cleared for you and then teach you how to plant your own seeds.

Trinity: So if I write in the morning before school... then tend the garden at night, I should be able to doth both. Right?
Ash: Sounds a plan to me love. A busy plan, but a plan nonetheless.

Dude: Nearly clean Terrence, you'll feel better in a jiffy.
Terrence: <bottom lip trembling> Thanks dude.

Ash: <GASP> Shock! Horror!

What? What is it?
Ash: I don't know.... look!
Where? Oh! lol, it's just Terrence. He's a bit upset by some filth and grime.

Ash: <shudder>Boy, I don't think I'll ever get used to the haunting aspect of Terrence or Zest. It's just too freaky.

Ash: Yeah, well I didn't find it all that amusing.
Terrence: Sorry, I forgot really. I don't know, it seems a bit harder to remember my simanity at times now.

Ash: Oh! Look it's fine. I'm over it.
Terrence: I guess if I could come back more often it would help but I can't really control it.
Ash: Look Terrence, I'm going to be on the same boat pretty soon so I get it. You just gotta keep coming back as often as you can. We all miss you, you know.

Beth: Oh it's been so hard without you darling, so many things have happened.
Terrence: Hmmm, well goodness. You're right, a lot has been going on love.

Terrence: Mmmhh, you feel good.

Night you two. <sigh> If only they could still be together, really together.

Beth: Oh Terrence, I've so missed waking up with you every morning.

Terrence: It's a joy to be back with you. Wait for me my love.

Beth: Oh!
Terrence: Such sweet sorrow is a love so thwarted and contained.
Beth: <melt>

Beth: Morning Watcher.
You look all happy today.
Beth: I am, it was so good to see Terrence. I worry when he has been away for ages.
Me too.. eat up though, your age bar is bubbling way like a boiling cauldron...chew Beth, chew! You've got to finish it before you go to work!

Lily: So, I know you must miss your mum and dad badly Jamel, but are you happy here?
Jamel: Of course I am.
Lily: But are you ready for your adult birthday?
Jamel: lol, well there's a question! I was but I think you're eating my cake!
Lily: Oh no, this is a left over piece. your cake is still in the fridge.
Jamel: That was lucky then.

Dude: ... Happy birthday to yuoooooooooo!
Lily: <big breath in> *trumpet blares*

Happy Birthday Jamel.

Jamel: Sorry? What were you saying? I got a little distracted!
<snort> Pfftt, yeah Lily... go get changed! lol

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  ― Dr. Seuss
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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #343 on: December 20, 2014, 10:46:26 PM »
*giggles* I love your byplay with your Sims.  It's too funny!

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Re: The Hollingsworth Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #344 on: December 22, 2014, 08:54:11 AM »
*Collapses in a heap*

84 updates took me about two-three weeks to read, but it was so worth it. I am awed at how well you're doing in your dynasty, Playalot, glitchy glitches, empty worlds and all. I am so looking forward to keeping up with future updates. :-)
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